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B e Melted t h e T r i m m i n g , a a d DUpoard of Them Through B o g * . DeotlstOther aad Older Method, ot M a t i n g H o n . / by Mutilating Codas. T b a S a r w u t t a 9**A t l e a n t w o - t h i r d s of ail tba Infinite flotsam and Jetsam wbicb t h e Gulf S t r e a m carries a l o n g w i t b it in i u course sooner ot later Mode a r e t t i n g place ID tba Sargaaao tea. Here may be aeen h u g e U u n k i of treea torn Horn tba i fo((4ta ot Brazil by t h e nMitr* o( \ b e I A m a z o n a n d floated a o w n tar o a t t o aea, I n u t i l t h e y were c a u g h t and swrpt alontt I by tba c u r r e n t : l o g w o o d from Hondnraa. I orange treea from F l o r i d a , t.tuoen and j boats from tb< is anda, atattvi in. broken i and b o t t o m u p w a r d ; w r e c k ai^d remains oi < ' , - V . b , e r e < ! ttOBa lhe, r , l h , b " r " i * of t b o A t l a n t i c ; w h o l e keela or , k e J e l o n , ^ toiDtd ;bif^ ^j,,^ t0 w i t h barnacle*, s h e l l s and weeds t h a t t h e o r i g l u a l o n t l i u e la e n t i r e l y lost to>




ac-i to bOuus Hur ot ta* system, such as twist arsjs. Stmt*. Drowaaaeen, ratti-cas after Mar, Wit ID t*e &VW, 4*. While their nxt f i w r r ^ SDOcr* has tjcec aoown ui curing Boartsrft* r Gomca's I m u U r n Pro* T euuatlT rataaNe is C :->t:pacoo. rora.' u J trwwtamg ** *aaoytag complainl. while U>CT aao correct all disorders of the ftomach, rriirf*-ft Ike Urw aad regulate lb* bowel*. Bras 1/ Stay ootj cared

The Third Week


For Tour Stoma.?)'s Sato
Yoa ofton no.d * UtU. wins, nd should nsr*r b* without It h o " * - B a l be aur* taat It 1. good; bad wine n l ' h t InJnra^Dur sioa-i. < esrUlaly can't Improva It Good .tors* bar* good customers, aod kr*p s ^ 1 wins. They osn't afford to .ellsny other kind. We claim that our. !. t i s be.t .tore In towa for arery brs.d of wlo., from Champagne down to SrMi Catawba.


Arc iu u

$3.00 FO
YOUTH*', $ 1 . 7 0 .

The Great Wiirdrobe's

Unprecedented Value*, ot


Ar*ta*y woaid be trsso* pnoekss ttoa who stanr from this vjre*s*ar cotnplaiut; but ferttsaaseiy their roodoeas doe* Dot eivi here, aad ftnee who ooce try taeu. .ill find (have WOe pflle rateable In K> many war* 'hat Oar rO aot be UHng to d* without thorn. l o t after ail tick bead


> m a r i r w that here !s where [Nat boast. Oar piHs cure it n * LOT* Pius are Terr irmali Ua One or two pills u:aia na i ttav saw etrioUy aeretable and do of fcraa, hat by their gentle srtioo w* aja Chess, bi rial* atcvnt: I. Sold S*IJ .here, or aeot b j RUUL

JBB KUtSn 90, trr Ted.



