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Jessica: Hello. My name is Jessica. I'm 9 years old. I live in a beautiful house in Oak Street. I like school very much. I've got excellent marks! And you? My best friend is Susan. We go to the same class. Our teacher's name is Ms Springfield. She's the best teacher in the world! I like music. I can play the piano. I like sports, too. I can play volleyball. It feels great! Greg: Hi. I'm Greg. I'm 10 years old. I live in Park Street. It's a beautiful place. I've got a toy robot at home. He can do many things. He can wash the dishes, climb trees and ride a bike. He's really great. And I can swim very well. Swimming is my favourite sport. My best friend Luke can play ice-hockey. We both like sport very much. And you? Uncle Phil: Hello, children. I'm Uncle Phil. I'm Greg's uncle. I like travelling. I often travel around the world in a balloon. I visit very interesting places. I like animals a lot. I've got a pet shop in Park Street. There are many lovely creatures in my pet shop. But there's one that always gives me trouble. It's Molly, a monkey. She's always missing!


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Narrator: Everybody is having a good time in Magicland. Some boys are riding a dinosaur. Two girls are driving a bumper car. Look at Uncle Phil and Ronnie! They are riding on a rollercoaster. It is so exciting! But, Ronnie is not having fun, at all! He looks so scared. Look at Jessica! She is shaking hands with Snow White. And Susan? She is taking a photo of them. Look at Greg and Luke! They are on a pirate ship. They are going to the desert island. There is treasure hidden there. And look at Elliot! He is in front of the horror house. He is talking to a ghost. Maybe the ghost is telling him a spooky story.


Greg: Hey, guys! Come over here! We are looking for the treasure. Elliot: I know where it is. It's buried under the palm tree. Meanwhile... Ronnie: The treasure? Just look at me! Ronnie: I'm digging in the sand. Ronnie: I'm diving in the lake. Ronnie: I'm going into the cave. I'm so tired. I'm......... zzzz! Later... Jessica: It's not here. Stop digging, Elliot. Maybe it's behind the volcano. Susan: Let's have a look. Children: Oh, no! There is nothing here. Luke: We have to keep on looking. But... where is Ronnie? Is he lost? Children: Ronnie! Ronnie! Uncle Phil: Listen! What's that noise? Jessica: It's coming from the cave over there. Somebody is snoring. Elliot: Maybe it's a dinosaur. It's dangerous to go in there. Jessica: Come on, Elliot! There are no dinosaurs. Are you scared? Elliot: Of course, not. But, maybe there are pirates... Children: It's Ronnie! Hurray! Susan: Hey, Ronnie! Wake up! What are you hiding in that box? Everybody: It's the treasure! Well done, Ronnie. You are a real explorer. A pirate: And, here is the prize for the best explorer. It's a new telescope! Greg: Lucky you, Ronnie! Ronnie: Can I have some carrots instead?


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Jessica: This is Snow White. She is kind and pretty, but she is very unhappy. This is the bad Queen. She is Snow White's stepmother. Every day she asks her magic mirror the same question: 'Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the most beautiful of us all?' And the answer is: 'It's you, my lady.' Today she is asking her mirror the same question again: 'Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the most beautiful of us all?' But, the answer is different!: 'It's Snow White, my lady.' The Queen is furious. She is talking to the hunter now. What is she saying? 'Take her to the forest and kill her!' She is so cruel. The hunter and Snow White are in the forest now. Luckily, the hunter is a good man and he feels sorry for the poor girl. He lets her go. It is getting dark and Snow White is scared and cold. She is looking for a shelter. And there it is! A little cottage. The seven dwarfs are back at home. 'Who are you?' they are asking. 'I'm Snow White. Can I stay with you? I can cook, I can wash the dishes, I can clean the cottage.' The dwarfs are good and friendly. 'Sure you can stay! Welcome!' The evil Queen is furious again. Snow White is still alive! She is taking a poisoned apple to Snow White. She is dressed up as an old lady. Knock, knock! Snow White is opening the door. She is taking the poisoned apple from the old lady. 'What a nice red apple!' she is saying. Oh no! She is taking a bite and ...she is falling to the ground! The dwarfs are crying. Snow White is lying in the glass coffin. They can't help her. A young, handsome prince is passing by. He is looking at Snow White. She is so beautiful. He is kissing her now. And what a surprise! Snow White wakes up. She is saved by a kiss.


