Tamee Weaver

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Attendance Report February 8

Sunday School 87

First Focus
Worship 139
Wednesday Night 111

First Baptist Church, Hamilton, Texas

Our Tithes and Offerings.... Advancing the Gospel
Gifts to the Budget Vol. 32, No. 6 February 11, 2009
February 1 5,493.17
February 8 4,611.10
Average Weekly Needs $5,350.48

Designated Gifts February 8

Wednesday Night Meals 190.01

Total Gifts for February 1 $4,801.11

Sunday Personnel February 15 DEACONS’ VALENTINE DINNER

Dewayne Clover, Shelly Lengefeld,
J.T. Massingill, Joyce Spencer
COUNTERS February 15, 2009
David Courtney, Don Jones, J.T. Massingill
Sunday School - Clydell Massingill,
Penny Wright 6:30 P.M.
Rev. Eric Coleman, Minister to Youth

E-mail Address: fbc@htcomp.net
Church Office - 254/386-8141

Nursery - Susan Foster, Kenda Lackey

John Woods, Minister of Music

2 & 3 Year Olds - Jennifer Ingram, Church Parlor

Brittany Krueger
Rev. Keith Felton, Pastor

Children’s Church
First Baptist Church

Hamilton, TX 76531

Shawna Cozby, Grant Lengefeld

220 S. Bell Street
P.O. Box 673

Deacons on Call for February

Jim Summers - Team Leader
Dale Caraway, Luke Killian, Saundra Lengefeld
From the Shepherd’s Shop‹
Shop‹ We have so many good things going on at FBC right
now: Easter and our Pageant will be here before you
Notes As one worship leader said,
“Worship is communion with God
by Pastor Keith Felton in which believers, by grace, center
know it, Nicaragua Mission Trip preparation,
Wednesday Activities for children, youth, and adults their mind’s attention and heart’s
are in full swing, innovative and meaningful worship From affection on the Lord, humbly
each Sunday, possibility of a strategic plan for FBC’s glorifying God in response to
February 18
I hope you’ve had a chance to visit our new website: future, new Sunday evening Youth Bible Study called God’s greatness and Word.” It is
John Frito Pie & trimmings
www.fbchamiltontx.org. John Woods did a nice job on Portico, numerous visitors gracing our church campus, bigger than what happens on
Sunday introducing us to the site. We believe this launch wonderful Sunday morning Bible study for all ages, 30 Sunday mornings, yet our personal
into the virtual world can be a very helpful ministry tool to 40 students at Wednesday Night Student Worship worship-life is strengthened and stretched by corporate
If you have not picked up your offering
for First Baptist Church. We have some cards in the called Ekklesia, a choir loft full of fantastic worship worship in community. Yes, worship is first for God and
envelopes, you may pick them up in the church
sanctuary and in the church office that have the web leaders, Peter Elkins - Maria Weaver - Ben Griffin - God alone. However, as we come to worship God each
address on them. Please take a few and pass them on to Tamee Weaver, accompanying us with beautiful music Sunday, we do not ignore those sitting to the right and the
your friends and neighbors – even strangers – so all the each Sunday. I hope you will tell your friends, co- left of us. We “speak to one another with psalms, hymns,
good things going on at FBC can be shared with our workers, neighbors, and anyone else about your family and spiritual songs” (Colossians 3:16). The privilege of
community. Our weekly newsletter, past worship orders, of faith. worshipping in community as outlined in the biblical text is
one of great importance. There are times that we must sing A Time to Think
and even a link to KCLW where our worship is aired live
each Sunday can be accessed. on behalf of our sister or brother who cannot bear to sing Intense love does not measure, it just gives.--
“It Is Well with My Soul.” There are also times when we sit
