Luxman L-100 Owner's Manual

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witches Controls

1. Input SelectorSwitch
This switch allows to selectdesiredprogramme source:you may select either of 5 positions (aux-1. tuner, phono-1, phono-2, aux-2). at the centerof rotation

6. Treble FrequencySelec'tor Switch

Treble turnover (roll-off) frequencies are selectedwith this switch.Whenthe desired frequency{'l.5KHz,3KHz or 6KHz) is set by this switch,tone control operates abovethe selected freouencv.

2. LinearEqualizer
This is a new tone control which providesa total compensation speciallyintendedfor subtly augmenting regulartone controls.With the control in its mid-position, flat frequency response achieved. is When switchedto either of the 2 "uptilt" positions,the entire response curve is rotated so as to linearlyincrease treble response while simultaneously decreasing bassresponseConversely selection a "down-tilt" posiof tion rotatesthe response curve in a clockwisedirectionand providesa gradual decrease treble and a simultaneous of increase bass. of This equalizeris not released even when the Tone Control Switch (7) is set at the "ofl" position. For further details, (Page referto the Operation LinearEqualizer of 14).

7. Tone Control Switch & Low-Boost Switch

This switch functions both as tone control switch which operates tone control function.(3) (4) (5) (6) and lowbooster. this switch is set at "tone cont." position tone lf control is put into operation. while at "off" position tone control circuit is bv-passed. And when this switch is set at "tone cont. & low-boost"tone control circuit and low boostcircuit operate simultaneously; you may adjust the tone control freely together with operation of low-boostcircuit which booststhe low frequencvbelow 70H2. Please note that the maximumincrease point of this low-boost circuit is setat 8dB, therefore this hasa shelfbelow 15H2.

3. BassLevel Control (BASS)

A clockwise turn of the control booststhe bass resoonse. and a counter'clockwise turn decreases cutsthe bass. and This control has a click stopperof 10 points for both increase and decrease respectively. yieldsa flat frequency lt response when setat the centerof rotation.

8. Low Cut Filter

When this switch is set at the upper positjon low frequency rangebelow 70Hz can be cut off at the rate ot -12dBloct., while at the lower position below 10Hz also at the rate of -l2dBloct. At the cenler point the filter function is bv-passed to have flat frequencyresponse; signalwill overrjdethis the circuit.

4. BassFrequency SelectorSwitch
Bass turnover (roll-off) frequencies are selectedwith this switch Whenthe desired frequency or {150H2,300H2 600H2) is set by this switch,tone control operates belowthe selected frequencv.

9. HighCut Filter
When this switch is set at the upper position high frequenc.y rangeabove TKNZ can be cut off at the rate oI -12dBloct., while at the lower position above 12KHz alsoat the rate of -12d8/ocl. At the centerpoint the filter function is by-passed to have flat frequencyresponse; signalwill overridethis the circuit.

5. TrebleLevelControl(TREBLE)
A clockwiseturn of this knob booststhe treble resoonse. while a counter-clockwise decreases treble.This conturn the trol hasa click stopperof 10 points for both increase de, and crease respectively. yieldsflat frequencyresponse lt when set

10. Input lmpedance Adiuster PHONO-1 for

You may set this input lmpedanceAdjuster for pHONO,l

I Input Selector Switch 2 LinearEqualizer 3 BassLevelControl

BassFrequencySelectorSwitch Treble LevelControl 6 Treble FrequencySelectorSwitch 7 Tone Control Switch & Low-boostSwitch I Low Cut Filter q HighCut Fi 1 0 Input lmpedance Adiuster for PHONO-1 1l Input Sensitivity Control for PHONO-I& 2 12 ModeSelector Switch 13 TapeDubbingSwitch

1 4 TapeMonitor t 5 VolumeControl& Touch-Mute Switch t o Touch-Mute I 1 7 Balance Control

1 8 AttenuatorVolume 1 9 Pilot Lamp& Blinker 20 Speaker Selector Switch 2 1 PowerSwitch


{34} at any impedanceyou desire between 3oKohms 100Kohms. Click stoppers are provided at 3oKohms,50 Kohmsand 1ooKohms, and approximate impedance known is by the slit of the screw. Adjustment obtain the appropriate to load resistance cartridge is easily made by turning the for screw itha smallOdriver. w

11. Input Sensitivity Controlfor PHONO-I& 2

This is to control the input of the equalizerstagein compliancewith the output voltageof pick-upcartridges connected to PHONO-1and PHONO-2terminals.This adjustment may be operatedboth on PHONO-1and PHONO'2terminals due to the methodof varyingthe quantityof NF in equalizer circuitry. Adjustment of isdB is possible at an input sensitivity 3mV. Therefore input sensitivity adjustable of the is between 1.7mV - 5mV approximately.The odB point is easily found by means the click stopper. of AdjustmenL should be donewith a small- driver.And approximate input sensitivity is known by the position of the slit of the screw.

ln case3-headtapedeck is used, playbackmonisimultaneous toring is possible while recording-In this casethe amplifier receives the playbacksignals from either of DECK-l/DECK, 2 M O N I T O R t e r m i n a l s( 3 6 ) o r ( 3 8 ) . B e a r i n m i n d t h a r when the [.4onitor switchis seteitherat "DECK-'1"or "DECKfrom other sources 2" position,playback not possible is than tape- recorder.

15. VolumeControlandTouchMuteSwitch
This knob controls both volume and Touch l\,4ute Circuit which reduces volumebV 20d8. VolumeControl A precision detent-volume high-grade of attenuator type which enables accurateadjustmentof attenuationof both the an right and left channels.A clockwise turn of this control increases volume,while a counter,clockwise decrease turn and finallVcutsoff volumePlease note th3t time-delay circuitry is incorporated the outin put stageto prevent noisescausedby the operation of switches right after the power ON or the thumps at the ON/OFF operation of the power switch. And the output circuitry will be kept isolated for several seconds after the power switchis turnedON. lf this volume control is left increased, the operationof by this time-delay circuitry, loud sound levelmay be reproduced suddenly. thereforeit is advisable setthe volumecontrol at to the extremecounter-clockwise positionat first. Touch N4ute Switch Most of the currentamplifiers equipped are with Audio Muting Circuitry, with which instantaneous attenuationof main volume is feasible for suchan urgentoccasion the phoneas call duringreproduction. Usual case is to do ON-OFF operation mechanically a by switch,while this model has adoptednew electronicTouch, l\,4ute system.A slighttouch on this knob ensures operation. To operate this muting circuitry touch by hand the center metal part of the main volumeand the gain may be reduced by 20dB and the volume is reduced 1/10. Cancellation to is possible touchingthe outer metalpart of the knob just like by the caseof normaloperationof the main volume.Please note that this circuitry may not operateunder a special condition, for instance. that this set is placed in the perfectlyshielded room with the GND terminal{34) grounded. suchoccasion, ln operate in the same way as described above while touching the front panel by other hand, and the touch-mute switch will operateperfectly.

12. ModeSelectorSwitch
Beproduction mode can be selectedby thesetwo switchesand "stereo I combinations feasible. are The right switchprovides "stereo" and "monaural", reverse" while the left one provides "left channel only", "stereo"and "right channel only". V5rious reproduction mode are obtainable thesetwo switches. by For the normal reproduction both of theseswitches shouldbe set at the center"stereo" position.