Are you a witch? Are you flying on a broom? Yes, I am a witch. I am flying on a broom. Meet me in the spooky room. Is she Cinderella? Is she running from the ball? Yes, she is Cinderella. She is running from the ball. She lost her shoe somewhere in the hall. Is he a prince? Is he looking for the shoe? Yes, he is a prince. He is looking for the shoe. Don't worry Cinderella, he will marry you. Are you pirates? Are you looking for the treasure? Yes, we are pirates. We are looking for the treasure. Money, jewels what a pleasure. Are they dwarfs? Are they reading a story? Yes, they are dwarfs. They are reading a story. But...what are they doing in a lorry?

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Elliot: This is me and my family. We are in front of our house. We live at 10 Elm Street. This is my mum. Her name is June. She is 36. She has got brown hair and green eyes. She is tall and thin. She is very pretty. She is good and gentle, too. She is an explorer. She can tell you all about dinosaurs and other things from the past. Her hobby is making cakes. Yummy! This is my dad. His name is William, but we call him Bill. He has got grey hair, but he is not old. He is only 39. He has got blue eyes. He is not very tall, but he is strong. He is always hungry. He can eat ten pancakes in a minute. He is an astronomer. He can tell you all about stars and planets. His hobby is writing stories about aliens. And this is my sister. Her name is April. She has got blonde hair and big teeth. She is short and skinny. She is only 6, but she is very smart. She can read stories and she can even solve some maths riddles. She has got a strange hobby. It is collecting spiders.Yuk!

2.2. SUCH A KID!

April: Hi, big brother! Can I keep you company? Elliot: Hmm, I'm very busy. I'm doing my maths homework. It's very difficult. April: I can help you. I'm good at maths. Elliot: I'm telling you it's difficult. It's not for kids. April: Can I play with your toys then? Elliot: You've got your own toys. Why don't you play with them?! April: I would like to be a policewoman, but I haven't got a police car or a helicopter. I've got only dolls. Elliot: It's not a game for little girls. You should play with barbie dolls. April: Dolls are boring. Can I read some of your books? Elliot: Don't be silly! You can only read stories. My books are all about science and magic. Believe me, they are not for kids. April: Can I play with your crystal ball? I can help you make experiments. Elliot: Ha, ha! You're kidding. You can't even say the magic words! April: I've got an idea! Let's play with spiders. We've got a lot of them at home! Elliot: Ss...piders?! April: Look! There is one on your desk! And on your bed, too! And there is ... Elliot: Oh, no! A spider invasion! Help me! Mum... April: You are such a kid, Elliot.


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Narrator: It is Sunday evening. Elliot and April are very excited. It is time for one of their dad's stories about aliens. Who are they? Where are they from? How old are they? What do they look like? They can hardly wait to find out. Here they are. The Zenex family from planet Zenex. Mum, dad and the twins Zenex. They have got three eyes, two noses, four arms and four legs. They haven't got ears. They have got antennas on their heads. They are green. Mum Zenex is tall and skinny. She has got long orange hair and a big mouth. She hasn't got teeth. She is 85 years old. Dad Zenex is short and fat. He has got a moustache and a beard. He hasn't got hair. He is bald. He is 90 years old. And the twins? They are very different. What do they look like? Tonight the Zenex family are watching a special programme about planet Earth on TV. This is a city. There are a lot of machines moving around called cars, there are some big vegetables called trees and there are a lot of big and small boxes called houses. Strange creatures called people live there. They have got only two eyes, one nose, two arms and two legs. They haven't got any antennas. They have got ears instead. How funny!


A Happy Family

We're young and old, We're short and tall, We're thin and fat, We're big and small. Our eyes are green and brown, Our eyes are black and blue, Our hair is blonde and brown, And it can be grey, too. Tra la la, tra la li, We're a happy family. Our house is big, Our house is small, We play with pets, And a crystal ball.

We like books and spiders, We like dinos and stars, My dad can tell you, All about Mars Tra la la, tra la li, We're a happy family. We're smart and funny, We're happy and sad, We're good and gentle, But we're never bad. Tra la la, tra la li, We're a happy family.


