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Code No: 07A80501


Set No. 2

IV B.Tech II Semester Examinations,APRIL 2011 MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Common to Information Technology, Computer Science And Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. Briey explain the concept of selection. What are the dierent techniques of selection followed by a Personnel Manager, while employing the personnel in an organization? [16] 2. What are the dierent methods TQM? Explain any two methods in briey. 3. How can a company identify core and distinctive competencies? [16] [16]

4. What do you understand by Economic order quantity? Derive the formula for determining the Economic order quantity. [16] 5. Describe the product layout with a neat sketch and state its advantages and disadvantages of product layout. [16] 6. Details of a project are shown in table. Activity Normal Crash Time(days) Cost(Rs) Time(days) Cost(Rs) 1-2 6 7000 3 14,500 1-3 8 4000 5 8,500 2-3 4 5000 1 9,000 2-4 5 8000 3 15,000 3-4 5 5000 3 11,000 4-5 3 800 1 1000 Given indirect cost = Rs. 3000 per week Determine optimal projection duration and optimal cost of project. [16]

7. What are the leadership qualities that you would look for in a manager? Distinguish between innate and acquirable qualities with examples. [16] 8. Do you agree with the view that there is no single one best way of departmentation applicable to all organisations or situations? Give reasons in support of your answer and explain what factors aect departmentation. [16]

Code No: 07A80501


Set No. 4

IV B.Tech II Semester Examinations,APRIL 2011 MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Common to Information Technology, Computer Science And Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. Explain some of the problems in interview as a method of selection?


2. What do you mean by crashing a network? State step by step procedure of crashing. [16] 3. Dierentiate between cellular organisation and boundary-less organisation. Explain their merits and demerits. [16] 4. Do you agree with the statement A company should go in for available internal skills and a policy of promotion from with always. Justify. [16] 5. Explain in brief the basic procedure of work measurement. [16]

6. Leadership is situational Explain this statement by bringing out the situational factors important for eective leadership. [16] 7. Consumer is a king. Comment on the statement in the light of marketing concept. [16] 8. Explain the concept of Capability Maturity Model. What is its role in modern management decision making process. [16]

Code No: 07A80501


Set No. 1

IV B.Tech II Semester Examinations,APRIL 2011 MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Common to Information Technology, Computer Science And Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. How should one go about identifying training needs in an organization? 2. (a) What is PERT and what are the applications of PERT? (b) Dene the terms slack and Float. Illustrate 3. Explain the following terms with the help of a neat diagram. (a) Economic order quantity and Lead time (b) Safety stock and Re-order point (c) Maximum inventory and Minimum inventory (d) Average inventory and Inventory consumption trend.




4. Whether the concept of Just-In-Time System is suitable in Indian industry or Not? Discuss. [16] 5. State the various stages of evolution of management theory. [16]

6. Name the various recording techniques used in method study. Give the various symbols used in recording with their meaning. [16] 7. In a companys competitive strategy, what importance should be attached to product and process R&D? Justify your answer. [16] 8. Explain the concept of team structure and inverted pyramid structure. What are their merits and demerits? [16]

Code No: 07A80501


Set No. 3

IV B.Tech II Semester Examinations,APRIL 2011 MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Common to Information Technology, Computer Science And Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. Explain dierent methods of training the employees? Suggest a suitable training method for salesmen of a Heavy Machine Manufacturing Organization. [16] 2. The following table lists the jobs of a network along with the time estimates. Jobs Duration in days Optimistic Most likely Pessimistic 1-4 3 9 27 1-3 3 6 15 1-2 6 12 30 4-5 1 4 7 3-5 3 9 27 3-6 2 5 8 5-6 6 12 30 2-6 4 19 28 (a) Draw the project network (b) What is the approximate probability that jobs on the critical path will be completed by the due date of 35 days (c) What is your estimate of the probability that the entire project will be completed by the due date? Explain. (d) What due date has 90% of chance of being met? [44]

3. What do you mean by channels of distribution? Explain its importance in marketing. [16] 4. Name and describe the various tools and techniques used in layout planning. [16] 5. Explain what you understand by management information system(MIS) and its signicance ro the managerial decision making process. [16] 6. Is it possible to simultaneously follow cost leadership and dierentiation strategy for a business unit? Give reasons for your answer. [16] 7. What are the dierent types of organisations used for the management of industrial undertakings? Which among them is best suited for large manufacturing undertakings? Give reasons for your answer. [16] 8. Discuss the leadership styles with examples which Indian managers follow. Can you suggest a best style for them? How? [16] 4

Code No: 07A80501


Set No. 3

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