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November/December 2012

In this issue: 1 2-6 Upcoming Events Staff Greetings

From the desk of Mr. John TERZI,

8-11 MSA-6 Events

(past events)

Dear MSA-6 Family, It is hard to believe that we are fast approaching the end of the first semester and it is time for our semester finals. The finals begin on Monday, Dec.10 th and end on Thursday, Dec.13th. Please review the final schedule (which is in the newsletter) for further details. I would like to remind you that now is the time for all students to focus their efforts on their studies. Students should be working diligently to complete assignments, study, and prepare for final exams. Good luck everybody! When the school resumes on Tuesday, January 8, 2013, we will begin our second semester of the school year and, as we announced before in the PTF meeting, there will be some schedule changes. On that morning, we encourage students to arrive early because they will receive their new second semester schedules. Finally, I would like to recognize the efforts of the MSA-6 staff. I am thankful for our professional staff who support one another and value making a difference in the lives of children On behalf of all us at Magnolia Science Academy-6 Palms, I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a fruitful and exciting year in 2012. Thank you for making Magnolia such a great place to learn. I know that without your support and effort MSA-6 would not be a great school it is today. Best wishes, John Terzi MSA-6 Principal


Hot News:


Finals Week - Minimum Day Monday, Dec. 10, 2012 Thursday, Dec. 13, 2012 (Exam) PTF December Meeting Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2012 at 6:00 pm Talent Show & Award Ceremony Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 (10:30 am -12:16 pm) 1 Semester Last Day of School-Min. Day Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 (Dismissal at 12:16 pm) 2 Semester Starts Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2013 MSA-6 Science Fair Monday, Jan. 14 - Friday, Jan.18 2013 Martin Luther King Jr. Day No School Monday, Jan. 21, 2013
nd st


Issue IX

Dear Tigers, The finals are finally here, which means that you need to start studying, NOW! It is important that you use your time wisely each day so that you can study be prepared for each final. Some tips that can help you study for the finals are: 1. Study first, and then play 2. Have a study buddy 3. Have a goal each time you study 4. Reward yourself after each study sessions with something small 5. Give yourself a big goal as well. For example, if you ace all your tests, then ask your parent/guardian if you can have a friend over for dinner or to play games...etc. It's all up to you to do well. I believe in you guys! Lastly, I would like to wish you a happy winter break and a happy New Year's. I hope that you come back to school feeling refreshed from the break and ready to finish the school year. Sincerely, Mr. Choe Dean of Students


Issue IX

Hello MSA-6 Family, As the years go by, time flashes before our very eyes. We know most of you will agree when we ask, Where did the past year go? Students, as you approach to the end of the first semester, remember your first day of academic school year and remember the importance of education and its role in your life. As new year approaches, set your long and short term goals and remember that the reward for working and studying hard is learning. If I could give my students anything, I would give them the gift of becoming life-long learners. It wouldnt make any difference how technology would change; they would find a way to explore new and exciting topics. Finally, I would like to thank all my students for their hard work during this semester and appreciate the support of our wonderful parents. Wishing all of you a Christmas Season filled with beautiful moments and cherished memories. Ms. Babaie Science Teacher

MSA Tigers, You have almost made it to the end of another semester. All that is left is to do an outstanding job on your final exams. How are you going to pull that off, though? I have a few suggestions for you: 1. Study in 30 minute blocks, starting SEVERAL days before finals 2. Ask for help! If something is confusing to you, let your teachers know as soon as possible. 3. Make flashcards and practice, practice, practice. 4. Attend after-school tutoring for all classes that you are feeling less than confident about. A large part of being able to do your best on an exam is being well-prepared. That means that you need to take the time, and put in the work involved in mastering each subject. It can be challenging work, but the power of changing your grade (for better or for worse) is in your hands. Now go study! Ms. Bray ELA/History Teacher

Hi MSA-6 Finals are approaching and you all must memorize every term and question in my study guide in order to pass my final exam. Also make sure to get plenty of sleep the night before and eat a healthy breakfast. Make sure to ask me any history questions you may have. I believe every single one of you will succeed. Please prepare for the exam. I wish you all happy holidays and a happy New Year. Please take the time to give thanks and remember to express appreciation for the important people in your life. Thank you, Mr. Guzman History Teacher