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Greg: I live in Park Street. It is small, but there are some interesting places to see. There are two parks in my street. I like parks because there I can play with my friends. It is not difficult to find my house. It is between the bakery and the video rental. I go to the bakery every day after school, because you can buy delicious doughnuts there. You can borrow great videos at the video rental. I like comedies and action films best. Next to the bakery there is a supermarket. And then, just opposite my house, there is Uncle Phil's pet shop. There you can see all kinds of pets. I like Molly, the little monkey best. On the left side of the pet shop there is a toy shop. They have got a big collection of robots there. On the right side of the pet shop there is a sweet shop. There you can buy the best lollipops in town. It is great to live in Park Street, isn't it?


At Uncle Phils pet shop ... Greg: Good morning, Uncle Phil. You look upset. What happened? Uncle Phil: Molly is missing! Greg: Oh, no!Lets call the police. Uncle Phil: But a missing monkey is not their business. Greg: What shall we do then? Uncle Phil: Ive got an idea! Lets call the local radio. Greg: Sure. Lets do that. In the street... Girl: Excuse me, officer! How can I get to Uncle Phils pet shop? Policeman: Thats easy. Go down Main Street. When you come to the theatre turn right and cross the street. There is Park Street in front of you. The pet shop is between the toy shop and the sweet shop. Girl: Thank you very much! Policeman: Youre welcome. At the pet shop again... Uncle Phil: Hurray! Molly is back! Uncle Phil: Thank you so much. Whats your name? Girl: April. Uncle Phil:Would you like a goldfish April? April: I would like that beautiful tarantula for my collection.


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Narrator: In the streets of London you can see a black taxi, but you cant see a red doubledecker any more. You cant see the Tube in the streets of London. Why? Because it is an underground. The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace. When the flag is up, the Queen is at home. The Tower of London is an old castle. It was a prison once, but now it is a museum. There you can see the Crown Jewels. There are a lot of parks in London. The biggest is Hyde Park. There is a lake in the park. Oxford Street is a famous street in London. There are a lot of shops, so you can go shopping there. St Pauls Cathedral is the biggest church in London. Trafalgar Square is a big square. There are two fountains, four lions and the statue of Admiral Nelson in the Square. Big Ben is a big clock tower. It tells you the time. The Thames is a river in London. There are a lot of bridges over the river Thames. Tower Bridge is very old and beautiful. It can go up and down.

3.4. WHAT A DAY!

Good morning! Make your breakfast. Oh, there's no milk! Put on your clothes. But, where's your shoe? Close the door. Oops, your cat's tail! Go to the library! Bring back the book. It's closed. Go to the pet shop. Pat a dog. Ouch, your finger! Go to the sweet shop. Buy a lollipop. Oh, there's no money in your pocket! Go to the bus stop. Get on the bus. Your schoolbag is heavy. Put it down. Get off the bus. But, where's your bag? Oh, no! Go to the police station. Talk to the policeman. Sorry, no bag found. Come back tomorrow! Run to school. You're late. Where's everybody? It's Saturday! Hurray! No maths test!


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Jessica: School is great. I learn something new every day and I have fun with my friends and teachers. My favourite subjects are English and French. I'm excellent at reading and writing stories. I have volleyball practice twice a week. I'm very busy, but I always do my homework. Greg: School is OK. It can be fun, too. I like my school friends and Ms Springfield, our teacher, but I don't like doing my homework. My favourite subjects are computer science and PE. I'm good at maths, too. I have swimming practice every day, but I always have time to play computer games. Luke: School can sometimes be really boring. Tests, homework... It's better to play in the park. Art and music are OK, but I have problems with science and maths. My favourite day of the week is Saturday. Why? No school and time for my ice-hockey practice!


Jessica: I'm always happy in the morning. I wake up at 7 a.m. I make my bed and I go to the kitchen. I usually have cornflakes for breakfast. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. I put on my clothes and I take my schoolbag. I run to school. I can't wait to see my friends and teachers. Luke: I always feel great in the afternoon. I've got a lot of time to play. I usually go out to the park. I ride a bike or I roller-skate. I go to the cinema with my friends or I stay at home and watch TV. Every afternoon I listen to my favourite radio show. It's about rap music. I don't study every afternoon, but I usually do my homework. I also help my mum in the kitchen. We make dinner together. Greg: I like evenings best. Homework is done and I've got some time for my hobbies. I play computer games or I solve maths riddles. I sometimes read comics. Some books are good, too. I don't have time to watch TV, because I have swimming practice at 7 p.m. But, every Saturday evening I borrow a video from the video rental. I watch comedies or action films with my parents at home.


