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2 0 0 9 S U M M E R E D I T I O N

HAMMOND family
M O T I VA T I N G , M E N T O R I N G A N D M O B I L I Z I N G M I S S I O N A L L E A D E R S

8 Week Summer Break z

After 14 years straight of pastoral ministry & 7 years of church

planting & mission training, the Hammond’s are finishing their
first extended break. Kim resigned from Forge Victoria & the
Junction released the Hammond’s to have a proper break from all
leadership responsibilities.
My personal health is my top accommodation, finding a
priority for 2009. It is also a sponsoring agency, purchasing a
priority to find a paid work role. car and deciding whether to
If we are to make the transition to home school the boys or send
America, we have an them to a local school.
14 year Anniversary. incredible amount of It was a very fruitful
January 14th 2009 was our 14
year wedding anniversary. things to get done trip and three weeks in
Maria and I were both just 20 here in Australia America answered
years old when we married. before we go, like many of these
The two nights we spent at the
obtaining visas, questions. I got to rest,
Novatel in St Kilda was a
fantastic break for us. renting our home out the Hirsch’s looked
Walking along the beach, & raising support for after me & I got to see
drinking coffees on the pier
this unique opportunity. Some of first hand Alan’s incredible impact
and eating in Acland St.
the issues we need to confirm for on the USA, but it was too long
our time in America, are away from Maria & the boys.

Three weeks in America. Warren’s are beautiful & generous Orlando in the next edition) then I
My goal was to see if our dream of people. I also spoke to the spent 5 days in Hollywood with
living in America & working with Emmaus community, where the Dave Harry before another
the Hirsch’s could be a reality. I Hirsch’s belong, & made some amazing 5 days in Chicago with the
arrived in LA on the 16th of January great friends. While I was there, I Ferguson brothers at the
and spent the first 6 days with Alan went to the Kobe vs LeBron game. Community Christian Church &
& Debbie at Thousand Oaks, where Then it was onto Orlando for “The their key staff. It felt like home & I
they live with Michael & Rita roundtable of mega & micro church loved connecting with them, seeing
Warren. I loved it there, the leaders”, (I will write about their work & hearing their vision.
Why I loved LA & Chicago.
LA is far bigger than just Hollywood. If you drive 40 minutes outside of LA central in non peak traffic
North/West, you come to “Thousand Oaks.” It reminds me of Mornington without the beach. Malibu
30 minutes away towards the south. Sunny, warm weather, it is desert meets mountains with lush green
watered estates, shopping centres, parks, rattle snakes and coyotes. Its weather is like Northern Australia.
The people there are families we could share life with and I guess thats why the Hirsch’s haven’t moved
yet while they have opportunities to live in any major city in America they want.

The Emmaus Community and Christian

Associates in Thousand Oaks.
The night with the Emmaus Community was like being with one of
our communities at the Junction. Led by an amazing young leader
called Mike Katzenberger, who has worked with Rick Warren and
pastored at Calvary Community Church. He leads “Emmaus” with
Ed and Dana Rouse. Dana is Michael and Rita Warrens’ daughter
(who the Hirsch’s live with). Rita is the Chair of Christian Associates,
a mission agency working predominately in Europe, whose office is in
Thousand Oaks. The Hirsch’s sit on the C.A leadership team & Phil Graf is C.A’s Europe's Advancement
Team leader, and is also good friend of ours. Mike also works for C.A & we really connected in LA. If &
when we move, thousand Oaks would be an ideal first location & base for us.

Shorts & t-shirts to a beanie, coat & snow. Naperville Illinois.

