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VOL. XXV NO. 041

Soldier killed, 2 others wounded in Samar ambush
news page 2

NAPOLCOM announces 2013 Search for Model PNP Families

news page 2

Disaster councils urged to be on alert due to bad weather

BY JOEY A. GABIETA, Staff Writer

An Waray gives assistance to farmers of Julita, Leyte

news page 3

LMWDs water expansion program in Tacloban City nearing completion

opinion page 3

The incessant rains, brought about by socalled tail end of the cold front, are being experienced across the region for the past several days NO TO CDA. Says Leyeco II board of director president Roland Hidalgo and OIC manag- now. er Macel Avestruz as they explained before members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan Cherelyn Lubang, adof Leyte on the petition to register power cooperatives under the Cooperative Develop- ministrative officer of the ment Authority (CDA).. LITO A. BAGUNAS OCD-8, said that their of-

PALO, Leyte - With bad weather continues to aect Eastern Visayas, the regional oce of the Oce of Civil Defense (OCD) has issued an advisory to all local disaster councils to always be on alert for possible flooding or landslide incidents.

fice has already issued an advisory to all local government units through their respective disaster councils for them to be on alert on any eventualities that may arise due to the non-stop rain. Lubang said that in to page 3

Collegio de Sta. Lourdes of Leyte Foundation grad tops nursing board exam

NSU Hosts the 16th Regional Tertiary schools Press Conference

Naval State University is host to the gathering of college student journalists Feb. 1 -4, 2013, on their 16th Regional Tertiary School Press Conference. Rey Garrido, adviser to The Pillar, the NSU school organ, revealed that some 150-200 college student writers will converge in the capital town of Naval, Biliran province. They will represent their respective school publications from all over Region 8. NSU president Edith Genson is glad and confident that the university plays host to this elite group of student journalists and advisers. It is an opportunity for them to see the changes and innovations effected on the institution, albeit the newest institution recently elevated to university status. She is prepared to host the event, she enthusiastically revealed. Further, she is highly inspired and im-

PDEA-8 adjudged best in operational accomplishment for Q4 of last year

news page 11

Scattered thunderstorms in the morning. Partly cloudy skies late. High 86F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.



TACLOBAN CITY- Her faith in God and in her strong determination to succeed were the two factors that she attributed for her topping last years Nursing Licensure Board Exam. Thus said Glicyl Alvero who garnered a rating of 85.80 percent, besting 49,066 other examinees from various Nursing schools in the country. Im in total shock! I could not believe it at first when I learned that I topped the board examinations, the 20-year old Alvero said in a phone interview Wednesday night. She reminisced that when she first took the entrance examination at the Colegio de Sta. Lourdes of Leyte Foundation, she flunked! But I persevered. I was able to enter my first year through the help of my elder sister who told me to make good of my studies for she could not promise to finance me until I finished my course, Alvero said. Her immediate plan? I want to stay here in the country and teach in a nursing school. I want to teach our future nurses and share to them what I have learned, she said. She was strong in saying that she has no plans of

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Leyte Samar Daily Express


Thursday, 31 January 2013

TACLOBAN CITYA soldier was killed while two others were wounded in an ambush incident in a Samar town last Monday morning. Killed in action was Private First Class Melvin Joy Sanchez who died due to loss of blood as he was hit at the lower part of his leg. Wounded were identified as Private First Class Edsildo Aburque and Private First Class Joel Lapisora, both hit in their feet. In a belated report, Captain Lemuel Baduya,

Soldier killed, 2 others wounded in Samar ambush

spokesperson of the 801st Infantry Brigade based in Hinabangan town, Samar, said that the soldiers were in Barangay Baes, Motiong when they were ambushed by about 20 fully armed men members of the New Peoples Army (NPA) rebels. The village is about 18 kms away from the town proper of Motiong. The ambushed incident took place last Monday at around 10:30 a.m. while the soldiers were conducting their bayanihan activity in the area, seeking opinions and concerns of the village people which they hope to address through the assistance of the local government unit of Motiong. This is an unfortunate and sad day for us. This cannot be avoided, Baduya said. The dead soldier is still at the mortuary of the Armys regional headquarters based in Catbalogan City for his family to collect while the two wounded soldiers are still recuperating. Baduya said that the group of 23 soldiers, who belong to the 87th In-

fantry Brigade based in San Jose de Buan, also in Samar and under the command of Col. Cirilo Balauro, were in the area when they engaged the rebels in a firefight that lasted for 10 minutes. According to Baduya, about 20 NPA rebels waylaid the government troops. He, however, could not say if there were NPA rebels who died in the ambush except to say that blood stains were seen where the rebels were positioned at that time, he said. (JOEY A. GABIETA)

NAPOLCOM announces 2013 Search for Model PNP Families

The National Police Commission, in coordination with the DILG, PNP and the NGO, is happy to announce the conduct of the search for Model PNP Family and the Solo Parent category for the year 2013. This annual contest, spearheaded by NAPOLCOM, is designed to promote and bolster the image and morale of the PNP rank and file. This early, the general public is encouraged to scout deserving friends and family from the PNP who possess the qualities to become a model PNP family. To recall, two of our Police Officers from Region 8 were finalists in each category nationwide. P/SUPT Orlando Senedrin Gardiola, of the Eastern Samar Police Provincial Office, Camp Asidillo, Borongan Eastern Samar was among the top five finalists in the Family category nationwide last year. He was chosen because, aside from his exceptional dedication to his police service and family, he was also a model for modest income outsourcing by planting vegetables and raise backyard piggery to augment family expenses. The other finalist was SPO2 Solita Miralles Canites, of Quinapondan Municipal Police Station, Quinapondan, Eastern Samar who made it to the top six in the solo parent category because of her undying perseverance to raise singlehandedly four children, though widowed at an early age. A core of National Selection Committee represented by Napolcom, DILG, the PNP and other sectoral representatives will conduct an on-site visitation and actual interviews on the nominators, people associated with the nominees, and validate facts about the nominees starting July, 2013. The winners will be announced as soon as the validation is completed, usually the first week of September during the celebration of the National Crime Prevention Week (NCPW). Nominators can contact their local Napolcom or PNP provincial office for more details of the search or call Art or Marie at Napolcom Regional Office with telephone numbers 321-3017 or 325-4604.


bibed with full expectation that the 4-day press conference will be able to provide students viable inputs to improve their capabilities in running their school publications considering that the organizers have tapped the best and credible media personalities as speakers/lecturers during the

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four-day conference. The speakers include former PIA regional director Alvin Arpon (retired), the regions high-ranking ace professors and writers Dave Genotiva, Merle Alunan, Rolando Borinaga, June Nio Nalipay, Aaron Almadro, Paulene Brigette Estella and others. Rey Garrido coordinates the whole activity. (PR)

Thursday 31 January 2013


Leyte Samar Daily Express

A player participating on the ongoing EVRAA Meet shows his form in the high jump competition. The meet continues despite of the bad weather.

TACLOBAN CITY The An Waray party-list through representatives Florencio Gabriel Bem Noel and Neil Benedict Montejo continues to provide assistance to farmers as part of their livelihood program. Recently, about 300 farmers from the town of Julita of the second district of Leyte received sprayers and pesticides, which the An Waray party-list has provided. Rep. Montejo, who represented the party during the turn- over of said farming materials, said that farmers of Julita are very lucky to receive such help from them. This is the first town in the province of Leyte to be given such livelihood assistance in our aim to help the farmers in their daily struggle, Montejo said. The solon pointed out that the An Waray partylist, which represents the Waray people, has an established livelihood program in which farmers and fisher folks are given priority. We just hope that the assistance that we gave would help them a lot in making them produce more goods, Montejo said. It was learned that the organic farming livelihood project is realized through the initiative of

An Waray gives assistance to farmers of Julita, Leyte

Representatives Noel and Montejo in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture and its nongovernment organization partner, Kaupdanan para sa Manguguma Foundation, Incorporation. Meanwhile, Mayor Irvin Dy said that Julita is very grateful to be a recipient of the farming materials, in which the fund came from the An Waray through Rep. Montejo. We are so thankful that An Waray granted our request for these farming materials which is of big help on our ag-

riculture program. As mentioned earlier, we are the first town to receive such help from the partylist, Dy said. The town mayor explained that the 300 farmer-beneficiaries were chosen in coordination with the Municipal Agriculturist Office (MAO). The MAO provided us the list of the different farmers in the barangays of our town and then we tied up with the barangay chairmen on the selection of farmers in their villages, he added. (REY

TACLOBAN CITY Unlimited rice is completely a setback of the governments rice self-sufficiency initiative. The Department of Agriculture (DA) is aiming to educate 50% of rice consumers in the region to eat just the right amount of rice in a bid to achieve staple food self-sufficiency this year. In line with the celebration of the National Year of Rice, the farm department will focus its information drive on reducing rice wastage and consuming alternative sources of carbohydrates. Rice is the primary staple food of Filipinos yet we are not self-sufficient as a country because we are eating way too much rice, said Francis Rosaroso, chief of the DA regional agriculture and fishery information division. He explained that on average, Filipinos eat four and a half cups of rice a day when three cups is enough to meet carbohydrates requirement. In Eastern Visayas, rice production is still nearly one million metric tons but self sufficiency index went down to 98% in 2011 from 127% in 2008 as rice capita consumption increases to

DA to educate rice consumers to eat just right amount of rice

140 kilograms or almost three sacks every year. We restrict our energy source too much to rice even if we have other alternatives like banana, potato, cassava, sweet potato, corn, and other crops, he explained. Rosaroso added that every Filipino wastes about two tablespoons of cooked rice and nine grams of uncooked rice daily. This years campaign on less appropriate rice consumption will strategically tap all possible medium mainstream and online to reach the populace. We will use text messaging and social networking sites to inform the public on right rice consumption, he added. Other planned activities are meal preparation workshop for women, distribution of other staples recipes in malls, conference themed focus on rice, exhibits, ricerelated theme on nutrition month and Buwan ng Wika, fun run, and concerts. The advocacy will employ social marketing approach to help consumers the benefits of responsible consumption, he said. Rice info caravan will be launched in all provincial towns and cities between February and March, which aims to solicit support of local government officials in this drive. On production side, the official said they will intensify the promotion on the use of hybrid and certified seeds, irrigation development, pest management, and application of post harvest technologies. From drying alone, 5% of the total produce is being wasted especially when done in roadsides. This year, we will distribute 32,000 laminated sacks for drying on top of constructing permanent drying areas, and flatbed dryers, he explained. Preliminary data from the Bureau of Agriculture Statistics showed that in 2012, the region has produced 994,971 metric tons (MT) of palay, which is about a .12 percent short compared to the target of 996,198 MT. Last years output is higher than the 984,017 MT yield in 2011. President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III has declared 2013 as National Year of Rice or NYR and directed the farm department to lead its celebration, as per Proclamation No. 494, signed on October 18, 2012. (SARWELL Q. MENIANO)


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times like these, all disaster risk reduction management councils (DRRMCs) must take all precautionary measures to avoid possible loss of life or destruction of property. The rains affecting the region could see some of its major waterways swelling that could result to flooding, she said. Among the major rivers and streams that are being monitored by the OCD are Bisay, Himbangan and Pandan, all in Southern Leyte; Sangputan, Palo, Salano, Daguitan-

Marabang, Cadacan, Bongquirogon, Salug, Pagbarangan, Pagsangahan and Binahaan, all in Leyte; Oras, Dolores, Ulot, Taft, Borongan, Suribao,Llorente, Balangiga and Sulat, all in Eastern Samar; Catarman, Bungko, Pambukhan, Catubig, Palapag, Mano and Gamay, all in Northern Samar; and Basey,Silaga, Calbiga and Jibatan, all in Samar province. Residents living near the mountain slopes and in the low lying areas of the mentioned river systems are advised to be always on alert for a possible flooding and incident. (JOEY A. GABIETA)

TACLOBAN CITY Despite the impediments, Leyte Metropolitan Water District (LMWD) general manager Nestor Gang-gang Villasin said its water supply expansion programs for the city are nearing completion. Basically, if we talk about the treatment plant, I should put it at 65%. Natural forces have contributed to the delay of the completion. Although no structures were destroyed during Typhoon Quinta, theres a lot of earth works to be done because the river has expanded, Villasin said. For the pipe-laying, Villasin said it is already about 70% completed.

LMWDs water expansion program in Tacloban City nearing completion

It took us 91 days before pipes could be laid down in Tacloban City. There were lots of impediments along the way. We have to secure permits, but despite having those permits, it was delayed for one reason or another. That practically delayed the project, Villasin said. He added before they could enter the city premises, there were series of debates and LMWD had to explain to all consumers about its status. We were only standing by the law.We follow what the law allows because LMWD does not want to violate any of them. This is not an ordinary project. But I

think we have explained that clearly to our water consumers already, Villasin said. LMWD is currently implementing its P894.7 million worth of water supply expansion project aimed at solving the water shortage problem in the city. The project has two componentsthe new and modern 30,000 cubic meter-capacity water treatment plant worth P436.348 million, and the embedded 24-inch diameter 32.5 kilometer transmission pipeline from the water treatment in Pastrana town to the concrete tank in Serin district of this city, which amounts to P454.388 million.The

Leyte Samar Daily Express


Thursday, 31 January 2013


Safety as priority

ts quite hard to believe it is happening in our city right now. You wake up early in the morning to greet the morning breeze and the daybreak, but something else greets you outside your gatea lifeless body of someone you do not know. Its indeed shocking to see such a pathetic and horrible sight. We do not want to live in terror where anyone could just claim another persons life for whatever reasons sans the rule of law. We want to live in peace where there is security and assurance that no burglars and culprits could roam around to bring harm and chaos to the community. Authorities must thoroughly investigate such an incident. But while the investigation rests on the men in uniform, people who that dumped body could not help but come up with their lay-

mans inquiry into the matter. Whoever looks into this case would always end up pointing to certain culprits. In short, someone always acts as mastermind in the killing and dumping of victims out there. It is as if its a grave offense the victim had done him. But, who knows if it is nothing but a sort of tripping, that any victim will do? What if there was really no serious offense the victim had done, that the culprit is out to merely sow terror, or to unleash his lust on a girl? This is not to sensationalize, but given our vulnerability to faceless elements, entertaining overacting thoughts could pay off at times. When it comes to ensuring safety and security, there is no such thing as sensationalized precautions.