13. TapeReprintSwitch(DUBBING)
Tape dubbing is possible with this switch.Whenthe leveris set at the "1 to 2" position,the playbacksignals the DECK-l of terminals can be copiedon DECK-2,and viceversa whenset at the "2 to l" position. While in the dubbing process, is it possible monitor with the Tape lvlonitbrSwitch (14). Ex, to cept when reprinting a tape, it is recommended that this switch be set at the center "source" position. This tape reprintingcircuit is independent and reproductionof other sources such as recordor tuner is Dossible while the ooeration of tapedubbing.

14. Tape Monitor Switch

By this switch this set is divided into two separate sections; from each input terminalsuchasPHONO,TUNER or AUX to the REC.OUT terminals and the amplifiersection annexed to l\ilONlTORterminals.At the positionof "deck-1", reproduct i o n b y t a p e d e c k i s f e a s i b l er o m " D E C K - 1 M O N I " ( 3 6 ) . f While at "deck-2" position reproductionby tape deck is "DECK-2 lVONl" "DECK-2 feasible either from {38) or from (39). TAPE CONNECTOR"

16. Touch-Mute Indicator

This indicatorlightsup when the touch-mute funcrion is ON. and goes out when OFF.

17, Balance Control

can on The volumebalance right and left channels be adjusted and the volume of the with this control. Turn it clockwise. counter-clockwise turn left channel will decrease {max:-14dB); of Whenthe volumeoJ both causes decrease the right channel. channelsis balanced,monaural reproductlonsound comes from the centerof both right and left speakers. This point is at easilylound by the click-stopper its centerpoint.

systems. When the A button is pressed the speaker in, terminalsA (26) will operateand the B button is for the terminals B (27). Whenboth of the A and B buttonsare pressed in, the A and B terminalswill operateat the sametime. In this case,make surethat the overallimpedance not lessthan 4 is ohms.

21. Power Switch

power is turned on when this switchis pushed, lvlains and the pilot lamp begins blink for a several to seconds until this setis in perfectoperational condition.And the next pushshutsoff power. rne matns

18. AttenuatorVolume
Occasionally fine adlustmentof volume control may not a in be easywhen low level reproductionis needed; caseof over-ratedinput at the input terminals or the mid-night the adjustmentby the attenuator listening- In such cases, volume makes it easy when it is operatedafter the rough l e v e lj s s e t b y t h e v o l u m ec o n t r o l { i 5 ) . to Full clockwise turn is equivalent 0dB, that is, not attenuator ed, the position of which may be used for measurement turn decreases full-gainoperation.While a counter-clockwise level. and the full turn attains-20d8 attenuation. Thus free preset of the maximum point of the volume is feasiblebetweenodB and -20d8 bv the adiustmentof this attenuator volume.

Jack 22. Headphone

headphone this jack allows to Connectionof a sterephonic privatelistening. are available regardless Output signals always of the position of the SpeakerSelectorSwitch \2O). For reproduction, however, is recommended set it to stereophonic s a t h es o e a k e rw i t c h t r h e O t I p o s i t i o n .

23. 24. Extra MainsOutlet

for supplying mains power to outer equipment Convenient tuner or record plaver. The terminals(24 such as Al\.4/Flvl SWITCHED)are indeoendentof the mains switch of the a m p l i f i e rw h i l et h e o t h e r{ 2 3 U N S W I T C H E Di } c o u p l e d i t h , s w the mainsswitch (21).Thesupplyof the mainspowerdepends f o n t h e m a i n s w i t c h . T h eo t a l c a p a c i t yo r t h e U N S W I T C H E D t is is terminals 200W.and the SWITCHED 100W.

19. Pilot Lamp and Blinker

A time-delaycircuitry to mute the PRE.OUT lerminalsand REC. OUT terminalsis providedto preventthe thump noises right after the power at the time of the operationof switches on or at the ON-OFF operationof the power switch.Therecircuitry are muted by this time-delay fore, output terminals after the power switch is ON. The pilot for several seconds circuitry is under lamp keeps blinking while the time-delay operation.and will light on and stop blinking when normal operationis allowed-

25. PowerSupply Cord

Plugin the end o{ this cord to the wall socketof 120V A.C.

and 26. 27. Speaker Terminals(A B)

The soeaker svstems shouldbe connected theseterminals. to are switches, the and Theseterminals coupledwith the speaker speaker switch must be set at the position corresponding to (26) systems connectedare the terminalto which the speaker

SelectorSwitch 20. Speaker

You use systems. This amplifieroffersconvenient of 2 speaker driving of I or 2 or can chooseindependent simultaneous

2 3 ExtraAC Outlet (UNSWITCHED)

ExtraAC Outlet (SWITCH ED) 25 PowerSupplyCord

26 2l 28 29

36 37 40 41
is for the A speakers, and l27l is tor the B speakers. The red terminal is for (+) and the black for ( ). For iurther details, referto Connection Speakers. of

Speaker Terminals A 5 Speaker Terminals B A U X - 1T e r m i n a l T U N E RT e r m i n a l LevelControlfor TunerTerminal P H O N O -T e r m i n a l l PHONO-2 Terminal AUX-2 Terminal E a r t hT e r m i n a l { c N D ) REC.OUT Terminalfor DECK-1 Monitor Terminal DECK-1 for R E C .O U T T e r m i n aflo r D E C K - 2 l\4onitor Terminalfor DECK-2 TapeConnector DECK-2 for Pre-Out Terminal Main.ln erminal T

, t o 1 ' p o s i t i o n t h e r e c o r d i n g i g n a l s c o mfe o m t h e D E C K - 2 s r recordrng output terminals.

28. AUX-I Terminal

T h i s i s a n a u x i l i a r yi n p u t t e r m i n a l so r p l a y b a c k f f l a t f r e l o quency response such as AM/FM stereotuner, line output of a tape recorder, the audio output of a television or receiver. I n p u ts e n s i t j v i tiy ' 1 8 0 m Vl.n p u t i m p e d a n ci e 5 0 K o h r n s . s s

36. DECK-1MonitorTerminal
Playback the line output of a taperecorder possible oi is from this terminalsl1 is put into operation hen the Nlonitor . w . S w i t c h{ 1 4 ) i s s e t a t " d e c k - 1 "p o s i t i o n I n c a s e 3 h e a dt a p e a d e c ki s u s e d s i m u l t a n e o u sa y b a c m o n i t o r i n gs p o s s i b l e . , pl k i

29. TunerTerminals
For reproductionof tuner (AM/FN4/LWSW). The input level can be adjustedby the LevelControl{or Tunerterminal(30). \ , 4 a x e n s i t i v i t y ,8 0 m V .I n p u ti m p e d a n c2 5 K o h m s . s 1 e

37. DECK-2 REC. OUT Terminal

O f f e r s h e s a m e u n c t i o na s t h e D E C K - l R E C .O U T T e r m i n a l t f ( 3 5 ) . l f t h e D u b b i n g w i t c hi s s e ta r t h e " l t o 2 , , p o s i t i o nt_ e S h s i g n aflr o m t h e D E C K 1 t e r m i n a l is a v a i l a b l e . s

30. LevelControl for Tuner Terminal

This is a variableresistorto set an input level of the Tuner terminals(29). lt can be usedto adjustpossible volume level deviation the time of the lnput Selector at Switchoperation.

