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PERSONAL INFORMATION Specialty Address Tel E-mail Nationality Date of Gender Health Marital status Personal skills and competences Basic technical competence


Seonbu-3-Dong 1141-4,101 Ho Danwon-Gu, Korea +82 1049662101 Cameroonian 23 February 1981 Male Good Non smoker Non Alcoholic Single(Engaged)

Ansan-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, Rep of

Attentive, Broad minded, Calm, Cooperative, Confident, Conscientious, Dedicated, Determined, Enterprising, Energetic, Honest, Hardworking, Practical, People oriented, Responsible, Reliable, and Resourceful. Prevent and solve cases by interpreting the law, drafting legal texts and articles of association of companies, manage human resource (quantitative and qualitative needs), good at data collection Registration of companies and Non Governmental Organisation (N.G.O) propose legal or agree upon solutions of cases Manage human resources ( qualitative and quantitative needs ) Participate in the development of information and communication in an enterprise or develop her specific activities Provide legal advice to human rights NGOs and Civil Society Organisations on issues related to Constitutional and Administrative law Drafting of legal texts and documents Has expertise in Legal Jurisprudence Assist in identifying recurrent problems in the judiciary, particularly the processing of cases. General Common Law, French Civil Law, International Law Legal Writing and Analysis, Linguistic and Psychological skills, Research and Evaluation skills, Reasoning and Critical judgment skills. Understanding people, Lateral thinking and Problem-solving skills, Confidence and Persuasive skills, Oral Communication skills, Attention to detail and the ability to draft formal documents with precision, Research skills using a range of sources, including verbal questioning, evaluation skills and the ability to interpret and explain complex information clearly. My work experience, professional background, and extra-professional activities have their roots in my dedication towards social, economic and democratic change, to the improvement of human conditions and developing the societal mentalities in order to live together in a better society. During my undergraduate studies, i did internship at a reputable law firm and was honored to be elected the best student

Technical skills and competences

Principal subjects or occupational skills covered

Organisational skills and competences

intern by senior colleagues and classmates. After my Undergraduate studies, i decided to gain knowledge in population modules by taking part in the National population census in Cameroon. I also Actively took part in the organizational aspects of many local Government activities such as trade and business fairs, youth mobilization, and empowerment organized by my City Council (Buea City Council). I also took part in the organizing committee of the RACE OF HOPE a major touristic event in Cameroon, which in effect is an international mountain race over Mt Cameroon, the highest mountain in west and central Africa, located in my city of Buea. I also took part in the Ngondo Festival as a cultural organizer, which is also a major Cultural and Touristic event in Cameroon. I also worked with many N.G.Os such as AHURTOD, CAPEC, Global Unification, CAFOTOLD, FAHP as a community organizer, civil society activist and co-educator on related human rights and democracy fields especially during electoral periods. In Korea i volunteered in many activities notably as an international student resource mobilizer in the build-up bid to the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics to be held in 2018 in Kangwon Province were i studied my Master degree. Artistic skills and Studying Law has given me the opportunity to interact and engage in many other competences activities. While studying at the undergraduate level, I had the opportunity to attend a course in theatre arts, although i did not complete it, I was so thrilled to discover certain aspects about myself such as the ability to relate and understand people. This course also helped me to take part in drama rehearsals and display as well as the shooting of local movies, by Kamwood, in an industry, which was just emerging but has now grown into a multimillion-dollar industry. Kamwood and Callytube today pride themselves with an international representation selling, exposing Cameroonian, and African culture throughout the world. More to this, coming from a country with more than 260 tribes and cultures has equipped me with skills such as craftwork, drumming, sewing, painting and drawing that can help me readily fit into any society. Studying in Korea has also enabled me to attend and actively participate in artistic events such as poetry and folklore. The rich artistic skills i have learned and acquired from the Asian people is so rich. Very organised person, good abilities for synthetic and global views over concrete Social skills and situations, end-oriented work capacity, problem solving attitude, responsibility, self competences respect and self reliance, strong referential values of fairness, equity and dignity, ability to establish good working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds, ability to live and or serve in hardship situations University Of Buea Law Society Membership in Global Unification International (GU)( Attorney) Scholastic FAHP CAMEROON (Contributor) Honour Societies CHRDA (Contributor) CCDHR (Contributor) AHURTOD (Contributor and Co-educator) KOREAN SOCIETY FOR ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT Global Law and Society Forum(GLSF) CAPEC (Contributor) Won the Korean Government Scholarship (2010-2012) Graduated best student at the K. N. U graduate school of law Korea 2012

