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Adjectives and Adverbs

Gch chn nhng tnh t miu t nhng bc tranh sau:

angry fast painful famous

handsome fast cute angry

old scary bad full

old famous hungry rich

heavy full poor angry

scary full busy difficult

strong warm dangerous bad

old fat painful warm

rich hungry cute difficult

hungry cold heavy fast

cool sleepy handsome famous

busy poor warm handsome

slow fat famous rich

dangerous full strong scary

handsome scary strong dangerous

noisy dangerous cool rich

angry fast painful famous

warm angry fast far

famous warm full sleepy

far difficult cold painful

cute angry heavy bad

bad sick rich full

cute full fat heavy

fat slow hungry dangerous

hungry far cool scary

slow painful old sick

fast cute cool fat

busy angry strong slow

A) Cho bit nhng t gch chn sau l tnh t (adj) hay trng t (adv): 1. Fast runners win races. 2. Mathematics is difficult. 3. Shes a good typist. 4. She behaved rudely to her boss. 5. Youve done well in your test. 6. The clowns are very funny. 7. Shes a pretty girl. 8. He runs fast. 9. Ann is very sad. 10. She plays the piano beautifully. 11. Father is very busy in his office. 12. The doctor arrived immediately. B) La chn t thch hp trong cu:
1. He left the room quiet / quietly. 2. Jane works hard / hardly. 3. Hes a very nice / nicely man.

adjective . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. The sun is shining bright / brightly. 5. Smoking is bad / badly for your health. 6. She behaves very good / well. 7. He always dresses smart / smartly. 8. He shouted angry / angrily at me. 9. This chair is comfortable / comfortably. 10. He smiled sad / sadly. 11. You drive very slow / slowly.

C) Hon thnh nhng cu sau:

1. There was some heavy rain last night.

Yes, it rained very .. heavily.

2. Arent the children quiet!

Yes, theyre working very .

3. James has a loud voice.

Yes, he always talks very ..

4. Isnt the teacher angry!

Yes, hes shouting very .

5. Angelas very happy today!

Yes, shes laughing very 6. The telephone rang in the middle of the night. Nick was very sleepy. He answered it very .. 7. Kate likes playing slow music. Yes, shes playing this piece very .

D) Hon thnh nhng cu sau bng cch in dng ng ca t trong ngoc: Example: Mice move .. quietly (quiet / quietly) 1. This exercise is (easy / easily) 2. These people are speaking .. (quiet / quietly)
3. Mr. Brown can speak English . (good / well)

4. Tigers are animals. (brave / bravely) 5. The footballer is . (tired / tiredly)

6. Cheetahs run . (quick / quickly) 7. She is lifting the weight (easy / easily) 8. The children are playing (happy / happily) 9. Tony is a .. skier. (good / well) E) in t trong ngoc dng adj hay adv:
1. He always does his homework carefully.. (careful). 2. He is a very careful (careful) student.

3. Come (quick). We need your help. 4. You should drive more (slow) along this road.
5. The old man walks very .. (slow).

6. Helen is a very . (slow) student. 7. Her brother, on the other hand, learns (rapid). 8. Mr. Gonzales has a . (permanent) visa. 9. He hopes to remain in this country .. (permanent). 10. This is an (easy) exercise. 11. I can do all of these exercises (easy). 12. Helen works very (hard) in her new job. 13. You walk very (fast). 14. They are both . (serious) students. 15. They both study English very (serious). 16. I agree with you . (complete) in that matter. 17. This apple is very . (soft). 18. She always speaks . (soft) to the child. 19. Helen is a .. (beautiful) girl. 20. Her sister plays the violin (beautiful).

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