38. DECK-2MonitorTerminal
O f f e r s h e s a m e u n c t i o na s t h e D E C K - 1 \ 4 o n i t oT e r m i n a ll.t t f l r is put into operationwhen the lvlonitorSwitch is set at the "deck-2" position.

39. TapeConnector DECK-2 for

T h i sc o n n e c t oirs o f D I N s t a n d a r d . i t h t h e r e c o r d i no u t p u t W g t e r m i n a l( B E C . O U T ) a n d t h e t a p e m o n i t o rt e r m i n a li n i t . connectionfor recording and playbackis feasible with a single lead-wire with DIN plug - providjng the taperecorder the has same connector. For playback through this connector,the l \ l o n i t o rS w i t c h( i 4 ) m u s rb e a t t h e " D E C K 2 " p o s i r i o na n d , t h e D u b b i n g w i t c h( ' 1 3 ) t t h e " S O U R C E "p o s i t i o nR e c o r d , . S a ing output signal is always availablefrom this connector, exceptwhen the dubbingswitchis setat the "j to 2" positjon

31. PHONO-1 Terminal

For playbackthroughmagnetic (l\41\,4, N/lC cartridges N4l, type). The input sensitivitycan be adjustedfreely in the rangeof ) 3 m V ( O d B t 5 d B , t h a t i s , 1 . 7 m V- s m v I n p u ti m p e d a n cc a n e also be adjustedfreelybetween 30Kohmsand i00Kohms. For such l\,4C type cartridgeof very low output level,it is neces sary to boost voltageup to the specified levelby useof a stepup transtormer a head-amplifier. or

32. PHONO-2 Terminal

S a m e s P H O N O - 1 e r m i n a ie x c e p t h a t t h e i n p u t i m p e d a n c e a T , i s f i x e d a t 5 0 K o h m s I n p u t S e n s i t i v i tc a na l s ob e a d j u s t e b y . y d I n p u t L e v e C o n t r o l( ' 1 ) . l 1

40 PreAmplifierSection OutputTerminal(pRE OUT)

T h e w h o l eo u t p u t i n t h e p r e - a m p l i f i e r c t i o ni,n c l u d i n gh e se t tone controlsand the linearequalizer, can be taken out from t h i s t e r m i n a l O u t p u t v o l t a g e s 9 1 o m V a g a i n stth e s t a n d a r d . i i n p u t .W h e nu s i n g s h i e l d i r e .t h e r ei s n o a t t e n u a t i o in t h e a w n high frequencies because this terminal has sufficiently low output impedance about 100 ohms. This terminal is ior of independent of the pre-amplifier, well as for a multiuse as a m p l i f i e s y s t e m s i n g c h a n n e l i v i d e r U s u a l l vt,h i st e r m i n a l r u a d . je a n d t h e l \ y 'i a - A m p l i f r I n p u t T e r m i n a ( 4 1 ) a r e c o u o l e d V a n l b iumoercord.

33. AUX-2 Terminal

T h i s i s a n a u x i l a r yi n p u t t e r m i n a f o r p l a y b a c k { f l a t f r e l o quency response such asAlVl/Fl\,4 line stereo-tuner, output of a tape recorder,or the audio output of a televisionreceiver. I n p u t s e n s i t i v i t y1 B o m V .I n p u t i m p e d a n c5 0 K o h m s . n p u t , e I levelis not controlable.

34. EarthTerminal(GND)
Connectthe earth leadwire of the recordplayer{from motor o r p i c k - u p r m )t o g r o u n d o t h e a m p l i f i e r . a t

41 Main-Amplifier Secrion Input Terminal(MAIN lN)

The l\y'a in-Amplif sectioncan function independentlv ier when the signalis passed throughthis terminal The input sensitivity i s 9 1 o m V ,a n d t h e i n p u t i m p e d a n cie 3 3 o h m s .T h e v a r i a b l e s ( A t t e n u a t o r i 8 ) i s i n s e r t e j u s t a f t e rt h i s t e r m i n a lp e r m i t t i n g d , adjustment the input levelin caseof the independent of use of the main-amplif section. ier

35. DECK-1REC.OUT Terminal

A signalfor recording taken out from this terminal(always is availablewhen input signalsare given to any of the input t e r m i n a l s )I .n c a s et h e D u b b i n g w i t c h{ 1 3 ) i s s e t a t t h e " 2 S

r Equalizer Stage A C a s c o d eD i f J e r e n t i a l i r e c tC o u p l e d m p l i l i e ri s a d o p t e d d D A This dilferentialcircuitry at the top stage stabilizes direct the . c o u p l e ds t a g ea n d h e l p s o b t a i n b e t t e r l i n e a r i t y A l s o t h i s e s s h i e l d t h e N F a m p i m m u n ef r o m t h e e x t e r i o r f f e c t s u c ha s s , c a r t r i d g e s b e c o n n e c t e t o t h e i n p u t .G o o dl i n e a r i t ys t a b i to d lity and SN ratio are ensured thanksto the Cascoded Ampli fier adoptedfor this difierentialstage and the Jol owingstage. As for the output stage, adoptionof the transistor TO 5 the of t y p e a t t h e f i n a l s t a g eo g e t h ew i t h t h e p u s hp u l l c i r c u l t r y y t r b A D C n t C l a s s I n v e r t e d a r l i n g t o n o n f i g u r a t i op e r m i t s o a c c e p t {or loads.This is designed the prolessional the low impedance usebecause currentslandard controlampscannotstandthe se r w o v e r e l o a d c o n d i t i o na t e q u a l i z es t a g e h e n a l o t o f l i n e s f equiprecording output is used frequentlywith professional m e n t . C o n s t a n t u r r e n tC i r c u i t s r e a d o p t e da t i m p o r t a n t C a points to improve the linearity of the transistoritself, the o p e n l o o p g a i n a n d t h e d i f f e r e n t i afl u n c t i o n ,a l l o f w h i c h c o n t r i b u t eo l o w e rt h e d i s t o r t i o n . t T h e p e r m i s s i b l en p u t v o l t a g e a t P H O N O t e r m i n a l si s i S 420mV at l KHz (R.N,4.Input Sentitivity dB). R.l.A.A. O e q u a l i z a t i o ns w i t h i n 1 0 2 d 8 , w h i c h i s r e a l i z e d y c a r e f u l i b seJection the components of usedin this equalizer stage. Other functions relatedto this stage are Inpul SensitivityAdjuster, I n p u t l r n p e d a n c ed j u s t ea n d L i n e a r q u a l i z e r . E A r *lntermediate Amp & Tone Control Circuitry These two stagesadopt cascodeddirect-coupled amp to i m p r o v ei n e a r i t y s p e c i a l ayt h i g hl r e q u e n c ya n g ea n ds t a b i l e l r , w l i t y a n d S N r a t i oa r e j u s t t h e s a m e i t h t h a t o { t h e e q u a l i z e r srage_ Constant Current Circuitry is adopted in the output stage to improve linearity of the transistor itself and the open l o o p g a i n .P h a s e o m p e n s a t i ofn r N F s t a b i l i z a t i o in j u s t c o s of a o n e , a n d t h e a g g r a v a t i o n t h e d i s t o r t i o n t h i g hf r e q u e n c y r a n g e s a l m o s tn i l . i T o n e c o n t r o l c i r c u i t r vo f L U X o r i g i n a lN F t y p e i m p r o v e s the distortion togetherwith the abovementionedamplilying c i r c u i t r y T o n eC o n t r o li u n c t i o ni s p r o v i d e d i t h i n d e p e n d e n t . w ( , f r e q u e n cs e l e c t o r i t h 3 p o i n t s o r b o t h b a s s 1 5 0 H 23 O 0 H z , y w f 6 0 0 H 2 )a n d t r e b l e( 1 . 5 K H 2 , K H z , 6 K H z ) t o g e t h e w i t h t h e 3 r t o n e d e f e a ts w i t c h .T h i s c i r c u i t r y a l l o w s i o w b o o s t a t t h e s a m e i m e .T h u sa w i d e rt o n a la d j u s t m e n s f e a s i b l e . t it F u r t h e ra d e t e n t - v o l u mo f 2 1 p o i n t s i s a d o p t e df o r b o t h e bassand treble levelcontrols.This is lust the sanre type with gangerror between the high-grade attenuator, which prevents r i g h ta n d l e f tc h a n n e l s .


