Cambay 111

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5th Conference & Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics, Hyderabad-2004, India PP 752-759

Detection of Thin Sandstone Reservoirs Using Multi Attribute Analysis And Spectral Decomposition On Post Stack 3D Seismic Data, North Sarbhan Oil Field, South Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India
P.H. Rao, G. L. Hansa, Sangeeta Savanur, S. Mangal, B. Ramegowda, Laxmi Shanker & S.P. Painuly
Western Onshore, Basin, ONGC, Baroda
ABSTRACT : Conventional sand models with their inherent limitation of available well data are the commonly used tools for delineation and development of oil and gas fields. With the tremendous advancements in seismic technology, the detection of thin sands has become much easier. Multi attribute analysis when combined with Spectral Decomposition provides a better and more meaningful solution for delineation of thin sands. By adopting this approach for the present study, detection of thin sands and transformation of geophysical data into meaningful depositional models in North Sarbhan oil field was carried out.

INTRODUCTION Post stack multi attribute analysis and Spectral Decomposition have been successfully used to delineate the extension of sandstone reservoirs in North Sarbhan field of South Cambay Basin. The field produces oil from Middle Eocene sandstone reservoirs, GS- 8 & GS-9 of the Hazad Member of Ankleshwar Formation. 3D seismic data acquired over this field during 1999-2000 has been used for the analysis. Based on the interpretation of 2D seismic data, the first discovery well was drilled during the year 1999-2000. The well produced oil & gas from GS-8 & GS-9 sands of Hazad Member of Middle Eocene. Subsequent drilling of two more wells B&C produced hydrocarbons from the same reservoirs. In order to delineate the extension of pay sands, 3D survey was conducted over this prospect. Based on the subsurface data of wells, the seismic data was calibrated and interpreted. Multi-attribute (amplitude and phase) studies and spectral decomposition analysis were carried-out within the window in which GS-8 and GS-9 sands are situated. The study helped in reconstructing the paleodepositional models and areal distribution of these reservoir sands of Hazad Member. GEOLOGICAL SETTING The study area (Fig.1) lies in the Jambusar-Broach Block of Cambay Basin and forms part of NE rising flank of Broach depression. In the basinal part, Tertiary and Quaternary sedimentary sequence of about 5500m thickness unconformably overlies the Deccan Trap and thins out to 2500m towards east. In the early phase of sedimentation,

Figure 1 : Map of Cambay Basin showing study area.

Trapwash /conglomerates /claystone facies of Olpad Formation were deposited under fluvial environment. Alluvial fan facies deposited along the flanks of paleohighs which grade laterally to clay/claystone facies. After the deposition of Olpad Formation, wide spread marine transgression covered the Basin and thick Cambay Shale was deposited during Upper Paleocene to Early Eocene period. This was followed by various regressive and transgressive cycles. The sandy facies


Thin Sandstone Reservoirs Using Multi Attribute Analysis And Spectral Decomposition

of Hazad, Ardol, Dadhar, Tarkeshwar and Babaguru were deposited in regressive phases. These regressive cycles were interrupted by transgressive cycles giving rise to the deposition of shaly facies of Kanwa, Telwa and intervening shales of Tarkeshwar and Babaguru Formations. The Cambay Shale deposited during the first transgression in Upper Paleocene to Early Eocene is a well established source rock in the entire South Cambay Basin. The main reservoir rocks in this area belong to Hazad Member of Middle Eocene age. The thick Kanwa Shale overlying the Hazad Member is present throughout the area and acts as a cap rock. The generalized stratigraphy is shown in Fig 2.

Figure 3 : Synthetic seismic trace from well A

Figure 2 : Generalized stratigraphy of Broach Block, Cambay Basin.