Human Rights Victims Reparation and Recognition

Even now that the Human Rights Victims Reparation and Recognition Act of 2013, after the bicameral conference committee report on the Marcos compensation bill was ratified last Monday (January 28) by the Philippine Senate and House of Representatives, is just awaiting the signature of approval of His Excellency President Benigno S. Aquino III which QN doesnt doubt will be inked up into law, I still am not decided to join those who are applying for compensation under this law. Under the proposed law, human rights victims during the martial law years, will be compensated. As earlier indicated in this column ( Leyte Samar Daily that they have not yet been particularly named. The names will be made known once that body is created. Again, to emphasize, the Human Rights Claim Board has not yet been created as of today. I have repeatedly clarified my position on the claims opportunity to some of the more than 2,000 human rights victims in Basey, Samar and about 1,200 other victims in Marabut, Samar, who had asked if I have already filed my application for compensation claims. In their own case, I know personally that Rene Bajen (from San Antonio, Basey)

Express issue), senator Chiz Escudero, who is the author of the Senate version of the enactment, hinted that once the bill is signed into law by Pres. Noynoy, an independent and quasi-judicial body to be known as the Human

Rights Claim Board which will determine and evaluate claims will be created. This means, this board is not yet existing. Sen. Chiz is certain that some of its members will be martial law human rights victims themselves except

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Thursday 31 January 2013

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Leyte Samar Daily Express

Escudero clarified that the amount of compensation, which cannot be taxed, shall be in proportion to the gravity of the human rights violation committed. If a victim died or has gone missing, it receives the highest points, from 7 to 10 points. If the victim was tortured or was sexually abused depending on the evaluated gravity, I think 3 to 7 points. The amount really depends on how many claimants there are, Escudero explained. Professor Jon M. Van Dyke, in his book, The Fundamental Right of the Marcos Human Rights Victims to Compensation, stated: In the Marcos situation, the U.S. District Court for the District of Hawaii was the obvious and only appropriate venue, because Marcos himself was in Hawaii. He could not have been served and sued in any other location. The U.S. District Court carefully managed this complex case, and the jury reached an appropriate judgment after full deliberation. It is time for this judgment to be paid and for the victims to receive compensation. .... Last September ,2012, Bonifacio Ilagan of SELDA bewailed: Many of our colleagues sacrificed their lives in the hope that one day they will see their countrymen free from want and fear. ... many of our colleagues were killed, disappeared, tortured and jailed, but after filing and winning the landmark human rights violations case vs. Ferdinand Marcos in Hawaii, those who were responsible for these atrocities have

Plight of Philippine Science and the Filipino S&T workers

Part I The Philippine Science in General izing in freshwater and marine algae/seaweeds), the late DR. GREGORIO T. VELASQUEZ, well-traveled and who after studying, visiting, and having delivered science lectures, and as resource person/ speaker, told him that in most advanced nations only two sectors of the population were idolized, lionized Soldiers and Scientists! How does his observation compare with what is happening in the Philippines, well its the opposite Filipino scientists and soldiers have to bleed for decent salaries and other fringe benefits and worst of all their recognition and a decent place in society. Thus, even their hazardous fee benefits have remained unpredictable! We, science workers, were expecting to vote and put as nominee for the AGHAM Party-List a tested S & T person DR. EMIL

had sacrificed many weeks to con-

High-Powered Objective
(S & T Enhanced Nations Have Edge)
Dr. paciente cordero, jr.

In general, the state of the countrys science could be considered better-off comparatively speaking from previous years. One thing is certain, at long last the national leadership has used a bigger bucket for the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), budgetary requirement. Though still low compared to that of our neighboring Asian neighbors, the trend of an increased government support for S & T activities is becoming a reality. A lot of things, in economy and development, etc., hinge upon how much support science

and technology through research and development (R & D) outputs are realized. This writer has spent years doing research, traveled to S & T advance and economically sound countries and has discovered and truly believe that, indeed, RESEARCH MAKES A DIFFERENCE! S & T is the backbone of a nations progress; take away R & D and presto nations will continue to languish and wallow in the quagmire of an economic lahar! This writer could still vividly remember the words of his mentor and foremost biology researcher (special-

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Insurmountable obstacle
best military strategies the world has yet to see. Alliance from all sectors is a must, for this atrocious villain equally commands battalions of evil that it has bred over the years. We cannot underestimate its inuence and power and wealth. Its like a god that extracts worship and adoration from people around, followed and revered wherever it goes. This enemy is called GREED. Greed for power that results in the filthiest politics, greed for money that results in massive corruption, and greed for inuence that results in alliances even with the demons from hell. This is the enemy that reigns in the hearts of the powers that be. Read the papers, listen to the broadcast media, talk to people, observe and look around and you will see this enemy showing in the words, deeds, faces, and intentions of people holding key positions in society. This is the enemy that is destroying our chances of moving forward, the culprit that makes our lives miserable as a nation.

Our country is blessed with robust manpower, highly talented people, abundant natural resources, strategic location, and many more. As such, ours should have been a progressive country, contrary to what it is now, which lags behind in the race of nations. A litany of excuses has been repeatedly enumerated in an attempt to explain this. Problems have been cited along with these. The lack of technology and employment opportunities, the alleged indolence of our people, or the poor salaries and wages, are among the most frequented alibis explaining our failure to attain success. Unknown to many, these minor problems are just the offspring of a major one that has

been ruining our chances to move forward. We are not ignorant what this is. Its a glaring obstacle, so colossal that, due to its enormity, we seem to have been deeply buried in its massive presence we cant anymore see what it is, for a closer look even reveals we have become part of it. When we speak of it now, we speak of a system, of a deeply rooted culture, a way of life that now runs in our societys veins. Uproot it and we will see a more divided populace, a chaotic situation, or violence of great magnitude. Like a monster, this problem in our society has grown so big and ferocious. Battling with this enemy requires full armor, a massive army, and the

tact and assist these victims. Rene became heavily active in his assistance campaign during the visit to Region VIII (Waray region) of Quezon representative Lorenzo Erin Taada III (Liberal Party) who, as I understood from Rene himself, tapped his valuable service in behalf of the victims. In Basey, most of the victims already documented by Rene are found in barrios along the Golden River, particularly Guirang, Loog, Mabini, Cogon, Cancaiyas and Villa Aurora. During the last half of last year, Rene requested Marlou D. Palo and Venancio Falcotelo to assist him. Some of those who already gave their applications and payments for facilitation and notarial fees to Rene have been asking me about the status of their claims. My usual answer has been that the twin versions of the bill were still being deliberated on in both Houses of Congress, still needing to be consolidated, thus all applications just remain with SELDA (Samahan ng mga Ex-Detaineee Laban sa Detensyon at Aresto) or KARAPATAN. Then last week came this news from Sen. Chiz Escudero that the human rights reparation bill the proposed consolidated version of the Senate bill and the House bill was already expected to be approved by the bicameral committee. And did this committee ratify the final version, last Jan. 28. That committee, according to Escudero, expanded the bills coverage to now include both monetary compensation and non-monetary benefits (such as social and psychological assistance to be extended by concerned agencies of the government. That being the case, the erstwhile proposed compensation bill title has been changed to reparation bill. To SELDA members, the proposed law is a step toward justice not so much for the compensation but more importantly, the recognition that injustice was committed to thousands of people during martial law. The Philippine Revolution Web Central news on the indemnification had earlier cited two obstacles to the finalization of the law on compensation thus: ...the Senate version which requires the victims to prove their status as victims. This requirement disregards the efforts of the victims and their families to obtain justice. They will be compelled to relive the difficult and painful process of proving that their rights were trampled on during martial law and a proposition by Sen. Joker Arroyo and Rep. Walden Bello not to include those who advanced armed struggle and had their rights violated (such as those who became victims of extrajudicial killing). This likewise disregards the right of the Filipino people to resist a tyrannical regime through various means. (The bills versions are House Bill No. 5990 and Senate Bill No. 3334. House Bill No. 54 was authored by Erin, providing compensation to victims of HR violations during the Marcos regime, documentation of said violations, appropriating funds therefor, and for other purposes. HB No. 97 was introduced by Rep. Edcel C. Lagman. HB No. 302 was introduced by AKBAYAN Party-List Reps. Walden J. Bello and Arlene J. Bag-ao. HB No. 954 was introduced by Reps. Teodoro A. Casio, Neri Javier Colmenares, Rafael V. Mariano, Luzviminda C. Ilagan, Antonio L.Tinio, Emerenciana A. De Jesus and Raymond V. Palatino.) After Pres. Aquino inks up the law, qualified human rights victims (priority: the 9,539 claimants in whose favour the US Federal District Court of Honolulu, Hawaii, handed down its final and executor judgment, can now look forward to being compensated monetarily, or socially or psychologically via the P10 billion, plus accrued interests, that the Swiss Federal Supreme Court transferred to the Philippine government last December 1997 or 15 years ago. Sen.

not been punished. Worse, they are back in power. Since 1998, the passage of the indemnification bill had been repeatedly pushed for by activists (mostly human rights victims). Bonifacio pointed out that many of our colleagues were killed, disappeared, tortured and jailed, but after filing and winning the landmark human rights violations case vs. Ferdinand Marcos in Hawaii, those who were responsible for these atrocities have not been punished. Worse, they are back in power. *** The right to obtain financial compensation for a human rights abuse and to have the perpetrator of such an abuse prosecuted and punished is itself a fundamental human right that cannot be taken from a victim or waived by a government. And the obligation to compensate victims of human rights abuses remains as a continuing responsibility of an enlightened successor government that has replaced a previous oppressive regime. Although it is sometimes tempting to enact a general amnesty in order to heal a nations wounds, promote harmony, and let bygones be bygones, such efforts rarely achieve their goals because the wounds fester and the victims need a just resolution to their suffering. The only way to bring true healing to a divided society is to face up to the wrongs that were committed, to prosecute those who violated the fundamental human rights of others, and provide compensation to the victims. Professor Jon M. Van Dyke, The Fundamental Right of the Marcos Human Rights Victims to Compensation

The Sower
Thursday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Heb 12;4-7,11-15; Ps103; Mk 6:1-6


[Jesus] departed from there and came to his native place, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished. They said, Where did this man get all this? What kind of wisdom has been given him? What mighty deeds are wrought be his hands! Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us? And they took offense at him. Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house. So he was not able to perform any mighty deed there, apart from curing a few sick people by laying his hands on them. He was amazed at their lack of faith.


The Church should do more to promote belief in the Real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, Tom pronounced over dinner. He has a particular awareness of God dwelling within him, and he genuinely wanted to share the joy of this experience, and its power, with others. The only concrete experience of this reality he knew was the Eucharist, the outward sign of the inward mystery, and he felt more should be done to teach about it. But, Tom, his dinner companion objected, Listen to the Eucharistic Prayer. It says it all. Of course! How could Tom have missed something so obvious? We are so familiar with the prayer we hear every Sunday that we sometimes forget to listen to it. The words are there. So powerfully do they speak of the mystery we celebrate that they actually make the presence of Christ real for the assembly. We just need to pay attention. Lord, you constantly reveal yourself in all creation, and the world sings of your presence. Help me today to discover you in the ordinary and familiar of my life. May I see your face at every turn. (Between Sundays by Paul Boudreau, published by Paulines. Visit us at or at Paulines Media Center, Real St., Tacloban City. Tel. #321-3195) Sowers thought: Let us love the Lord dearly. Our love in this world will be a beginning of an eternal love in eternity: charity remains for ever. Blessed James Alberione, founder of the Pauline Family

Leyte Samar Daily Express

Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF LEYTE Municipality of La Paz -oOo-


Thursday, 31 January 2013


RESOLUTION ENACTING AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE TRAFFIC RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE USE, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLES, MOTORCABS AND PEDICABS FOR HIRE AND PRIVATE USE REGULATING THE OCCUPATION OF MOTORCAB DRIVERS AND PROVIDING PENALTIES THEREOF. WHEREAS, the present policies and ordinances prescribing some rules and regulations on the use, operation and maintenance of motor vehicles including but not limited to motor cabs and pedicabs for hire within the municipality are generally fragmented and inadequate to cope with the rising clamor for a better traffic system owing to the uncontrolled proliferation of more vehicles playing within the territorial jurisdiction of La Paz, Leyte, as a result of increased economic activities therein. WHEREAS, the need to adopt a comprehensive and updated set of traffic guidelines, rules and regulations attuned to present reali ties is not only a must but inevitable in a growing municipality to provide a more effective and efficient control of vehicular movements within the context of modernization; WHEREAS, local governments are clothed with police power of the state which shall be exercised whenever necessary, appropriate or incidental for its efficient and effective governance and essential to the promotion of the general welfare of its constituents pursuant to Section 16 of Republic Act No. 7160, NOW THEREFORE, on motion of the Honorable Silvino T. Condes and Honorable Jose M. Go, duly seconded by all its members present; Be it enacted by the Sangguniang Bayan of La Paz, Leyte in session assembled, that MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE NO. 3 Series 2011 Authors: Hon. Silvino Tan Condes Hon. Jose Macasusi Go AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE TRAFFIC RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE USE, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLES, MOTORCABS FOR HIRE AND PUBLIC USE, AND PEDICABS FOR HIRE, REGULATING THE OCCUPATION OF MOTORCAB AND PEDICAB DRIVERS AND PROVIDING PENALTIES THEREOF. Be enacted by the Sangguniang Bayan of La Paz, Leyte, that: Section I. This ordinance shall be known as THE COMPREHENSIVE TRAFFIC CODE OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF LA PAZ, LEYTE CHAPTER I RULE I DEFINITION

Paragraph I- for the purpose of this Code: a) MOTOR VEHICLE shall mean any vehicle propelled by any power other muscular power using public highways, but excepting road rollers, trolleys, cars, stout sweepers, sprinkles, lawn mowers, bulldozers, graders, fork lift, amphibian trucks and cranes not used on public highways , and vehicles that run only on rails or truck, tractors, trailers and traction engines of all kinds used exclusively for agricultural purposes. Trailers having any number of having any number of wheels propelled or intended to be propelled by attachment to a motor vehicle shall be classified as separate motor vehicle with power rating. b) ROAD- means entire surface of any way or street open to public traffic. c) LANE one of the longitudinal strips into which the carriageway is divisible which is wide enough for moving line of motor vehicles. d) INTERSECTION any level, cross road, junction or fork, including the open area of such crossroad, junction or fork. f) PARKED a vehicle is said to be parked if it is stationary for the period during which the vehicle is not limited to the time to pick or sit persons of goods. g) MOTORCYLCE a two wheeled vehicle with or without a side car which is equipped with a propelling engine whose loader does not exceed 400kgs. h) TRAILERS any or all trailers designed to be coupled to a motor vehicle in such a way that a part of its rests on the motor vehicle and that a substantial part of the weight of its load is borne by the motor vehicle. i) GIVE WAY OR YIELD - this means that the driver must not continue his advance or maneuver if by so doing, he might compel the drivers of the other vehicle to change direction or speed of the vehicles abruptly. j) DRIVER shall mean every and any licensed operator of a motor vehicle. k) PROFESSIONAL DRIVER- shall mean every and any licensed driver hired or paid for driving or operating a motor vehicle whether for private use or for hire. l) OWNER- shall mean the actual legal owner of a motor vehicle in whose name such vehicle is duly registered with the Land Transportation Office. m) HIGHWAYS/STREETS- shall mean public thoroughfares, public boulevards, driveways, alleys, and callejous, but shall not include roadways upon grounds of private persons, colleges, universities and other similar institutions. n) PEDESTRIANS LANES- any part of the street duly marked with a straight line where vehicles may stop in order that pedestrians may cross in safety, however, pedestrian lane manned by a Traffic Officer or a Traffic Man, persons may cross it only upon proper signal of said traffic Officer or Traffic Man. o) SIGNAL- is either hand or any device given in contemplation of the law. p) PEDESTRIANS- all persons occupying the streets or sidewalks. q) SIGN- is either given by symbols or written words. r) STOP STREETS- are street where all vehicles must stop when reaching an intersection and must be duly posted with the sign STOP. s) TWO WAY STREETS- are streets where traffic is allowed on both sides of the road. t) LOADING AND UNLOADING ZONES- are places designated in accordance with this ordinance where vehicles may stop to load and unload cargoes. u) RIGHT- OF- WAY- for the purpose of this Code it means priority of preference of passage. v) MOTORCAB is a three wheeled vehicle with the passenger cab attached to a motorized cycle (motorcycle) intended for transporting or conveying passengers and for cargoes and propelled by a motor engine. w) ONE WAY STREET - are streets designated and sign posted for purpose of expediting the smooth flow of traffic and where the flow or vehicular traffic is unidirectional. x) THRU STREETS are streets where vehicles traveling the thoroughfare have the priority of passage. All drivers of vehicles intending to cross streets must bring their vehicles to a full stop before proceeding on, and when no hazard exists and the operation of the crossing vehicle can be done with safety. y) PARKING PLACES- are places designated and sign posted for vehicle to park unattended for a fee or with the necessary permit for the use of the space, provided that the vehicle parked shall be parallel to the curb and the same shall not impede the smooth flow of traffic or cause to congest the roadway. It can also be any place designated by this Code. z) OUT OF LANE- for this purpose, it refers to a motor vehicle for hire whose franchise is outside Tacloban-La Paz route, and having an alternative route for its operation. RULE II DESIGNATION Paragraph I The following streets are designated as follows: a) TWO- WAY STREETS 1. All streets designated as one-way streets. b) THRU STREETS 1. V. Leona Street Regino Lopez Street 2. D. Efren Street R. Lopez Street 3. Real Street Lopez Street 4. De La Paz Street Kalipayan Street 5. E. de Paz Street J. Toreno Street 6. N. Vivero Street Marcos Street 7. Brgy. Limba E. de Paz Street c) STOP STREETS: 1. All street passing/crossing the thru streets. d) PARKING AREAS: 1. Waiting Station for public utility vehicles plying the La Paz-Tacloban route. 2. For passenger motorcycles and tricycles with destination in and outside the municipality at the Public Market designated by the Police Station. (e) PROHIBITED PLACES FOR PARKING 1. Places which may be designated by the Station Commander, La Paz Police Station and property sign posted, which may vary from time to time as the need arises, subject to the approval or confirmation of the Sangguniang Bayan. 2. All vehicles are prohibited to park on the left side of any street towards the direction of the vehicles travel. 3. All vehicles are prohibited to park within (6) meters from any street corner. 4. All vehicles are prohibited to park within (5) meters from a fire corner. 5. There shall be no double parking on any street within the town. For the purpose of this ordinance, DOUBLE PARKING refers to vehicles parked parallel to each other on opposite sides of the road or street from its center. 6. All vehicles are not allowed to park on any street or place not allowed by this ordinance for parking, or when it is prohibited by the police in case of emergency, or when streets or places are within the route of parades, procession and other public functions. 7. No vehicles shall park on any other street not designated as parking areas. RULE III OVER TAKING AND PASSING A VEHICLE, TURNING

