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1. Application of Web 2.0 in education today. The Latin American reality in the use of Web 2.0,
Case Presentation.


Using Web 2.0 in an Introduction to Computing Simon Bolivar University

Angel Ernesto Ceballos Van Grieken Universidad Simn Bolvar
Using Web 2.0 in an Introduction to Computing in Simon Bolivar University by Angel Ceballos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

The following work is part of an experience of the use of Web 2.0 in an Introduction to Computing at the University Simon Bolivar. The subject of Introduction to Computing is issued in compliance with theoretical and practical components concerning basic concepts of computing. The Simon Bolivar University in 1999 suffered a landslide that caused the loss of much of its infrastructure coupled with this, the students of the course with the arrival of the rainy season have difficulty making physical presence in the University, because heavy rains and fears of a possible re-release of what was experienced in 1999. Professor of the subject has had to make use of the services offered by Web 2.0 in order to continue with the course of the subject, knowledge construction and facilitation of content without the students and teacher do physical presence in the classroom . Key Words: Experience, Web 2.0, Introduction to Computing

Features of the course Introduction to Computing

The course Introduction to Computer Science at the Universidad Simn Bolvar is administered by the Department of General Education and Basic Sciences, which all college students must attend it. The area is characterized by a structure consist of theoretical and practical, in the subject being studied basic concepts of computing, among which include the use of tools offered by the Web to allow the exchange of information, participation and collaboration by users of this medium. The units comprising the course are: Unit I: Conceptual Foundations of Computing. Unit II: Software and Systems. Unit III: Communication Networks. Unit IV: Data Storage and Security. Unit V: Office Automation, Database and Information Systems. Unit VI: E - Commerce. Each unit consists of a practice session, in which exercises are performed or technical procedures to supplement the theory or simply place the contents studied in a performance situation as similar to reality.

Terms college
The Simn Bolvar University (Headquarters of the Coast), suffered serious damage in the physical structure during the landslide of 1999, losing about 90% of its academic and sports facilities, which resulted in the suspension of studies Headquarters coastline and pursuing studies in Sartenejas, although started academic activities in new buildings still under construction status, coupled with this tropical location generates our rainy periods characterized by heavy rains, which creates nervousness in the university community and resistance to attend classes in conditions that involve risk and danger to the physical, because the experience in 1999 and areas surrounding the campus.

Why the use of tools based on Web 2.0 in the subject and its link with the conditions under which the University is located?
Traditional instructional design (face to face) for the course is based on the content dictated by the teacher to make students then practice individually. The use of Web 2.0 as a tool to study the subject of Introduction to Computing in a modified physical stresses generated by climate, was based on a radical change in the traditional working methods of the subject itself, the design was modified instructional to fit perfectly in the course methodology, which relied on the power of social learning, specifically, the triadic reciprocal model of Albert Bandura:



Figure 1. Triadic Reciprocal Model of Albert Bandura.

The triadic reciprocal model underwent an adaptation by the teacher. This adaptation was to a virtual environment, because the physical environment had been changed due to climatic influence student behavior which was reluctant to make a physical presence in the classroom. "The student's behavior, modify the educational environment" (Shunk, 1997).

Modifica Person Behavior

Web 2.0
Direct Impact Generates a Change Virtual Environment

Figure 2. Adaptation of triadic reciprocity model Albert Bandura to virtual environments, conducted by Angel Ceballos

The Web 2.0-based services used, managed to motorize the change of the educational environment, and this did not happen in a physical environment and rainy and generator troubles for the students of the course Introduction to Computing and Professor, and the educational event occurs then to a virtual level which was not needed direct physical interaction between teacher and students, who changed the behavior of voltage change of environment that allowed the use of Web 2.0, creating positive disposition to continue the course of the subject. For the characteristics of infrastructure Simn Bolvar University (Home of Litoral) and Instructional Design and modified based on current psychological above, the proposed teaching students the use of Internet-based services such as Web 2.0 teaching tools that allow follow the course of activities and content without being physically teachers and students in the classroom, Web 2.0-based services contain the following features: applications for users. Platform to place content audiovisual content can be presented allow the exchange of information. Collaboration in the production of elements and contents. Involvement of users. How to place content platform used a Wiki for ease of editing and Web placement were used to present tools that allow audiovisual content publishing slide shows with audio narration, tools for student participation, information sharing and collaboration in content production and elements were used chat services, video and messaging allowing operation include the code within the HTML editor of the Wiki platform serving content. All Web 2.0 services used allowed once the weather made it difficult physical encounter between students and teachers, following the course of the subject through the following methodology: It was published on the platform a slideshow with audio explanation (offered by Web 2.0 Service SplashCast) once observed the class students, they proceeded with a phase of activities consisting of:

Exercises. Reflections. Practice. The exercises performed with the office software at home or loan facilities providing computers and Internet access, then were sent to the Virtual Classroom of the Simon Bolivar University for evaluation by the teacher. The reflections were guided by the teacher's questions related to the career of study participants, then planned a chat groups created by members of different races which group reached a conclusion regarding the issue under consideration. Some practices were carried out real-time chat, the student was placed in a similar situation to the reality, which had to respond as learned and demanding teacher. Actual cases were created as distance mentoring troubleshooting with the computer, advice on the implementation of technology in an enterprise security in Internet sales, in which the student put into practice the knowledge acquired in the content viewed. The teacher offered counseling days live through a Web-based service 2.0 (Mogulus) that can transmit live what is captured by a webcam, students could answer questions regarding content, activities and exercises that establishing contact time with Professor through chat.

Attitude of students
Students showed a great acceptance of the strategies applied, the Web 2.0based services gave them the freedom to review and study the class material at any time, but the most important aspect was to interact with peers and the teacher as well share videos and other content related to the units of the course Introduction to Computers, the use of Web 2.0 allowed saving transfer time (some only were traveling a long way to pursue the matter only lasting 2 hours in classroom a specific day). Even in a survey conducted at the end of the course, were interested in using these services and favorable attitude showed that teachers will use the Internet in this way, not limited only to sending emails or repositories guides as shown by a study conducted by the Division of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University Simon Bolivar in the project "Distance Education through the Use of Information Technology and

Communication" which is evidence that the increased use teachers give management platforms learning as the Virtual Classroom of the Simon Bolivar University, is the repository of documents that can then be downloaded by students and often involves syllabus and exercises containing digitized copies to resolve or discuss in class content. The use of Web 2.0 services based on captured the attention of the student body by activating the voluntary attention of all, the student was motivated to the new way of presenting content and even the new way to "attend classes", in this way, the changing physical to a virtual environment and innovation in the use of Web 2.0 in the student created a degree of motivation that changed their attitude towards other subjects and teachers, is evident then that whenever there is a change, is amended our perceptual field, "The motives influence both individual behavior and on the social" Zepeda.

Among the results, it can be mentioned that although the weather conditions were not the best for a physical encounter between teacher and students, were issued to all content ruled the course, students learned to use Web 2.0-based services and the group who were unaware had a significant academic progress over other courses previously taught by the teacher. Students were motivated towards the subject of the new methodology implemented, some services were known and did not think to learn and be part of an educational process that took into account such as digital video repository YouTube and synchronous communication services such as written Chat. At the end of the course content Introduction to Computing A survey was referring to the subject and Web 2.0-based services used by the teacher, the survey was implemented by the service implementation and application of online surveys offered by SurveyMonkey in which yielded the following results: What unit of the course did you like best? Basic Concepts Options Programming Network and Internet Percentage 10 25 65

While the above table does not seem directly related to present a demonstration of acceptance or motivation of students to the methodology used by the professor lecturing with Web 2.0 based tools is important to note that the issue that generated most interest to students was the network and Internet content and practices which addressed the issue of Internet history (we studied the development of the web from its beginnings to the web 2.0), the issue of communication across networks, Social networks, including other more technical aspect as processing, assembling and operating a computer network.

Would you like to continue watching classes using the tools offered by the Internet? Options Yes Sometimes No

Percentage 90 10 0

Students became consumers of Web 2.0, to the point of advising the community of teachers use the Internet in their teaching and learning. As shown by the results obtained for this item, are willing to participate in Web-based educational processes.

How do you rate the teacher in the use of Information and Communication Technologies applied to Education? Excellent Options Good Regular Bad

Percentage 75 25 0 0

The table presented above, expresses acceptance of students to the use of Information Technology and Communication in the education process. There is a link to review either the teacher if this makes use of tools that are part of the context of the student, as is Web 2.0. Students show interest in the use of Web 2.0 based tools,

considering that handle certain Internet services in most common ways that teachers are certainly areas that teachers should be dealing with educational content and strategies, and capitalize on the interest that have our students towards technology.

References Len de Viloria, Chilina (1997). Impactos y retos de la teora social, histrica y cultural de Lev Vygotsky. (pp.13 20). Cuadernos de UCAB. N 1 (1997). Pozo (1999). Teoras Cognitivas del Aprendizaje. (pp. 177 191). Shunk D. (1997). Teoras del Aprendizaje. Mxico: Prentice Hall, 2da ed. Zepeda, F. (2003). Introduccin a la Psicologa: Una visin cientfico humanista. Mxico. Pearson Educacion

Angel Ceballos Researcher in: Educational Technology, Mobile Learning, Neural Impulse Actuator and Digital Television in Mobile Devices

E-mail: Twitter: angelceballos_ Facebook: Angel Ceballos van grieken

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