Narrator: He wakes up early. It's 7 a.m. Good morning, Elliot! She wakes up late. It's 10 p.m. Good morning, Tess! He has a big breakfast. Orange juice, toast and an egg. It's good for his body. She doesn't have a big breakfast. Only a glass of Superowl Juice. He brushes his teeth. He is afraid of dentists. She works out. It's good for her body.

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He takes his schoolbag and goes to school. She takes her bag and goes to Owl Night School. She is a science teacher. It's lunch time. He has lunch at school. Usually fish and chips. It's lunch time. She goes to McOwl's. She has a big mosquito sandwich. After school he does his homework. Back at home she corrects her pupils' homework. Then he reads books about magic and science. Then she visits her friend Owly. He knows everything about magic. Every time she learns a new trick. Every Wednesday he has 'Young Scientists' class. He learns about animals, plants and planets. Every Friday she has 'Young Ghostbusters' class. She learns about ghosts. He has dinner with his family. They talk and tell jokes. Dinner is ready. She has a worm salad. Yummy! He watches documentary films. Then she watches Owlcop, her favourite TV serial. After that he makes experiments. Hurray! It works. After that she practises some new magic tricks. Oh, no! It doesn't work. Before he goes to bed he watches the stars with his father. Oh, it's already 10 p.m! Good night, Elliot. Before she goes to sleep, she says hello to the sun. Oh, it's already 7 a.m! Good night, Tess.


She always does her homework, She often makes some tea, She sometimes reads a book, She never watches TV. He always reads a comic, He often surfs the net, He sometimes plays chess, He never feeds the cat. I always think of Mary, I often take the phone, I sometimes call her number, But she is not at home.


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The Zenex boy: Summer on Zenex is snowy and cold. In summer we go to the ice beach. There we usually play snowball in the snowpark. That's our favourite game! Then we swim and dive in the icy sea. The sea is cold but we like it that way. When we come home from the beach, we have a cold bath and a glass of ice-tea. The Zenex girl: Winter on Zenex is sunny and hot. In winter we usually go to the sand hills. There we ski down the slope or play sand-hockey. We also make beautiful sand castles. When we come home, we usually watch a space film and have a hot Zenex ice-cream.


Uncle Phil: These are the Frosties. They live in a little cottage in the mountains. Their favourite season is winter. In winter they wear warm clothes because it is usually snowy and cold where they live. They usually make a snowman in the garden or they go fishing in the frozen lake. In the evening they often sit by the fireplace and tell stories about life in the mountains. These are the Crops. They live in the country. They have got a nice farm with a lot of animals there. The Crops like spring the most. The weather is usually sunny and warm then, so they can get busy around their farm. They work in the fields. They usually plant vegetables and pick strawberries. These are the Hots. They live on a little island. Their favourite season is summer because it is sunny and hot then and the Hots can go on holiday. They go to the beach and have fun. They usually swim in the sea and sit in the sun. Sometimes they go on a trip by boat. These are the Bobbies. They live in the city. They like their city very much, especially in autumn. Autumn is their favourite season. It is usually rainy and windy but the Bobbies go out. They usually go shopping in Oxford Street or fly a kite in Trafalgar Square. Do you know which city it is?

Mrs Travis: I take a basket and go to the forest. I look for eggs everywhere: behind the trees, on the trees and even in the trees. And when I find them, I give the basket to the bear. That's a pity. But never mind, I buy a big chocolate egg on my way home! Mr Brown: I spend a lot of time in fresh air. That's why I wear a lot of winter clothes. In the morning I go fishing, in the afternoon I build igloos, and in the evening I just sit near the tent and watch the stars. It's wonderful to be there!

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Nick: I choose a very high tree to climb. Sometimes I break a few glass balls on my way up. But it doesn't matter. When I come to the top, I put a star there. Then I get a nice present: a sleigh ride with Santa!