AT INTERSECTION AND PARKING IN SPECIFIC PLACES (a) OVERTAKING A VEHICLE the drive of any motor vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass a safe distance to the left and shall not drive to the right side of the highway until safety clear of such overtaken vehicles, except that on a highway within a business or residential district having two (2) or more lanes for the movement of the traffic in one direction, the driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle on the right. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a driver overtaking and passing upon the right which is making or about to make a left turn. (b) THE DRIVER TO GIVE WAY TO OVERTAKING VEHICLE - the driver of a vehicle about to be overtaken and passed by another vehicle with audible signal being given by the driver of the overtaking vehicle, shall not increase the speed of his vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle. (c) RESTRICTION OF OVERTAKING AND PASSING a. The driver of the vehicle shall not drive to the left side of the corner line of a highway in overtaking or passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction unless such left side is clearly visible and free from incoming traffic for a sufficient distance ahead to permit such overtaking or passing vehicles to safely. b. The driver of a vehicle shall not pass or overtake another vehicle proceeding in the same direction when approaching a crest of a grade, nor upon a curb in the highway, where the drivers view. c. along the highway is obstructed within a distance of five hundred (500) feet ahead, except on a highway having two or more lanes for movement of traffic in one direction where the driver of a vehicle may overtake or pass another vehicle, provided, that on a highway, within a business or a residential district having two or more lanes for movements of traffic in one direction, the driver of a vehicle may overtake or pass another vehicle on the right. d. The driver of a vehicle shall not overtake or pass any other vehicle proceeding in the same direction at any railway grade crossing, or at any intersection of the highway, unless such intersection or crossing is controlled by a Traffic Signal, or unless permitted to do so by a watchman or a peace officer, except on a highway having two or more lanes for movement of a traffic in one direction where the driver of a vehicle may overtake or pass another vehicle on the right of any other vehicle which is making or about to make a left turn. e. The driver of a vehicle shall not overtake or pass or attempt to pass another vehicle proceeding in the same direction between any point indicated by an official temporary warning or caution signs indicating that men are working ahead. f. The driver of a vehicle shall not overtake, pass or attempt to pass or overtake any other vehicle proceeding in the direction in any NO PASSING OR OVERTAKING ZONE. g. A vehicle when parked must be kept as close to the curb on the right side of the center of the road towards the direction of travel. h. No vehicles shall make a U-TURN in any street unless so ordered by any Police Officer performing his official duties. i. No vehicle shall traverse any street or road. j. No vehicles shall take U-TURN on top or approaches of any bridge. k. No repair on any part of a vehicle shall be made on top or approaches of any bridge or on the center of the road. l. No vehicle shall overtake another vehicle at any street, intersection or curve within the municipal roads. No stalled vehicle shall be left on the center of the road. The same must be pushed or towed to the right side of the road nearest the curb. For purpose of applicability of this provision, stalled vehicles shall mean vehicles which are attended or unattended. (d) PARKING IS PROHIBITED IN SPECIFIC PLACES - No driver shall park a vehicle or permit it to stand whether attended or unattended upon the roadway of the following places. a. Within an intersection. b. On a crosswalk. c. Within six (6) meters of the driveway entrance to any fire station d. Within four (4) meters from the fire hydrant. e. In front of the public or private driveway. f. In the roadway side of the vehicle stopped or parked at the curb or edge of the highway. g. At any place, where our official sign has been erected prohibiting parking. (e) PARKED VEHICLE- whenever a motor vehicle is parked unattended on a highway, the driver thereof must turn off the ignition switch, stop the motor engine, and notch effectively the transmission gear or its hand brakes. RULE IV SIGNALS Paragraph 1 Every motor vehicle shall be provided with a stop light which shall be used for slowing down or stopping and it shall be the duty of the driver or operator thereof to keep such device in good working condition, and such light must be installed in visible place at the rear of the vehicle. Paragraph 2 In turning while in motion or in a standstill leaving from the parking place, a signal shall be given by raising the hand horizontal if turning to left and raising the hand up indicating to the right if turning to right direction. Paragraph 3 Before backing, ample warning shall be given and unceasing vigilance shall be exercised so as to prevent accidents. Paragraph 4 Three or more blasts of a police whistle is a signal of alarm and indicated the approach of a fire engine or some other danger. Paragraph 5 Siren of fire trucks, police cars, or other cars authorized to carry the same when sounded in an emergency signal, all vehicles should pull close to the curb and stop immediately. Paragraph 6 Every motor vehicles shall be provided with taillights to be placed at the rear and shall illuminate the license plate number of the vehicle. Paragraph 7 Police officers could give signals either by hand, whistle or signs or other devices for the purpose. Paragraph 8 Drivers and pedestrians occupying the street must at all tomes comply with all traffic signals, sign, or marks established thereon. Paragraph 9 Every motor vehicle should have two (2) headlights and should be dimmed at night on crossing any street or upon approached of another vehicle. Paragraph 10 Every motor cab should have one (1) headlight and one (1) tail light to be used at night, the latter placed on the rear and the device for signaling. Paragraph 11 Every horse-drawn vehicle should be provided with two (2) lamps which shall be installed on each side of the vehicle. Such lamps shall be a red colored glass and shall be visible also at the rear. A device should also be provided for signaling purposed during nighttime. Paragraph 12 All bicycles must be provided with the headlight and a tail light or reflector to be used during night and device for signaling. Paragraph 13 All vehicles must be provided with horns for signaling. Paragraph 14 All vehicle must use their headlights when in motion during heavy downpour although it may be daytime or nighttime. During clear and good weather, all vehicles must be dim light within the city limits. Paragraph 15 All motor vehicles, except privately owned automobiles, motorcycles and other such types of vehicle shall bear capacity marking for passengers or freight or both according to that authorized by the BOT and shall be visible on either side of the vehicle. Paragraph 16 Any vehicle which may be permitted to load explosive and other chemicals or materials causing danger shall display a red flag during the day and white flag during night 2 x 1 feet to be placed on the left side if the vehicle, and such vehicle must be marked EXPLOSIVE, as the case may be with the word DANGER. Paragraph 17 Any vehicle which has a load extending from the rear should display a red flag 1 foot by 6 inches placed at the rear of the vehicle during the day and white flag of the same dimension during the night. Paragraph 18 All vehicles which any serves as a storage for gasoline using the public streets shall display a red a red flag 2 x 1 feet, to be placed on the left side of the vehicle, and the body of such vehicle must be marked the word GASOLINE and DANGER, and all such vehicles with combustible or inflammable cargo shall be equipped with lighting arrestors. RULE V RIGHT OF WAYS 1. RIGHT- OF- WAY (a) When two vehicles approach or enter an intersection to approximately the same time, the driver of the vehicle within on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right; except as hereinafter (b) provided, the driver of any vehicle traveling at an unlawful speed shall forfeit any right-of-way which he may otherwise have hereunder. (c) The driver of a vehicle approaching but not having entered an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to a vehicle within such an intersection or turning therein to the left across the line of travel of such first-mentioned, provided the driver of the vehicle turning left has given a plainly visible signal of intention to turn in this act. (d) The driver of a vehicle upon a highway within a business or residential district shall yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing such highway within a crosswalk, except at the intersection where the movement of traffic is being regulated by a peace officer or by a traffic signal. Every pedestrian crossing a highway within a business or residential district at any point other than crosswalk shall yield a right-of-way to a vehicle upon a highway. (e) The driver of a vehicle upon a highway shall bring to a full stop such vehicle before traversing any THROUGH HIGHWAY or a railroad crossing provided that it is apparent that no hazard exists. The vehicle may be allowed down to five miles per hour of bringing it to a full stop. (f) Fire Departments cars, ambulance or any other vehicle authorized to use horns when the same is sounded for emergency has the right-of-way over other vehicles (g) Government vehicle carrying mails or telegrams shall have also the right-of-way over other vehicles. (h) Drivers of above mentioned vehicles shall sound their sirens only when answering emergency calls. (i) Vehicles nearer the bridge shall have the right-of-way to across such bridge than any other vehicles on the opposite side further from the bridge. (j) Any vehicle on any streets has the right-of-way than the vehicle coming from any private alley Or drive-way trying to enter the street. The latter shall be brought to a full stop before entering any street and the driver should be cautious and look out for the incoming vehicles. (k) Vehicle in motion have the right-of-way over vehicles which are parked or at a standstill. (l) Any vehicle on a Thru-Street whether turning to the right, left or cruising in a straight direction shall have a right-of-way over other vehicles on a stop street. II. EXCEPTION OF THE RIGHT- OF- WAY (a) The driver of a vehicle entering a highway from a private road or driveway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on such highway. (b) The driver of a vehicle upon a highway shall yield the right-of-way to the Police or Fire Department vehicles and ambulance when such vehicles are operating on official business, but the driver thereof should sound audible signals of their approach. (c) The driver of a vehicle entering a Thru-highway or a Stop Intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching either direction on such Thru-highway, provided that nothing in this sub-section shall be construed as relieving the driver of any vehicle being operated on a Thru-highway, nor as protecting the said driver from the consequence of an arbitrary exercise of such right-of-way. RULE VI SPEED LIMIT AND KEEPING TO THE RIGHT 1. RESTRICTION AS TO SPEED (a) Any person driving motor vehicle on the highway shall drive the same at a careful and prudent s speed not greater nor less than what is reasonable and proper, having due regard for traffic, the width of the highway, and for any other condition then and there existing; and no person shall drive any motor vehicle upon a highway at such a speed as would endanger the life, limb and property of any person, nor at a speed that will permit him to bring the vehicle to a stop within the secured clear distance. (b) Subject to the provisions of the succeeding paragraph, the rate of speed of any motor vehicle shall not exceed the following: PASSENGER CARS, MOTOR TRUCKS, MOTORCYCLES & BUSES 1. On open country with blind corners not closely bordered by habitation 80 kms./hr. 50 kms./hr. 2. On Thru-streets or boulevards, clear of traffic with no blind corner, when so designated 40 kms./hr. 30 kms./hr. 3. On Municipal Streets With light traffic, when not designated Thru-Streets 30 kms./hr. 30 kms./hr. 4. Through crowded street approaching intersection at blind corners passing other vehicles which are stationary and for similar dangerous circumstances 20 kms./hr. 20 kms./hr.

Thursday 31 January 2013


Leyte Samar Daily Express

(c) 1. 2. 3. invasions: 4. fenders; 5.

The speed herein above- prescribed shall not apply following: A physician and his driver when the former responds to emergency calls: The driver of the ambulance of a hospital on the way and from the place of accident or other emergencies; The driver of motor vehicle belonging to the Armed Forces while on use for official purpose in times of riots, insurrections or A law-enforcing officer who is trying to overtake a violator of traffic law, rules and regulations or when in pursuit of criminal of-

