Possible Production Names

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Possible Production Names

The process in which we decided our production name was taking words that may relate to our thriller and using this within the title. From this, we took the words: story, thriller, thug and serious and looked for other words that mean the same thing to then elaborate this into a production name. These words relate quite obviously to our movie with it obviously being a thriller; thug being the characters that are after Edward; story being the thing that is being told throughout the whole movie and serious for the tone throughout is very sombre. The reason for picking this method of picking a name is that we could experiment with lots of different words and compare them to our movie to see whether it complimented it or not. To advantage this further we put it into a table format so that we could compare the different words against each other. Story Apologue Fantasy Parable Allegory Thriller White Knuckle Closed book Crucks Oracle Rune Page Turner Favourites Chosen word/s From this list we then chose the ones that sounded most like our movie, or that suited it best. Personally, the ones that I liked were: Dead Pan, Closed Book, Oracle and Page Turner. The reason I like these are that they all sort of explain what the movie is about but with a hidden meaning. For example: Closed Book, this could signify the literal meaning of a closed book that the movie is going to somehow tell a story and complete itself with the closing of the book (metaphorically speaking); it could bear the meaning that the untold story is a closed book, yet to be opened and the story revealed?; or the less obvious meaning that the closed book is poor Edwards life coming to a close due to the actions he has chosen to take throughout his life. The choice not to put: Productions or Titles at the end of our chosen word is that I wanted it to be unique. For, most stereotypical and quite famous productions do have these words at the end of them giving them recognition. However, by not using these words at the end of ours it makes it a lot more new and exciting as its something that people may not have heard before and are then maybe intrigued to see what the movie is about, reflecting quite bluntly the whole plot of the story as we are all intrigued at what is in the bag that Edward is carrying. The chosen word however was: Jail Bird. However, instead of having them in two separate words we decided to combine the two and make the first letter of each word a capital, like this: JailBird. The reason for doing so is that when making a logo it makes everything look a lot more fluent and together, it metaphorically represents people coming together and making a movie by the two words joining together to make something brand new. The context behind the word projects our movie because it gives off the idea that maybe this is the foreseeable future that Edward is yet to take within his journey throughout this movie, or what the thugs may have already been through which would have led to them coming after this mysterious package. Not only this but, as a production name it can be broadened to a wider genre. By saying this I mean that this name could be further used to publish a number of leading thriller movies due to its range as a word. Thug Brute Ruffian Bad actor Corporate Jail Bird Serious Dead Pan

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