3D DATA ANALYSIS Calibration The seismic data was calibrated with the help of logs and synthetic trace (Fig 3) generated at well A. As the 3D volume is a minimum phase data, zero crossing of the events are correlated with litho boundaries. Based on the calibration, reflections close to top of GS-9 and GS-(6+7) are correlated through out the area. The calibration indicates that the positive amplitude (Shown as black in Fig 4) developed within this pack is due to the presence of GS-9 sands.

Figure 4 : Inline seismic section showing calibration at well A.

STRUCTURE Isochron map on top of GS-9 (Fig 5) brings out the structural configuration of the area. The North Sarbhan wells are falling on a NNE-SSW trending nosal feature. Two sets of faults trending EW and NS are mapped in the area. However distribution of oil/ gas indicates that the EW trending faults do not act as barriers. Similar nosing features are seen in the eastern part of the area.


Thin Sandstone Reservoirs Using Multi Attribute Analysis And Spectral Decomposition

Figure 5 : Time structure map at a reflector close to GS-9.

Figure 6 : Maximum positive amplitude attribute map corresponding to GS-9

ATTRIBUTE ANALYSIS The positive amplitude developed between the correlated events, top of GS-9 and GS-(6+7), correspond to pay sands as established in the calibration. This event is patchy but well resolved throughout the area. Using the STRATAMP programme, amplitude attribute maps (Fig 6) brought out the lateral distribution of this sand in the entire area. The depth contours superimposed on the maximum positive amplitude indicate that the distribution of this sand is along the nosal feature and over the terrace. The log correlation (Fig 7) depicts that the GS-8 and GS-9 sands are thinning towards the east of the area and ultimately merge beyond the limit of seismic resolution, producing tuning effects. To isolate the effects of tuning, frequency weighted amplitude map (Fig 8) corresponding to GS-9 was prepared. This has defined the areal extension of these sands better. To further substantiate this observation, horizon slicing at every 2 ms was carried out in the window 70 ms above and below the top of GS(6+7) on the flattened volume. Clear depiction of development of GS-9 sand can be observed on these slices. The Horizon slices 18 to 26 ms. above GS - (6+7) are shown in Fig 9. The Horizon slices 2ms to 6ms below (Fig 10) the top of GS-(6+7) brought out a meandering channel trending north to southeast, along the strike direction. The channel probably corresponds to the GS -(6+7). As no drilled well falls on this channel, the feature could not be calibrated. The Horizon slice 16ms below GS-(6+7) very close to the bottom of Hazad Member (Fig 11), indicates yet another well developed channel feature. This is clearly seen on the inlines and crosslines. Wells A and D are located over this channel feature and show development of silty facies. However, 754

Figure 7 : Electrolog correlation through well A, B and C indicating thinning of Hazad sequences towards east.

Figure 8 : Frequency weighted amplitude map of GS-9 indicating distribution of reservoir facies.

Thin Sandstone Reservoirs Using Multi Attribute Analysis And Spectral Decomposition

Figure 11: Horizon slice 16 ms below GS-6+7) close to Hazad Base indicating well developed another channel feature.

Figure 9: Horizon slices A, B and C corresponding to 18, 22 & 26 ms above GS-(6+7).

Figure12: RMS amplitude of the pack between bottom of the GS(6+7) and Y marker indicating channel.

and bottom of Hazad. As RMS amplitude is very sensitive to changes in the amplitude, the attribute clearly brought out the channel configuration. High amplitude positive signature in the eastern part, within the channel suggests channel being sand filled. To corroborate this observation Spectral Decomposition was carried out over the data.
Figure 10: Meandering channel seen on horizon slice 4ms below GS-(6+7).

development of sandy facies in the up dip direction can not be ruled out, as high reflection amplitudes are observed within the channel in the area. To delineate these channel features, RMS amplitude map (Fig 12) was prepared between the reflection of GS-(6+7) 755

Spectral decomposition provides better focussing of the various depositional features on frequency slices than horizon based attribute slices in time. For each bed thickness depending on the interval velocity of the bed, there exists a fundamental frequency that gives tuning effect that maximizes its amplitude response compared to other frequencies. Therefore different depositional features respond for different frequencies and are better focussed at these frequencies.