The driver officially operating a motor vehicle of any Fire Department during fire conflagration, calamity or other emergencies. RULE VII OPERATION OF VEHICLES Section I. ACCESSORIES OF MOTOR VEHICLES (a) TIRES OF MOTOR VEHICLES - No motor vehicle with metallic tires shall be operated upon a Public Highway, and solid tires whenever used be of sufficient thickness to prevent the metal rime thereof from coming in direct contact with the road. (b) BRAKES - Every motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels shall be provided with a dual hydraulic system, so that in case of hydraulic line failure affecting the braking efficiency of any of the 4 wheels at least either the front or the rear wheels shall remain in normal braking capabilities. In the absence of such dual braking system, every motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels shall be provided with safety valve devices of such design and make so that failure of the hydraulic braking system of the vehicles because of the leakage in the line or other parts of the system will not affect all wheels, but rather render at all times effective braking power of either of the two front wheels or the two rear wheels when brakes are applied. This requirement, however, does not apply to motor vehicles equipped with pneumatic braking system. (c) HORNS - Every motor vehicle shall be provided with horn or signaling device in good working order, provided however, that no horn or signaling device emitting in exceptionally loud, starting or disagreeable sound shall be installed or used on any motor vehicle. All authorized emergency vehicle such as ambulance and police cars and fire wagons used for emergency calls shall be equipped with a bell, siren or exhaust whistle of a type approved by the Land transportation Office, and no such device shall be installed by any other vehicle. No vehicle but classified as a motor vehicle under this code shall be equipped with a horn or signaling device similar to the horn customarily used in motor vehicles. (d) HEADLIGHTS every motor vehicle of more than one meter of projecting width of use on any public highway shall bear two headlights, one on each side with the yellowish or white lights visible from the front, not later than 30 minutes before sunset and until 30 minutes before sunrise and whenever weather conditions so requires, both shall be lighted. Additional lamps or lights may be carried, but no red light shall be visible forward or ahead of the vehicle. Trucks, buses, trailers and other similar vehicle must carry, while in use on any public highway during night time, colored riding lights on each of the four corners no more than ten (10) centimeters from the top. All vehicles shall be equipped with devices for varying intensity of light, and driver must dim the highlights or tilt the beam downward whenever the vehicles is being operated on well-lighted streets within the limits of the Municipality of La Paz, Leyte, especially in thickly populated districts or areas, and whenever such vehicle meets another vehicle on any public highway. (e) TAIL LIGHTS - Every motor vehicle and trailer shall, during the above mentioned hours, also bear on each side in the rear a lamp showing a red light visible at least one hundred (100) meters from the rear of the vehicle and lamp showing white light upon the plates issued for such vehicle. (f) STOP LIGHT every motor vehicle shall be equipped at the rear with at least one lamp which shall throw a sustained bright light visible under all conditions, even under bright sunlight when the brakes are applied. Each bus, truck, or similar vehicle shall be equipped with a top light at or near its ear corner with lamp at twelve (12) centimeters in diameter with the word STOP inscribed on the center. (g) MOTORCYCLE AND OTHER VEHICLE LIGHTS Every motor vehicle of less than one (1) meter of projected width shall be subjected to the proceeding provisions of the section, except that one headlight and one tail light shall be required, in which case, no signal light shall be necessary. Additional lamps may be carried, provided they comply with the preceding provisions of the law. Every motor vehicle of whatever style, kind, make, character or nature when on the highway during the hours above-mentioned whether in motion or not shall have one or more lights so arranged that the same shall be visible at least 50 meters from the front or rear of that vehicle. (h) LIGHT WHEN PARKED OR DISABLED- Appropriate parking lights or flares visible one hundred (100) meters away shall be displayed at a corner or the vehicle whenever such vehicle is parked on the highways or in places that are not well-lighted, or is placed in such a manner as to endanger passing traffic. Furthermore, every motor vehicle shall be provided at all times with built-in reflectors or other similar warning devices either pasted, painted or attached at its front and back which shall likewise be visible at night at least one hundred (100) meters away. (i) WINDSHELD WIPER- every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a mechanically or electrically operated device for wiping of raindrops or other moisture from its windshield. (j) USE OF RED FLAG Whenever the load in any vehicle extend more than one meter beyond the bed or body, thereof, there shall be displayed at every projecting end of such load a red flag not less than 30 centimeters in length and in width, except that during the hours fixed under the sub-section, there shall be displayed in lieu thereof the required red lights and flag. Such re light shall be visible at least 50 meters away. (k) MUFFLERS- Every motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine shall be equipped with a muffler and whenever said vehicle passes through a street of the municipality, or any thickly populated district or barrio, the muffler shall not be cut out or disconnected. No motor vehicle shall be operated in such a manner as to cause it to emit or make any unnecessary odor, smoke or noise. All requirements stated above are addressed either to the manufacturer of the vehicle or to the owner thereof. They are all designated to give safety to the driver of the vehicle, as well as the other vehicles, and to the public in general. Section 2. OPERATION OF VEHICLES Paragraph 1- Every motor vehicle using the streets of La Paz, Leyte must be provided with the necessary license and registration as authorized by law. Paragraph 2 - All utility vehicles before being operated within the streets of La Paz, Leyte shall have a Police Number. Paragraph 3- All bicycles and push carts of any kind shall be provided with a plate number to be issued by the Municipal Treasurers Office upon payment. Paragraph 4 - Such plate number shall be kept clean and cared for and shall be firmly affixed by the owner or operator in a manner to be entirely visible and always legible, and not wholly or partly hidden or obscured by bumpers, or other parts of the vehicles or by articles of any description carried on such vehicle. Paragraph 5- Owners or operators of vehicles must know the names and addresses of the drivers, plate numbers of their vehicles and must furnish them to any Police Officer when demanded in the investigation of crime or accidents. Paragraph 6- Owners or operators of a public utility vehicle shall have the registration of the vehicle carried whenever the vehicle is operated or a copy thereof duly signed and subscribed under oath by the owner or operator. Paragraph 7- Motor vehicle licensed under the classification of (a) private passenger car (b) T-truck or (c) private motorcycle shall not be used for hire under any circumstances either for freight or passengers. Paragraph 8 Vehicle owner or operators shall not use the public street as garage for their vehicles, including unserviceable ones. Paragraph 9- Unlawful use of license, plate numbers and motor engines - It is unlawful to use an authorized license, plate number or engine of a motor vehicle. It is likewise prohibited to operate a police vehicle number on another vehicle not properly given such number in order that the later shall be operated within the municipality. The owner or operator of such vehicle shall be held liable thereof. Paragraph 10- Operators or owners of any motor vehicle when in use for the purpose of collecting garbage, refuse, trash, or the like, shall so construct the body of their vehicle in order that such matter not be scattered on the streets. In this connection, such work should be carried out during nighttime when there are less pedestrian and houses are closed. Paragraph 11 - Operators or drivers of any vehicle carrying explosives, chemicals, materials and the like which are dangerous to the public shall, before it is operated, secure the necessary permit from the Office of the Fire Station Commander and the Office of the Station Commander of the PNP. The offices concerned herein shall see to it that permission shall not be given in transporting of said materials if such will cause grave and immediate danger to human lives. If otherwise, its safe transportation should be granted only after necessary precaution has been adopted and the proper signals displayed in accordance with the Code. The above paragraph shall also apply to vehicle used for the delivery of gasoline from depots to gasoline stations. Paragraph 12- The motor power of any vehicle shall be stopped whenever the vehicle is left parked or unattended on any street. Paragraph 13- Every vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine shall be equipped with a muffler. No unnecessary noise shall be given off or any smoke be emitted out that is obnoxious to persons. Paragraph 14- All vehicles moving on public streets shall, before traversing a Thru-street, be brought to a full stop. Whenever it is sign-posted, it shall unlawful for the driver of any vehicle known to fail to stop within 20 meters, but not less than 2 meters from such Thru-street even if it is apparent that no danger exist. Paragraph 15 - All motor vehicles shall be equipped with a windshield and a device known as wiper for cleaning rain or moisture from such portion which comes within the drivers view. Paragraph 16- All vehicles must be provided with adequate braking device. Paragraph 17- All vehicles shall not take more than the allowed passengers, or more freight or cargo in the vehicle than its registered carrying capacity. For other vehicles, the herein capacity limit for passengers should be followed. (a) Only one rider is allowed on motorcycle, provided said rider shall wear a crash helmet or any other protective headgear. (b) Only one person is allowed on a bicycle (c) Pedicabs, two (2) passenger In connection with the above paragraph, the following are held liable for such offense. 1. For a public utility passenger buses or cars, the conductors shall be liable. 2. For auto calesas, motorcabs, pedicabs, and other slow-moving vehicles, the one conducting the conveyance shall be held liable 3. For TH truck, T-truck and passenger automobiles for private use, the driver thereof shall be held liable Passenger 18- No person having control of any vehicle shall negligently allow it to run a foul on any person, vehicle or other things, nor shall such person fail to stop his vehicle in order to render assistance to a person injured or give his name and vehicle number when demanded by anybody therein. Paragraph 19- No cargo shall be loaded on an auto calesa, motorcab or other similar vehicles except those that may be hand-carried or placed on the lap of the passenger, or those cargoes loaded on a side-car attached to a motorcycle or bicycle used for delivery purposes, provided however, that there is a permit granted by proper authorities to operate to that effect. Paragraph 20- The license or its duplicate in case of its loss shall carried by the driver at all times when operating a motor vehicle and shall be shown to any police officer on request. Paragraph 21 Every driver of any vehicle who shall discover any parcel left by any passenger shall immediately deliver the same to the owner or any police officer. Paragraph 22 - Every driver of any vehicle where any of his passenger is unruly, disorderly in manners, or tries to interfere in the operation of the vehicle, shall stop his vehicle upon the first Police Officer and shall report the matter. Such disorderly, unruly or interfering person shall be held liable under this ordinance. Paragraph 23 - It is unlawful for any person to operate a TPU car on the streets of the municipality except on the designated routes as provided herein. Paragraph 24 - It is unlawful for any persons to operate or drive a vehicle going against the direction of a one-way traffic. Paragraph 25- No person shall impede the flow of pedestrian traffic on the sidewalks of any street by displaying wares or merchandise. Section 3. MISCELLANEOUS TRAFFIC RULES (a) RECKLESS DRIVING - No person shall operate a motor vehicle on ay highway recklessly or without reasonable caution, considering the width, length, traffic, grades, crossing and curvatures, conditions of the atmosphere and whether, so as to endanger the excessive or unreasonable damages to the highway. (b) RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR POLICE AND OTHER EMERGENCY VEHICLES- Upon the approach of any Police or Fire Departments vehicle, or of an ambulance giving signal, the driver of every other vehicle shall immediately drive the same to a position as near as possible and parallel to the right-hand sign or curve of the highway, clear of any intersection in the highway, and shall stop and remain in such position unless otherwise directed by a peace officer or until such vehicle have passed. (c) TAMPERING WITH VEHICLES No unauthorized person shall sound the horn, handle the levers or set motion or in any way tamper with or damage any motor vehicle. (d) HITCHING TO A MOTOR VEHICLE - No person shall hold on to or ride on the outside or rear of any vehicle, and no person

on a bicycle, roller skate or other similar devices shall hold fast to or hitch to any moving vehicle, and no driver shall knowingly permit any person to hold fast or hitch to his vehicle. (e) DRIVING OR PARKING ON SIDEWALK- No person shall drive or park a motor vehicle along any sidewalk, path or alley not intended for vehicular traffic or parking. (f) DRIVING WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR- No person shall drive a motor vehicle while under the influence of liquor or narcotic drugs. (g) OBSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC - No person shall drive a motor vehicle in such a manner as to obstruct or impede the passage of any vehicle, nor while discharging or taking on passenger or unloading freight, obstruct the free passage of other vehicles on the highway or street. (h) DUTY OF DRIVE IN CASE OF ACCIDENT - In the event that any accident should occur as a result of the operation of a motor vehicle upon a highway or street the driver shall stop immediately, and if requested by any person present his drivers license, give the true name and address of the owner of the motor vehicle. No driver of a motor vehicle involved in a vehicular accident shall leave the scene of accident without aiding the victim, except under any of the following circumstances. (1) If the driver is in imminent danger of being seriously harmed by any person or persons by reason of the accident. (2) If he reports the accident to the nearest officer of the law, ,or (3) If he has to summon a physician or nurse to aid the victim. (i) All persons operating any motor vehicle shall first secure the necessary drivers license from the Land Transportation Office (LTO). RULE VIII PROHIBITION Paragraph 1 - In connection with the conduct of vehicles, no person under the age of eighteen (18) years old shall drive or conduct any vehicle, including the pedicabs. Drivers while conducting the vehicles for hire when conducting the same shall wear shoes and in no case be on their bare feet or slippers. Pedicab drivers may use slippers but not on their bare feet. Paragraph 2 - No licensed drivers shall permit any unlicensed person to neither conduct his vehicle under his control nor permit another to interfere in the operation of the vehicles. Paragraph 3 - No drivers of any public passenger vehicles shall smoke while operating his vehicle. Paragraph 4 - Any person driving a vehicle shall stop upon signal of any Police Officer, or other law enforcement officers and shall give their license to operate a vehicle when so demanded, asking proper receipt thereof. It is hereby made the duty of such officers to give the necessary receipt for the license when taken. Paragraph 5 - Bicycle riders are prohibited to cling or hold on to another for the purpose of being pulled. Not two bicycles shall travel side by side holding each other while on the street. Paragraph 6 - No motor vehicle shall carry a load on its top without the necessary permit from the Land Transportation Office (LTO). Paragraph 7 - No person is allowed as passenger on any pulled trailer intended for cargo nor such trailer shall be utilized for advertisement or other purposed other than for cargo. Paragraph 8 - No person shall ride on the running board, stop board, mudguards of a vehicle for any purpose except for the necessary adjustment of the vehicles motor, the conductor when making collections, an inspector when pursuing his duties. For this purpose, the conductor is liable in case of TPU cars and the driver is liable in case of other motor vehicles. Paragraph 9 - No racing of any kind of vehicles is permitted on any street, except with the permission of the Chief of Police, who is enjoined to provide adequate precautions to forestall accident. Paragraph 10 - No person shall ride an untamed animal within the streets, and to wash any animal or vehicle on the street. Paragraph 11- No person shall puncture or otherwise injure the tires or any part of vehicle. Paragraph 12 It is prohibited absolutely to pass a vehicle over fire hoses laid by the Fire Department. Paragraph 13 - No person shall cause to be throw, dropped, placed on any street any tack, nail, sharp metal or other material injurious to the feet of persons or animals or anything that will cause to puncture vehicular tires. Paragraph 14- No person shall spit or expectorate on the floor, sides, steps or place the feet upon the seat ahead of them on any public vehicle. Paragraph 15 - The driver of a vehicle shall not refuse any passenger, except: (a) When the car is fully loaded (b) When the passenger is drunk, except upon order of a Police Officers (c) Persons known to be affected with communicable diseases; or (d) When he is carrying anything obnoxious that is nuisance or will endanger the health of the other passenger in the cars. Paragraph 16- No driver or conductor of any vehicle shall take an amount higher than the allowed rate established by the Land Transportation Office (LTO) or the Sangguniang Bayan, in case of motorcabs, pedicabs and single motorcycles for hire. Paragraph 17 No person shall operate a vehicle when intoxicated. For this purpose, a person is intoxicated when a Doctor of Medicine certifies that such person is under the influence of liquor. Paragraph 18 No person shall blow the horn of a vehicle unnecessarily in any place within the town proper, nor shall blow or play music or announcement with the use of a loud speaker or amplifier in court zones and school zones. The announcement made or music played should be modulated in volume so as not to constitute a disturbance or annoyance to the public. It is unlawful to use air horns within the municipal limits of La Paz; Paragraph 19- No vehicle with traction tires shall be allowed in the streets of La Paz unless permission is granted by the Municipal Mayor, with the favorable recommendation of the Municipal Engineer. Paragraph 20 No person shall disseminate any advertisement of anything by using a vehicle with a public address system without its permit from the Municipal Mayor, with the favorable recommendation of the Chief of Police. Paragraph 21 - No vehicle after having been declared UNSERVICEABLE pursuant to Rule IX of this Code shall be operated in the municipal streets of the town. The person dropping or causing the same to be dropped or the manager of the enterprise shall be held liable theory. Paragraph 22 - It is un lawful to drop or cause to be dropped leaflets, programs, advertisements or other propaganda of any industry, business, shows or other enterprises from any vehicle while the same is in motion within the streets of the town. The person dropping or causing the same to be dropped or the manager of the enterprise shall be held liable. Paragraph 23- All persons and vehicles within the hearing distance of any announcement being made by the authorities shall immediately stop and the driver should stop the motor of their vehicle in order to maintain silence, so that the public can hear well. Paragraph 24- No person shall operate any motor vehicle on public highways, or any street or road without a drivers license for the current year, nor while such license is delinquent. Paragraph 25- Every license or duplicate thereof issued to operate a motor vehicle shall bear a recent readily recognizable photograph of the license, which shall be seemly attached to the license. Paragraph 26- No person shall operate a motor vehicle with an expired Citation Ticket. Paragraph 29 No person shall construct or maintain a stall nor shall owner or lessee of the building thereof allow any other person to obstruct or maintain a stall on a public street or its sidewalk as to impede to obstruct the free passage or flow of pedestrian and or passers by thereon. Paragraph 30- All vehicles should stop at intersection and remain immovable at their proper places during parades, motorcabs and other public functions that require the use of the entire roadway. Only after the last element of the unit shall have passed by the intersection will motorist be allowed to move towards their direction of travel. Paragraph 31 Pedestrians while crossing the roadway shall use the pedestrian lanes/crosswalk designated for such purpose. Paragraph 32 All vehicles approaching pedestrian lane/crosswalks shall stop when there are pedestrians using crosswalk /pedestrians lanes; and if there are none using all the same, they should slow down. Paragraph 33 The Police Officers, through the Station Commander shall be empowered to remove, dismantle and conduct to headquarters any illegally constructed/displayed goods or edifies as authorized by the Municipal Mayor. Paragraph 34 All vehicles are prohibited to unload sand and gravel for storage purposes on the roadways. Paragraph 35 There shall be provided to the Police Station either by procurement or charter by the Municipal Government a tow vehicle to remove illegally parked and other physical obstruction present on the roadway or sidewalk subject to the availability of funds. Paragraph 36 No three passengers shall be allowed in the right side front seat of the driver. Likewise, no passengers are allowed on the left front seat of the driver of any motor vehicle for hire in the Municipality of La Paz. Paragraph 37 All persons engaged in the dispatching of vehicle for hire, must before engaging in the business, first secure a Mayors Business Permit with a favorable endorsement from the La Paz Police Station. For this purpose, a Business Permit Fee of P200.00 shall be charged against the dispatcher. Paragraph 38 Owners/ operator of Gasoline Service Stations shall tolerate the overnight parking/ repair or to utilize said services station as waiting station for passengers of all kinds of vehicles. It shall also be a violation of this code to utilize service stations as canteen/ snacks center where the operation of the canteen/snack center involves the vulcanizing shops within the Service Area/Center is likewise prohibited. Paragraph 39 All cargo and container trucks transporting sea vans and heavy equipments and cargoes shall be equipped with steel harness and other locking device which would hold the cargo firmly and securely during the transport of said cargoes. Paragraph 40 -No stool or any seating devise, other than what is normally provided for seating of passengers shall be allowed on any For Hire Vehicles for the purpose of accommodating on seating of passengers more than its allowed capacity. RULE IX INSPECTION OF ALL VEHICLES BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT Paragraph I The Police Department is hereby charged with the periodic check-up of all vehicles operating in the Municipality of La Paz for the fitness of traffic operation and for public safety. Paragraph 2 The Police Department may avail of any assistance as any be provided by other persons who have the knowledge of the safety and operation of vehicles. Paragraph 3 If after checking or inspection, a vehicle is found to be unfit for traffic operation or endangers the public safety, then the same must be declared UNSERVICEABLE. However the same may be provided with the lacking parts if any to make the necessary replacement or repair, and is then qualified for a re-check-up. If found to be in good condition, the same shall be declared SERVICEABLE and could be operated again. RULE X IMPOUNDING OF VEHICLES Paragraph 1 All vehicles enumerated under this paragraph are liable to be impounded found to be under any of the following conditions: a. Any motor vehicles which, for any cause, is unable to proceed under its own power and is left unattended by a responsible person for more than TWO (2) HOURS in any street. b. A vehicle which is not properly parked in such a manner as to block or interfere with free passage of persons or vehicles. c. A vehicle parked on any prohibited place for parking when left unattended. d. A vehicle using them public street as a garage. e. Vehicle which are the instrument or proceeds of a crime. f. Stolen vehicles. g. Any motor vehicle which cannot proceed under its own power to any point of destination designated by prospective passengers, thereby amounting to failure to convey passengers shall be considered unfit to carry on its business and shall be impounded until such repair or correction in made. If however upon inspection of the motor vehicle by the Police Officer it is discovered that the same was at the time fit but was made only as a pre-text on the part of the driver as an excuse thereof then, such circumstances shall be considered as refusal to convey passengers and said driver shall therefore be subject to penal liability under this ordinance. Paragraph 2 All vehicle shall be moved impounded in the vicinity of the Police Department and kept therein until the authorities order their discharge or the owners claim them by paying the impounding fees. Paragraph 3 The following Impounding Fees are hereby fixed payable to the Municipal Treasurer by the owner of the vehicle impounded plus incidental expenses for the removal of the vehicle or its transfer, if any. For each truck or tractor for one day or a fraction thereof, ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00). For each jeep or 4-wheeled vehicle or trailer for each one day or a fraction thereof, ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00). For every motor vehicle of more than 4 wheels, for one day or fraction thereof, ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00). For motorcycle, motorcab , scooter and the like for one day or a fraction thereof, FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) For pedicabs, TWENTY FIVE PESOS (P25.00) For all other, such as bicycle, push carts and delivery tricycles, and the like, for one day or a fraction thereof, TWENTY PESOS (P20.00). RULE XI