SaaJ PrfeflL

Wilcox, tho coin clipper, certainly stADd* at the bead of hla profcaaion. S h l p m c n u .... , , , ., of lightweight eagles a m i dooblo eagle* t o tbo trcainry at W a s h i n g t o n from various parts of the country t b o w that be must. b a r e treated In his peculiar a n d ingenious view, and bare and there a derVhct sblp, transformed from a flosiiog terror of tbe fashion at least ,50,000 worth of gold coin, deep iolo a mystery put ont oi reach of l i e left a trail of It ail the w a y from Dea- man in a museum of unexplained enigmas.Chamber's Journal. rer t o Baltimore. According t o b i s o w n account, Wilcox ReaJ afaiaia Trau.rere. Was able t o earn f 50 a d a y at t h i s sort of John La Grow and wife to John E. work w i t h o n l y four o r fir hours' tolL Tbo Industry wan easy a s well a s lucrative. Fatrar, land lo Carina*.: $240. Cbarles L. Van 8cbaick and wife to XIo w a s almost safe from detection, tbo land in Cape clipping being dono so scientifically. B y Beeclier C. McOuUr, c u t t i n g a r i m from around t h e coin as a Vincent; $450, Beecber C.McOmber and wife to Setb tire m i g h t be removed from a wheel he hook a w a y from each $20 ploce a n a m o u n t M. Pease, land in Cspe Vicent: $1,450. Elisabeth JdcCounell toSsth i l . Pease, of gold n o t exceeding SO t o 2 9 grains In land in Cape Vincent; fJfJO. w e i g h t , or about the r a l u o of a dollar. T h e Orin F etcher snd Clsra I. Flefcbtr subsequent rereodtng of t b o double eagle, to Lily M.Loomis, land i s Champion: done w i t h a machine, rendered it as per- $200. fect a OTor t o t h e e y e of t h e casual obFletcher. Lily M.Ioomla to Clara I lsod In Champion; $200. server. Retnaen K. Brown a n l wife to B a t t l e T h i s apparatus w a s small a n d easily and Emma Carkey, land lo Carthage; pocked, a n d o n reaching a fresh locality $".15. all that h e required w a s a quiet room i u Martha Brown to T.J. Besbee, land in a n obscure street and a supply of gold Brownville and Psmella; $200. coin. T h e latter ho obtained from the William H.Brown and wife to the banks. H e w o u l d deposit a considerable Griffia land oompauy, land iu this c i t y : s u m of money, and after a w h i l e b e would Edgar A.Rosaboom snd wife to John d r a w i t o u t In gold. T h e clipped coins were passed by i l r s . W i l c o x at dry goods T.Herriok, land in thl city; $SU0.

Staple a

CMLORKN'S, SJI.Bo, MHIff, $1^0, Osce triad, always used. Tbe women's shoe* ar* mad* from th* finest set* sct*d Doogola and ar. r . r y stylish In shape. The men's shoes ar* mad* from th* b e s t e f calf - skm s, vary e a s y and durable. The** ar. tha onlyadrerUs*d$3 SHOES that ar* HAND SCWCO. Tho S 2 SHOC* t h a TUs8taaspeaBoU.only 0 Q < i ^ ^ ^ 4 t o # price that are made by the rRtNCH HANDSCWCO process. All styles, all widths, tipped or plain. W*H abed U haltdr*s**d. si old by

Start* off well. To tboaa wbo bars not Improrsd tbe opportunity of getting a wellmads, stylish luamer Idlt for half its regular rslus, we would say that tbe Urns to do so is now, sad the place, Is where tbe two lions guard tba entrance of the oldest established clothing boas* in tbe city.


A flue art! Foil line o

S. R.Ryan.

B. V. H U B B A R D & (XX, 2 Flower Block, Wstertown. NY.

Great Wardrobe,

Is_pot forth to achieve suoeess, and by DE-EBV1NU >L'CCEja w e b o i * t* attain It. This Is the secret of our daily work, the key to unlock the paasaceway to p-ibJIo favor. Have yoa examined oar system ? is It not the true one ? Do WL> not merit a successful future in striving for boslnoss i l l along the lines marked Out t


SignTwo Lions-

A share ol

14 Woodruff Houses, Watsrtown, N . Y .


Custom-Made Suits,

I haw the largest aad moat raried line of water closet* *ver ehawn la this city. Mce* W lott the time*.

* Arse n * Wat.

Always Reliable, Always Ready, Always Willing

To tell joa t~ most, the. bast, and the csip<* goods yoa tvti bought for th. .siit mosey. Call aad b* convinced that acts ars facta. Bamsmtxr tat new

urniture Store.
LYMAN COLE, 84 and 66 Court-St.

bout One Cent a Day


Accident Insurance,
The Best Yet Offered.

