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AP Art History Mrs. Wiener Test on Early Christian and Byzantine art: Part I. Multiple choice. 1.

When Christian art first began to develop, Christ was shown most popularly as a) a suffering God b) the judge of mankind c) a young god d) a poet 2. In Dura-Europos existed a synagogue that was very Greco-Roman in conception because of its a) wall paintings and niche for the Torah b) wall paintings and cella c) niche for the Torah and cella d) niche for the cella and portico 3. In the Suicide of Judas and Crucifixion of Christ, Christ is shown as a) a shepherd b) having superhuman strength c) rebuking Judas for his greed d) a judge of mankind 4. All are popular media in early Christian and Byzantine art except a) ivory b) vellum c) mosaic d) limestone 5. The Hagia Sophia was famous for its use of a new type of construction that held the dome aloft. The other type of new dome construction, not used at Hagia Sophia, is called a) pendentive b) squinch c) rib vaulting d) groin vaulting e) barrel vaulting 6. Justinian as world conqueror takes all of the following motifs from Roman Caesar art except a) the ruler as horseman b) the personification of Victory c) the appearance of the scepter and orb

d) the use of marble as a medium e) the use of reliefs 7. One of the most significant, if not the most significant, feature of the dome of the Hagia Sophia is a) its oculus b) its being fenestrated c) its being especially low d) its being a symbol of wisdom 8. In the mosaics at San Vitale, Justinian is shown holding ___________, while Theodora is shown holding ______________. a) the chalice that holds Christs blood; the Eucharist b) the Eucharist; the chalice that holds Christs blood c) a shield with Chi-Rho-Iota; a psalter d) a psalter; a shield with Chi-Rho-Iota 9. Saint Apollinaris amid sheep contains a(n) ______________ scene. a) Annunciation b) Assumption c) Lamentation d) Transfiguration 10. The ______________ is an example of the Virgin Mary holding Christ on her lap. a) Pantokrator b) Christ as Good Shepherd c) Annunciation d) Theotokos 11. Plans of Church of the Theotokos and Katholikon reveal the Byzantine artists interest in all of the following except a) play of light and dark b) interplay of flat walls and concave recesses c) use of squinch construction d) use of illuminated and dark spaces 12. The mosaics of St. Marks are similar to the mosaics of San Vitale in their a) depiction of Christ as Pantokrator b) depiction of strictly New Testament scenes c) depiction of the power and patronage of the monarchy d) depiction of Christs crucifixion

13. A Byzantine artwork that reveals the residual Classicizing influence of the Greco-Roman world is a) Lamentation b) Pantokrator, Theotokos and Child, angels, and saints, apse mosaic, cathedral in Monreale, Italy c) Vladimir Virgin d) Harbaville Triptych 14. In Byzantine Mother and Child depictions, Christ is often shown a) crucified b) as knowing and wise c) as innocent and cherubic d) as harsh and judgmental 15. Christs bringing back to life of the dead is known in Byzantine art as a) Transfiguration b) the Annunciation c) Anastasis d) Lamentation 16. The period of iconoclasm took place between a) Early and Middle Byzantine art b) Middle and Late Byzantine art c) before Early Byzantine art d) after Late Byzantine art 17. All of the following are typical of Middle and Late Byzantine architecture except a) a large number of domes and drums b) a plain faade with simple bricks and little undulation c) a more elaborate faade that often mimicked the cloisonn effect d) interesting groupings of domes and drums 18. The church that most resembles Roman basilicas and audience halls is a) Santa Costanza b) San Vitale c) Mausoleum of Galla Placidia d) Old Saint Peters 19. A city associated with Early Christian and Byzantine art is a) Venice, Italy b) Murano, Italy

c) Ravenna, Italy d) Aachen, Germany e) Constaninople (Istanbul), Turkey 20. An example of a Precisionist artwork is a) Stuart Davis Lucky Strike b) Otto Dixs Der Krieg (The War) c) George Groszs Fit for Active Service d) Georgie OKeefes New York, Night 21. An example of syncopated cubism is a) Stuart Davis Lucky Strike b) Otto Dixs Der Krieg (The War) c) George Groszs Fit for Active Service d) Georgie OKeefes New York, Night 22. A sarcastic, satirical work about war is a) Stuart Davis Lucky Strike b) Otto Dixs Der Krieg (The War) c) George Groszs Fit for Active Service d) Georgie OKeefes New York, Night 23. An example of a triptych about World War I is A sarcastic, satirical work about war is a) Stuart Davis Lucky Strike b) Otto Dixs Der Krieg (The War) c) George Groszs Fit for Active Service d) Georgie OKeefes New York, Night 24. A movement that grew out of the experience of World War I was a) syncopated cubism b) Precisionism c) New Objectivity d) the Harlem Renaissance 25. An example of a Harlem Renaissance artist is a) Aaron Douglas b) Charles Demuth c) Max Beckmann d) Stuart Davis

Part II. Short answer. Give the artist, if known, name, date and medium for each artwork. Then answer the short answer questions about the work. 26.

What emotion predominates the work? Why? How is the work unified compositionally and coloristically? Who are the figures in the work, aside from Christ? 27.

What is so important about this building? Why is light important to the culture that produced this building and the way this culture worshiped? What were the occupations of the architects of the building? Why? Extra credit: What are the dimensions of this building?


What is typically Classical about this work, and what is newly Christian about it? 29.

What is typically Byzantine about this artwork? Give at least three reasons. What are the three angels a prefiguration of? What purpose does the gold background serve in Byzantine art?


What is the basic subject matter of the work. Describe the significance of at least three objects in the work. Describe the significance of at least two of the positions of the figures in the work. What is the purpose of the lack of perspective in the work?

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