Leyte Samar Daily Express


Thursday, 31 January 2013

DUTIES, POWERS AND ENFORCEMENT BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT IN RELATION TO THE TRAFFIC CODE Paragraph I All members of La Paz Police Department are hereby charged with the enforcement of this Traffic Code. Paragraph 2 It is hereby made the duty of the Chief of Police to cause to be made all proper signs, marks or places indicating or prohibiting loading, parking, pedestrians lanes, one way street and other signs or marks in order that the provisions of this code would be carried into effect. Paragraph 3 In the interest of peace and order and of public service, and to remedy the existing conditions found to be hazardous to vehicular traffic and to prevent congestion on the traffic in any street or to facilitate the movement of vehicular traffic, the Chief of Police or any of his authorized representative or member shall have the discretion to re-route traffic or to re-designate Thru Streets, Two-Way or One-way Street and stop Streets, parking places, loading and unloading zones. Paragraph 4 All Police officers are enjoined to issue a Citation Ticket to every driver whose license to drive is taken for any viola tion of this ordinance. Such Citation Ticket shall serve as a temporary license to drive until a given date for the violator to report to the office of the Chief of Police. Paragraph 5 All members of the Police Department can order any driver operating any vehicle within the jurisdiction of the Municipality of La Paz to stop of his vehicle anytime of the day or night either by signal, whistle or voice, by establishing check points or road blocks in order to investigate and inspect vehicles in pursuance to Rule IX or for any violation of this code or other laws, and to arrest the offenders, or bring any person to Police Headquarters for further investigation as the case may warrant. Paragraph 6 All persons are hereby required to obey of any Police Officer of the Municipality of La Paz given in relation to the enforcement of this traffic code. Paragraph 7 Administrative Fines The Chief of Police or Traffic Division Chief is hereby authorized or empowered to impose administrative fines for minor offenses or violations where the penalty prescribed is not more than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) as defined under Rule 14 of this code, which shall be payable direct to the Office of the Municipal Treasurer. CHAPTER II RULE XII OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF MOTORCABS, PEDICABS, SINGLE MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES FOR HIRE AND FOR PRIVATE USE IN LA PAZ, LEYTE SECTION I. License for Motorcabs, Pedicabs, Single Motorcycle and Bicycles- No person shall possess, own or maintain any motorcab, pedicab, single motorcycle or bicycle, either for private use or for hire without first obtaining a license from the Municipal treasurer in addition to the regular license of franchise required under the land Transportation law (Motor Vehicles law) The said license fees shall be payable annually during the first twenty (20) days of the year, and provided, further that any person who shall secure a new license for a new motorcab, pedicab, single motorcycle or bicycle after the expiration of the period herein provided shall pay the fee for the whole year if paid before the begging of the third quarter, otherwise, he will pay half of the same regardless of the time left for the expiration of the fiscal year, upon failure to pay the fees required a penalty of 10% shall be imposed and in case of a new registrant, he must register his motorcab , pedicab, single motorcycle before he operates the same. SECTION 3. License Plates Upon payment of fees mentioned in the next preceding section, there shall be paid the sum each for the license plate which shall be in duplicate in case of motorcabs and pedicabs for hire. Likewise, plates for motorcabs, pedicabs and single motorcycles for hire or for private use shall be serially arranged in numbers by the Municipal Treasurer or his duly authorized representative. In case of motorcabs and motorcabs for hire, the owner shall place one of the plates at the back of the motorcab which must be conspicuously visible and the other on the frame of the awning of the cab in such a way it will face the passenger of the vehicle. The license plates must be kept clean at all times and under no circumstances shall the numbers and colors be re-arranged. In addition to the license plate required to be attached to the motorcab, there shall be in big numbers, a police number assigned to said motorcabs which shall be painted conspicuously at the back of said passenger cab, at the front and inside it. SECTION 4. Procedure in the Issuance of license The Municipal Mayor or his duly authorized representative shall, upon written application and the favorable recommendation of the Traffic Division of the Police Department, approved the application for the issuance of the license mentioned in Section 2 hereof, provide that no application for the issuance of the license shall be approved unless the applicant shall have first presented a certificate or registration of his motorcycles properly issued by the Land Transportation Office and the unit properly inspected and certified safe by the Chief of Police or any of his authorized representative. SECTION 5. Equipment and Conditions (a) Every motorcab and pedicab for hire shall be strongly built, well-balanced and neatly painted; and shall have a firm connection to the motorcycle or bicycles, as the case maybe, upholstered seat, side and back rest, provided with headlights, spot lights, and signal light horns with water proof top, side curtains and rain aprons, (b) All motorcabs shall be equipped with a silencer and speedometer. The Traffic Division of the Police station shall regulate the motor or engine of motorcabs, such that these motorcabs shall not run more than (40) Kms. per hour. (c) All pedicabs shall be provided with reflectors, both at the front and at the back of the cab. SECTION 6- Duties of Owners (a) It shall be the duty of the motorcab and pedicab owners or persons having direct supervision or direct control or management of motorcabs, to require such drivers to show their drivers license duly issued in accordance with this ordinance and possess the necessary qualifications provided for in his ordinance. (b) Motorcab owners shall keep a record of their motorcab drivers showing the name, address and date when such drivers started their management. They shall also maintain a garage wherein they will record of the number of motorcabs therein and the time of departures of each motorcab. The records must be kept at all times in the garage where the motorcabs are kept and maintained and shall be subject to periodic inspection by the Chief of Police or his duly authorized representative. (c) The name of the owner and then operator and the address of every motorcab and pedicab, for hire, licensed and authorized to operate within the Municipality of La Paz shall be painted on the side of the motorcab in bold letters so as to be visible to passengers at all times. SECTION 7 - Number of Passengers - No person operating a motorcab under this ordinance shall load his vehicle with more than six (6) full grown persons of five (5) full grown persons and two (2) minors and/or minors weight shall not exceed three hundred (300) pounds. In case of pedicabs, no driver shall load his vehicle with more than two (2) full grown passengers. SECTION 8 - Freight Allowed- No person operating a motorcab for hire shall load his vehicle with more than three hundred (300) pounds of freight in his vehicle. SECTION 9 Routes and Schedule of Rates- Motorcabs shall be allowed to operate in any municipal streets in the Municipality of La Paz. Operators and drivers of motorcabs and pedicab shall maintain the current rate of fare being charged to a passenger. Any increase or change in fare shall be authorized under existing laws, rules and regulations or as approved by the Sangguniang Bayan by virtue of an ordinance, as follows: FOR PEDICABS OR POT-POT: a) Downtown- La Paz (Poblacion) - P 5.00 b) Downtown Gallera and part of Brgy. Mabini 10.00 c) Downtown Brgy. Limba proper 7.00 d) Downtown- Sitio Blue Moon (Limba) 10.00 e) Downtown- Brgy Lubi-Lubi 7.00 f) Downtown- Sitio Cabadiangan,Brgy. Sta. Elena (beyond bridge) 7.00 g) Downtown Slughterhouse 10.00 h) Children w/ his/her guardian to school 5.00 (per child) i) Downtown- Brgy. Canbaez (beyond Canbaez- Dist. I Boundary 10.00 SECTION 11 - Suspension and Revocation of Owners License - Any license issued to an owner/operator of suspended or revoked by the Municipal Mayor, or his duly authorized representative for violation of any of the provisions contained in Section 6, 7 and 12 of this ordinance. SECTION 12 - Definition of Motorcab Driver - Any person who shall drive a motorcab for compensation shall be deemed a profes sional driver and as such, he shall first secure the license required under this Code. Any other person who shall drive a motorcab, which is not for hire, shall be considered a non-professional driver and shall also be required to pay a drivers license required hereof. SECTION 13 - Clearance and Health Certificate - No person or motorcab driver shall be allowed to operate in the Municipality of La Paz unless he first secures a notice clearance from the Police Department in addition to the medical or health certificate issued by the Municipal Health Officer that he is fit to operate the same. SECTION 14 - Duties of Motorcab Drivers - The driver of a motorcab shall be neatly dressed and wear shoes at all times while performing his work as motorcab driver and shall have a name plate which shall be pinned on the left side of his shirt. He shall be familiar with the locations of streets and another place in the municipality. He shall provide himself with a hat while engaged in his occupation, rain coat during rainy days, he shall no smoke while his vehicle occupied or in motion and shall have in possession his license to drive with the appropriate restriction code to drive a motorcab, schedule of rates and xerox copy of Registration Certificate of the motorcab. He shall avoid blowing of his horns except in case of emergency. He shall also attend at least one seminar per year on Traffic Rules, Laws and Regulations and Traffic Safety which shall be conducted by the Traffic Division La Paz Police Station. He shall further, be made to undergo two (2) days traffic seminar he is apprehended for violating the provisions of this ordinance before he can pay the corresponding fines and take possession of his drivers license. The attachment or installation of any musical devise or any devise which produces starting sound is prohibited. SECTION 15 - Charging Higher Rate and Refusal to Exhibit Drivers License -- It shall be unlawful to drivers of motorcab to charge more than the rate specified under Section 9 of this Rule. It shall be also unlawful for him to refuse to exhibit his drivers license to any peace officer when required to do so, either upon violation of any provision of this ordinance or any traffic laws and regulations now in force and those which may be promulgated in the Municipality of La Paz. SECTION 16 - Baggages of Passengers- Every motorcab driver shall transport without extra charge, reasonable amount of baggage of the passenger not exceeding twenty-five (25) pounds provided the total weight of passengers and baggage shall not exceed three hundred (300) pounds, and he shall assist in loading and unloading said baggage. SECTION 17- Refusal to Convey Passengers - It shall be unlawful for the driver to refuse passengers, or load merchandise, baggage or material, or having undertaken to convey the same neglects to do so. Provided finally, that motorcabs and pedicabs returning to the garage shall not be subject for hire during the same period. SECTION 18 - Parcels Left in Motorcycle -- Parcels or baggage of any kind left in a motorcab or in the custody of the driver thereof shall be delivered under receipt to the nearest police office within six (6) hours after discovery, unless sooner delivered to the owner of such baggage or his representative. SECTION 19 Revocation of Operators License- Any operators license or business permit issued under the provisions of this Code may be revoked by the Mayor or his duly authorized representative whenever the holder of said license or business permit have been convicted by final judgment of any of the following offenses. 1. Gross immoral conduct such as soliciting or acting as agent for women of ill repute. 2. When convicted of murder of homicide, theft or robbery, abuse of chastity or any act of lasciviousness, coercion or threats, in which event, he shall be disbarred permanently from applying for an operators license or business permit. SECTION 20 - Records The Mayor or his duly authorized representative shall have a record of the names, signatures, addresses and numbers of licenses issued to motorcab and pedicab whether for private use or for hire in the Municipality of La Paz, and the number motorcabs and pedicabs owned by each, together with their corresponding license numbers and police numbers. SECTION 21- Regulations- The Chief of Police and the Municipal Treasurer, with the approval of the Municipal Mayor and the Sangguniang Bayan are hereby authorized to issue supplemental rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this Code; PROVIDED, that the Chief of Police with the approval of the Mayor and the Sangguniang Bayan, shall be vested with power and duty to fix the route to which the motorcabs and pedicabs shall be allowed to operate. SECTION 22 Issuance of Police Numbers A. The Chief of Police or his duly authorized representative shall issue the necessary police numbers of motorcabs and pedicabs for hire in the Municipality of La Paz and the same shall be endorsed to the Municipal Mayor or his authorized representative. B. Police Numbers issued and assigned to motorcabs and pedicabs for hire must be well painted. It should always be visible to the public as well as passengers. It shall be painted on the front portion of the cab, the inside portion and the rear portion. Owners or operators , before making any repair of the portion which would damage or obliterate the police number, shall secure a permit from the traffic division. In no case will the police number be altered or obliterated for reason of repair. C. All police numbers, issued and assigned to motorcabs and pedicabs for hire operating within the Municipality of La Paz shall be painted in reflectorized materials on its front, rear and inside portion of the motorcab and pedicab. RULE XIII PENALTIES

