Material Safety Data Sheet: 1. Identification of The Substance/preparation and of The Company

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1. Identification of the substance/preparation and of the company Identification of the product Product name : Ammonia

Manufacturer/supplier identification Emergency telephone No. :

2. Composition/information on ingredients
Chemical Characterization Essentially anhydrous ammonia, NH3, packed under pressure, in the form of a clear, water-white liquid, with a sharp suffocating or intensely irritating odour, free from visible impurities and foreign matter. Product name: Ammonia Anhydrous

3. Hazard identification
The material causes severe burns to the skin and is extremely irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract. Its vapour is poisonous and may cause pulmonary oedema. The material is a moderate fire hazard and it forms explosive mixtures at concentrations of 16 to 27% (v/v) in air. 4. First aid measures Eye contact : Rinse immediately with copious amounts of water for at least 10 minutes and obtain medical attention. Inhalation : Remove from exposure, rest and keep warm. In severe cases or if the exposure has been great, obtain medical attention. Skin Contact : Drench the skin thoroughly with water. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before re-use. Unless contact has been slight obtain medical attention. Ingestion : Wash out mouth thoroughly with water and give plenty of water to drink. Obtain medical attention. 5. Fire-fighting measures Special risk

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Flammable. May evolve toxic fumes in fire. Vapour/air mixture is explosive. Suitable extinguishing media Water spray. Cool container with water. 6. Accidental release measures Spillage: Wear appropriate protective clothing. Inform other to keep at safe distance. Shut off all sources of ignition. Vent leaking container into a water-fed scrubbing column in a fume cupboard and disperse residual vapour by thorough ventilation. 7. Handling and storage Handling The material is highly flammable, toxic and explosive and must be handled with the appropriate protective clothing given in section (8.0). Storage Store at room temperature ( 15 to 25 oC recommended ) . Keep well closed in original container and protected from direct sunlight and sources of moisture. Shelf Life
Unlimited if stored according to the storage recommendations above.

8. Exposure controls/personal protection As appropriate to quantity handled: Respirator : Self-contained breathing apparatus . Ventilation : Fume cupboard Gloves : Rubber or plastic Eye protection : Goggles or face shield Other Precautions : Plastic apron, sleeves, boots if handling large quantities. 9. Physical and chemical properties Strength Water Content Oil Form Colour Odour Vapour pressure : : : : : : : Not less than 99.95% (m/m) as NH3. Not more than 0.05% (m/m) Not more than 0.001% (m/m) Gas Colourless. Pungent. 8880hPa (20oC)
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Solubility pH value Explosion limits

: : :

Ignition temperature : Boiling point : Melting point :

Soluble in water 11.6 (17g/Ltr of water) Lower 15% Upper 28% o 630 C -33oC -78oC

10. Stability and reactivity Stable Unstable working materials: various metals (zinc, copper), metal alloys. Substances to be avoided Halogens, strong acids and oxidizing agents. 11. Toxicological information : burns , Risk of blindness. : irritant and caustic effects, dermatitis, necrosis. : strong irritant effect, coughing, bronchitis pulmonary oedema. : agitation, spansms, ataxia (impaired locomotor co-ordination).

After eye contact After skin contact After inhilation After absorption of toxic quantities

Toxicity The material is moderately toxic. TLV-TWA 18mg/cu.m or 25ppm as NH3. TLV-STEL 27mg/cu.m or 35ppm as NH3. No evidence of carcinogenic properties. No evidence of mutagenic or tetratogenic effects. 12. Ecological information Adverse ecological effects cannot be excluded in the event of improper handling or disposal.

13. Disposal considerations

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Chemical residues are generally classified as special waste, and as such are covered by regulations, which vary according to location. Contact your local waste disposal authority for advice, or pass to a chemical disposal company. Rinse out empty containers thoroughly before returning for recycling.

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