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Analysis of V Magazine- Scarlett Fever. This is the analysis of the cover of V magazine.

V magazine These words feature right up in the left hand corner of the magazines cover page, simply these words are the magazines masthead, but it is much smaller in comparison to most conventional magazine covers. The words are small but the text is bold and empowering in a white font. However the white text is on the top of a large white V, so it is not the clearest to read. So as a result the words have a thin black outline an a black shadow, helping them to stand out. Although it still doesnt stand out greatly, this is somewhat intentional, firstly it doesnt want to detract from the centrepiece of the magazine, secondly it is because the magazine is very well known, therefore its name doesnt need to be promoted that clearly. THE GIRL POWER ISSUE The text here is in a thin and long font, which looks stylish and classy. This all links to the words relating to girl power and that girls may want to look long and especially thin. Whilst the classy and stylish links to how girls want to be perceived in society. Meanwhile the number 80 below is in a bigger, bolder font which stands out clearly. The size of one of the numbers characters is equivalent to 2/3 letters, which shows its greater size. Also the fact that it is bigger relates to men and how they stereotypically tend to be interested in facts and figures, whilst women prefer style over substance. Therefore the 2 fonts used very much suit what they are saying and the genders. Also below WINTER 2012/13 is in the same bold font as the number 80, which once again links to how men like to order things and keep factual records. I feel this is the reasoning behind these font choices. The date also gives the magazine and credibility, as does the issue number 80 showing it is a popular magazine and is still running, showing its success and popularity. Furthermore the entire font is in black, obviously this colour is gender neutral, so it really is the fonts chosen that impact upon who it will appeal to. As well the text is in black so its stands out clearly on the skin of the person pictured upon the cover. This makes it clear and easy to read, as well as contrasting well with the pale skin.

The Barcode

The barcode is a basic barcode, but it is wisely placed in the bottom left hand corner. Here it attracts no attention from the cover star whilst also the white background blends into the pale skin of the female upon the cover. In addition the text around the barcode is small and in a black font, so it doesnt draw attention, which is clever as entailed upon here, is the price, which may have been made smaller to avoid people seeing a high price they are not willing to pay. Meanwhile the black and white colours blend into the colour pallet of the magazine, so it isnt really noticed which is just how it would have been intended to look. SCARLETT FEVER! This section is the main body of text upon the magazine and is direct, straight to the point, but provides enough information to provide clarity. It is worth noting that the red and black text upon the pale skin/white V help to keep the continuity of the magazine, by using the same pallet. The text in red reads SCARLETT FEVER referring to the fact that the female on the cover is Scarlett Johansson, but this is not the only link. The fact that these words are in red/scarlett uses the double meaning of the word scarlett. With it being both a name and a colour, hence the use of the colour. Also the fact that the word FEVER is in red links to the fact that a fever is associated with a hot temperature and this is normally linked to the colour red. As well when people get a fever this can prompt them to go red in the face. It could also refer to how she can cause men to go red with embarrassment at the sight of an attractive female. Furthermore the red and the black text is once again in the stylish font, linking to the female gender, but also it is bold, unlike before. The reason for this being to make it stand out and these are the main colour lines. So need to be clear and easy to read. In addition the black text is smaller as it goes into more depth regarding the cover story therefore it cant take up as much space, whilst it also isnt important as the text in red, which is the centre of attention, so doesnt need to stand out quite as much. Although it is still very clear readable. The text in black is quite intriguing as it uses terms such as HITCHCOCK HEROINE and GOES PSYCHO. As well as being quite controversial these texts prompt the reader to think what does this mean, causing them to feel inclined to buy the magazine and find out. Also after this it says who the article is by, whose name is also capitalised. Showing the importance of him. Which continues to give the magazine credibility. Which is also achieved by the use of Scarlett Johansson a wellknown public figure, therefore having this big name shows the magazine is a force in the market. This adds yet more credibility and authenticity.

The main image

The main image on the magazines cover is a medium close up of Scarlett Johansson, which to both sides incorporates the trademark V logo around her face. This Technique is this identity of V Magazine. Once again it is worth noting that continuity is continued with the red, black and white used. Black is used for the background of the image, which simply makes the white and red stand out prominently on the cover. Also the simple black background does not detract attention from the more important image upon the cover. In the foreground is Johansson pulling at a shower curtain which creates the V shape, with her face protruding from the centre, showing she is the centre of attention. Also the plastic shower curtain looks white when the camera light picks up on it and the water droplets upon it. Whilst further back in the image is water falling onto Johansson as if from a shower, all adding to the effect of her being in the shower. This interesting image and style will attract females, but also males because she is naked within the shower. Hence she is holding the shower curtain across her chest. In addition she has bright red lips which stand out greatly from the black background and the white curtain. Like with the red text to the right, this links to the fact that Scarlett is both a name and a colour, so for this reasons her lips are this colour. The picture also links to the red text because it mentions fever which is something that can cause a temperature to rise. Therefore Johansson in the shower can be seen as her cooling down from a fever. As well her hair in the picture is brown which doesnt greatly stand out which is good, as this maintains and enhances the focus upon her lips, which is clearly the centrepiece of the photo. If it wasnt intended to be then it wouldnt have been in red. Summary I really like this magazine cover, the use of just three colours is extremely effective. It creates continuity and doesnt over complicate a cover that could be ruined. Also the fact that red is used for the key pieces of text and the lips (the key part of the image) just adds to its class and its continuity. It doesnt overload with text and the image links to the text superbly, whilst also the use of the shower to create the V logo is genius and doesnt waste valuable space on the cover. Whereas on other copies a computerised V is put on, this doesnt look as good. Such as in the image to the right.