Paragraph 1 - The following penalties shall be imposed for the following acts or omissions considered as offenses or violations of this Traffic Code to wit: (a) Failure to give right - of way to police and other emergency vehicles giving audible signals -not less than FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) fine. (b) Allowing passenger to ride in step-board or hitch to ones vehicle not less than FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) fine. (c) Driving or parking on a sidewalk not less than FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) fine (d) Obscured or dirty plate numbers not less than FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) fine. (e) Defective dead lights, taillights, stop lights wipers and other accessories- not less than FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) fine. (f) Failure to give the necessary signal when starting or stopping not less than FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) fine. (g) Illegal parking not less than FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) fine. (h) Failure to carry the official receipt of registration for the current year not less than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine (i) Operating an unsafe, unsightly or dilapidated vehicle not less than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (j) Unauthorized use of improvised plates not less than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (k) Driving a vehicle with passengers in excess of capacity not less than ONE HUNDRED PESOS(P100.00) fine. (l) Driving of vehicle with horn that emit exceptionally loud and starting or disagreeable sound not less than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (m) Driving a vehicle with a defective braking system not less than ONE HUNDRED PESOS(P100.00) fine. (n) Driving a freight or cargo vehicle loaded in excess of authorized capacity not less than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (o) Driving a vehicle recklessly- not less than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine, and in case of insolvency, to suffer subsidiary imprisonment at the rate of FIFTEEN PESOS (P15.00) per day. (p) Obstruction or impending the passage of other vehicles, loading and unloading of passengers at intersections or within prohibited areas- not less than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (q) Driving with unsigned license not less than FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) fine. (r) Driving with invalid or delinquent drivers license not less than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (s) Driving of vehicle with a delinquent suspended or invalid registration or with in proper license plate for the current year of registration not less than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (t) Driving without first securing a drivers license with him not less than FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P500.00) fine. (u) Driving without carrying a drivers license with him no less than ONE HUNDRED PESOS(P100.00) fine. (v) Obstructing the free passage of pedestrians within the side walk- ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine and or an imprisonment of not less than ten (10) days not to exceed thirty (30) days with subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency at the rate provided by law. (w) Using or attempting to use a fake license, identification card, registration certificate, vehicle plate number and tag or sticker not less than FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P500.00), fine or imprisonment of not more than six (6) months or both at the discretion of the Court. (x) Falsely or fraudulently representing as invalid and enforced a delinquent, suspended or revoked license not less than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine or imprisonment of not more than six (6) months or both at the discretion of the Court. (y) Using a vehicle registered for private use as that for hire or allowing another person to use the drivers license of the authorized or real driver of the vehicle not less than THREE HUNDRED PESOS (P300.00) fine. (z) Cutting corners at blind curbs ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-a) Making U-turn on the approach or on top of the bridge or elsewhere but not at Intersection- ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-b) Overtaking or passing on curb, at intersection and approaches of bridges, bills and along places where overtaking is prohibited - ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-c) Coming out of side streets or driveways without precaution- ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-d) Vehicles racing on roads or streets FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P500.00) fine. (a-e) Failure to stop on entering a Thru Street ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine (a-f) Failure to consider proper clearance when overtaking ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine (a-g) Failure to observed the right hand rule to yield the right of-way at highway intersection ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-h) Driving in the wrong side of the street ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine (a-i) Backing against the flow of traffic FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) fine. (a-j) Turning from wrong lanes- FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) fine. (a-k) Driving without lights during the hours prescribed by law ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-l) Driving or crossing the safety island not intended to motor vehicles ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-m) Disregarding automatic signaling devices, lights or any traffic signal, sign or making ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-n) Failure to stop or slow down on sidewalk or pedestrian lanes with or without Pedestrians crossing - ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-o) Over speeding or fast driving THREE HUNDRED PESOS (P300.00) fine. (a-p) Failure to slow down the school zones, hospital zones, churches, court rooms and the like ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-q) Entering theDo not Enter Street - ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-r) Disregarding a No Left Turn ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-s) Passing a Thru Red Light ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-t) Allowing passengers in excess of the capacity of the seat ONE HUNDRED PESOS(100.00) fine. (a-u) Loading and unloading passengers within the prohibited zone ONE HUNDRED PESOS (100.00) fine. (a-v) Soliciting passengers at street corners ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-w) Loading and unloading passengers in the middle of road ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-x) Loading and unloading passengers in intersection ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-y) Parking a vehicle or permit the same to stand attended or unattended upon a highway In any of the following; 1. Within intersection ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. 2. On a crosswalk or pedestrian line ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. 3. Within six (6) meters of the intersection of curb line ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. 4. Within four (4) meters of the driveway entrance of any fire station ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. 5. Within four (4) meters from a fire hydrant ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. 6. In front of a private driveway FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) fine. 7. On the road way side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the curb or edge of the highway ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. 8. At any place where official signs have been erected prohibiting parking ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (a-z) Driving a vehicle with open mufflers or making unnecessary noise ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (b-a) Failure to display a red flag or red light at the rear end of the load which extends beyond he projected lengths of the vehicle t ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (b-b) Driving a vehicle emitting excessive smoke ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (b-c) Driving along a highway without proper permit for motor vehicles with metallic tires ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (b-d) Operating a service vehicle without a commercial or trade name and the words NOT FOR HIRE painted on both sides of the motor vehicle ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (b-e) Driving a motor truck without capacity marking plainly lettered on both sides of the motor vehicle ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (b-f) Driving vehicle with broken windshield -ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (b-g) Driving a vehicle with red light or halogen lamp forward or overhead of the same ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (b-h) Driving with inappropriate drivers license or conductors license ONE HUNDRED ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (b-i) Refusal to show or surrender the driver license and/or conductors license ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (b-j) Operating a motor vehicle loaded with soil, sand, gravel, stones and like without canvass covering ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. In case in apprehension for violations of the above -mentioned rules, the apprehended vehicle before resuming operation shall be inspected and verified if the defects have been corrected before releasing the plates, drivers license or other papers confiscated. If the driver is found out to have an inappropriate drivers license, he shall first be required to secure the appropriate drivers license by comply in with the existing rules and regulations of the Land Transportation Office. (b-k) Operating a motor vehicle equipped with an unauthorized siren ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (b-l) Driving while under the influence of liquor or narcotic drugs not more than ONE THOUSAND PESOS (P1,000.00) fine and an imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months. (b-m) Failure to carry the conductors license FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) fine. (b-n) Serving as conductor with invalid conductors permit or suspended conductors permit FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) fine. (b-o) Serving as conductor without first securing a conductors permit FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) fine. (b-p) Carrying as freight or cargo in excess of his registered net carrying capacity ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (b-q) Hostile or arrogant attitude of a driver or conductor towards a lawful authority or improper conduct or behavior like bribery and other similar offenses tending to Corrupt a Police Officer including discourtesy to passengers, a fine of THREE HUNDRED PESOS (P300.00). (b-r) Transferring, lending or otherwise allowing any person to use the Drivers License for the purpose of enabling such person to operate a motor vehicle THREE HUNDRED PESOS (P300.00) fine. (b-s) Engaging, employing or hiring any person to operate a motor vehicle other than a duly licensed professional driver THREE HUNDRED PESOS (P300.00) fine. (b-t) Operating a prohibited route- ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) fine. (b-u) Constructing structures, edifices or stands which may obstruct the free passage of edestrians within the sidewalk FIVE P HUNDRED PESOS (P500.00) fine or an imprisonment of no less that one (1) month. (b-v) Refusal to convey a passenger of having agreed to convey the same, negligently, culpably or unreasonably failed to convey the said passenger to his place or destination-TWO HUNDRED PESOS (P200.00) fine or imprisonment of not exceeding one (1) month at the discretion of the court. (b-w) To demand and collect a fare more than the existing rate as authorized by law, rules and regulations, a fine of ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00). (b-x) For violating the provisions of Rule II, Paragraph I, Letter (a), a fine of not less than FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) but not more than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00). (b-y) For violating the provisions of Rule II,Paragraph I, Letter (f),#1,2,3,4,5,6,7 &8 a fine of not less than FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) but nor more than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00). (b-z) For violating the provisions of Rule VII,Section 2, Paragraph 8, a fine of not less than IFTY PESOS (P50.00) but not more F than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00). (c-a) For violating the provisions of Rule VIII, Paragraph 37- a fine of not less than FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) but not more than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00). (c-b) For violating the provisions of Rule VII, Paragraph 38, - a fine of not less than FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) but not more than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00). (c-c) For violating the provisions of Rule XII, Section I, Chapter II thereof - a fine of not less than TWO HUNDRED PESOS (P200.00) but not more than THREE HUNDRED PESOS (P300.00). (c-d) For violating the provisions of Rule XII, Section 5, Letter (b), Chapter II , thereof a fine of FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) to the driver and ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) to the operator . (c-e) For violating the provisions of Rule XII , Section 5 Letter (c) , Chapter II, thereof a fine of FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) to the driver and ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) to the operator. (c-f) For violating the provisions of Rule II, Section 22, Letter (a), Chapter II thereof a fine of IFTY PESOS (P50.00) but not more F than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00) (c-g) For violating the provisions of Rule XII, Section 22, Letter (b), Chapter II thereof a fine f FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) but not o more than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00). (c-h) For violating the provisions of Rule XII, Section 22, Letter (c), Chapter II thereof a fine of FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) but not more than ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100.00). Paragraph 2 - No penalty shall be imposed unless after due notice and hearing with the Municipal Trial Court and after final judgment,

Thursday 31 January 2013

except as otherwise provided for in Paragraph 7, Rule XI hereof RULE XIV REPEALING CLAUSE


Leyte Samar Daily Express

Paragraph I- All other laws, ordinances, rules and regulation enacted and enforced by the Municipal Government of La Paz, Leyte that are inconsistent with this Code, by virtue hereof, are hereby deemed repealed. RULE XV EFFECTIVITY Paragraph I- This ordinance shall take effect immediately. I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing quoted ordinance. EDGAR P. GAYOPELIN Secretary to the Sanggunian ATTESTED: HON. JOEL C. CINCO Municipal Vice-Mayor (Presiding) HON. ERWIN M. CERNAL Sangguniang Bayan Member HON. JOSE M. GO Sangguniang Bayan Member HON. JUL CHAN CO Sangguniang Bayan Member HON. ANDREA A. LOR Sangguniang Bayan Member HON. RICKY C. CHUA Sangguniang Bayan Member APPROVED: HON. PIO S. BAROA Sangguniang Bayan Member HON. SILVINO T. CONDES Sangguniang Bayan Member HON. JOSE T. CARTEL Sangguniang Bayan Member HON. ANTONIA A. ALPINO LIGA Federation President HON. JUDY MAE A. JO SK Federation President

LESMES C. LUMEN, M.D. Municipal Mayor x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF LA PAZ -0OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN ====================================================================== EXCERPT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE SECOND REGULAR SESSION OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN OF LA PAZ, LEYTE HELD ON NOVEMBER 14, 2012 AT THE MUNICIPAL SESSION HALL PRESENT: HON. JOEL C. CINCO Municipal Vice-Mayor/Presiding HON. ERWIN M. CERNAL SB Member HON. JOSE M. GO HON. JUL C. CO HON. ANDREA A. LOR HON. RICKY C. CHUA HON. PIO S. BAROA HON. SILVINO T. CONDES HON. JOSE T. CARTEL HON. ANTONIA A. ALPINO LIGA Federation President HON. JUDY MAE A. JO SK Federation President ABSENT: N O N E ORDINANCE NO. 18 Series 2012

