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Question Bank for test 2

1. Write advantages and disadvantages of low level and high level modulation compare them in terms of power level, types of amplifier used, efficiency, limitations and applications. 2. Draw the circuit of single transistor emitter modulator and explain its operation with output waveforms. OR Draw the schematic diagram of simplified medium - power transistor AM DSBFC modulator and explain its operation with the help of collector waveforms with no modulating signal and collector waveforms with a modulating signal. Note: medium power and emitter modulator are same circuits 3. For an AM DSBFC modulation with a carrier frequency fc= 100 KHz 10 volts peak and a modulating signal frequency fm= 5 KHz, 2 Volts peak to peak write AM equation. 4. For an AM DSBFC modulation with a carrier frequency fc= 100 KHz and a maximum modulating signal frequency fm(max)= 5 KHz, determine . 10 (i) Frequency limits for the upper and lower sidebands. (ii) Bandwidth. (iii) Upper and lower side frequencies produced when the modulating signal is a single frequency 3 KHz tone. (iv) Draw the output frequency spectrum. 5. An audio frequency signal 10sin1000t is used to amplitude modulate a carrier of 50sin 210t Calculate: (i) Modulation. index (ii) Sideband frequencies (iii) Amplitude of each sideband frequencies (iv) Bandwidth required' (v) Total power delivered to the load of 600 Q. 6. Draw the schematic diagram of high - power AM DSBFC modulator and explain the operation. 7. Why do the amplifiers that follow the modulator circuit in AMDSBFC transmitter have to be linear? 8. Explain the working of balanced ring modulator to generate DSBSC signal. 9. The output current of a 60% modulated AM wave is 1.5 A. To what value will the current rise if it is modulated additionally by another wave with 70% modulation index? 10. Derive equation for total transmitted power, total side band power and signal side band power for AM wave and draw frequency spectrum for DSBFC.

11. One input to an AM DSBFC modulator is 800 KHz carrier with amplitude of 40 Vp. The second input is 25 KHz modulating signal whose amplitude is sufficient to Produce 10V change in the amplitude of the envelope. Calculate :(i) Upper and lower side band frequencies. (ii) Modulation Index and % modulation. (iii) Draw the enveloped and show V max and V min. (iv) Draw the output freq. spectrum. (v) Total power in the AM wave for tpe load resistance of 200 ohm 12. AM is a waste of power and bandwidth. Justify the statement. 13. An AM transmitter supplies a 110 kW of carrier power to 50 load. It operates at a carrier frequency of 1.2 MHz and is 80% modulated by 3 KHz sinewave. for this system(i) Sketch the frequency spectrum. (ii) Find average power in dB. (iii) Peak and RMS values of signal. 14. An AM transmitter radiates 5 MHz carrier with 80 kw power, carrier is modulated by 500 Hz & 1KHz signals. What will be the total modulation index if each signal modulates at 60% of modulation Determine (i) Transmitted power. (ii) Draw the frequency spectrum of modulated signal. (iii) What is % of power saving if one of sideband and carrier is suppressed? 15. Explain VSB transmission and states its two advantages. 16. State advantages of SSB over DSB. Explain phase shift method to generate SSB AM. 17. Explain AM diode demodulator 18. Explain FET balance modulator/ demodulator circuit

Assignment 1
1. Write advantages and disadvantages of low level and high level modulation compare them in terms of power level, types of amplifier used, efficiency, limitations and applications. 2. For an AM DSBFC modulation with a carrier frequency fc= 100 KHz and a maximum modulating signal frequency fm(max)= 5 KHz, determine . 10 (i) Frequency limits for the upper and lower sidebands. (ii) Bandwidth. (iii) Upper and lower side frequencies produced when the modulating signal is a single frequency 3 KHz tone. (iv) Draw the output frequency spectrum. 3. For an AM DSBFC modulation with a carrier frequency fc= 100 KHz and a maximum modulating signal frequency fm(max)= 5 KHz, determine . 10 (i) Frequency limits for the upper and lower sidebands. (ii) Bandwidth. (iii) Upper and lower side frequencies produced when the modulating signal is a single frequency 3 KHz tone. (iv) Draw the output frequency spectrum. 4. An audio frequency signal 10sin1000t is used to amplitude modulate a carrier of 50sin 210t Calculate: (i) Modulation. index (ii) Sideband frequencies (iii) Amplitude of each sideband frequencies (iv) Bandwidth required' (v) Total power delivered to the load of 600 Q. 5. Why do the amplifiers that follow the modulator circuit in AMDSBFC transmitter have to be linear? 6. The output current of a 60% modulated AM wave is 1.5 A. To what value will the current rise if it is modulated additionally by another wave with 70% modulation index? 7. AM is a waste of power and bandwidth. Justify the statement. 8. An AM transmitter supplies a 110 kW of carrier power to 50 load. It operates at a carrier frequency of 1.2 MHz and is 80% modulated by 3 KHz sine wave. for this system(i) Sketch the frequency spectrum. (ii) Find average power in dB. (iii) Peak and RMS values of signal.

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