Only $ 4 for Each $1000 Insurance,

It la by far the ebsaperi rata, being in tha bait company la the world, tho

Travelers' Insurance Co.

A spadtl elaaa er sated, eomoriMng. **rljr arary occupation heretofore piae.d In tba pr.'srred elaaa. If yon art la that elan yoa can aow gat Insurance at alowprloa. Lata* writ* a policy for yon.

Frank L Baker, Agent,

No 8 Arcade.



Try a hottla. rf ytru a r . not aatLfled wa ami be store than glad to return / o a r


ahops mostly. Killed by a J e a l o u s Lovar. Wilcox bad a confederate, who was osOwsKSBOno, A L A . , Juno 2*.Minnie tensibly a dentist. The latter, being sup- Jonea, aged 17 years,was called from her posed to employ that metal in his business, bonse Sunday night and brained by her found DO difficulty in disposing of tbo sto- sweetheart William Wilson. Minnie len gold. Bait the gang did not know how had returned borne from church with to melt the yollcw stuff. When lu Phila- another man, wbicb made Wilson jealdelphia, after his escape from Uncle Sam's ous. Wilson la In Jail and lynching is offioesa in Chicago, Wilcox thought It threatened. would be a better plan to reduce the. gold (o Ingots and sell It as bullion to dealers Obituary. In that commodity. So ho went to a man CBIOAOO, Jnne 26.Edward Egan, a Who bought and sold precious motals, tak- notorious safe blower, was snot and faing with him a few ounces of gold. He tally wonnded yesterday morning by poBald that ho was a dental surgeon, and lice officers while resisting arrest that, being about to depart for Europe, he wished to dispose of i t Oold for Europe. The merchant suspected nothing and Kxw T O S K , June 2d.The steamer made no objection when the customer ex- Harel. which sailed for Europe today, pressed a desire to look on while the gold was being melted. The operation is simple csrried $1,000,000 gold. enough, and Wilcox observed It carefully. Piles! Pile*! Piles: After 1 oaring the shop be went out and Dr. Williams* Indian Pile Ointment bought a nast of crucibles and a portable will cur* oiina, oleedina ana itching bellows. These be carried with him to piles when all other ointments have Baltimore, where ho made use of them failed. It absorbs tbe tumors, allays at once, and Until the detectives ran him down. Tha tha ItchingInstant relief. acts as a poultice, give* Dr. Willtanis' secret servlco strained every nerve to cap- Indian Pile Ointment is prepared only ture tho criminal who had mode such a for piles and itching of the private parts, success of a new and improved process for and nothing elMe. Every box is warmutilating the coinage. The apparatus rented. Sola by drug'CfSta, or sent by captured and destroyed must haro cost mail on receipt of price, 50 cants aad $1.00 per box. Williams M'f'g Co., . about 11,000. Prop's., Cleveland, O. A century or more ago the clipping of Bold on a guarantee at W. G. Mothercoins was carried on extensircly in Eng- sell's old Postothoa drug store, 9 Arcade, land and elsewhere. Goldpleoes which Watartown. had lost more or less of their substance were common then and passed current Katey Organ TeatlmoataL readily enough. But statutory restrictions NOBTH Witwa, N. Y . , Jan. 80, 1894. have rendered this business comparatirely M B . G. R H i N r o s D : unprofitable. However, i t is still practiced "Dear Sir: Sunday we triad tba orajaa by criminals of great expertness. Gold is and every one is mors than pleased with . almost exclusively subjected to such treat- It; they a n perfectly delighted. We m e n t Some of the processes employed came sear boring a cheaper organ, but I am so glad we did n o t I WAS in are remarkably Ingenious. I One of the moat interesting consists In faror of the Ettay, forto know there is no instrument equal them. I have awing a double eagle in two through tho had one for fifteen years and it baa been edge and gouging out the inside so as to played on a great deal, but it la just as remove about $15 of gold. Thus the piece sweet and perfect toned as ever snd Is reduced to a hollow shell in halres. It never haa been out of repair. I cannot la thafTTUied with platinum, which is say snougb In favor of tba Eatay. B. H. Lawm." nearly as heavy as the yellow metal, and Style a n d