silently while the congregation sings prophetically to us, Mother Teresa
I want to tell you about a couple of really great things
“Forever God is Faithful.” To Act
that are going on at the beginning of 2009. First, John
Woods and I have been discussing the possibility of Respect, and nurture those around you.
Sing, congregation! Sing!
ordaining him to the Gospel ministry for some time now.
To Pray
Later this spring, we will have the honor of having an
ordination service for John. An Ordination Council is in John Lord, may I always remember the importance of a
the process of being formed. This group will meet with healed heart
John and upon their approval will present John to First
Baptist as a candidate for ordination. It is a great Life of the Church
privilege to be ordained by a church – to have a Remember in Prayer… Sunday, February 15
collective hand of affirmation lain upon one’s call to Ruby Webb Vada Gregory Renee Smith Sunday School 9:45 am
ministry. It is also an honor as a church to be a part of Agnes Long Jace Williams Sue Lasater Worship 11:00 am
such an important step in one’s ministerial journey. John, Bill Chappell Leslie Smith Patty Gillham Children’s Church for Pre-K thru K 11:00 am
Jessie Kinsey Sydney Peterson Don Plagins Nicaragua Information Meeting 2:30 pm
we look forward to this special day and we will be Ronda Allison Chantelle Menton Mary Atchley Deacons’ Valentine Dinner 6:30 pm
praying for you as it approaches. Anna Marie Hutcheson Ben & Sherry Booz Louise Vaughn Monday, February 16 2009 BIBLE 365
Family Peggy Kemp David Clark
Kaley Neie Hilbig Derrel Hungerford
Cub Scouts 5:00 pm
Also, I began meeting with Keith Gardner (one of our Robb Penoyer
Senior High youth) about his call to ministry. You may Dale & Glenn Chilton Joyce Anglin Tony Rogers Chandler Craig Handbell Choir Rehearsal 5:15 pm Day 37 - Malachi 1:1-2:17, Revelation 21:1-27,
recall that Keith made his calling public to FBC a little Nelson Shave Rosa Gillham Walter Edwards Tuesday, February 17 Psalm 149:1-9, Proverbs 31:10-24
over a year ago. Keith and I will meet once a month until Gwen Wallace Mandy Wallace Jim Wayman Stewardship Committee Meeting 6:00 pm Day 38- Malachi 3:1-4:6, Revelation, 22:1-21,
Doris Lancaster Earl Cowley Wednesday, February 18 Psalm 150:1-6, Proverbs 32:25-31
May discussing what it means to be called to vocational
Marty Wilson Red Williams Day 39 - Genesis 1:1-2:25, Matthew 1:1-2:12, Psalm
ministry. After these meetings, we will set up a time Fellowship Meal 5:15 pm
Sarah Bone Ave Dore Gunter 1:1-6, Proverbs 1:1-6
where Keith will have the opportunity to preach for our Earl Cowley Adult Bible Study 6:00 pm
Mack Cole Day 40 - Genesis 3:1-4:26, Matthew 2:13-3:6,
congregation. After these meetings and preaching for us, Christina Kroeger Elena Mirmontes, Children’s Choir & Missions 6:00 pm
and upon the approval of the church, we will license Frankie Ellingberg Ekklesia Bible Study 6:00 pm Psalm 2:1-12, Proverbs 1:7-9
Julie and Trent
Keith to the Gospel Ministry – which is an initial step Jack Pettit Christenson Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal Day 41 - Genesis 5:1-7:24, Matthew 3:7-4:11, Psalm
towards ordination. Keith, we will be praying for you as Danny Craig Mary Lou Crosby Thursday, February 19 3:1-8, Proverbs 1:10-19
graduation and licensing to ministry approaches. Jean Phillips Rene Spradling Ladies Crafts 9:00 am Day 42 - Genesis 8:1-10:32, Matthew 4:12-25,
Shannan Lee Amber Buster Psalm 4:1-8, Proverbs 1:20-23
AA Meeting 8:00 pm
Dick Dixon Corky Tatum Day 43 - Genesis 11:1-13-4, Matthew 5:1-26,
Dan Kroeger Pam Jones Psalm5:1-12, Proverbs 1:24-28

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