Work, experience 2004 to present 20002-2005

Member and attorney at the human rights, civil society and international research organisation called global unification based in Australia. consultancy research and field work publications All in the areas of democracy, good governance, and development Co-educator and consultant with the NGO AHURTOD,

September 2002-May 20005

May 2005

April 2005



Association of Human rights and Torture defenders Advocacy in human rights Education and human rights defence CAFOTOLD University of Buea law society was involved in organisational activities Assistant editor of University of Buea Law 2005 Journal carried out legal research Legal publication National population census in Cameroon Field assistant Partners for productivity foundation (PFPF ) P.O Box 28 Bangem assist in project writing training seminars youth and resource mobilisation carrying out field studies /research writing reports Co-educator Cameroon association for the protection and education of the child CAPEC Yaounde, work in the implementation of the ILO/ OPEC/WACAP program work in field studies /research on organisational goals follow up cases for institutional placement of vulnerable children and exploratory studies on child exploration writing reports Jurist and collaborator at Taku law chamber , South West Region, Buea Cameroon Assist in the identification of recurring problems in the judicial system processing of criminal, Business, company and property law cases Pupil advocate at the Buea State Councils Chambers Assist in research /field work Workshop/ Training on the OHADA laws( Harmonisation of business law in Africa) and the new Criminal Procedure Code of Cameroon.



Head of human resource department at Ekona branch. Development of information, clarifies and set day to day goals, organisation of people, improvement in competition packages, planning future organisation goals(IRAD) Institute of Agricultural Research for Development An international student resource mibilizer to the Local organizing committee Pyeongchang Winter Olympics to be held in 2018

Master of Laws, In International Law LLM , Graduate School Of Law, Kangwon National University, Korea Bachelor Degree of Laws (LLB HONS) University Of Buea, Cameroon 1993-1998 General Certificate Of Education (GCE )Advance Level Certificate Government high school Buea, Cameroon 20001-2002 General Certificate Of Education( GCE) Ordinary Level Certificate Government secondary school Bokova- Buea Computer skills Excellent computer proficiency in Editing: Microsoft word, Microsoft power point, and additional Adobe page maker, Adobe Acrobat (writer and reader),PC operations system: competences Windows 2000, Windows xp and Windows 7,Networking: outlook express, Microsoft outlook, HTML Script, Databases, Microsoft word and Microsoft Access. Practical and Technical Abilities in Desk equipment, Photo Editing: Adobe photo shop, Adobe image ready, Adobe photo deluxe and Corel photo paint. 17th-20th April Etta Bissong Law Chambers Buea (Main Partner being the former Present President 2006 of the Cameroon Bar Association) Court in action Legal writing, Research and analysis 7th- 9th February Organisers/participant 2006 Cameroon youth leadership seminar organised by CAPEC at the Yaound conference centre under the theme youth leadership in an IT world and the challenges of NEPAD 24th-25th February Participant/organiser 2005 Cameroon youth leadership forum organised by CAPEC at the Yaound conference centre under the theme youth leadership and sustainable development Education 2010-2012 2002-2005 4th 7 April 2005 National youth conference organised by local youth corner LOYOC, British Council Cameroon under the theme facing the challenges of Democracy, the Cameroonian youth

