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Testing Basics Smoke testing: - it is a bulid verification test. only the essential functionalities will be checked.

Sanity testing:- only sanity of code will be checked. Particular code will be checked before it actually combined to existing system. Acceptance Testing business perspective.

:- 1)Ensuring that the system is acceptable to all users 2) Testing from a

Functional Testing:- Functional testing is a process of testing the 'Functionality of a feature' in a

application. That means; we are testing whether the features (like text box,option button, command buttons, check box etc) areworking (or)doing its intended operation (pre-defined function). It is a Black Box Testing. Regression testing: is to make sure any added new features/enhancements have not "broken" the existing functionality/application...verify the application it still works as expected/designed.
Gorilla testing: The idea here is to test as much of the application in as short a period of time as possible.

Black Box testing: is also known as behavioural or closed box testing. It is a software testing technique in which the internal workings of the item to be tested are not known to the tester or they are not taken into consideration. EX: Functional, Regression Testing, Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, etc White Box Testing: is also known as structural,open box, clear box or glass box testing. It is a software testing technique in which an explicit knowledge of the internal workings of the item to be tested are tested. Ex: Unit Testing, Code Coverage, Basis Path Testing,etc. scalability testing: is to find the maximum number of users a system can handle. The approach we follow for this testing is by using performance tools System Testing: System testing falls within the scope of Black box testing it is non functional testing. Also called end to end testing It include Performance Testing, Load Testing and Stress Testing. Performance Testing: is application level testing. where we increase the no. of users and see at what point application response time degrade. After that we optimize the code for decrease the response time. Load testing is system level testing where we increate the no. of users and see how much resources are required to handle those no. of users. by using system control, by increasing processor, by increase memory Stress Testing: By giving large complex query or by increasing the no. of users beyond to its limit and see at what point our application breaks. UAT : It is done as a user point of view, in this we should consider that application is not hard to use, It is acceptable in existing bussiness environment etc.

structural testing is a white-box testing and functional testing is a black-box testing.we need programming knowledge or skills to do structural testing What's the difference between QA and testing? QA is more a preventive thing, ensuring quality in the company and therefore the product rather than just testing the product for software bugs? TESTING means "quality control" QUALITY CONTROL measures the quality of a product QUALITY ASSURANCE measures the quality of processes used to create a quality product.

Test case: is a set of conditions we write for which we know the expected output.It may be negative or positive. Test script: can be correctly called as a grouping of test cases to run a test scenario.

Equivalence partitioning: a technique that divides the i/p domain of a program into classes of data from which test cases can be delivered. - For each piece of the specification, generate 1 or more eqvilence classes. - Label the classes as "valid" and "invalid" - Generate testcases that cover as many possible valid and invalid wquilance classes Boundary value Analysis: a technique in which the testcases that explore the boundary conditions have a higher probability of detecting error. - verify the faults at near boundaries - Faults tend to arround near boundaries - Good place to look for faults - Test values on bothsides of boundaries Formula: Valid boundaries: minimum, maximum Invalid boundaries: min-1, max+1

Varification: it is the process of confirming that s/w "meets its specification".It involves reviews and meetings to evaluate documents,plans,code,requirement and specification.This can be done with checklist,issues lists amd walkthroughs. It is the examination of the process and checks r we building the product right? Validation:It is the process of confirming that it "meets the user's requirements".Validation typically involves actual testing and take place after varification are completed.

Agile is software development methodology. It is very effective where Client frequently changes his requirement. Since it has more iteration so you can assure a solution that meets clients requirement. More than one build deployement for a project. It involves more client interection and testing effort. There are two methods by which this methodology can be implemented:1- Scrum 2- Extreme Progamming Scrum: Each iteration would called a scrum which can be a 12 Months.In Scrum Client prioritise his requirements what he want first. If developer did not meets all the requirement which was being fixed for a perticular scrum than rest of the development part would be transferred to the next scrum (would be delievered in the next build), means developer cann't increase time decided for a scrum. Its fixed. Extreme Programming (XP): here iteration period would be less then in scrum , which is being 2-4 weeks. Here developer prioritise what to do first on the basis of client requirement. This duration which was being fixed for a iteration, can be increase if the some development part is still pending. The build would deployed with having all the client needs. Thus iteration period is not fixed here it can be increase. but iteration should meets all the client's requirement in this build. More attension is required for testing in XP.

Test Case Design Techniques in Black box VS White box

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