Comfort costsat the present market ratos, though this varies somewhatleas than one-half. Are combined in tbe Arrowanna fringed The cut edge of the reconstructed coin is hammocks. We bare made a specialty disguised by a rim of gold soldered on, of the** for yeais and tbay are more D . S. Miller & Co. and a reeding machine renews the corru- popular than ever. gations of the minting. The result Is R e l . e f I D Six atoara. really a work of art being a combination Distressing Kidney and Bladder disof fire dlffereat motals. Only an expert eases relived In six hours by th* ' N e w can distinguish anything wrong about i t Great Sonth American Kidney Cure." A motived somewhat similar, though loss This new remedy Is a greet surprise on artlsUa, la to substitute for the Interior account of it* exoeeding promptness In portion of a goldplace a core in the sbapo relieving pain in tbe blaaoer, ktwoeys, of a planchet of silver. This process Is back and tvtrj part of the urinary pasrasle or female. employed almost exoluslvely by Chinese. sages inof water and pain It relieves retention in passing it Its most important drawback is that the almost immediately. If you want quick eegle or double eagle thus treated is no- relief cud cure, this is your remedy. ticeably light la weight Sold by J. W. S'ott Druggist, WaterA better plan, though somewhat labori- town, N. Y. ous, consists in hosing Into the coin from R h e u m a t i s m Cnred In a B>ay. the edge so as to remove a considerable Mystic Cure," for rbeumatWm and part of Its internal substance. In this neuralgia, radically cures in one to three manner about $7 worth of gold may bo days. Its action upon tha system is reconveniently Bsmorad from a $20 piece, markable and mysterious. It removes the hole being filled up with a metal com- at once tbe cause and the disease lmnseposition and soldered at tho opening with diately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75c Sold by J. W. Xott, gold Numerous counterfeits of eagles and draggist, Wstertown. half eagles are extant cast in base metal For Sale or to Rent. and gilded. .Some of those are of pint in um, for the sake of weight Tho gilding proc- Hon.* 06 Coffeen street We will sell at If not sold before June ess has been Ingeniously combined with a bargain. to a small family. Good 10th will rent well "sweating." By suspending in a tank of and water works. Newly painted and cyanide of potash a goldplcco at one end papered. For full particulars, inquire ot a copper wlro and a base metal counter- of Bohl & Gamble. feit at tho other end tho criminal operator n o h n w k a- riaione Dividends. can chemically transfer a coating of gold Tbe New York Central directors from the good coin to the bad one. By this statement that the method the bad coin obtains the appear- authorize the A railroad, recentlv ance of a goldpleoes while tho real gold Mobawk the Malone York Central, bs's leased by New piece is rendered not less negotiable at the earned its fixed charges and a small faoo value. surplus. Chemistry Is of great scrrice to counterm feiters. Comparatlrrly few false coins are r . t l m a t e s Cheerfully Issued nowadays without an electroplating m a d e on b u i l d i n g s s n d b u i l d i n g m a t s of gold or silver, which adds to th, . rial. White & A n t h o n y , 27 M o u l t o n oeptlre quality. In this way silver quarters slightly altrnd as to lettering are Fresh supply of o l i v e , s n d o l i v e oil made to imitate gold eagle*, while dimes are transformed in ltko fashion into half j n s t received a t T h o m p s o n & C< eagles H a y L*nox s o a p a t Tbompsc. Fortunately for the currency, practical- C o . ' a . ly all of the gold in circulation in the) N o e x t r a c t s oed In the sjrup p u t into United State* passe* every few years Kice' soda*. N o t h i n g b a t pur* fruit <ch tho trpoMiry and .ties. juices used. We s*ll t b e Deck Floor p a i n t B J piece nv-i l\i<l :ions is weighed, and if found light in weight w i t h varnish. Will d r y hard In is stamped with a b l g " L . " Such coins n i g h t s o d wear l o n g e r t h a n a n y o t t e r . ,. & Massey. arv r illlon. They are sent to I am c u t t i n g tbe finest b u t t e r sold in pco .


