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Name_____________ Class _____________


Chem Test 2
Achieved Mark Percentage % States of Matter

Topics tested:


Achieved MSG


What is the correct order matter? most energy A liquid B gas C gas D solid

for the energy of the particles in the three states of gas liquid solid liquid least energy solid solid liquid gas


Gases are easily compressed but not liquids. From this statement, it can be inferred that A B C D the the the the gaseous gaseous gaseous gaseous particles particles particles particles move less rapidly than liquid particles. move more rapidly than liquid particles. are spaced further apart than liquid particles. have less energy than liquid particles.


What happens to the molecules when steam condenses to water at room temperature? A C Molecules become regularly arranged. B Molecules move further apart. D Molecules become smaller. Molecules lose energy.


The diagram represents a closed vessel containing equal volumes of water and steam at 100oC and atmospheric pressure.
Steam Water

Which of the following statements is A B C D


Equal numbers of molecules are present in the steam and in the water. The only type of movement possible for molecules in the water is vibration. Some of the molecules in the steam split into hydrogen and oxygen molecules. Molecules can move from the water into the steam and from the steam into the water.


The melting and boiling points of four substances are given in the table. Which substance is a liquid at room conditions and will evaporates very quickly if left exposed to the air?
substanc e A B C D melting point / oC -95 -1 -18 35 boiling point / oC -14 285 42 187


Describe the differences between solids, liquids and gases in terms of (i) the motion of the particles, 1

(ii) the arrangement of the particles in the substance, and (iii) the forces between the particles. You may present your answer in any suitable format. [5]


State a word that best describe each of the following changes: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Puddles of water slowly drying up in the sun, pouring hot water into dry ice, .. ..

bubbles of ethanol vapour forming in liquid ethanol, .. water dew forming on leaves in the morning, putting mercury into liquid nitrogen. .. .. [5]



Substance Y has melting point 78oC and boiling point -33oC. (i) Draw neat sketches to show how the particles of Y are arranged at -50oC and at 0oC. [2]
-50oC 0oC

(b) Y is heated o o from -50 C to 0 C. (i) What is the name of the physical change? .. (ii) Explain in terms of the Kinetic Particle Theory what happens when Y is heated. .. .. .. [3]

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