9th-12 2005

August Participant International work shop conference organised by the Cameroon government in association with the international association for community development, IACD under the theme building civil societies through community development and IT th 14 -16 November Participant 2005 Reflective workshop on the situation of the youths of Cameroon at INJS Yaound (celebration of international day of the youths 2005) under the theme making commitment matter 30th - 31 July 2004 Participant Workshop seminar on Resource Mobilisation organise by the South west civil society organised in partnership with SNV Cameroon

24th 27 April Participant 2007 Workshop seminar organised by Partners for Productivity Foundation PFPF Bangem Cameroon under the theme alleviation the adverse impacts of exportoriented agriculture in the South West province of Cameroon

17th 20 march Participant /co educator 2007 Workshop organise by the association of human rights and torture defenders (AHURTOD)under the theme human rights and prison Training Participant/ co educator th th 14 to 16 June International workshop organise by the Association of Human rights and torture Defenders (AHURTOD)under the theme human rights and investigation 2007 Workshop on themes: Political Corruption and Human rights, Corruption Under Cameroon Law, Democracy and Good Governance, Democracy and the rule of Law 2009-2010 in Cameroon organised by the Centre for Human rights and Democracy in Africa Publications, Awards Textbook :The role of International Law in the fight against Aerial Terrorism LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, (2012-07-09) ISBN-13:978-3-659-18008-8 ISBN-10:3659180084 Articles: The Cameroon Legal Framework a Bijurial Experience, The Cameroonian Democratic realities, An introduction into the Cameroon Political system, Presidential Powers under the 1996 Constitution in Cameroon, Cameroon a rare Island of Peace and Africas Miniature (consisting of almost all ethnic groups in Africa), All these articles were presented to the Global Law and Society Forum Korea. International Environmental Law and Practice in Africa at an International Workshop on Environmental Consulting Organised by The Korean Society of Environmental Engineering and The Kangwon National University College of En Won moot court organised by the Law society 2004 Impact of export oriented agriculture in Cameroon Report on the integration and relationship between law students and the Cameroonian judiciary handed to the University of Buea , Department of Law Report on youth leadership forum youth leadership and sustainable development A dissertation as partial fulfilment for the award of an LLB degree was done on the topic: A Critical Analysis of Human Rights Education and Awareness in Cameroon and handed to the department of law of the University of Buea -Report on youth seminar youth leadership and the challenge of NEPAD Master Thesis in partial fulfilment for the award of an LLM Master degree in International Law The role of international Law in the fight against aviation Terrorism submitted to the graduate school of Law, Kangwon National University. Korean-Basic

February 2005

2007 2011

Language proficiency

English, French

spoken and written Native Spoken Native Written football (Soccer) Socio-cultural activities travelling



Pr John Mirikitani, , PHD.MA,JD (Yale, Michigan) Assistant Professor Law and Economics, College Of International Studies Hallym University 14406, international Hall, 39 Hallymdaehak-gil, Chuncheon-city Kangwon-Do Province, 200-702 Korea (South) TEL +82-33-248-1893 FAX +82 10-9096-6031, E-Mail: Pr Steve(Seok Mo) Hong JD,MBA (Syracuse University) Professor, and Vice Dean School of Law, Kangwon National University; Attorney at Law, New York , USA Kangwon University Street 1, Chuncheon-City, Kangwon-Province, Republic of 200-701 Korea (South) ,TEL: 033 (82-33) 250-6514 FAX: 033 (82-33) 241-6503 E-Mail Pr Kim Han Taek PHD P.G diploma (Korea University, University College London) Professor, School of Law, Kangwon National University Street 1, Chuncheon-City, Kangwon-Province, Republ ic 200-701 Korea (South), TEL: +82 109698-7482 E-Mail: Pr Jacob Mbua Negeve BSc, M.Sc, PHD, FCAS (Georgia, Maryland-College Park) Research Professor Plant Quantitative Genetics Former Director General Institute of Agricultural Research for Development(IRAD)
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