WOOL, r a x c i C A S s t n c a E s ,

C H E C K S A N D P L . U M l ' * HTOHSTEDl rl.TE WOBSTEO SILK S t X r O B B .


Are selected w i t h tbe greatest care as t o qualityand low expenses enable us to g i v e you better value for your money than yoa can find In this or a n y other city. Prompt service, goods as represented, and one price to all, at t o e

OFFICE, Corner of Mill & Moulton Streets. Telephone \ o . 41. CHALRES W. SLOAT, President, FRED B. PORTER, Vice President, LOUIS C. GREEXLEAF, Secretary.

Fancy Trouserings,
Black English Worsted Stripes* Fancy Wool Stripa Cassimsras. Scotch Ch avtats Checks Strlpas


Worsteds, Elegant. Styles







Harness Store I Wood Yard,
No. 3 Park Ave.
WOOD PBICES FOB 18M: Dry Hard Wood-per 1 cord, delivered.. $ j 30 f . .* ft. W ft* * 1 4 1 03ft 80 Dry Soft Wood perT cord, daltrered $ ; uo

Merchant Tailor, 81-2 CCWS. R E , EF UpStairs.

H a r l o g d ^ l d e d that propcrtr ia Water town 1. aa aetire as In most cittea since the panic, and thero will iaon comtusnee a rapid advance, bowarer, I ara a n z i o a s t o cloae ap estate matters durlnf tbe season of 1894. and have decided to dispose of a sroat deal of my real eatatr at from H to U of the recent prices, Inolndlnt fine bailafng lots on the street car Una. and in different parts of t h e e i t r ; also d w e l l i e s bouses In different arta of tba city, which includes a rood welling- house on the corner of SaJlna and Hantilton-sta. ItoTses opposite the Sleana E c j i a e Works. Dwsllinsr fiouse Ko. 6 Sheridan-st.. opposite the Match factory- D o a b l . bouw on the corn r of Horrlaojj and Bnrdlck-jte.. with or without several line building: lots adjolnlnc. Two s e w house, on CoiTeon-st-.lwIth ali modern Improvements. 3 new houses on tCater-rt., near Marble Works. W acre farm near Chanmont, J>. Y. Land near Marble works in SOT l o a c r e lots are among tbe bargains that l a m now offering. Prompt attention will b* glren to all partie. requiring information : also houses and flats in Smith bnlldlng to l s u Office open evenings. W.H.SMITH, Smith Building. Watextown. N.V.

Red C(




This Elegant A iiiiiiiiiiiiriiii.

I i i U t l Mllillw llr




.. .. .. J7 . , delivered. Kindling Wood per 1 cord,

1 10 TO I I SO


Wood delivered by wagon loads running from IX to 3 cord loads; on orders left at office 23 cents per cord less. My wood is of the best quality, purchased frem f a n s , era, spilt One ready for stove. CAfsH O.N DELIVEKV. Lea ve your orders at

REED ROCKER Cat to $3.

One of the Best Values Yet Offered.

. fi. BOWERS'
Harness Store,


U y o a hiM

5 Court and 6 Arsenal Streets.

Or at 3 Park Ave.

coal y e t ? Y atone as th go up on aot troubles at tl WE

T h e r e I s to be a

Summer School
at the

Northern Business College

From July 9th I s Aug. 2 a Writs for circulars to



Pfiiladelp Lehigh Valley

Our Coal ii and delivered city at W . 2 5 ]


Hubbard St Polo*
Vstartawa, N.Y. A Striking Itesemblance
between Tan Shoes that ar<> good and Tan t-hoes that are had. Hemember that "ail Is not gold that glitters" and



Don't be Deceived.
Come in and lot ns tell you about the difference in Tan Shw

The Coolest Store.