After two weeks in LA and Orlando where it was summer weather, I arrived in Chicago to a freezing -10
degrees celsius. CCC flew me out to spend the weekend with their core staff. This began at breakfast with
the Ferguson brothers, David and Jon, the founding pastors, to get a feel for their church, their church
planting initiative & their residency program for planters. We stayed with Paul & Katy Warner, elders at
CCC, who really looked after us. Pat Masek is the associate pastor who is a friend of the Hirsch’s &
organized my trip. Pat is a highly capable women who looked after Dave Harry and I.
CCC, New Thing &Exponential.
Ultimately, if the Hirsch’s move from LA, where they move too is completely up to them. We have
offered ourselves for two years & we will go wherever they say. Alan connected me with the team at CCC
because he felt it could be a great working relationship & Chicago is a ideal base for Alan as he fly’s
around the country. Several things impressed me about my time in Chicago: The Ferguson's are down to
earth, likable, relational men who are “die-hard” Bulls fans. Their office is open plan, when asked what is
their church planting strategy, they replied “Multiplication & mission.” They don’t need help running
multi-site church better but we can help them with birthing & nurturing missional imagination.

The commitment to “A New Thing Network.”

Not only are CCC committed to local mission, they also lead a national
movement of missional reproducing churches. One that embraces all
styles, sizes & social groupings. Interestingly they are planting a “New
thing” community in “Thousand Oaks” this October. CCC is also part
of the Exponential Conference, the largest gathering in America of
church leaders committed to church planting. David is chair of the
Exponential network and Alan has been a keynote speaker the last two
years. (Previous speakers include, Bill Hybels, Erwin McManus, Mark Driscoll, Rick Warren etc.. )

My visit to Wheaton College. Illinois.

Bono, speaking at Wheaton, said is the only University to produce
both Wes Craven & Billy Graham. It is a academically rigorous
Christian Arts College with a new Evangelism & church planting
department led by Dr. Rick Richardson. He communicated to me his
desire to see Alan lecturing as an adjunct Professor with opportunities
for me to lecture and study while applying for a scholarship to finish my
masters and PHD. David and Jon Ferguson from CCC also teach at
this course. A long time hero of mine Rob Gallagher (pictured left) has
been for ten years & is currently the Associate Professor of
Intercultural Studies. Wheaton is about 20 minutes from Naperville Yellow Box CCC.
What have we learned & where too from here.
I wanted to be priest when I was a kid going to a Roman Catholic school and a pastor since attending a
Pentecostal church from the the age of nine. I went to bible college at 18 years old and was married and on
part time staff by the age of twenty one. Not bad for a kid from Doveton, the commission area of our city.
Having been in church placed work for over 14 years I am at peace coming to the end of this sabbatical. I
have finished as Director of Forge Victoria after a difficult soul searching time. I am in the beginning phase of
a changing role at the Junction as team leader and paid pastor (part time). This crossroad means for me a time
of rest and reflection while holding in tension, raising recourses for ministry now and in America. I know
under stress I do not do well and my health and well being has been directly affect by the pressure that comes
with the leadership positions I held. I am now more cautious to take on roles that will cause me to neglect my
health and cause unnecessary stress, all jobs have stress but some more than others. This year I need to discern
which is the best most effective use of my gifts, while providing an income for my family.


Focusing on health and well being is no easy task, one I have struggled with my whole life. Coming off a break
I am glad beyond books and conferences, beyond blogs and roles I experience true community. I know I have
a group of friends & family who love me, and I know they adore Maria, (who doesn’t) & my three boys are
something special. You don’t make a decision to move your family away from that kind of experience without a
sense of calling or conviction. The next few months is one of the biggest discernment periods in the life of our
family. We love the Hirsch’s and would be honored with this opportunity to help them in any way.

• What will I do for work this year, that provides resources for us and uses my gifts and calling?

• What role do I play at the Junction in this transitional year?

• Having the space to properly download & debrief the whole USA trip, options & opportunities.

• Reducing stress & pressure to allow time & space to get healthy.

Deciding which agency do I sow into over the next few years that allows us to:

• Motivate & inspire people with innovative & creative ways of communicating the gospel.

• Mentor & equip mission shaped leaders.

• Affirm, encourage & mobilize missional leaders committed to a reproducing movement.

2 0 0 9 S U M M E R E D I T I O N

HAMMOND family

HAMMOND family USA web sites:

35 Stirling Circuit
Beaconsfeild, Victoria,
Australia. 3807.
ph:+61 39707 4414
Ml: 0411 104 443 Alan Hirsch’s web site.

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