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Functions and Relations (1 Mark)

Page 1 of 5 1. 2. Is the function f: N N, defined by f(x) = 3x, onto? Give reasons. If f(x) = [ x ] and g (x) = x , then evaluate (f o g) (1/2) (g o f) (-1/2). If tan-11 + tan-1(1/2) = tan-1, find . 1If A and B are two sets such that n (A) = m and n (B) = n then write number of function from A B. Let f : R { - 4/3} R be a function defined as f(x) = 4x / 3x+4. Find the inverse of f. Find the value of tan-1(1) + cos-1(-1/2) + sin -1 (-1/2). Evaluate Sin [ sin-1 (-1)]. Let set A contains 3 elements. Write the total number of binary operation possible. Let * be a binary operation defined on the set of integers as a*b=a+b+1 for a, b I. Find the identity element. Prove that cos2(tan-12)+sin2(cot-13) = 3/10.

4. 5.

6. 7.
8. 9.

10. 11. What is the principal value of cos-1(cos 2 /3)+sin-13(sin 2 /3). 12. If f(x) = 8x3 and g(x) = x1/3 , find g o f. 13. Find the value of sin-1(sin 3/5).

14. Show that the signum function f : R R given by f(x) = 1, if x is greater than 0, if x = 0, - 1, if x is less than 0 is neither one-to-one nor onto.

15. If

, find f o g.

16. N N, defined by f(x) = 3x onto?Give Reasons. 17. If a binary operation * is defined on the set Z of integers as a*b = 3a b, then find the value of (2*3)*4. 18. Prove that sec2 (tan -1 2) + cosec2 (cot -1 3) = 15.

19. How many relations can be defined from a non-empty set A to non-empty set B , if n(A) = 2 and

20. Find the principal value of tan-1[sin(sin-1x+cos-1x)] , x [ -1,1] .

Functions and Relations (1 Mark)

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21. Evaluate sin{ 1/2 cos -1(4/5) }. 22. Find gof(-5/2) and fog(3/2) if f is identity function and g is signum function . 23. Evaluate the value of cos -1(-1/2) + Sin -1(-3/2).
24. If : R R ,a,b,c,d R such that (a,b) *(c,d) = (ac, b + ad) Find the identity element of the function. 25. Let * be a binary operation defined by a * b =2ab-7. Is * associative?

26. Write the range of one branch of sin -1 x, other than the Principal Branch. 27. If f(x) = x-1 / x+1; , then find f -1(x ). 28. Find the value of cosec (sec -1 +cosec -1 ).

29. Evaluate : Cos (/3- sin-1(-3/2)). 30. Show that the function f: R R such that f(x) = x2 is neither one one nor onto.
31. If f(x) = x + 7 and g(x) = x 7, x R, find (fog) (7). 32. Let * be a binary operation on N given by a * b = H.C.F. ( a , b ) , a, b N. Find 12 * 4. 33. if f(x)=x2-1 and g(x)=2x+3 find fog(2).

34. if sin(sin-1 1/5 + cos-1 x) = 1, then find the value of x. 35. Evaluate: sin [ /3 - sin-1(-1/2) ].
36. Which of the following graph represent a function .

37. Write the range of one branch of cos x, other than the principal branch. 38. Which one of the following graphs represents an identity function? Why?

39. Let A = {1, 2, 3) and B = {4, 5, 6}, f: A B is a function defined on f(1) = 4, f(2)=5and f(3) = 6. Write the inverse as set of ordered pairs. 40. Let * be the binary operation on N defined by a*b = a+b+10 for all a, b N and if 3*p=15 then find p. 41. Find the value of the parameter for which the function is the inverse of itself.

42. If f(x) = ex and g(x) = logex , find fog and gof. Is fog = gof ?
Functions and Relations (4/6 Mark)
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Consider f : R [ -5, ) given by f(x) = 9x2+ 6x-5. Show that f is invertible with


Prove that:



defined by


f(1) = a, f(2) = b, f(3) = c, g(a) = apple, g(b) = ball ,g(c) = cat. Show that f, g and gof are invertible. Find out f-1 , g-1 and (gof)-1 and show that (gof)-1 = f-1o g-1. Let A = N x N and * be the binary operation on A defined by (a,b)*(c,d) = (a + c, b+d). Show that * is commutative and associative. Find the identity element for * on A, if any.

