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The following prayers were given in a private revelation by Our Lord Jesus Christ to St. Bridget of Sweden.

They are to be prayed for 12 years. Our Lord promised the following graces to all who will have this devotion: 1. The soul who will pray these prayers will suffer no purgatory. 2. The soul who will pray these prayers will be accepted among the Martyrs as though he had spilled his blood for the Christian Faith. 3. The soul who prays them can choose three other souls whom Jesus will then keep in a state of grace that is sufficient for them to become holy. 4. No one among the four successive generations of the souls who prays these prayers will be lost. 5. The soul who prays these prayers will be made conscious of his death one month in advance. When the person who has committed himself to pray these prayers dies before the 12 years are over, the Lord will accept the prayers as having been prayed in their entirety. If a few days of prayers are missed due to a valid reason, they can be made up for later. This devotion was pronounced good, and was recommended by both the Sacro Colegio de propaganda fide, as well as by Pope Clement XII. Pope Innocent X, in turn, confirmed the revelations of the Lord to St. Bridget. Prayer Offerings in Honor of the Precious Blood of Jesus O JESUS, we will pray the Lords Prayer Seven times in union with all the love With which You sanctified This prayer in Your heart. Take the prayers from our lips Into Your Divine Heart. Improve and complete our prayers So that they bring as much honor and joy To the Blessed Trinity As you glorified the Trinity. May these prayers bring glory to You Because of Your painful Wounds, And the Precious Blood That You poured forth for us. 1. The Circumcision of Jesus.

Our Father and Hail Mary. Eternal Father, Through Marys unblemished hands And through the Divine Heart of Jesus, We offer You the first wounds, The first pains, and the first Bloodshed As atonement for all the sins of youth Committed by us and by all humanity, And as protection of our relatives from mortal sins. 2. The Agony in the Garden. Our Father and Hail Mary. Eternal Father, Through Marys unblemished hands And through the Divine Heart of Jesus, We offer you The terrifying sufferings of Jesus Heart On the Mount of Olives And every drop of His Blood That He sweated As atonement for the sins of the heart Committed by us and by all humanity. As protection against committing again such sins, And for the spread of The Divine and brotherly love Among all. 3. The Flagellation of Jesus. Our Father and Hail Mary. Eternal Father, Through Marys unblemished hands And through the Divine Heart of Jesus, We offer you the numerous wounds And the gruesome pains That Jesus suffered, As well as the Precious Blood That He shed during the flagellation As atonement for the sins of the flesh Committed by us and by all humanity,

As protection against Committing again such sins, And for the preservation of The virtue of innocence Among our relatives. 4. The Crowning with Thorns. Our Father and Hail Mary. Eternal Father, Through Marys unblemished hands And through the Divine Heart of Jesus, We offer You the wounds and pains That Jesus suffered, As well as the Precious Blood That flowed from The Holy Head of Jesus During the crowning with thorns, As atonement for the sins of the spirit Committed by us and by all humanity, As protection Against committing again such sins, And for the spread of Christs kingdom on earth. 5. The Carrying of the Cross. Our Father and Hail Mary. Eternal Father, Through Marys unblemished hands And through the Divine Heart of Jesus, We offer you the sufferings of Jesus On the way of the Cross Especially the Holy Wounds He suffered on His shoulders, And the Precious Blood That came from these wounds As atonement for every grumbling Against Your Holy Will, As atonement for sins of the tongue Committed by us and by all humanity, As protection against

Committing again these sins, And for the spread of True love for the Cross. 6. The Crucifixion of Jesus. Our Father and Hail Mary. Eternal Father, Through Marys unblemished hands And through the Divine Heart of Jesus, We offer You Your Son nailed And hanging on the Cross, His wounds on His hands and feet, And the three streams of His Precious Blood that poured forth From these wounds for us, His extreme tortures Of the body and soul, His precious death And its unbloody remembrance In all the Holy Masses, As atonement for all the offenses Committed against the vows and rules of Religious Life and the Priesthood; As reparation for our personal sins And the sins of the world; As supplication For the sick and the dying, For the priests and the laity, For the Holy Fathers intentions Towards the restoration Of Christian families, For the strengthening of the Faith, For our country, and For unity among all nations In Christ and in His Church, And for the people of the Diaspora. 7. The Piercing of the Side of Jesus. Our Father and Hail Mary.

Eternal Father, Accept as our worth offering The Precious Blood and Water That flowed from the wounds Of the Divine Heart of Jesus For the needs of the Holy Church, And for the atonement Of all the sins of humankind Be gracious and merciful toward us. May the Blood of Christ, The last precious content Of His Holy Heart, Wash us and others Of all the guilt of our sins. May the Water From the side of Christ Wash us clean Of all the punishments of our sins, And may it extinguish The flames of Purgatory For us and For all the Poor Holy Souls. Amen. Prayer in Honor of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Mother Whoever thinks of the Passion of Jesus Christ must also think of His Blessed Mother Mary. The Mother of God gave St. Bridget the private revelation that the following graces will be gained by anyone who prays seven (7) Hail Marys daily while meditating upon her tears and sorrows, and by anyone who spreads this devotion to others: 1. There will be peace in the persons family. 2. The person will experience enlightenment into Gods mysteries. 3. As long as their wishes are within Gods Will for the salvation of souls, the persons wishes in prayer will be fulfilled. 4. The person will have eternal joy in Jesus and Mary. First Sorrow of Mary The Old Simeon Reveals

That Jesus will be A Sign of Contradiction, and That Marys heart will be pierced. Hail Mary... Second Sorrow of Mary Mary and Joseph Took Jesus to safety in Egypt. Hail Mary... Third Sorrow of Mary Mary and Joseph Looked for the 12-year-old Jesus who Stayed behind in the Temple. Hail Mary... Fourth Sorrow of Mary Mary meets Jesus On the Way of the Cross. Hail Mary... Fifth Sorrow of Mary Mary at Calvary Watches Jesus Crucifixion, Death, lancing, and removal From the Cross. Hail Mary. Sixth Sorrow of Mary Mary embraces in her arms The lifeless body of Jesus. Hail Mary... Seventh Sorrow of Mary Mary endures loneliness At the burial of Jesus. Hail Mary... Prayer for the Most Neglected Souls JESUS, for the sake of the agony That you endured

During your fear of death At the Garden of Gethsemane, At the Scourging, At the Crowning with thorns, On the Way to Calvary, At Your Crucifixion and death, Have mercy on the souls in Purgatory, Especially on those souls Who are completely forgotten. Deliver them from their bitter pains, Call them finally to yourself And embrace them In Your arms in Heaven. Amen. Prayer to the Three Archangels To Saint Michael: St. Michael the Archangel, Defend us in these days of battle, Be our safeguard Against the wickedness And snares of the devil, May God rebuke him We humbly pray, And you, O prince of the Heavenly Host, By the power of God, Cast into hell Satan And all the evil spirits Who roam throughout the world Seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. To Saint Gabriel: Angel of Humanity, Trusted Messenger of God, Open our ears For the quiet warnings and calls Of the most Loving Heart of Jesus. Always be in front of our eyes, We beg you, That we may understand

The Word of God correctly, And that we may follow, Obey, and fulfill that Which God wants of us. Assist us in staying awake So that when the Lord Comes to get us He may not find us asleep. To Saint Raphael: Arrow of Love And Doctor of Gods Love, Wound our hearts with burning love, We ask you, And do not let the wound heal So that we may stay On the path of Gods Love everyday, And so that we overcome everything With love that comes from God.

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