WHEREAS, the Municipal Government of La Paz, Leyte is highly concerned with and committed at protecting the lives of its residents at all times and at mitigating the effects of man-made and natural disasters; NOW THEREFORE, on motion of the Honorable Silvino T. Condes, unanimously seconded by all its members present; Be it ordained by the Sangguniang Bayan of La Paz, Leyte that: Section 1- It is the declared policy of the Municipality of La Paz, Leyte to protect the lives of its residents at all times and whenever possible mitigate the effects of man-made and natural disasters within the locality; Section 2 - DEFINITION OF TERMS: As used in this Ordinance: 2.1 Disaster means the result of a natural or man-made event which causes loss of life, injury and property damage, including but not limited to natural disasters such as hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, high winds, and other weather related events, and ma-made disasters, including but not limited to nuclear power plant incidents, hazardous materials incidents, oil spills, explosion, civil disturbances, public calamity, acts of terrorism, hostile military action, and other events related thereto; 2.2 Imminent Danger means an immediate threat of harm; 2.3 Evacuation - means an operation whereby all or part of a particular population is temporarily relocated, whether individually or in an organized manner, from an area in which a disaster or emergency has been declared abd is considered dangerous for health or safety of the public; 2.4 Forced Evacuation - means an evacuation ordered as a resort when a disaster or emergency has been declared and danger of loss of life is imminent, and conditions exist that critically imperil or endanger the lives of those in a defined area. Section 3 TRAINING AND ORIENTATION ON DISASTER RISK REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT - The Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDDDMO) shall organize and conduct training and orientation on the possible natural hazards, vulnerabilities and climate change risks as well as knowledge management activities as disaster risk reduction and management within the locality at least once during summer as declared by the Philippine Atmospheric and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA). The foregoing trainings, orientations, activities and information dissemination shall be intensified and made every month at the onset of the rainy season as declared by the PAGASA. During the aforesaid trainings and orientations, the MDRRMO shall also discuss and highlight in waray waray RA10121, otherwise known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010; DILG MC No. 2012-35 dated 21 February 2012 regarding the Guidelines in Ensuring Public Safety During Man-made and Natural Disasters; this ordinance; and other laws, rules and regulations on disaster risk reduction and management. The MDRRMO is also encouraged to conceptualize posters, newsletters, brochures and pamphlets regarding disaster risk reduction and management and cause the same to be posted at the conspicuous places of the municipality and/or, if possible, disseminate through radio and TV advertisements. Section 4 - FORCED EVACUATION - If upon the assessment or determination of the MDRRMC, forced or preemptive evacuation of local residents is already necessary, said Council shall immediately make recommendation of such assessment or determination. On the bases of such recommendation, the Municipal Mayor shall immediately declare the implementation/enforcement of forced evacuation which shall include but shall not be limited to the following: a. The designated area where vehicles provided by the municipal government are waiting to transport local residents to the identified evacuation centers; b. Evacuation centers or such places where the evacuated local residents will be temporarily taken; c. The necessity of the evacuated local residents to stay in the aforesaid evacuation centers until there be another issuance declaring that the imminent danger within the affected area is no longer there, if this is still possible; and d. Measures ensuring the safety of local residents in the evacuation areas. However, immediately after declaration of forced evacuation but before actual implementation/enforcement thereof, the municipal government shall see to it that the local residents are informed in local dialect of the need for them to evacuate and that there is no other alternative way to ensure their safety. Section 5 - ENLISTMENT OF ASSISTANCE OF OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES - In declaring the implementation/enforcement of forced evacuation, the members of the PNP, AFP BFP and BJMP assigned within the affected locality may be enlisted by the Municipal Mayor. All emergency measures adopted shall be a coordinative and collaborative effort between the Municipal government, BFP units and PNP units. Section 6 - REFUSAL OF LOCAL RESIDENTS TO LEAVE THEIR HOMES OR, AFTER EVACUATING, GO BACK THEREIN WITHOUT AN ORDER ALLOWING THEM TO DO SO - In the event that local residents refuse to leave their homes or, after evacuating, go back to their homes/affected areas without an order issued to this effect, the municipal government as well as the members of the mobilized units of the PNP, AFP, BFP and BJMP may use such physical force that is commensurate under the circumstances, without discrimination and with conscious attention to the needs of vulnerable sectors such as children, women, the elderly and persons with disabilities, with the end view that lives are safely secured. Section 7 - PENALTY CLAUSE - Any public official found to violate any of the pertinent provisions of this Ordinance shall be subjected to a fine not exceeding Php2,500.00 or imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months, or both at the discretion of the Court, without prejudice to administrative sanctions as may be imposed under existing laws, rules and regulations. Section 8 - REPEALING CLAUSE - any ordinance, order, memorandum, rules and regulations which is inconsistent with the provision of this Ordinance is hereby modified or repealed accordingly. Section 9 - EFFECTIVITY This ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in a newspaper of general circulation. UNANIMOUSLY approved. I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing quoted resolution. EDGAR P. GAYOPELIN Board Secretary V ATTESTED: HON. JOEL C. CINCO Municipal Vice-Mayor/Presiding HON. ERWIN M. CERNAL SB Member HON. JOSE M. GO SB Member HON. PIO S. BARONA SB Member HON. SILVINO T. CONDES SB Member

AN ORDINANCE IMPLEMENTING FORCED EVACUATION AS A RESORT WHEN A DISASTER OR EMERGENCY HAS BEEN DECLARED IN THE MUNICIPALITY AND DANGER OF LOSS OF LOVES BECOMES IMMINENT, PROVIDING PENALTIES THEREFORE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, it has been a national under Section 2 (a) of RA 10121, otherwise known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 to uphold the peoples constitutional rights to life and property by addressing the root causes of vulnerabilities to disasters, strengthening the countrys institutional capacity for disaster risk, reduction and management and building the resilience of local communities to disasters including climate change impacts; WHEREAS, the local government units (LGUs) are authorized under Section 16 of the Local Government Code of 1991, otherwise known as the General Welfare Clause, to xxx exercise the powers, necessary, appropriate, or incidental for its efficient and effective governance and those which are essential to the promotion of the general welfare; WHEREAS, Punong Barangays (Section 389 (b) (6), Municipal Mayor (Section 444 (b) (viii), City Mayor (Section 455 (b) (viii), and Governors (Section 465 (b) (vii) are all mandated under the Local Government Code of 1991 to carry such emergency measures as may be necessary during and in the after-math of man-made and natural disasters and calamities; WHEREAS, the LGUs, through their local sanggunians, are enjoined under DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2012-35 dated 21 February 2012 to cause the enactment of local ordinances for the implementation of forced evacuation as a resort when a disaster or emergency has been declared and danger of loss of lives is imminent within their areas of jurisdiction;



HON. RICKY C. CHUA SB Member LESMES C. LUMEN, M.D. Municipal Mayor

HON. JUDY MAE A. JO SK Federation President


from page 5

JAVIER, a world renowned Filipino scientist to be our voice in the Legislative Branch, but ended up being booted out! Now with only one representative in the House of Representatives, the voice of the AGHAM Party-List appears drowned in the Halls of Congress by the vociferous Trapos, non-Trapos, Dynasty-dominated House. Of course, in his midst as a non-science oriented representative, struggles to pass legislation, though hardly felt by the Filipino science community. This writer recalls one worthy measure whispered to the AGHAM

Party-List representative, designed to uplift the science image of the country that of increasing the retirement age of Filipino R & D workers from the CSC-dictated 65 years old to 70 (-75) years, but it fell into deaf ears. These forcibly retired and tested 65-olders Filipino S & T researchers vouch that they still have 5-10 (-15) years ahead that they can spend productively in R & D activities, given funding opportunities and access to laboratories and library facilities. On a per million basis, UNESCO should have at least 350 R & D workers (specifically with doctorate and masters degrees), by global standards. Statistics show that we are only a bit over 200 R & D workers per

million at present, take away the annual number of retirees at age 65! The irony of it all, is that a high percentage of Filipino M. Sc., D. Sc., and Ph. Ds who obtained their post-graduate degrees were on government scholarship programs, with some who have returned to their laboratory rooms a few years before reaching the mandatory retirement age of 65! Thus, the government had invested for their graduate studies, but is unable to meet the expected ROI. It becomes a double whammy, each time R & D workers retire at age 65 and only small percentage of young Filipinos joining the science bandwagon to meet UNESCOs expectations! We can only surmise that 99.9% of those in Con-

gress had at most an average of 10 units of basic science in college, add to this the few science subjects in the elementary and secondary levels. Will the renovated Philippine Basic Education Program called K to 12 improve the science performance of the country? We in the science community are a bit apprehensive! (To be continued in Parts II and III of the same Topic) ooo000ooo NEXT TOPIC : Part II RA 8439 or the Magna Carta for Scientists, Engineers, Researchers and Other S & T Personnel in Government SHARE S & T THOUGHTS through EMail:

NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Marife Ampaso heir of late Jaime H. Ampaso, executed an affidavit of Self-Adjudication over a motor vehicle described as: Make: Kawasaki; Engine No.: AX125 AEP04738; Chassis No.: AX125-B04664; Plate No.: 6400HC, Fuel: Gasoline: Type of Body: MC; A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of Evangieline Delis as vendor; per Doc. No. 4758, Page No. 321, Book No. IV, Series of 2012 of Notary Public Atty. Mario Lydinno R. Opea. LSDE: Jan. 31, February 7 & 14, 2013



NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Saturnina Niegas extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of residential land, situated at Brgy. Balud, Capoocan, Leyte, covered by Tax Dec. No. 3533 and heirs hereby confirmed the sale made on said lot in favor of Romelia O. Misagal as vendee for the above-described property; per Doc. No. 200, Page No. 49, Book No. 2, Series of 2013 of Notary Public Atty. Edgar J. Tonolete. LSDE: Jan. 31, February 7 & 14, 2013

NOTICE is hereby given that Marcelo Valenzona executed an affidavit of Explanation/Adjudication over a parcel of land situated at Washington Street, Baybay, Leyte, containing an area of 2,291, Lot No. 750, of Municipal Judge Pugay and Certified Xerox/true copy and subscribed and sworn to before Prosecutor Rosulo U. Vivero LSDE: Jan. 31, February 7 & 14, 2013



Leyte Samar Daily Express

-versusTHE LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF TOLOSA, LEYTE, Respondent, SP. PROC. CASE No. 2012-07-45 x- - - - - - - - - - - - - x ORDER

tioner, particularly in the following entries, to wit: (1) the gender which was entered as MALE instead of FEMALE, the latter being the true and correct gender of the petitioner; (2) the age of the mother of the petitioner at the time of the petitioners birth from 47 years old to 45 years old; and (3) the entry on the date and place of marriage of parents, from AUGUST 9, 1996, Mayors Ofce to MAY 24, 1996, Ofce of the Judge. Petitioner further alleged that she was born on July 13, 1991 at Brgy. San Roque, Tolosa, and the facts of her birth were recorded with the Office of the Local Civil Registrar of Tolosa, Leyte under Registry No. 97-155, a copy of which is attached to the petiton as Annex A. That there were erroneous entries recorded in her birth certificate, to wit: (a) Item No. 2 for Sex, it was written therein as MALE instead of FEMALE her true and correct gender; (b) Item No. 11 for the Age of the mother the time of the birth of the petitioner is recorded as 47 years old instead of 45 years old; and (c) Item No. 18 for Date and Place of Marriage of Parents, what was entered therein is AUGUST 9, 1966, Mayors Ofce when it should have been MAY 24, 1966, Office of the Judge. That she has subjected herself to a physical examination and the findings of the same were 08-000020, being a portion of the consolidation subdivision of Lots 1 & 2, Ccs-08-000015, situated in Barangay Candahug, Municipality of Palo, Province of Leyte, Island of Leyte. Bounded on the: SE., along line 1-2 by Lot 11, Blk 18, Ccs-08-000020; on the SW., along line 2-3 by Path Walk 3, Ccs-08-000020; on the NW., along line 3-4 by Path Walk 5, Ccs-08-000020; and on the NE., along line 4-5 by Lot 8, Blk 18, Ccs-08-000020; on the SE., along line 5-1 by Lot 9, Block 18, Ccs-08-000020. Containing an area of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY (150) SQUARE METER, more or less. All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stated time and place. In the event the public auction should not take place on said date, it shall be held on FEBRUARY 28, 2013, on the same time and place without further notice. reduced to writing in a document denominated as Certification issued by the Municipal Health Officer of Tolosa, Leyte which is attached to the petition as Annex E. She likewise attached a copy of her mothers Voters ID which bears the date of birth of her mother which is July 9, 1946. The same is attached to the petition as Annex F. In order to show that her parents were married on May 24, 1966 at the Office of the Judge, she attached to the petition a copy of the Marriage Contract of her parents and marked as Annex G. Finding the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, set the petition for initial hearing on MARCH 22, 2013 at 8:30 in the morning before this Court at the Bulwagan ng Katarungan, Magsaysay Blvd., Tacloban city on which date, time and place, any person having any opposition thereto maybe heard. Such an oppositor is accordingly directed to submit his written opposition before the scheduled date of initial hearing, furnishing copy thereof to petitioners counsel who is given five (5) days from notice within which to file his reply thereto, if there be any. Let copy of this Order be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Province of Leyte once a week for three consecutive weeks, at the expense of the petitioner. Let also copies of this Order be posted by the Sheriff of the Court in the bulletin boards of Bulwagan ng Katarungan,, Leyte Provincial Capitol, and the Municipal Hall of Tolosa, Leyte. Furnish copy of this order to the petitioner, through counsel; the Local Civil Registrar of Tolosa, Leyte; and the Office of the Solicitor General. SO ORDERED. DONE in Chambers on this 28th day of December, 2012 at Tacloban City.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Iluminada Matol Masangcay extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over 5 parcels of land described as: Parcel A; Agricultural land, located at District 1, Macarthur, Leyte with an area of about 3,348 square meters, more or less, Cadastral Lot 772, under Tax Dec. No. 99-24001-00142; Parcel B, Agricultural land located at Brgy. Causwagan, Macarthur, Leyte which has an area of about 10,310 square meters, more or less, Cadastral Lot 3124 under Tax Dec. No. 02-24008-00211; Parcel C, Agricultural land, located at District I, Macarthur, Leyte and has an area of 494 square meters, more or less, under Tax Dec. No. 2022; Parcel D, Agricultural land located at Brgy. Tuyo, Macarthur, Leyte, which has an area of about 8,562 quare meters, more or less designated as Cadastral Lot 1930 under Tax Dec. No. 05-24030-00-94; Parcel E, Agricultural land located at Brgy. Tuyo, Macarthur, Leyte which has an area of about 19,002 square meters, more or less, Cadastral Lot 1927 under Tax Dec. No. 3219; per Doc. No. 262, Page No. 53, Book No. XIV, Series of 2008 of Notary Public Atty. Roy M. Perez. LSDE: Jan. 31, February 7 & 14, 2013


Petitioner thru counsel filed a verified Petition for Correction of Entry in the Certificate of Live Birth of TWEETY TISTON TUAZON on July 3, 2012, praying that after due notice and hearing an Order be issued by the Court directing the Local Civil Registrar of Tolosa, Leyte, to make the necessary and appropriate correction in the Birth Certificate of Tweety Tiston Tuazon, herein petiA parcel of land designated as Lot 5 of the consolidation-subdivision of Pcs-08000584-D, being a portion of lots 2545-C-3-A-39, 2545-C3-A-40; 2545-C-3-A-41; 2545-C-3-A-42; 2545-C3-A-43; 2545-C-3-A-44; 2545-C-3-A-45; and 2645C-3-46; Psd-08-009450-D, situated in the Brgy. of Utap, City of Tacloban, Province of Leyte, Island of Leyte. Bounded on the: SW., along line 1-2 by Road (6.50 m. wide); on the NW., along line 2-3 by lot 3; on the NE., along line 3-4 by lot 6 and on the SE., along line 4-1 by lot 7 all of this subdivision. Containing an area of FIFTY SEVEN (57) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stated time and place. In the event the public auction should not take place on said date, it shall be held on FEBRUARY 28, 2013, on the same time and place without further notice.

Upon extra-judicial petition for sale under act 3135, as amended, filed on OCTOBER 15, 2012, by PAG-IBIG FUND, mortgagee, with principal and office address at Cor. Del Pilar & L. Jaena Sts., Tacloban City, against ROSARIO L. DAIZ, mortgagor, of CASSANOVA ST., GUIUAN E. SAMAR, to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness which as of SEPTEMBER 18, 2012, amounts to PHP 269,569.45, inclusive of interest and penalty charges, the Ex-Officio Sheriff ATTY. PAUL E. PLAZA, RTC, Tacloban City, by and thru the undersigned will sell at public auction on FEBRUARY 27, 2013, at 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at the office of Branch 34, RTC, Tacloban City, to the Highest Bidder, for CASH, MANAGERS CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following property with all improvements, to wit: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. T-60916

LSDE: Jan. 24, 31 & Feb. 7, 2013 A parcel of land designated as Lot 1, Blockk 32 of the consolidation-subdivision of Pcs-08-000527-D, being a portion of lots 4997, Cad. 220, Lot 4311-B Psd-08-001588, Lot 4313-I,1, Psd-08-002329 and Lots 1 & 2 & 3, Pcs08-000517-D situated in the Barangay of Abucay, City of Tacloban, Province of Leyte, Island of Leyte. Bounded on the: SW., along line 1-2 by Road Lot 15; on the NW., along line 2-3 by Alley 13; on the NE., along line 3-4 by Lot 3, Block 32; and on the SE., along line 4-1 by Lot 2, Block 32 all of this subdivision. Containing an area of SEVENTY FIVE (75) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stated time and place. In the event the public auction should not take place on said date, it shall be held on FEBRUARY 28, 2013, on the same time and place without further notice.