Pay for the ticket. Walk in. Drive a car. Turn left, turn right, hold on to the wheel! Ride a bike. Right hand only, left hand only, hands free! Fly a plane. Up and down, you're a real pilot! Row a boat. Left oar, right oar, down the waterfall! Drive a train. Go through a tunnel and through another one! Ride a motorbike. Speed up, slow down, don't lose your helmet! Sail a ship. One wave and another one, you're a real sailor! One more round? But you haven't got the money! Walk home.


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Ms Springfield: I usually have a light breakfast, just toast and butter. And I always have a glass of juice with it. Lunch is my favourite meal. I have it at school. The food is great there. I usually have meat and vegetables. I sometimes have pizza. I never have a big dinner. It's usually a cheese sandwich or yoghurt. Sometimes I just have a glass of milk. Uncle Phil: I always have a big English breakfast: sausages and eggs. That's my favourite. I sometimes have a sandwich, too. For lunch I usually have chicken or pasta but sometimes I have fish. And I always have a lot of bread. I often go out for dinner. I usually have a hamburger or a hot dog at a fast food restaurant.


Narrator: Lizzy lives in a small house with a big garden. She has got a lot of fruit in her garden. Every Sunday she sells the fruit at the food fair. Lizzy has got a secret hobby. She writes recipes for a healthy life. Why does she do that? Well, she knows some children who need help. And how does she help? She writes the recipes as letters. Then she sends the letters to the children's homes and waits for the results. The results are always good because the children want to win Lizzy's health medal! Lizzy is always happy when she sends the medals to the best children's homes.

Uncle Phil: Here we are, children. There's a table next to the window. Let's sit down. Waiter: Hello. Welcome to Rusty's. What would you like to eat? Uncle Phil: I would like cauliflower soup, roast lamb, mashed potatoes and cucumber salad. Waiter: And for dessert? Uncle Phil: I will have strawberry cake. And you Jessica? Jessica: I would like fried chicken, rice and fruit salad for dessert. And you Greg? Greg: I would like sausages and eggs, French fries, tomato salad and chocolate ice-cream for dessert. Later Waiter: Here you are. Chocolate soup, lamb cake with roast strawberries, fried chicken with tomato ice-cream and for dessert: fruit salad with sausages and eggs! Oh, I forgot to bring the mashed potatoes with Uncle Phil, Jessica and Greg: Don't! Waiter: Hey, why are you running away?

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Narrator: Go to the market. Buy the bananas and the lemon. Go to the sweet shop. Buy the biscuits. Go to the supermarket. Buy the cream. Go to the garden. Pick the apples and the pears. Go to the kitchen. Wash the apples and the pears. Peel the bananas. Cut the fruit into pieces. Take the cream from the fridge. Whip the cream in a blender. Take a bowl. Put the biscuits in the bowl. Add the fruit. Squeeze the lemon over the fruit. Add the cream. Put some fruit on top. Put the bowl in the fridge for thirty minutes. Lay the table. Surprise your friend.


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Narrator: It is Sunday afternoon. Greg is in his room. He is playing a computer game. Mum calls from the garden: 'Greg, come and help me, please! I'm cutting the grass!' Greg runs to his bed. Mum is at the door. 'Oh, I'm sorry, Mum. I don't feel well. I have a terrible headache.' 'Oh, my poor dear,' Mum says. 'Don't worry. Just lie down and try to get some sleep.' Later Greg is on the carpet. He is listening to music. Dad calls from the garage: 'Greg, come and help me! I'm washing the car!' Greg jumps into his bed. Dad is at the door. 'Oh, I'm so sorry dad. I have a sore knee. It hurts me so much!' 'I'm sorry to hear that, son,' Dad says. 'But it's nothing serious. You'll be fine. Try to rest now.' Later Greg is in his bed. He is reading a comic. Granny calls from the kitchen: 'Greg, I need your help! I'm laying the table!' Greg covers himself with a blanket. Granny is at the door. 'I'm sorry granny. I feel sick. I have a stomachache.' 'Oh, Greg dear, don't you worry,' Granny says. 'I'll bring you a nice cup of tea.' Later Luke calls from the street: 'Hey, Greg. I'm going to the park! Are you coming too?' Greg is at the window. 'Yes, of course! Wait for me!' Greg is running down the hall. Granny is carrying a cup of tea. 'But, Greg,' she says. Greg is already on his way out.


