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Jose Antonio Corachn

HTML Front-end developer. User experience specialist Current and previous work

Last updated: January 2013

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External contractor experience 2010 now

Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM)
2010 - now

Client: Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market - OHIM (European Agency)

Mockup proposal September 2010

With respect of my position on the agency, I lead the front end process of three projects that will centralise the information of the trademarks of different national offices. As for 2010 my main roles were not just create a mockup with a new page structure for the early stages of the development of the application, but implement later a final and agreed design with valid HTML and CSS into the SVN development repository.

Front end tecnologies: Valid XHTML & CSS Server tecnologies: Java development - JSP (Spring) & Oracle. SVN Version control.

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Final design. Live version as for September 2012

All front-end code & design has been created by me. After the design validation from the client, my roles were implementing the design into the development code, and ensure quality and browser compatibility until the production release: Once live, my tasks included the maintenance and corrective fixes of the live application, and in the meantime start working with two more projects, one admin tool, and another search interface with similar layout needs. Another project where most of the HTML, CSS & Javascript code has been implemented by me, can be shown at this addres:

Front end tecnologies: Valid XHTML & CSS Server tecnologies: Java development - JSP (Spring) & Oracle. SVN Version control.

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Euroclass -> TMclass rebranding & redesign

Responsive version

Standard browser version

TMclass rebranding. Development version January 2013

For the latest revision of the tool, I implemented a responsive design layout, and rewrite completely all the frontend. Responsive technique allows the page to be rendered with good degradation in all browser sizes making use of CSS3 media queries. A new clean and minimalistic design has been created, using Twitter Bootstrap as base, moving from a single monolithic CSS file, to more maintenable LESS files that compiles via Maven at build time as a compressed production CSS file. All front-end code in the application has been written by me. So at this stage I have been responsible not just for the validation of the current structure and design, but for the implementation with valid HTML5, CSS3 & Javascript
Front end tecnologies: Valid XHTML & CSS Server tecnologies: Java development - JSP (Spring) & Oracle. SVN Version control.

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Freelance Working Experience 2003 2011

Client: Ayuntamiento de Las Rozas. (Madrid)

Screenshot 2010

This is for the youth area of the Las Rozas Council in Madrid. This project required a custom design implementation into Joomla. Also the client wanted to deployment of that Joomla installation and support.
Front end tecnologies: Valid XHTML & CSS Server tecnologies: PHP & MySQL (Joomla CMS) (Mailing. Not onlie)


Client: Interdominios. (Madrid)

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Screenshot 2009

The client (Interdominios) a big domain company in Spain, wanted a custom mailing template. This template was codified entirely on HTML 3.0 markup, with inline styles (no CSS at all) and absolute URL images for the correct visualization by the most used email clients. Cross-mail compatibility was a requirement for the client, and test were made under the most popular email programs and webmail applications.
Front end tecnologies: HTML 3.0 (Mailing markup)


Client: Adesis Netlife Final client: Parque Innovacin Lasalle (Madrid)

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Screenshot 2008

My third project for Adesis Netlife. The final client here were for the Parque Innovacin Lasalle on Madrid. My roles were to implement a given design, into a fluid and valid HTML template. Very strong requirements in XHTML strict, WAI 1.0, semantic markup, and well documented CSS files. Once finished, the templates were submitted into a SVN repository, for later integration by the client.

Front end tecnologies: Valid XHTML 4.0 Strict & CSS.

7 of 13 Password protected section


Client: Adesis Netlife Final client: Caixa Galicia.

Screenshot 2007

This is for the Spanish bank Caixa Galicia. My roles were to implement a given design (PSD), into a fluid and valid HTML template. Very strong requirements in XHTML strict, WAI 1.0, semantic markup, and well documented CSS files. Also unobtrusive JQuery code were required, in order to fulfil some functionality requirements, but with no JS code on the HTML files. Once finished, the templates were submitted into a SVN repository, for later integration by the client.
Front end tecnologies: Valid XHTML 4.0 Strict & CSS. Javascript

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Client: Adesis Netlife Final client: Endesa.

Screenshot 2007

Same client, and same requirements for this electric company (Endesa) templates. I implement a given design, with valid XHTML strict markup, fluid (relative sizes for all elements, even images, and boxes) and WAI 1.0. The client also needed very good CSS implementation and all the code must be commented and structured for later implementation. Once finished, the templates were submitted into a SVN repository, for later integration by the client.
Front end tecnologies: Valid XHTML 4.0 Strict & CSS.

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Client: Diputacin Provincial de Alicante

Screenshot 2006

This is still live, although rather old, website of the environment area of County Council (Diputacin provincial) of Alicante. My roles in this project were the following: Validation of the Design and implementation of the validate page structure Present and validate design. Implement a valid HTML + CSS markup with WAI 1.0 accessibility, print stylesheet, and good SEO optimization. Deploy into production environment with given SRS

Front end tecnologies: Valid XHTML & CSS. Javascript Server tecnologies: None

France Telecom Group working experience 2001 2003

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Intranet Wanadoo-Eresmas (Internal project)


Screenshot 2002

Screenshot 2002

I was in charge of providing a very basic static version of the site, in less than 2 weeks. Later on, I implemented small server side technologies (news, contact form) My roles were: validate site structure and page mockups, HTML coding and design, write documentation for production deployment, and finally administration and maintenance of the site. This was my last project for the company, prior to the merger and acquisition for another telecommunication company.
Front end tecnologies: HTML + CSS Server tecnologies: JSP & Oracle (Not onlie)

2001 - 2002

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Screenshot 2002

My roles at the beginning of my web developer career, was the implementation of given PSD files into HTML pages ensuring cross-browser compatibility. Later on, I could specialize in accessibility, and valid HTML markup, working with tools as Topstyle or Homesite. On the server side, I spended most of the time implementing the HTML markup into the provided JSP files under CVS version control.
Front end tecnologies: HTML + CSS. Javascript. Server tecnologies: JSP & Oracle (Not onlie)


No screenshots
WAP version of website. This was a challenging project, as I was the only expert in WML at the company at that time, and there were few resources for the project. My roles were implementing a WML version of the main portal areas (news, sports, company information) working with CVS version control, close to de development team.
Front end tecnologies: WML Server tecnologies: JSP & Oracle (Not onlie)


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Screenshot home 2001

A satellite portal from France Telecom group. Same roles: HTML coding of given PSD designs esuring cross-browser compatibility, but with so many Javascript (DHTML) for validation, small page effects like menus or hiding divs Again, I used to work close together with the development team with CVS version control.
Front end tecnologies: HTML + CSS. Javascript. Server tecnologies: JSP & Oracle

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