Emitter follower circuitry is adoptedfor this stage.But this is somewhat dif{erent Jrom the ordinary one. Here two are transistors used;one is {or the emitter follower and the other for the constanlcurrentcircuitry to the emitterlollower nol stage. This constantcurrenl drivingcircuitry ensures only keepsgood linearityof the transistoritself but suppress the


L g E S

distrotion owest for wide frequencyrangeby meansof its h i g ho p e nl o o pg a i n . * Filter Circu it T h i ss t a g es a n N F t y p e u t i i z i n ge r n i t t e I o l l 6 w e t2 t r a n s i s t o r s i r a r e u s e dt o r t h i s c i r c u i t r y o n e i s f o r e m i t l e rf o l o w e ra n dt h e ; o t h e r i s f o r t h e c o n s t a n t u r r e n td r i v e r c i r c u i t r y .C ! t o f f c t r e q u e n c c a nb e s e l e c t ee i t h e r t 1 0 H r ( 1 8 d B / o c t .o r 7 0 H z v d a ) ( ' 1 2 d B l o c t . )o r B a s s u t a n d T K H z ( 1 2 d B l o c t .o t l 2 K H z f c ) fl | 1 2 d B / o c t . )f o r T r e b l ec u t . I n d e p e n d e n t t e r c i r c ! i t s l o r eachcut off frequency are provided, and thesecut off polnts c a n b e s e l e c t e d y t h e w h o l es w i t c h i n g f t h e c i r c u l t r y O f b o c o o r s cn o s r g n a lw I g o r r o u g r r h e s e r c u t r e s w h e n t h e s t c tilter swtch ls of{ Power Amplifier Section: Thls sectionadoptsd rect coupledpure cornpenlentaryOCL c l r c u l t r y h i c h i s c o m p o s eb Vc a s c o d ed i f J e r e n t i a lr n pi f i e r w d d s t a g ee m i t t e rf o l l o w e r t a g ec o . n p l e m e n t ad yi v e r t a g ea n d , s , rr s , t i n a ls t a g e . T h e s l g n a l s u p p l i e d o t h e M A I N N t e r m l n a l sl o w t o t h e t f c a s c o d ed i f f e r e n t i a l m p l i f l e w h i c l ri s a k i n do f t h e b a a n c e d d a r D C a m p i f y i n gc i r c u i t ,w h e r ev o l t a g e m p l i f i c a t l o ns r n a d e a l T h i s d i l f e r e n t i a l r n pi f i e ri s d e s i g n etd b e q u i t es t a be a g a i n s t a o t h e f l u c t u a t i o n f t h e m a i n s o t a g eo r t h e a m b i e n t e r r p e r a o v ture. Tl-retwo transistors for the lirst differenlial stageare a r r a n g e q L r e s y m m e t r i c a l l o n e i s f o r t h e i n p u t s l g n a la o d d l y; s t h e o t h e r i s f o r t h e l e e d b a c k i g n a . W h e ns o n t ep o t e n t l a l s s h a p p c n so a p p e a r t t h e o u t p u t t e r m i n a l st,h i s i s e a d b a c k t a
i-lro Il^Cfirsl di'fe'pnt'a .tdge vid tl.. .*dLd. I r rir rn c.1

s t a g ea n d t h e f i n a l s t a g e ) f C i a s sB , t h e e r n l t t e rf o l l o w e r o o s t a g e a d eu p o f 2 t r a n s i s t o r(s n ei s f o r t h e e m i t t e rf o o w e r m a n d t h e o t h e r i s l o r t h e c o n s t a nc u r r e n d r i v e rf o r t h e e m i t t e r t t f o l l o w e rc i r c u i l ) i s a r r a n g e do p r e v e n tt h e p r e - d r l v es t a g e r t l r o m t h e i m p e d a n cfe l c t u a t i o nc a l s e db y s p e a k e lro a d s y l b r n s u l a t i n gh e d i f f e r e n t l a a | n p l i f i e rs t a g ef r o m t h e o u t p u t t i stage.Therefore, flat negative feedbackis possib from low e T r e q u e n c y a n g e t o h l g h f r e q u e n c yr a n g e ,a n d s t a b l eu n r d i s t o r t e d r i v l n gi s n r a d ef e a s i b l e i t l . ra s l i g h rp h a s e o m d w c p e n s a lo n r For the outpLrt stage,a pore cornplementary push,pLr cir I c u i t r y c o m p o s e d y N P N p o w e r t r a n s l s t o ra n d P N Po n e s , b s w h i c ha r e o f s y r n r r e t r l c a h a r a c t e r i s t i cn .o r d e rt o o b t a l na cl Is b l g p o w e r o i 1 1 0 W p e r c h a n n e li n t o B - o h m o a d s , b o t h c h a n n e l d r i v e n , p o w e r t r a n s i s t o rd e s i g n e f o r b i g - o ! r t p l r t s 4 s d use are arrangedat the final stage to se1 up the paralle p u s hp u l l c o n n e c t i o n o t l ' l ed r l v e rs t a l t eT h i s i m p r o v e sh e t t d i s t o r t i o n h a r a c t e r i s t ib y m e a n s f t h e m a r g i n b t a j n e d y c cs o o b the ncrease t lnstantaneous liector isslpatloand llte o co d n effective sage f the good inearitV ortion ln the hfe-jc u o p characterlst o{ eachpower transistor Of coursetransistors cs 0 1 s u p e r i o lrl n e a r i t y r es e l e c t e fd r t h e c o m p l e m e n t a dy i v c r a o rr s t a g e . h e r e f o r e h e p o w e r a m p l i f i e rs e c t i o ne n s u r e s o o d T t q s t a b i l l t ya n d e x c e e d l n g lfy n e c l r a r a c t e r i s t itc sr o u g h o u a l i l h t the stages.