The Coldest Soda Water.
The largest number of Xew Beverages and all the old popular di inks are to be had a t the

Cor. Mill
Telepfc Ererjthlnjr Ii Alway

D. A. WAIT & CO.

John M. Paterson,
2 0 Public Square.

Store to Rent. Do Yc
That you can fl rlSHivoTArurr, r * Urge and commodious store In Uj new a.m.:srriri5. ar Felt A Mains Block on Conrt-st.. fronting DOO < t o ' h court snd Coffern-t., Is now offered for rent. ro*s*slon given Aug. lsu Parpplylnt now ran h a r . the t o r e . r . ranged to suit their bnlne. it u a first c!ss location for a flour and feed , t o r or ry- will make !** to desirable parties on Tery farorable term*. Apply to

City Drug Store.

We use only pure fruit Juices and rich Jersey cream.

T.C.Chi Edwin l.i


DRUOUI8T8, Romarg Ulock. WatertowotN. T.

21 Public Square.


Choice Wines,

ciiifi WL nm A L
v Ton is*rwm M AT DRUO Toak. EAHT HIIJK I ' l B U I C S g U A U H , - . * . asOTT.

ernment The most chan* t. >tur* of bad raotal pieces Is a greasy feel New York World.
*? I . l i e .<-<i WALTOH, N. Y., April 14, 1*M. When

my b*ny was alx months old ah* was taken vary badly with diarrhoea. A aoaaov earn, arary day fot a weak. Baby got wor**, until Ing a I all. 1 -1 on
c u r rtraa-k Hand's DUrrbtM )ot ot)-)i tl* a n d . . v a d her hf Mas. All d m
d O r .

t h * c i t y : also b a r e a full Una o! finest gtocerles Call and e i a m l n q u a l i t y a o d price. Fred F u e a s , 88 C at ' t i m a t e s furnished on sash, di blinds, and all shop work band s a w i n g m o u l d i n g s of all > Koblin H o t e b k l o A C'o's. 12 u Hirer atrvet te glaas a spe-r!allt> W j n . dow glaaa, l o t h plain and fancy t Hotebklo A I r.e a o d sprue* s l d s w a k B o b l l n . Hotrhklt, 11 aod 14 Hirer sir***. low tba crowd ar M of T h o m p s o n A I . ,t

Veterinary Surgeon !

FORnext to it ; that Is the way we Graduate of Ont- Vet- College. NOTHING! Jewel! - Refrigerators, Xotqult*\ but
II e;uaranl ; l t there than th /avail Drj old Air Refrigerators. Tbs II '4 p*ttroi ' * kit of bard wood vltb Bronz* Trisazslfirv a rarietr .-*. r.w ittlaa, a^d it rreally reduced prieaa fall aad gat ;aa.pblst


Most Bold 23 y* Drag Stors, Sqoara.

are soiling our furniture, practically no profit In it for US, hut we want t h e money. If yon want a 8N AT. come to

Animals treated st Io8rmsry by day o .k. forgery sad denllstry a ipadslty sod Infra..; ^\ghl HI Main it. Hoy la offlfa s l g h u T.lapbnae eoaaaetad.


got It and

my baby

H. G o o M t t c i t .


snd m r Hi tore*. t h e moat simple . w } ( earn met "nil u>' market Wleka. ,; .* 11. eja p * ear*.

A l l k i n d s of frh Vegetables at Tboaireor. We d o hot . < W f ,ox g^,. . beaaa* i v , ) r one k n o w s t b s t w* k**t> iu B o h l A Gambia.

SjoiBibsrg I Ii.fli4.ti
I B WsahlOLgtOQ-st.

The Famous,
(Formerly The Palace Furniture) U t o ^ 8 FrOwer Block. D . J . KAlrTER, Prop.

hV t D O W
M U l t

Painless Ertraj ROBINSON &

H u m a n Hair O o o 4 a Hpexialtlesi i.sDirraiis^rooia.^fsan, nms<



_-.". V - . I 0 " * * rt*q*a*|s>. . t popular wriaasv. .'*.o Larar atr***, Watart* -



Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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