Thin Sandstone Reservoirs Using Multi Attribute Analysis And Spectral Decomposition

Keeping in mind this property of spectral decomposition, the tuning cube analysis was carried-out on this 3D volume by selecting a 100 ms window, centered about the interpreted horizon GS-(6+7). Tuning cube analysis was made for frequencies varying from 2 Hz to 100 Hz at an interval of 2 Hz. Tuning cube analysis transforms the temporal window of the zone of interest from time domain to frequency domain. The resulting Tuning cube can be viewed in cross sectional view or in plan view, as a frequency slice. This was obtained by animating the amplitude vs. frequency through the entire range of frequencies. Taking a clue from the zone of interest tuning cube, the tuning frequency slices from 17 Hz and 37 Hz were drawn from the frequency frozen flattened horizon volume. Fig 14 and 15 indicate the channel feature with enhanced amplitude.

These, when compared with the RMS amplitude map drawn from the Strat Amp, show better resolution at 17 Hz and 37 Hz frequencies. These channel features are the new exploration plays identified in this area. GEOLOGICAL MODELING The multi attribute maps obtained from the interpreted 3D volume are translated into a geological model to understand the paleogeography, sand geometry and depositional environment of GS-(6+7), GS-8 and GS-9 sands of Hazad Member. Paleogeographic model of GS-(6+7) sands: Sand isolith map (Fig 16) of GS-(6+7) derived from the log data and seismic attributes, shows a maximum sand thickness of 7m, 4m and 3m in wells A, B and C respectively. Gradual increase in thickness is observed in south and southwest direction. 2m of sand is observed in well D drilled to the south of well A. Towards east, 4 to 6m thick sand bodies are inferred based on time slice maps and amplitude maps, which indicate its deposition in channel/ point bars. Geological model, based on well data, log motif and seismic data is presented in Fig 17 and it shows that the area towards east is fluvial dominated forming meandering channels and point bars in upper delta plain environment. Isochronopach map (Fig 18) from Hazad

Figure14: The channel feature 16ms below GS (6+7) from spectral decomposition frequency cube resolved at 17 Hz frequency.

Figure15: Sand isolith map of GS-(6+7) indicating good development of reservoir facies in the western part of the area. Isolated sand bodies towards east have been identified based on attribute analysis and Spectral Decomposition. These sands might have been deposited in point bar environment. Figure15: Meandering channel better resolved by spectral decomposition at 37 Hz tuning frequency.

top to Y marker superimposed with meandering channel indicates development of point bars over the terrace feature. 756

Thin Sandstone Reservoirs Using Multi Attribute Analysis And Spectral Decomposition

Figure 17 : Geological model of GS-(6+7) sands, based on log data and seismic attributes. The wells A and B are falling in the distributary channel and well C falls in the interdistributary area of lower delta plain environment. The area located to the east of well A have upper delta plain environment having meandering channels / point bar facies.

Paleogeographic maps of GS-8 sands: Sand isolith map (Fig 19) based on log and seismic data shows a thickness of 4 to 6m in the wells A, B& C. The sand appears to have been deposited in tidal channels and river mouth tidal environment aligned in NE-SW direction with tidal influence from southwest. Gamma Ray log character in well A shows a fining upward sequence, which is indicative of tidal channel environment, whereas well B shows coarsening upward sequence indicative of river mouth tidal ridge deposits. RMS amplitude map of GS-8 (Fig 20) suggests the presence of a number of such channel/ bars to the east of wells A and B. The core at GS-8 level in a well located NW of the well A is comprised of fine to very fine bioturbated sandstone which also suggests tidal influence in the area. Analysis of logs and laboratory data along with sand geometry maps based on seismic attributes, suggests that the north western part of the area is affected by tides, where as the area towards southeast appears to be fluvial dominated. Entry of sediments appears to be from NNE. Paleogeographic map (Fig 21) of GS-8 sand shows the inferred depositional environment.