Mains Power SupplySection:

I t i s p r o b a b l eh a t t h e t l u c t u a t i o o f t h e o p e r a t i o n f b o t h t h e t n o p r e - a m p l i f i s e c t i o n f t h e C l a s A o p e r a t l o n n dt h c d i f f e r e n er o s a t i a a m p l i f i e rs t a g ei n t h e r n a i na m p i i f i e rs e c t i o nt e n d s t o p r o d u c e . i \ 4 d i s t o r t i o nT o p r e v e n t h i s ,t h i s a r r p a d o p t s e a l r A u t o r r a l i cV o l t a g eR e g u l a t o( A V R ) t o s u p p l yr n a i n s o w e r r p to tl'reC ass A operation stage,and perfectly separates the w i n d i n g sn t h e p o w e rt r a n s f o r n r eo r t h e C i a s s o p e r a t i o n i fr A a n d t o r t h e C l a s sB o p e r a t i o n .F u r l h e r t h e e l e c t r o y t i c c a p a c i t o ro f 1 5 , 0 0 0 u F 2 a r e u s e dl n t h e p o w e rs u p p l yc i r s x c u r t r yt o r t h e o u t p L t t t a g e n t h e m a i n a m p l i f l e r e c to n t o s i s achieve bestperforrnance the

l t h e b a l a n c e d p o t e n t i a c o n d i t i o nt o g e t h ew i t h t h e s e c o n d 0 r d i f f e r e n t l a ll r r p l i f i e r .h e s e c o n d i f f e r c n t i aa m p i s d e s i q n e d a T d l not to be perlectlysymmetrical but its operationis lhe sarrie w i t h t h e t i r s t s t a g e T h e s e c o n d t a g e s d r l v e nb y c o n s t a n t . i s c u r r e n t o r t h ev o l t a g e r n p l l f i c a t i o n a In betweenthe cascoded fferential arnp staqeof Cass A d o p e r a t i o n a n d t h e o u t l l L t ts t a g e( t h e c o n r p l e r r l e n t a rr i v e r , dy

onnection Frocedure
to Connection Input Terminals:
to Connectthe outputs of player,tuner, or tape-recorder the see of relevantinput terminals this amplifier.As to the details, of on Playback Disc,Tunerand Taperecorder. the section To between both channels. matchthe the phase not matched is phase to connectthe (+) terminalof the right speaker the to is ( + ) t e r m i n a ( r e dc a p )i n t h e r i g h t c h a n n eo f p o w e r m p l i f i e r , a l l a n d t h e ( - ) t e r m i n atl o t h e ( - ) o n e ( b l a c kc a p ) .D o t h e s a m e (e.9., mis' lf Jor with the left speaker. mismatched somereason the connectionof speakers), low frequencyrangeis subdued cannotbe realized. and stable olavback s T o l i r m l y c o n n e c t h e s p e a k etre r m i n a l s ,t r i po f f t h e e n d o f i l t h e s h i e l dw i r e b y 1 o m ma n d i n s e r t t i n t o t h e t e r m i n a h o l e it. by pressing the terminal head,and then releasing

(Cord Wire): Cable Connection

For connectionof the record-player, tuner,and tape-recorder, to shield wire is advisable use for protectionfrom external w n t n o i s eo r i n d u c t a n c e o i s e U s u a l l y , h i s s h i e l d i r e h a st h e of capacitance approx.2O0pFlm,and evenso calledlowcapac i t a n c e s h i e l d w i r e h a s 1 0 0 p F / m , i . e , t h e a d o p t i o no f a connectioncablegivesthe sameeffect as that of the insertion or of a capacitorin parallelwith input sources output load ( s e q u i p m e n t w h i c hc o m p o s ea k i n d o l h i g h - c uiti l t e r c i r c u i t ) . For instance metersof this shieldwire has 400pF caoaci 2 comtance,and ii this cord is usedat the point whereparallel posite value of input and output impedance 500Kohms,it is meansan insertionof a high-cuttilter with cut-off irequency unnecessary attenuationof the at about l0KHz, which causes high frequencyrange.Use of the shortestwire is, therefore, ior equipment. recommended, especially high impedance Choosea shieldwire of good quality and make it as short as ( p o s s i b l eo r c o n n e c t i o n J t h i s a m p l i f i e r a t P H O N O ,A U X , f o equiptape jacksetc.) with the high impedance Tape-monitor, is ment ln caseinput or output impedance sufficientlylow, the efJect is not much, sinceparallelcompositeimpedance will be shiftedout of the lower and cut-off frequency becomes longcableis used doesnot matterif relatively as for terminals, sincetheir impedances so designed to be are o s u f f i c i e n t lly w ( a p p r o x1 0 0o h m s ) .

of Power SupplySource: Connection Mains

connectthe amplifierto the As the final stepof preparation, mainspower supply source.Connectthe power cord (25) to the power supply outlet. Then pressthe power switch (21). seconds and The pilot lamp (19) beginsto blink for several light up finally when all the circuitry is put into operational condition.

Connectionof Speakers:
playbackis madewith a pair of speaker systems Stereophonic for right and left channels. right speaker The system shouldbe to terminals, and the lett speaker connected the right speaker svstem the left terminals. to if Note that perfect sound reproductioncannot be expected


+ -





lfr rr



tmla.r lEfr



cord Player
at The plaver has 2 cords with pin-plugs their endsfor both to Connect the pin-plugs the input right and left channels. terminalsof this amplifier [PHONO-1 (31), PHONO-2 (32)]. The player's earth lead can be connectedto the GND terminal (34). The player's powerflex can be connected to the extra poweroutlet (23) (24) of the amplifier. This amplifier is providedwith 2 input terminals(PHONO-1 switch('l). by & PHONO-2) to be selected the input selector is useful for comparisonor using two record players.For This use of one player, either of the two input terminalscan be selected. But in case lvlM-type cartridge (Moving l\4agnet)is the adjustcan used,its impedance be varied(using impedance or) to give a proper load to the cartridge.

fed to the amplifierthrough PHONOtermiFirst, the signals nals are brought to the equalizersection,where recorded curve.Incidentalare to signals restored the originalfrequency to ly. this equalizercurve has been standardized the RIAA signals then fed to the input selector are curve.The equalized switch {function switch) via Linear Equalizerstage. lf this are switch is not set at PHONOpositlon,the signals blocked one After input selector, hereand no ampliflcationis possible. line goesto the REC. OUT terminal,and the other to the tape monitor switch. If the lvlonitor Switch {'14) is set at the "SOUBCE" position,the signals sent to the modeselector are "DECK-l" and volumecontrols,but if at the switch, balance "DECK-2" position, the signals are stopped at the tape or monitor terminals,Except during tape playbackthe monitor "SOURCE" position.But when the switch must be kept at the recording PHONOor AUX terminals, are fed to input signals of output is alwaysobtainableregardless the positionof the are monitor switch. Then the signals sent to the volume concontrol. and balance trol throughthe modeselector Such controls as Linear Equalizer,Low-cut filter, High-cut

filter, Attenuator, Low booster, and Tone Controls are for of adjustment playbacksound and do flexible and diversified completely. Whenthe PRE. OUT terminot block the signals by nals and the MAIN lN terminalsare connected usof the jumper metals,signals, attenuatorare voltage-amplified at via Selector the main amplifier sectionand flow to the Speaker Switch. When this switch is set at the correspondingposition to the terminals the speaker systemsare connected to, the signalscan be reproducedthrough the speakersystems.As for the easy understandingof the signalspaths, pleaserefer to the on block diagram P.7.