5. 6.

Find the value of x if Let f: NR be a function defined as f(x) = 4x2 + 12 x + 15, where S is the range of f. Show that f: N S is invertible. Find f-1.

7. Prove that 8. Prove: 2 tan-1(1/2) + tan-1(1/7) = tan-1(31/17) 9. Solve for x: tan-12x + tan-13x = /4 10. Prove that the function f: R R defined as f(x) = 2x-3 is invertible and find f-1(x) 11. Show that sin-1 12 /13 + cos-1 4/5 + tan-1 63/16 = . 12. Show that the relation are in the set a = {x : x w, x 10}given by
is an equivalence relation , find the elements related to 3. 13. Examine if the following are binary operations (i) a*b =a+b/2,a,b N (ii) a*b=a+b/2, a,b Q .

14. Let

be a function defined as

, find f-1 : Range of

15. Prove that 16. Prove: 2 tan-11/2) + tan-1(1/7) = tan-1(31/17). 17. Solve for x: tan-12x + tan-13x = /4. 18. Solve for x : 2 tan-1( cos x ) = tan-1 ( 2 cosec x ). 19. Find the value of 20. Find the value of

21. Prove that tan -1 (1/5) + tan -1 (1/7) + tan -1 (1/3) + tan -1 (1/8) = 1. 22. Prove that 23. Prove that
. .

24. Prove that 25. Write in simplest form: 26. Prove that tan -1 3/4 + tan -1 3/5 tan -1 8/15 = /4.

27. Show that the binary operation * defined by a*b = a b, on Z is not commutative and associative.. 28. Let f : x y and g : y z be two invertible functions. Then gof is also with (gof)-1 = f-1 o g-1. 29. Show that the function f: Z Z given by f(x) = x is not injective.

30. Evaluate : 31. Solve for 32. If 33. Check whether the operator 34. if

. .

. define by a b=a+b -ab is commutative or aasociative. .

35. Proved that

36. Let A =NxN and Let * be a binary operation on A defined by (a,b)*(c,d) = (ad+bc,bd) for all (a,b), (c,d) NxN.Determine if * is commutative, associative,

37. Solve for

38. Prove that: . 39. If the function f : RR defined by ,Prove that f is one-one and onto function. Also find the inverse of
the function f and f-1(23) .

40. Solve for

Functions and Relations (4/6 Mark)

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41. If 42. Solve for x: 43. If

find f(f(x))

show that f(f(x)) is an identity function.

44. Show that the relation R in the set A= {x Z ; 0 x 12} given by R = { ( a,b) : |a-b| is multiple of 4}is an equivalence relation . Also find the set of all elements related to 4. 45. Check whether the relation R defined in the set {1,2,3,4,5,6} as R = { (a,b): b = a +1} is reflexive, symmetric or transitive. 46. Let A = {-1,0,1,2}, B = [ -4,-2,0,2} and f , g : A B be the function defined by f(x) = x2 x , x A and g(x) = 2| x - 1/2 | , x A ; are f and g equal. Justify your answer. 47. Show that f [ 1, -1 ] R given by f(x) = x/x+2 is one-one. Find the inverse of function. f: [ -1 ,1] & Range (f).

48. Express 49. Let

f(x)= x| x |is a bijection

in the simplest form. given by

50. If f, g : R Rare defined respectively by Find

i) fog ii) gof iii) fof iv) gog

51. Let f, g : R R be two functions such that

Find f(x) and

g(x). 52. Consider f, g : N N and h : N Rdefined as f(x) = 2x, g(y)= 3y+4, and h(z)= Sin z for all x,y,z NShow that ho(gof) = (hog)of

53. Let


. Find

54. Let

is a

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