Confraternity of The Holy Guardian Angels

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Confraternity of the Holy Guardian Angels

"Are they not all ministering spirits sent to serve, for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?" (Heb 1:14) Membership in Opus Sanctorum Angelorum The new General Statutes of Opus Angelorum were approved by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life in November of 2008 giving it the status of "a public association of the Catholic Church with juridical personality according to the norm of canon 313 of the CIC" (Letter of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, October 2, 2010). Membership in Opus Sanctorum Angelorum begins with the ecclesiastically approved Consecration to the Guardian Angel formally received in the name of the Church by a priest of the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross or a delegated priest-member of the Opus Angelorum. Normally, after becoming familiar with our spirituality over a period of time through, for example, the website, days of recollection/retreats and the newsletter, one would begin the formation year towards the Consecration to the Guardian Angel and membership in Opus Angelorum by attending a retreat, mission or day of recollection in your area and filling out the application for the first fomation year. The current formation process for membership is as follows: After applying at an OA event for the fomation year, one is prepared for the Consecration to the Guardian Angel and membership in the Opus Angelorum by monthly letters on the spirituality of the Opus Angelorum along with some prayers, readings and spiritual exercises. After one year, one would then be eligible to apply to make the Consecration to the Guardian Angel at an event in his area. If someone feels called to go further, he can enter a 2-year formation in preparation for the Consecration to all the Holy Angels. And if one wants to go even further he can join the Confraternity of the Holy Guardian Angels, which is a community within the OA. Each step has specific goals and commitments which are explained at retreats and missions preached by the priests of the Order of the Holy Cross. It is important that candidates and members attend periodically OA events, at least once a year, if possible. At these events we make a short interview, also give an introduction into our spirituality and particularly into the consecration to the angels. We conduct silent retreats in many States throughout the US. See our retreat schedule on our website. Meanwhile we encourage you to read meditations on our website to learn about our spirituality and maybe even to begin to dedicate some time on Thursdays and Fridays to the devotion to the

Passion of Our Lord, which has a key importance in our spirituality. You can also study the Crusade for Priests program. If you would like to receive our free quarterly Circular Letter with meditations, retreat and mission schedule etc, please send us your mailing address.

Confraternity of the Holy Guardian Angels

What is the Confraternity of the Holy Guardian Angels? The Confraternity of the Guardian Angels is a public association of the faithful in the Opus Sanctorum Angelorum (OA or Work of the Holy Angels), recognized by the Church, whose members want to honor and imitate in a special way their Guardian Angels and all the holy angels. The Confraternity of the Guardian Angels in Opus Sanctorum Angelorum was originally erected in Innsbruck, Austria, by Bishop Dr. Paulus Rusch with a decree of April 20, 1961. The Confraternity was then erected in several other countries. It was also erected in 2006 in the United States and stands under the direction of the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross. Objectives of the Confraternity of the Holy Guardian Angels Members are personally devoted to the Guardian Angel and promote this devotion. They strive towards Christian perfection with the help of the holy angels. They respond to the common vocation of all Christians to the apostolate in union with the holy angels for the edification of the Kingdom of GOD. They promote vocations in the Church. Spirituality of the Confraternity of the Holy Guardian Angels The spirituality of the Confraternity of the Guardian Angel is orientated according to the following spiritual principles: The love for prayer and for Eucharistic Adoration is a powerful means of spiritual growth. The holy angels teach us how to adore God as they constantly behold the face of My Father in heaven (Mt. 18:10). The Contemplation of the word and the salvific works of God helps us to know God more and more, and to recognize and fulfill His will in our daily lives. The imitation of Christ in the spirit of Expiation, especially the readiness to sacrifice for priests and consecrated souls, is strengthened by a life lived in union with the holy angels. The collaboration in the apostolic Mission of the Church, effective help of neighbor through corporal and spiritual works of mercy, is a fruit of conscious collaboration with the holy angels. Apostolate of the Confraternity of the Holy Guardian Angels Members promote the Work of the Holy Angels (OA) through a living devotion to the Guardian Angel.

Through courageous confession of faith in word and deed, members defend the truths and values of the Gospel in the family, work place and society. Members grow in the love of God and neighbor through spiritual reading, days of recollection and retreats. Members support priestly and religious vocations through prayer and sacrifice, as well as by contributing towards the formation and sustenance of priests and religious. The Seven Most Important Tasks of the Members 1. Members strive to live, like their angel, continually in the presence of God. 2. They love silence which disposes them to listen to and to obey their angel. 3. They imitate the Guardian Angel through Christian love of neighbor. 4. They want to be, like their angel, servants of the heavenly Queen, Mary. 5. They daily renew their consecration to the Guardian Angel. 6. They practice and promote the praying of the Angelus. 7. They draw their strength from the Cross and from the Sacrifice of the Mass with the reception of Holy Communion, if possible daily. They also observe the devotion of the Passio Domini, watching with our Lord during the time of the Agony in the Garden on Thursdays and compassionating with Him on the Cross on Fridays. The active members should try to spend at least one hour with our Lord on each of these days. For More Information

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