Doctor: What's wrong? Cat: Oh, doctor! I think my leg is broken. Doctor: Sit down, please. Tell me what happened. Cat: You see, doctor, I live next door to an ugly dog. Every day he chases me around the garden. So I always climb the first tree to run away from him. And I'm a bit too old to climb trees, doctor. Poor me! Doctor: Let me have a look. Yes, it's broken. But don't worry. I'll put a cast on your leg. Just lie down and have a lot of rest. Come again next week for a checkup. Cat: Oh doctor! Thank you so much. Doctor: What's the matter? Bear: I have a terrible toothache. Doctor: How come?

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Bear: I think it's from too much honey. I eat honey all the time. I know it's not good for me but I can't help it. Doctor: Open your mouth wide. Yes, it looks pretty bad. I need to pull it out. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt much. You'll be fine now but change your eating habits. Bear: Ok, doctor. Thank you. Doctor: What seems to be the problem? Bird: Oh, doc. I'm cold. And I think my temperature is high. Doctor: Let me take your temperature, then. Yes, it's a bit high. What happened? Bird: You see, doc, I like flying high. I often fly up with planes. And it's pretty cold up there. That's why I don't feel well now. Doctor: Don't worry. It's just a cold. Stay in bed for a few days. Take this medicine twice a day and drink a lot of hot tea. You'll be fine. Bird: Thanks, doc.


Narrator: Doctor Squirrel is a famous vet. He helps sick animals. He also reads a lot about animals. Look at some pages from his favourite book. This is a koala. It looks like a little bear. A koala lives in the forests of Australia. It likes eucalyptus leaves. It never drinks water. It gets all the water from the leaves. A koala can swim and climb trees. It has got special claws for climbing. A koala has got a pouch. It carries the baby in the pouch. You can see a koala only at night because it sleeps during the day. This is a whale. It is very big. It is the biggest animal in the world. A whale lives in the sea but it is not a fish. You can see a whale when it comes to the surface of the sea for air. It has got a spout and it breathes with it. A whale has got a big tail. It can only move it up and down. This is how a whale swims. This is a lizard. It is a small animal. It lives in hot places because it likes the sun. It can stay in the sun for a very long time. A lizard likes insects and worms. It has got scales on the body and a long tail. When a lizard loses its tail in a fight, it eats the tail and quickly grows a new one. Sometimes it even grows two tails instead of one.


Stand up straight, Walk on your toes, Shake your legs, Touch your nose. Nod your head, Wink your eye, Roll your arms, Wave goodbye. Clap your hands, Stamp your feet, Shrug your shoulders, Take a seat.

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Narrator: This is the little red hen. She lives with a dog, a cat and a mouse in a little house. One day she finds some grains of wheat in the garden. 'Who will plant this wheat?' she asks. 'Not I,' says the dog. 'Not I,' says the cat. 'Not I,' says the mouse. 'Then I will do it myself,' says the little red hen. The wheat grows taller and taller. It is time to cut the wheat. 'Who will cut this wheat?' asks the little red hen. 'Not I,' says the dog. 'Not I,' says the cat. 'Not I,' says the mouse. 'Then I will do it myself,' says the little red hen. Now it is time to take the wheat to the mill. 'Who will take this wheat to the mill?' asks the little red hen. 'Not I,' says the dog. 'Not I,' says the cat. 'Not I,' says the mouse. 'Then I will do it myself,' says the little red hen. The little red hen takes the flour back to her house. 'Who will make this flour into bread? asks the little red hen. 'Not I,' says the dog. 'Not I,' says the cat. 'Not I,' says the mouse. 'Then I will do it myself,' says the little red hen. The bread is finished and the little red hen takes it out of the oven. 'Who will eat this bread? asks the little red hen. 'I will,' says the dog. 'I will,' says the cat. 'I will,' says the mouse. 'You didn't help me plant the wheat. You didn't help me cut the wheat. You didn't help me take the wheat to the mill. You didn't help me make the bread. But it is Easter today and I will let you eat it,' says the litlle red hen. The dog, the cat and the mouse feel ashamed. They promise always to help the little red hen.

Happy Easter everybody!


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