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Featuring: Kendis Paris, Truckers Against Tracking

SHOW 2013


Prevention and Intervention: Combating Human Trafficking Through the Trucking Industry

Copyright Truckers Against Trafficking 2




Sex tracking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age. OR The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.

Copyright Truckers Against Trafficking 3

Over 27 million people are enslaved today

that s more than at any other time in our history. (Not for Sale by David Blackstone) children as young as 11 years old under their Adult Services section. Due to public outcry the (national) section has now been removed. (Katherine Chon, Polaris Project, 2007)

Craigslist had participated in the selling of

Human tracking is a $32 billion industry

second largest criminal activity in the world. (Not for Sale by David Blackstone)

4 Copyright Truckers Against Trafficking


In a series of sting operations between 2004-2009 the

FBI recovered children as young as 13 that were being prostituted at truck stops as well as adults who'd been prostituted. (FBI website)

An estimated 17,500 foreign nationals are tracked

annually in the United States alone. The number of US citizens tracked within the country is even higher. An estimated 100,000 to 300,000 children are at high risk for tracking into the sex industry each year. (DOJ website)
5 Copyright Truckers Against Trafficking

Physical assault (beating, burning, slapping, hitting, assault with a weapon) Sexual assault Rape Gang rape Physical confinement and isolation


False employment offers Lying about work conditions False promises Withholding wages


Any threats to life, safety, to family members or other similar parties Threats involving immigration status or arrest Debt bondage: use and manipulation of debt to control the victim Withholding legal documents like passports and visas Psychological abuses
6 Copyright Truckers Against Trafficking



Nave and Vulnerable Teens } Casual Sex, Easy Money Schemes } Sexually charged media hype } At risk family structure } Armed with 24 access through technology } Sophisticated Internet Niche Marketing } Exploited & Controlled by Organized Criminal elements
*Slide provided by Million Kids

7 Copyright Truckers Against Trafficking

} Truckers against Tracking seeks to

educate, equip, empower and mobilize members of the trucking industry to combat human tracking as part of their regular jobs.
*Website *Truck Shows *Materials *Radio and Print *Webinar *Social Media *Training DVD *Partnerships

Copyright Truckers Against Trafficking 8


Copyright Truckers Against Trafficking 9

Put our wallet card, DVD, and other materials into the hands of every driver in America so that when they see a minor working the lot or suspect human tracking is taking place they ll call 1-888-3737-888 and report what they know.

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} Partner with law enforcement to

facilitate the investigation of human tracking.

Calls and Tips Scouting/Intel Building Coalitions

Copyright Truckers Against Trafficking 15

} Marshal the resources of the trucking

industry to combat this crime.

Copyright Chapter 61 ministries



} Increased calls The NHTRC reported on

Oct. 30, 2012 they had received 469 calls from truckers, with a signicant increase in calls from truckers referencing truck stop incidents between 2009-2012.
185 calls were made in 2011 alone, and over 200 calls in 2012 To date, truckers rank 14th out of 38 dierent caller types for all calls. They rank 8th for calls referencing potential human tracking.

Copyright Truckers Against Trafficking 17

} Increased rescues: NHTRC reports,

action in Alabama, GM at TA } Increased participation:

ATA OOIDA NASTC NATSO State Trucking Associations, Ryder, Mayower, United Van Lines and more USDOT
Copyright Truckers Against Trafficking 18


} Truck stops are the number one place

victims are being tracked

} Trackers recruit victims from truck stops } Most truckers/members of the trucking

industry are complicit in this activity

7 Copyright Truckers Against Trafficking

12 minute version

Copyright Truckers Against Trafficking 20



Call the National Human Tracking Resource Center (NHTRC) at 1-888-3737-888 when you suspect human tracking. Have all NATSO members post and distribute TAT materials in their locations. Have all NATSO members train employees with TAT training DVD Attend/partner with us on coalition builds

Copyright Truckers Against Trafficking 21

Educate yourself and your sphere of inuence -Family and friends -Workplace -Trucking contacts Link to us on your website Keep this issue on the radar screen of members/employees via social media, newsletters, print, events, etc.
Copyright Truckers Against Trafficking 22



} Truckers Against Tracking or 720-202-1037 Kendis Paris, TAT National Director


National Human Tracking Resource Center (NHTRC)


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