Figure 18 : Geological model superimposed on isochronopach map between Hazad top to Y marker indicating meandering channel passing through the terrace feature observed in isochronopach map of Hazad Member.

Figure 19 : Sand isolith map of GS-8 based on seismic attributes and log data indicating presence of number of sand bodies aligned in NE-SW direction having sand thickness varying from 4 to 8m in the drilled wells. The input is inferred from North and affected by tidal influcence from southwest, giving rise to the discrete nature of sand bodies.

The area towards wells A, B and C falls in lower delta plain having distributary channels and intra distributary areas. Paleo environment of GS- (6+7) of North Sarbhan and adjacent area is depicted in Fig 17. 757

Paleogeographic model of GS-9 sands: Sand isolith map (Fig 22) based on seismic attributes and log data shows a thickness of 3-4 m in North Sarbhan wells. Sand geometry and log motifs in wells A, B & C suggest its deposition as tidal bar deposits trending NNE-SSW direction. RMS amplitude map and frequency weighted amplitude maps (Figs

Thin Sandstone Reservoirs Using Multi Attribute Analysis And Spectral Decomposition

Figure 20 : RMS amplitude map of GS-8 superimposed with depth contours indicating the presence of high amplitude along the nostal feature.

Figure 22 : Sand isolith map of GS-9 indicating sand geometry of GS-9 sand. Numbers of sand bodies, aligned in NESW direction have been inferred based on well and seismic data. Each body has separate identity giving rise to discrete nature of the sand.

Figure 21 : Paleogeographic model of GS-8 sand indicating the presence of number of sand bodies which are inferred to be deposited in tidal channel / river mouth tidal ridge environment.

6 and 8) show the presence of a number of sand bodies trending NNESSW in the area. Core data in well B at GS-9 level indicates the presence of flaser bedding with bioturbation, suggestive of tidal influence in the area. Sand entry appears to be from north and north east. Paleogeographic map of GS-9 (Fig 23) depict the environment of deposition at this level. Testing data of wells A, B, C and D indicate the discrete nature of sand bodies which is also inferred from the sand map based on attribute analysis. Presence of oil in the 758

Figure 23 : Paleogeographic model for GS-9 sand indicating that the sands are deposited in tidal environment forming tidal bars aligned in NE-SW direction having tidal influence from southwest direction.

well A located structurally up with respect to another gas bearing well B located downdip leads to the conclusion that these wells are located over different sand bodies. The pressure data observed in the wells A and C also suggests that these wells are hydrodynamically connected and the faults do not act as barriers.

Thin Sandstone Reservoirs Using Multi Attribute Analysis And Spectral Decomposition

CONCLUSION The post stack 3D Seismic data of North Sarbhan area is of good quality and enabled perfect calibration with the log data. Multi attribute analysis and Spectral Decomposition, together provided a better tool for delineation of thin sands of Hazad Member. Spectral Decomposition clearly brought out the channel features within Hazad and led to identification of new exploration play in this area.

also sincerely acknowledge Mr. S. S. Sawkar, Mr. A.K. Sinha and Mr. M.J. Panchal for their support during the preparation of this paper. REFERENCES
Mayor. S. 2001 Identification of Future Thrust Areas through Sediment Distribution Patterns of Hazad Member around Gandhar Field. Murthy Dr. J.V.S.S.N 2001 Report on the software development of Tuning Cube (Spectral Decomposition of short window Seismic waveforms ). Partyka, G.A. 1999 Interpretational Applications of Spectral Decomposition in Reservoir Characterization, The Leading Edge, vol. 18, No.3, pg 353-360.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors express their gratitude to Mr. S.K. Mandal, ED-Basin Manager, Western Onshore, Baroda, for providing an opportunity to work on this project. The authors


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