(Sgd.) RUBEN N. VILLACARILLO (11/16/12) Sheriff IV

Upon extra-judicial petition for sale under act 3135, as amended, filed on NOVEMBER 19, 2012, by PAGIBIG FUND, mortgagee, with principal and office address at Cor. Del Pilar & L. Jaena Sts., Tacloban City against CRISTITA R. SOLAJES, mortgagor, of 224-B ANIBONG DISTRICT, TACLOBAN CITY, to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness which as of OCTOBER 19, 2012, amount to PHP 724,590.73, inclusive of interest and penalty charges, the Ex-Officio Sheriff of Leyte, RTC, Tacloban City, by and thru the undersigned will sell at public auction on FEBRUARY 27, 2013, at 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at the office of Branch 34, RTC, Tacloban City, to the Highest Bidder, for CASH, MANAGERS CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following property with all improvements, to wit: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. T-27183 A parcel of land designated as Lot 10, Block 18, Ccs-


NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Olempia Agrava-Tismo extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land Lot No. 2919, Psc-9 and covered by O.C.T. No. P22506, situated at Sitio Balurinay, Barrio of Arado, Burauen, Leyte, containing an area of 9,516 square meters. A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of 1ST LE MARKE RESOURCES, INC., represented by its President Benito P. Escao as vendee for the above-described property and heirs executed an Special Power of Attorney to Lucresia Tismo-Rosalia; per Doc. No. 7, Page No. 2, Book No. 13, Series of 2012 of Notary Public Atty. Joseph N. Escalona. LSDE: January 24, 31 & Feb. 7, 2013


LSDE: Jan. 24, 31 & Feb. 7, 2013

(Sgd.) RUBEN N. VILLACARILLO (12/21/12) Sheriff IV

Upon extra-judicial petition for sale under act 3135, as amended, filed on NOVEMBER 7, 2012, by PAG-IBIG FUND, mortgagee, with principal and office address at Cor. Del Pilar & L. Jaena Sts., Tacloban City, against RITCHE T. CUARES, mortgagor, of B32, L1, KASSEL CITY, ABUCAY, TACLOBAN CITY, to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness which as of SEPTEMBER 3, 2012, amounts to PHP1,300,342.80, inclusive of interest and penalty charges, the Ex-Officio Sheriff of Leyte, RTC, Tacloban City, by and thru the undersigned will sell at public auction on FEBRUARY 27, 2013, at 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at the office of Branch 34, RTC, Tacloban City, to the Highest Bidder, for CASH, MANAGERS CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following property with all improvements, to wit: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. T-64365


NOTICE is hereby given that JOSE ESTRERA married to Matilde Omambac executed a Deed of Absolute Sale over a parcel of land, situated at Sitio Tabigue, Brgy. Pagsulhogon, Babatngon, Leyte, having an area of 3.0358 hectares, assessed value of P300.00 in favor of Matilde Ripalda married to Martin Esplanada as vendee for the above-described property; per Doc. No. 321, Page No. 78, Book No. II, Series of 1958 of Notary Public Atty. Alejandro R. Dogondon LSDE: January 17, 24 & 31, 2013


LSDE: Jan. 24, 31 & Feb. 7, 2013

(Sgd.) LAURO A.P. CASTILLO, JR. Acting Presiding Judge

NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Matilde Ripalda extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of agricultural land, situated at Pagsolhogon, Babatngon, Leyte, covered by Tax Dec. of Real Property No. 5717, containing an area of 3,1239 square meters, bearing Certificate of Title No. P-2920, identified as Cad. Lot No. 106, Css-247. A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of Neil M. Camenforte married to Elke P. Camenforte as vendee for the above-described property; per Doc. No. 132, Page No. 27, Book No. 20, Series of 2006 of Notary Public Atty. Carlos O. Arguelles. LSDE: January 17, 24 & 31, 2013 NOTICE is hereby given that Flordeliza C. Algas heir of late Martimiano C. Algas executed an affidavit of Self-Adjudication over a parcel of land, designated as Lot 19, Block 27, Pes-08-000130, situated at Brgy. Calanipawan, Caibaan, City of Tacloban, covered by T.C.T. No. T-27418, containing an area of 171 square meters, more or less; per Doc. No. 1, Page No. 41, Book No. 1, Series of 2013 of Notary Public Atty. Jean T. Balledo. LSDE: January 17, 24 & 31, 2013 NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Guillerma Viacrusis extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of residential land, covered by O.C.T. No. N-1812 and Tax Dec. No. 02-31003-00216-R11, Cad. Lot No. 104, containing an area of 324 square meters, more or less, assessed value of P12,820.00. That heirs Edgar Viacrusis, Guia Juanero and Fe Viacrusis executed a Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of Therese Joy M. Viacrusis as vendee for a portion of 195.49 square meters from the above-described property and hereby confirmed the said sale; per Doc. No. 2950, Page No. 86, Book No. XVI, Series of 2004 of Notary Public Atty. Camilo P. Esmero. LSDE: January 17, 24 & 31, 2013


Upon extra-judicial petition for sale under act 3135, as amended, filed on DECEMBER 27, 2012, by PAGIBIG FUND, mortgagee, with principal and office address at Cor. Del Pilar & L. Jaena Sts., Tacloban City against FEDENCIO N. ABRIA, mortgagor, 186 PASEO DE LEGASPI, ANIBONG, TACLOBAN CITY, to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness which as of DECEMBER 11, 2012, AMOUNTS TO PHP220,545.08, inclusive of interest and penalty charges, the Ex-Officio Sheriff of Leyte, RTC, Tacloban City, by and thru the undersigned will sell at public auction on MARCH 20, 2013, at 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at the office of Branch 34, RTC, Tacloban City, to the Highest Bidder, for CASH, MANAGERS CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following property with all improvements, to wit: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. T-60148


A parcel of Land (Lot 2209-I-3-C of the subdivision plan (LRA) Psd-375036 approved as a non-subdivision project, being a portion of lot 2209-1-3, Psd-083747007290-D. L.R.C. Cad. Record No. 1068), situated in the Barrio of Utap, Tacloban City, Province of Leyte. Island of Leyte. Bounded on the: NE., points 4 to 1 by Lot 2209-I-3 (Road Right of Way); on the SE., points 1 to 2 by Lot 2209-I-3-D; both of the subdivision plan; on the SW., points 2 to 3 by Lot 2209-I-4; and on the NW., points 3 to 4 by Lot 2209-I-2; both of Psd083747-007290-D. Containing an area of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY (150) SQUARE METERS, more or less. All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stated time and place. In the event the public auction should not take place on said date, it shall be held on MARCH 22, 2013, on the same time and place without further notice.

LSDE: Jan. 24, 31 & Feb. 7, 2013

Sgd.) RUBEN N. VILLACARILLO (1/16/13) Sheriff IV


NOTICE is hereby given that Angel C. Morales heir of late Sps. Juan Cagabhi-on and Cresencia Rapas Cagabhi-on executed an affidavit of Self-Adjudication over a parcel of land, Lot No. 13383, with improvements thereon situated at Brgy. Pomponan, Baybay, Leyte, containing an area of 32,541 square meters, more or less; per Doc. No. 566, Page No. 113, Book No. IX, Series of 2010 of Notary Public Atty. Florante A. Cayunde, Jr. LSDE: January 17, 24 & 31, 2013



LSDE: Jan. 24, 31 & Feb. 7, 2013

(Sgd.) RUBEN N. VILLACARILLO (11/21/12) Sheriff IV

NOTICE is hereby given that Teresita M. Malate executed a Deed of Absolute Sale over a parcel of land, Lot 6, Pcs-083747-000420, portion of Lot 3560 & 5255, Cad. 220, situated at Brgy. San Jose, Tacloban City, containing an area of 250 square meters, more or less in favor of Edwin C. Romano as vendee, per Doc. No. 286, Page No. 58, Book No. XXII, Series of 2012 of Notary Public Atty. Apolonio Quirino S. Tisado. LSDE: January 17, 24 & 31, 2013


Thursday 31 January 2013


Leyte Samar Daily Express


PALO, LEYTE The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) in Eastern Visayas has bested 15 other regions in the country based on the operational accomplishments for the last quarter of 2012. Liza Baoy, PDEA-8 information officer, said the agency garnered 87 points as evaluated against performance indicators, including neutralization of target drug groups, arrest of target personality, number of significant arrests and arrest of high impact drug personalities from October to De-

PDEA-8 adjudged best in operational accomplishment for Q4 of last year

cember 2012. PDEA-10 (Northern Mindanao) was a close second with 85 points and at third was PDEA11 (Davao Region) with 80 points. The hard-working anti-drug operatives of PDEA-8 successfully complied with the requirements when they arrested a drug group leader in Tacloban City, effectively neutralized the Jason drug group operating in Kananga, Leyte and environs, in addition to capturing a prison guard, which was classified as a high value target, all within eranos and eventually to the reservoir in Serin district, Villasin said. Again there would be some minor delays because we have to consider things as we do our works in the citys main streets. We have to pass through a hospital, the prescribed period, Baoy said. It may be recalled that shortly after his assumption as director general of PDEA, Undersecretary Arturo Cacdac, Jr., issued a memorandum to all operating units which set operational requirements for the last quarter of the year. Cacdac directed all units nationwide to concentrate on highvalue targets such as drug groups and target personalities, the neutralization of which will be rated in accordance to parameters identischoolsthat is aside from the traffic congestion our works would cause. There are drainage canals along these areas, Villasin added. The LMWD manager, however, assured that once the project is completed, the city will have an abundant supply of potable water that could basically serve all households. This will solve the long-time problem of water shortage in the city, Villasin said. The present water system in Tacloban was es-

Early School Registration at RTR elementary school

The purpose of this early school registration is to cater the quantity of pupils and identify who are going to enrol in their grade school and also to identify the population of the pupils for the availability of the facilities, so they would be prepared for the next enrolment this coming school year. They had 13 boys and 20 girls, or a total of 33 enrollees for the kindergarten registration and they had 19 boys and 15 girls, and a total of 34 enrollees for the grade one registration. The teachers were glad to have this number of enrollees for the weather was not good last Saturday. They are still hoping for a bigger number of pupils to enroll. (APRIL


from page 3

pipe laying is now along Paterno Street near Leyte National High School and Leyte to Normal University campuses. It is moving towards Avenida Vet-

TACLOBAN CITYfied by top management The Remedios Triniduring the Target Set- dad Romualdez (RTR) School ting activity in October Elementary conducted an early 2012. Atty. Gil Pabilona, school registration last our regional director, Saturday in the differhas congratulated his ent barangays to enlist troops and encouraged enrolees. The kindergarten them to continue to work hard to accom- teacher, Joselyn Arplish set targets for the guelles, grade one calendar year 2013, teacher Lourdes Larraga and the other Baoy said PDEA-8 personnel teachers of the RTR Elare set to undergo a ementary School went strategic planning activ- to Brgy. 6-A and Brgy. ity in the next few days 25, from 8:00 a.m. to in order to map out the 5:00 p.m. They had a courdirection of operational engagements for this tesy call with Timothy year. (REYAN L. ARIN- Cayas, a barangay offiTO) cial who escorted them last Saturday in Brgy. tablished to cover 12,000 6-A. When we are about households in the mid1970s when LMWD was to leave, an interested mother run hurriedly established. But today, the citys toward us, inquiring household popula- usn if she could still tion has grown to about enrol her child, Larraga said. 19,000. The present potable water production of LMWD for the city is only 12,000 cubic meters per day good for the 12,000 households, while the current demand is 19,000 cubic meters per day to supply the needs of 19,000 households, Villasin said. (REYAN L.


Leyte Samar Daily Express


Thursday, 31 January 2013

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Retired Teacher and Professionals Association of Tacloban City headed by its president Valentina Calleja and members meet former city mayor Alfredo Bejo Romualdez at Senior Citizen Affairs Photo by Lantoy Ramos Ofce.

Catering Services
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Uy reminds bets on ordinance prohibiting the nailing of campaign materials on trees

TACLOBAN CITY Politicians from all over the province have to abide on the approved provincial ordinance, which prohibits politicians from nailing their campaign materials on trees. Philippine Councilor League (PCL) Leyte Chapter president, Wilson Uy, in an interview with the Express, has reminded all politicians, either they are running in both the local and national positions, to abide on the ordinance authored by late first district Board Member Roque Tiu. The present provincial board members enacted as provincial law the ordinance of Tiu, which prohibits the nailing of posters on tress as support to the Environmental Code of the Provincial Board. Uy explained that now is the right time to remind the constituents, especially those who filed their certificates of candidacy for respective positions, not to nail their campaign materials on trees. Election campaign is forthcoming and politicians must be guided properly as to where they should put their campaign materials. We just hope that politicians should strictly follow and abide on the designated areas of putting their posters as set by the Commisjust an ordinary day, watching Showtime a variety show over ABS-CBN when she learned of several missed calls of her mobile phone. The missed calls came from my teachers and friends. (And when I answered) their calls, all were giving me their congratulation for topping the board. I kept on shouting, she said. Asked what could have sion on Election, he said. Furthermore, Uy convinced the community to help them in protecting the environment by looking on those politicians who would violate the ordinance, and report them to the authorities to be sanctioned. People violating this ordinance must be penalized, but we are hoping that people would help us in this aspect. Evidence is a must for us to stop such violation, he said. According to him, the ordinance is difficult to be implemented successfully, but with the help of everyone, it would be realized here. (REY



Natl early registration starts

TACLOBAN CITY Public schools here have started the nationwide early registration last Saturday, January 26, 2013. Imelda Gayas, principal of the San Fernando Central School, said their school is just one of the public elementary schools here in Tacloban that conducted the early registration last Saturday, which was hampered by the rain. According to Gayas, they only got 66 Grade I registrants but as of January 29, 2013, theyve got an additional 111 Grade I children and 121 kinder chilship offered by Mayor Rolando Celebre of Jaro town, her place of birth. She was in Grade four when her father, Glecerio, a jeepney driver died. Her mother, Adelaida was a housewife but her elder siblings, notably the eldest brother, Ashley, who is dren who registered for the school year 2013-2014. She added that they are looking for more grade I children. She said theyre having hard time with parents who cant present an authenticated certificate of live birth. Only 10% of parents presented a certificate of live birth from NSO, while 80% of the parents presented a certificate of live birth which were not authenticated. The said registration is until June of this year. (KIM

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leaving the country and join the ever increasing number of Filipinos working abroad. Alvero is a graduate of the Tabon-tabon, Leyte based nursing school, the Colegio de Sta. Lourdes of Leyte Foundation. She also finished as cum laude, besting 39 students. Alvero said that it was

from page 1

made her finished on the top of the examinations, Alvero said that her faith in God and strong determination in herself to succeed could be the reasons. In everything I do, I always ask Gods guidance. I have faith in God and of course, I want to succeed in life. Mine is a roller-coaster one, she said. According to her, she was able to enter college through a school scholarship and another scholar-

T. RARUGAL, EVSU intern)

an engineer by profession, shouldered her studies. Except a brother, next to her, all her siblings finished their studies and all now professionals. Said brother chose to raise his own family at an early age, Alvero said. (JOEY A. GABIETA &


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