Spanish Final Test Review and Format

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Richard Shin


Spanish II

Becky and Ed, two North American students preparing for an exchange program in Madrid, Spain, are listening to their program director at a final meeting before they leave. Becky cant hear very well so she whispers questions to Ed, who whispers back very brief answers. Imagine that you are Ed and answer Beckys questions based on the information that you hear. (5 1 each = 5 points) II. GRAMTICA A. After the meeting, everyone went home to get ready for the trip. At the airport they compare notes on the preparations they made. Write the appropriate preterite form of the verbs in parentheses. (7 1 each = 7 points) Ar: aste amos asteis aron Er/Ir: iste i imos isteis ieron Irregular Forms: dar (di, diste, dio, dimos, disteis, dieron) hacer (hice, hiciste, hizo, hicimos, hicisteis, hicieron) ir/ser (fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron) buscar (busqu, buscaste, busc, etc.) car -> qu pagar (pagu, pagaste, etc.) gar -> gu empezar (empec, empezaste, etc.) zar -> c

B. Theyve all boarded the plane and the trip is underway! Becky and Ed are lucky and get seated together, but poor Jim is stuck next to Mrs. Roberts, who is in the process of telling him her life story. Complete her story with the appropriate imperfect form of the verbs in parentheses. (6 1 each = 6 points) Ar: aba abas aba bamos abais aban Er/Ir: a as a amos ais an Irregular Forms: Ir (iba, ibas, iba, bamos, ibais, iban) Ser (era, eras, era, ramos, erais, eran) Ver (vea, veas, vea, veamos, veais, vean)

C. Jims still listening to Mrs. Roberts, but Becky and Ed are more fortunate. Theyre sitting next to Mr. Santos, a Spaniard who moved to the States when he was young. Complete his story with the appropriate form of the verbs in parentheses. When you see P, use the preterite tense; when you see I use the imperfect tense. (10 .5 each = 5 points) Preterite: completed actions, not repeated Imperfect: Feelings, incomplete, descriptions

Richard Shin

Spanish II

D. Becky and Ed finally work out a weekend that is convenient and plan a trip with a group of friends. Becky asks Ed a lot of questions to see if they are ready. Imagine that you are Ed and answer Beckys questions. Use direct object pronouns in your answers to avoid being repetitive. (4 1 each = 4 points) me te lo la me you you, him, it you, her, it nos os los las us you(pl.) you, them you, them

E. The group is reassessing their situation. Complete the dialogue using appropriate direct and indirect object pronouns to avoid repetition. (6 1 each = 6 points) F. The stranger who answered their questions passes by again and sees that the group isnt making much progress. He invites the group for tapas at a nearby bar. They order a variety of tapas and are sharing them so the plates are being passed around a lot. Use the formal command of the verbs in parentheses to complete the conversation. (5 1 each = 5 points) me te le nos les ex: Aimee (subject) da un papel (DOP) a la clase. (IOP begins with a)

G. Lost and frustrated, Ed is showing the first signs of culture shock and can see only the negative side of living in a foreign culture. Imagine that you are Ed and complete the following sentences in the negative. (3 2 each = 6 points) III. PARA LEER On his way to an outdoor caf, Ed picks up a copy El Pas. He turns to the editorial page and reads the following piece on Latin America. Read the article, then read the statements and circle the letters corresponding to the most appropriate responses. (5 1 each = 5 points)

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