Playback from Tuner:

Connect the tuner's output terminals(left s a n d r i g h t ) t o t h e a m p l i f i e r 'T U N E R t e r m i nals (31). The Input Selector witch(1) S must be set at the TUNER position. As the input shown in the block diagramme, signals from the tuner are fed directlyto the the input selector circuit.Afterwards. signals in tracethe sameblocksasareexplained the TAPE DECK section and are reproduced from the speakersystems.Both for FlVlstereophonic and monaural broadcasing, the lvlode Selector Switch shouldbe set at the STEREOposition, for such accommodation the input sourcecan be made in to programme be elimihum in the ANy' can the tuner. lvlodulation of components. natedby varyingthe distance and angle these

Input LevelControl:
E a c ht e r m i n a lo f T U N E R , A U X - I a n d A U X - 2 i s t h e i n p u t For the TUNER terterminals of flat frequency response. minals(29),the lnput LevelControl (30) is provided. Input sensitivity 180mV is obtainedby the extremeclockof wise turn of this control. This is variablein the rangebelow ise 180mV by turningthis control to counter-clockw direction the TUNER terminals To obtain the matchinglevel between When2 tuners this control is useful. and the ghono terminals, or a tuner and one set of any other audio equipmentare desired, the levelbetweenthose two equipmentsmay easily b e a d j u s t e d y u s i n g U N E R t e r m i n a l a n d A U X - 1t e r m i n a l s b T s

Put a disc on the turn-tablefor playback.As the volumecon' trol is turned clockwise,playback sound comes from the regardless As speakers. explainedabove,playbackis possible of the position of the Mode Selector,etc. Input Selector Switch (14), SpeakerSwitch (20) and Switch (1), l\,4onitor (15) should be set at the correct positions. Volume Control are completed,check if the volume After all preparations lf are levels both right and left speakers identical. different, on playControl. For Stereophonic adjustthem with the Balance l\,4ode SelectorSwitch (12) to the STEREO back, set the position.

from TapeMonitor Terminals: Playback

Almost all tape-recordersand tapedeckscurrently marketedincludean amplifierin their circuitry, equalizer are and some tape-players made exclusively playback. for Connectthe output terminal (LINE OUT) to the TapeMonitor terminals (36) & (38). Then set the Monitor Switch (14) at the corresponding position to which the tape-recorder is connected.lf two tape-recorders are connected the terminals(36) to between eitherof and (38), selection two units is possibleby the Tape lvlonitor Switch (14). "SOURCE" When the Tape lvlonitor Switch ('14) is set at position, signals before recording are reproduced.and at "DECK-'1"or "DECK-2" positionthe signals recorded each on tape deck can be reproduced-Therefore, a 3-head tape deck while recording. makes feasible haveplayback it to Note that a normal function cannot be expectedlf 2 setsof tape-recorders playbackare connected the terminals for to of DECK-2 (38), and Tape Connector(39) at the sametime, sincethes circuitand affect each two arecoupledin the inside other. Therefore, the Tape Monitor terminals if and the Tape are used,the tape-recorders shouldbe connected to Connector terminals(36) {with the the terminalsof DECK-1IVIONITOR Monitor Switch at the Deck-1 position) and to the Tape for Connector DECK-2(39).

k t h e p l a y b a c f r o m t u n e r{ P . l i ) . Note that when tape playback is made through the AUX terminalsor TUNER terminals, the line input or AUX input of terminals the tape-deck shouldbe kept free. lf connected to the Recording Output terminals(REC. OUT) of the amplifier, therewill be possible oscillatron feed-back signals. by of

from TapeConnector: Playback

Thls is a connector DIN standards is convenient simof and for ple connectionwith a patch cord betweenthe tape-recorder playbackconnectors this amplifier.Playback and recording of of deck from the Tape Connectoris possibleif the lvlonitor Switch is set at the DECK-2positionwhen the DIN connector on the tape deck is connected the DECK-2tape Connector to (39) on this set.

Recording Tape: on
In caseof playbackof varlous programme sources through input terminalsof this amplifier, the same signalsas those reproduced the speakers alwaysavailable the REC. in are at OUT terminals(35. 37) and the Tape Connector(39). But please on note that no signalmay be available the REC.OUT terminals according the positionof TapeDubbingSW (13), to e.9.,when the TapeDubbingswitch is setat "1 to 2" posltlon, no signal at DECK-2REC.OUT Terminals. is (AUX or By connecting theseterminals the input terminals to you can enjoy simultaneous LINE lN) of the tape-recorder, recording and playback.(lt is recommended that the Dubbing Switchcan be kept at the SOURCEposition). Theserecording signalsare taken out before the tape monitoring stage,and there is no infiuence fromthe Filteryolume or Tone Controls, etc. asfar asthe quality of the recorded signalis concerned.

Playback from AUX Terminals:

Playbackof tape is possibleif the line output of the taperecorder or tape-deck is connected to the AUX terminals of this amplifierby useof a pin-jacklead,and the Input Selector to Switch (1) is set at the position coresponding the AUX in terminals. ooerations this caseare the same thosefor All as

TapeDubbins(REPRINTI : NG)
With this amplifier, it is possible reprint from one tapeto recorder another. to Connect the line output terminals and the line input (or AUX) termjnalsof one tape-recorder the to

L r D E C K - 1 4 o n i t oa n d R E C .O U T t e r minalsof the amplifierrespectively. Likewise, connectthe line input and output of the other tape-recorder to the DECK-2 terminals. Dubbing is now possible useof the Dubbing by " Switch.At the l to 2" position,rhe tape of DECK-1terminals can be reprinted on the tape of the DECK-2 "2 to at terminals, and vice versa the position. In this way. repetition 1" "SOU of switching between RCE" "'1 "2 and to 2" or to 1" makesit possible comparethe mastertape to and the reprlntedtape.Exceptwhen actually dubbing, it is recommended set the Dubbing to Switchat the SOURCEposition. from the main The Tape Dubbing circuitry is lndependent signalpaths,and recordor tuner reproductionis feasiblein the courseof Tape dubbingoperationwhen the tape l\ilonitor switchis set at "SOURCE" position.

The Tape Monitor Switch (14) should be set at the position corresponding the terminalsto which the tape-recorder to is connected, and repetitionof switchingbetweenSOURCEand DECK-1or DECK-2allowsa comparison be madebetween to the originaland the recorded sound-Possible recording errors can thus be prevented. of Incidentally, note that reproduction recordedsound becomesa little delayedas comparedwith that of originalsoundsincethere is a gapbetween recordthe ing headand the playback head. playbackmonitoringcan be made through the Simultaneous Tape Connector {39) as well. A single piece of DIN cord ensures connectionfor recordingand playbackon the Tape Connector, and simple operation of switching between S O U R C E n dD E C K - 2 s s u f f i c i e n t . a i

Simultaneous Recording:
Output for recording can be taken out from eitherof the two BEC. OUT terminals(35, 37), snd the simultaneous recording is feasible when two tape decksareconnected. Whenthe Tape "SOURCE" position Dubbing Switch {13) is set at under the sameconnectionwith Tape Dubbing.repetitlonof switching "SOURCE" of Tape Monltor Switch (14) between and DECKto 1 or DECK-2 allows a comoarison be made betweenthe originaland either of the recordedsound of two tape decks. undersimultaneous recording.