The Frontline- TINIE TEMPAH

Frontline The masthead is at the very top of the magazine showing how important it is to the selling and publicity of the magazine. It is in black text on the white background, making it extremely clear easy to read, which makes the magazine easily recognisable quickly. So the audience are drawn to it because of its clear nature opposed to something that is more difficult to read. Although text is clear the font used is actually quite boring, it is all very regular and orderly. This is likely to have been done because the font used below is more interesting, so contrasting it with a plain font created a better visual piece. Without overcomplicating and doing too much on the cover. Furthermore calling the magazine Frontline, gives the reader the impression that this magazine gets right up and personal with the stars. Whilst it also gets right to the front of storys and latest music news. But instead of just calling it front, they have called it Frontline, the word line is something written down, therefore it is implying that its frontline is Frontline.

clear and as


Tinie Tempah Much like the masthead the cover line is in black text, which stands out clearly upon the white background. Which is important as this is the only cover line, so if this wasnt clear it is fair to say the magazines cover would be useless. People would have no idea of the magazines intentions, so the fact that it is clear is vital to the magazines success. Meanwhile using the same black text on the white background continues the magazines continuity. For example if the text was in green, it would look odd and out of place. However in black it doesnt. In addition the fact that this piece of text is smaller than the masthead also shows that no magazine is bigger than the artist. As well the positioning of the text is important it is directly above Tinie Tempahs head, which clearly indicates this is his name and that it isnt Frontline. The font used for TINIE TEMPAH is one that has been created by his own publications team. So Frontline have decided to adopt this to keep his identity and because it suits the image below. The font is funky with think bold black letters. It is strong and stands out. The pointy edges especially on the N and M reaaly stand out giving it some character. Whilst having the A just as a triangle and the colour within the P filled in it gives the text a different dimension and an individual style. This all really represents his identity, showing that the magazine cares about the artists styles and doesnt want

to portray them wrongly. As a result be doing this it creates a real credibility regarding the magazine. Barcode The barcode is located in the bottom right hand corner of the magazines cover page, here it doesnt detract from more important features on the cover and doesnt take up space that could be used in a better way. The barcode is black and white so fits with the magazines overall colour pallet, which is another clever feature of using this colour pallet, as boring items such as the barcode are not noticed. Therefore it doesnt detract from the magazines style. Additionally it can be argued that it is a design fault that the barcode is covering part of the cover picture; however what it is covering is shown on the left hand side of the image, as it is symmetrical. So covering the image here is not an issue. Also the price is just above the barcode and also covers the image slightly, but for the same reason as I have just explained this is not an issue. The price is in the same black font as used for the masthead, keeping the continuity of the magazine. It stands out clearly as well because it is black upon the colourful section of Tinies jumper. This is important because if the price is not on the magazine then people will not buy it. One final point is that the price is quite small, which could be so readers dont take much notice of it, as at 5.00 it would be seen by some as expensive.

The Cover photo

The cover photo is of Tinie Tempah, which we now from the cover line above his head. This makes this clear to people who dont know. It is also the only picture on the whole of the cover, so it is relatively large, but doesnt dominate all of the page. On the white background Tinies black skin stands out powerfully and makes the image clear. Also the colourful jacket he is wearing stands out vibrantly on the white background, creating a stylish effect. As well because the rest of the cover is black and white none of the colours clash or look out of place. Furthermore the looking up of Tinies eyes leads towards the text of his name above his head. This can be seen to show the burden he feels and the pressure upon his as he is a successful music artist. But also it can be seen as him looking up at his name up in lights. However the serious expression upon his face suggests that it is the former that the picture is trying to imply. Additionally the fact that he is wearing glasses hints at intelligence, something you wouldnt typically stereotype with a black music artist. Also his earrings and unshaven chin all add to a stylistic image that combining the rest of the cover with Tinie is able to create.


Although this magazine cover is very simple, its clean cut image creates a relaxing element which makes it pleasant to look at and enjoyable. The simplicity makes it stand out as it is so different and is not overloaded with text like some magazine covers can be, which can detract from their better features. This one fortunately doesnt do this. It keeps the colours and the fonts simple with one centrepiece, keeping everything clean, neat and tidy, without elaborating too much. It could be said that there is a lot of empty space, which could be filled with a cover line, but this could also ruin the neat effect created. Overall I like this cover and how it looks like a poster.

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