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+. TWO LISTENING ACTIVITIES AND TEACHING LISTENING -Listening to stories is the most authentic and popular activity -listening rhymes and songs, miming the actions, total physical response, listen and do it. +. TWO LISTENING ACTIVITIES FOR OLDER LEARNERS -Simon says -story telling, introduce tapes, listen and do it, listen and identify one person +. TEACHING SPEAKING WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES TO SPEAK -Learning to speak fluently and accurately + TWO SPEACKING ACTIVITIES FOR OLDER LEARNERS -Dialogues, role-play, drills, classroom language. + DEMANDS P. 61 Linguistic. Aspects of difficulty such as what type of language are required by a particular task and to what extent the learners can select the linguistic forms they wish to use. Referential. They need to establish unambiguously what the other person knows or has got. Cognitive. Demands related to attention, and reasoning limitations. Logical or mathematical operations needed. Metacognitive. Demands which refer to the need in a task or a game to monitor own performance closely while carrying out the task. Interactional. Demands which refers to aspects of turn taking whether it is obligatory or not in a particular task, conversational management skills, or meaning negotiation. + READING AND WRITING DURING PRE-SCHOOL YEARS -They begin to recognize written words and signs in their environment like pizza or traffic signs. + TWO READING ACTIVITIES WITH YOUNGER CHILDREN -Label objects in the classroom (door, window, table, etc), common phrases sit down, and posters like calendars for birthdays, letter cards, songs. + HOW LEARNERS LEARN VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR

-In a holistic way with games, songs, etc. + HOW STUDENTS LEARN VOCABULARY BY SEMANTIC NETWORK -Interacting with new words that come from a word that they already know.

+TYPES OF STRATEGIES CHILDREN CAN BE DEVELOPED P. 100 1. Social and affective strategies: to raise awareness about how learners own emotional states and feelings as well as those of others can influence their learning. Activities in the classroom can include teacher-led discussions, usually in the mother tongue, about the social aspects of learning, such as the importance of listening to each other, turn taking in games, or controlling shyness and fear of speaking in front of others. As part of developing awareness about affective factors, teachers can give plenty of praise and positive feedback to children to raise their self-esteem and selfconfidence as well as boost their motivation. 2. Strategies related to raising awareness about what language learning is: to cover general understanding about language learning. In terms of understanding what language learning means, teachers might discuss with children how long it takes to learn a language, why it is important to practice or why we all make mistakes. 3. Metacognitive Strategies: to introduce and develop the ongoing process of reflection through planning, monitoring, and evaluating language learning. Activities in the classroom can include encouraging children to think about what they did well and why, they enjoyed and why. At later stages, children can be prompted to think about the reasons for doing various activities and tasks and about lessons that can be learnt from each learning experience. 4. Direct or Cognitive strategies: to develop childrens ability to deal with linguistic information in an effective way, to organize, categorize, or memorize linguistic information. Activities in the classroom can include training strategies such as how to remember a list of words, how to guess the meaning of unknown words in a text, or how to link unrelated language to aid memory. + MULTILAYERED SYLLABUSES -Means that in addition to the traditional structural and functional language components, other components such as topic or themes, phonology, cultural components, or learning to learn skills, are included.

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