Playback Monitoring: Simultaneous

playbackmoniA 3-headtape-recorder ensures simultaneous toring and recording. this case,recording tapeandplayIn on back of the recordedsound is done at the sametime, and must be madefor both Junctions. is necessary It to connection connectthe REC. OUT terminals(35, 37) to the line input and the Tape terminals (AUX input) of the tape-recorder, Monltor terminals (36,38) to the output terminals (LINE OUT) of the taoe-recorder.

from Other Sources: Playback

from such sourcesasTV The signalsof flat frequency response For playback such of stage. receivers not needan equalizer do audio equipment, either of the AUX terminalsor the TUNER terminalcan be used.Connection and oDeration the same is as that of a tuner.


peration f Controls
resistor this control hasa logarithmic The variable of curve.In the attenuationcharacteristics A type, the turning angleis oi (d proportionate the attenuation to degree B), the dB valueand t t h e v o l u m ea u d i b l e o h u m a ne a r sa r e i n t h e p r o p o r t i o n a t e relation.In other words,the rotation of the control is in pro' portion to the soundvolumelelt by humanears. The increas' ing degreeoJ volume is ielt quite naturalas the control is turned in the clockwise direction A precision detent'volume of high-grade attenuatortype ensures precise a adjustment of volume on both right and leJt channels. The specialdetentv o l u m ew i t h 2 2 p o i n t s f c o n t a c t a y n o t a l l o wa f i n ev o l u m e o m control in caseof the mid-nightlistening extremelow level at o r t h e o v e r - r a t e dn p u t a t e a c h i n p u t t e r m i n a l .I n s u c h i occasion, lirstly set the main volumeal an appropriate level, w t h e nc o n t r o l i t h t h e a t t e n u a t ov o l u m e( 1B ) . r Usually,it may be unnecessary operatethis set at its maxi to mum gain, and if the index of this attenuatoris set at its center position ( 1OdB),fine adjustment easyfor compenis s a t i o no f t h e m a i n v o l u m e( 1 5 ) .A n y p o s i t i o nb e t w e e n d B o and 20dB is obtainable this attenuator by volume. Position(clockwise) vs.Attenuationin dB's

The LinearEqualizer:
Although recordings equalized accordance are in with RIAA it standards, is quite common to encounter variations overin from one recording the next. In addition. all tonal balance to differences listening in environment and room acoustics often require subtle degrees tonal compensation of that conventional tone controls cannot correct because their wide ot rangeand overlapping crossover characteristics. The Linear Eoualizercontrol Drovides new form of tonal a compensation specifically intended subtlyaugmenting for regul a r t o n e c o n t r o l s . i t h t h e c o n t r o l i n i t s m i d - o o s i t i o n l. a t W f frequencyresponse achieved. is Switchedto either of the two "up-tilt" positions, the entire response curve is rotatedabout a l KHz fixed axis so as to linearlv increase treble resoonse while sirnultaneously decreasing bassresponse. C o n v e r s e l y ,e l e c t l o n f o n e o J t h e " d o w n t i l t " p o s i t i o n s o s rotatesthe response curvein a clockwise direction,providing a gradualdecrease treble response simultaneous of and increase of bassresponse. Degree slopefor eitherpositive negative of or settingshas been carefully preset,and the overall response curve maintains complete linearily irom 50Hz to above 10KHz, unlike the curvaturein response normally associated with ordinarV tone conlrols. Specifically, when the control is turned to the Jirst "up tilt" position, il will decrease bassand increase treble by 1dB at 100H2 and l0KHz respectively, while selection the second oi " u p - 1 i l t "p o s i t i o n w i i l r e s u l t n a 2 d B c u t a n d b o o s ta t t h e s e i "down,tilt" position same frequencies. Selectionof the first will decrease treble and increase bass by 1 dB at the same reference {requencies, while the second"down-tilt" position p r o v i d e2 d B o f b o o s t( a t 1 0 0 H 2 a n dc u t ( a t 1 0 K H z ) . s ) Combineduse of the LinearEqualizer and conventional tone controlsprovides degree tonal flexibilitv which cannotbe a of achieved presently with any other tone control arrangernent available Because the inherentlylinear natureof this new oi circuit, it introduces increase harmonicdistortionat anv no of of its settings.

Balance Control:
In casedeviationis felt between volumelevels right and the of l e 1 t c h a n n e l sa d j u s tt h e u n b a l a n c ev o u m e l e v e lw i t h t h i s , d c o n t r o l ( 1 7 ) . A c o m p l e t e u r n o f t h e c o n t r o lt o e i t h e rt h e t ockwisedirection causes cut-off of clockwiseor counler-c a the volumeof the other speaker. The volumebalance both of channels can be adjustedso that monaural disc sound repro duced by the stereocartridgecomesjrom the centerof the r i g h t a n d l e f t s p e a k e r s .t m i d p o s i t i o nt,h e v o l u m eo I b o t h A channels adjusted the samelevel.Thus,a properbalance is to i s e s t a b l i s h e h r o u g h o ua l l p l a y b a c k t a g e sl . a p r o g r a m m e td t s f (or sourceis unbalanced the speakers placedin an oblique are p o s i t i o n )e s t a b l i sth e c o r r e c b a l a n cw i t h t h i sc o n t r o l . , h t e


Mode Selector Switch A [/ode Selector Switch B

of Operation Low Booster:
"tone cont. The Tone Control Switch (7) hasthree positions; "off" "tone low boost", and cont.". Whenthis switchis set & "tone at cont. & low boost", low boost function and tone control function operate at the same time. and the low frequency rangebelow 70Hz is boosted to +8dB at 1sHz in up additionto other tone controls.This circuit,effective only on the extremelow frequencyrange,allowsflexibleand versatile tone adjustment.For instance,probable rise-upin a small room of approximately 10m2 in the neighbourhood 150 to of 200H2 can be subdued with this control togetherwith slight attenuation basslevel by BassLevelControl selecting of the 300H2 position on the BassFrequency Selector. This process can suppress such unnecessary raise-up without spoilingthe response the extreme low frequency range.Moreover,when at the human voice soundsunnaturally stout, it can be adjusted to a clear, natural voice by switchingon this booster and cutting the low frequencyrange to a small extent with the Bass LevelControl. At "off" position, signal will by-pass circuitry. thls

reproductionand IncorpoThis amplifier is for stereophonic (rightand left). for ratesindependent amplifiers two channels ted Without the Mode Selectorthe signals to the right channel only. at terminalsare reproduced the right channelspeaker The [.4ode Selector is placed between the two amplifiers to changethe mode of reproduction. The Mode Selector(12) is composed of two switches; the right switch is to select "reverse","stereo" and "mono", while the left one selects "left", "stereo" and "right". The combinationof thesetwo switches offers various lvlode selection. Pleaserefer to the followingchart for the details. Mode SelectorChart
Vode SelectorVode Selectol Connection anputoutput B stereo stereo stereo stereo stereo
left left
L -----t

use iol normal stereo playback when programsourc is reverselv connected

tor playbacK ot monaural record with a stereo pick-up

R----r R

L R -}L
L --r-)

Low Cut Filter:

"off" positlon. Whenthis filter (8) is movedup from the center the low frequencies vou hear are cut off below 70Hz at the rate of -12d8 oct. Whenit is moveddown, the low frequencies are cut off below 10Hz at the rate of -l2dBloct. Thus, it is usefulfor removinglow frequencynoisesuchas rumblingof the phono motor. lt can also be usedas an auxiliarycontrol for BassLevelControl. At "off" position,signals will by-pass this circuitry.

L --r> L R_+R

for check
for check


slereo right

tor check tor check Jor check

R ---| R
t |

n9nr mono

R--l-) R

lor check

HighCut Filter:
When this filter (9) is moved up from the center"off" position, the high frequency rangeover TKHZ is cut off at the attenuationrate of -12dBloct. When moved down, the high frequencies over 12KHz are cut off at the rate of -12dBloct. Thus, it is usefulfor removing scratch hissing or noiseand can also be usedas an auxiliarycontrol for Treble LevelControl.

Tone Controls:
The ultimate purposeof the audio system is to make high fidelity reproduction programme of sources. The reproduction and acousticcondition do not alwaysmatch with recording conditions. and it is impossible reproduce samesoundas to the the original. Also, there is no objectivestandardto judge a


Effect of the Load lmpedance the frequency on response a typical cartridge on

good soundfrom an inferiorone.The onlV possible solutionis for every listener createhis favoritesoundaccording his to to own is therefore very importantthat the audiosvstem o f f e r sa f a c i l i t yt o p e r m i tf l e x i b l e o n t r o l s o r c r e a t i o n f t h e c f o bestsound. T h i sa m p l i f i e irs e q u i p p e d i t h t h e L U X o r i g i n aN F t y p et o n e w l controlswith turn over {roll-off) frequency selector subtle for and minute control of the reproduced sound.As for the Level Controls, detent-volume the same the of type asthe highgrade gangerror between attenuatoris used which yields negligible both R & L channels.Tone controls include Bass Level Control (3), BassFrequency Selector(4), Treble LevelCon, trol (5), Treble FrequencySelector{6) and Tone Control Switch (7). lf the Tone Control Switch is set at the "off" position.the tone control circuitry is thoroughlyby,passed, that is. regardlessof the position of ihe Level Control or the Freouencv Selector, flat frequencyresponse obtained.To operatethe is tone control circuitry, it is necessary set the Tone Control to Switch at the "tone cont." position. The Bass FrequencySelector has three positions: 150H2, 300H2 and 600H2. From the position selected,BassLevel Control beginsto function. ln other words,turn-over(roll-off) of a lower frequency rangebelow the frequencywhich has been selected can be controlled by the BassLevel Control. The controllablerangeis wider by 150H2,300H2and 6O0Hz respectively. The BassLevelControl,which functionsin con junction with the Bass Frequency is Selector, a tone control of the lower rangeof the frequencyresponse. is designed lt so that response may be flat at the mid-position. clockwise A turn intensifiesthe low frequency range,whjle a counterclockwise turn yieldsattenuation. These same descriptions are applicableto the Treble Level Control (5) and the TrebleFrequency (6). The Treble Selector F r e q u e n cS e l e c t oh a s3 p o s i t i o n s6 K H z , 3 K H za n d 1 . 5 K H z y : r (controllablerange is wider in the respective order).Treble control beginsto function from the positionthat is selected. A clockwise turn boosts high frequency the range.

Input Sensitivity Adjustment:

There are varioustypes of cartridges: magnetictype, photoelectrictype, electro-static type and piezo,electric tvpe. Most predominant the magnetic ([,4oving is type which includes l\,41\,4 lvlagnet), Nill (Moving lron), ll\,4(lnduced lvagnet) and MC ( N / o v i n g o i l ) . T h e P H O N Ot e r m i n a t s f t h i s a m p l i f i e ra r e C o designed match with thesetypesof magnetic to cartridges, but a cartridge low output level(output voltage of 0.01 to 0.1mV) cannotbe directlyconnected. Input Sensitivityadjusrmentis feasible both at pHONO-i ( ( t e r m i n a l s 3 1 ) a n d P H O N O - 2e r m i n a l s3 2 ) . F r e ea d i u s t m e n t t of rsdB is possiblein casethe input sensitivityof 3mV is regarded odB. That is, the most suitable as sensitivjty the to cartridgecan be obtained betweensome l.7mV and 5mV in view of the fact that the sensitivity +5dB is some 1.7mVand at at -5dB is 5mV. For the adjustment work, usea smalldriverand 0dB point can be easilyfound by the click stopper.

Input I mpedance Adjustment:

( T h e P H O N O ' 1i n p u l t e r m i n a l s 3 1 i a r e c o u p l e d i r h t m o e w danceAdjustor (10). Exceptfor a special low impedance type cartridge, almostall currently marketed cartridges lvllvl-type of specifyrecommended load impedance about is of known that variationof the load impedance valueaffectsthe frequency response a greatextent. to Note that a low load impedance cuts treble output, while a high load impedance causes peak in the treble range.The a degree sucheffect is not the same of with differentcartridges, but generallya cartridgehaving a higheroutput impedance tends to be more is thereforeneces sary that selection a proper input impedance madewith of is this adjustor. The adjustment Input Sensitivity done by a potentiomeof is ter, and free adjustment is feasible between30Kohms to 100Kohms. Each position of rhe 3oKohms. SoKohmsand 100Kohms click stopperfor easyidentification. has

andard Curves

PHONOInput Voltage Distortion vs.

REc.oUT) {outpur:

PHONO OutputVoltage Distortion vs.

( O u t p u tP R E . U T ) : O


l2 a

2 o -2


-ta -20


{Output:PRE OUT) (Turnover Frequency: t50Hz)





PRE.OUT) (Turn-over

2 -2

Frequency: {Output:PBE.OUTI (Turn'over 300H2)



(Output:PRE.OUTI (Turn-over Frequency: 3KHzl

(dBl )2



2 0


(Output:PBE.oUT) (Turn-over Frequency: 600H2)
(da) (dB)

(Output:PRE.oUTl{Turn-over Frequencv: 5KHz) I

t2 to a 5 2 -2

t2 I

2 -2

-a -to -t2

pRE. LOW-BOOST(output: our)

. : F I L T E R S ( o u t p u tp R E o L J Tr.o N E : D E r - E A r )
(dBl 2


20 22

26 30

M A I N A M P : F R E O U E N C Y R E S P O N S E r r i,r, r r L , , i r i! r . r L rr ' . , ! r .

o , v M A I N A M P : P O W E R s .T O T A L H A R M O N I CD I S T O R T I O N1 8 l r n< , ' d s )

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