Issue IX

Hola MSA6 Tigers! The end of the fall semester is fast approaching. You will be taking your final exams before winter break. Final Exams do not have to be difficult if you study. Use your study guide to prepare for your finals. If you do not understand a concept or how to solve a problem this is the time to ask your teachers. It is a good idea to start studying for finals as soon as possible. Make flashcards if you need to memorize vocabulary or formulas. Practice math problems, and concentrate on the problems that are more difficult for you to solve. When you study at home find a quiet place to study with enough light and away from distractions such as your cell phone. Study every day. Study during the day, before going to bed, and when you are in the car. In addition, you can study with your friends. Learning with friends in study groups is an effective way to prepare for your tests. It is an efficient way to master the skills you will be tested on. You can use your study guides and flashcards to test each other. The night before your test go to bed early and eat a healthy breakfast before going to school. This will help you to stay focused and be alert during the test. And lastly, remember all this hard work will pay off! Have a safe and happy holiday. Wishing you and your family peace and happiness in the new year. Enjoy your winter break. Mrs. Heman Spanish Teacher

Hi Tigers! Finals are just around the corner and it's time to crack the books and get to work. Work on your test banks with a friend or group of friends. Studies show that students learn more when they work with each other! Start working with your friends after school or even on the weekends. Remember, you have many resources to help you. You have your notes, your book, and the internet! If you need more guidance, use websites such as or even The internet is your friend when it comes to studying. Good luck studying and remember, Winter Break is so close! Keep up the hard work for one more week and you're free! Sincerely, Ms. Kim Math Teacher

Dear MSA6 Students, Winter break is almost here!! However, before break is finals week. There is a lot of material to study; however, don't get overwhelmed. Here are three simple study tips you should keep in mind: 1. Start by studying the most important information first. Which lessons did you spend the most time working on? What are some reoccurring themes over the weeks? Summarize important ideas from your notes. There will be a lot of information in your notes. Simplify your notes by summarizing them. Take short breaks while studying. Your mind needs to rest or else it will be overwhelmed. Take short breaks when needed.



I hope you will all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year's break! Enjoy the holidays and time with your family. I will see you guys next year! Ms. Lim Art Teacher


Issue IX

Mrs. Saglam

Hey Tigers! Finals are upon us! I know they may seem intimidating, but they're really not. I'll let you in on a secret... those study guides your teachers made for you? Review, review, review those questions and information and you'll do great on your tests. Also remember that a good night's rest and healthy breakfast are key. And after our final exams, we get to celebrate with three weeks off! Enjoy the break from school, and keep your mind active by completing your winter work packets. Wishing you and your families happy holidays, Ms. Mendez
Math Teacher

Hello MSA 6 students, Congratulations, you are almost done with the first semester! Finals week is rapidly approaching so it is important to study hard. Make sure to eat breakfast during finals week so you will be able to concentrate and remember what you studied. Find a study buddy or have your family members help you or quiz you to see what you information you have remembered. Also, please remember to get plenty of sleep so you will not be tired during finals. I want to wish you a Happy Holiday season and Winter Break. Please go have fun and enjoy the time off. All of you have worked hard and deserve some time to relax. See you in 2013!! Sincerely, Ms. Nycz PE Teacher

Hi Tigers; Only one week left for finals. I am sure that you already have started studying for finals. If not, you should start studying immediately. To get high grades on your final you should go over your chapter tests, class works, homework packets and quizzes. Also you should take advantage of an extra credit option which is 3D Cell Model Project. Good Luck Tigers! I believe in you! Lastly, I would like to wish you a happy winter break and a happy New Year! P.S: Please dont forget to turn in your Science Fair Project Display Board 1st day of 2nd Semester which is Jan 8th. Best, Mrs. Saglam Science Teacher


Issue IX

Mrs. Maria

Mr. Crawford

Hello MSA-6 Tigers, The first semester is coming to an end and that means that it is time for finals. Finals are worth a percentage of a student's overall first semester grade so it is imperative that every student prepare for their exams. Here are some study strategies that I suggest: Find the right study space, create and study with flashcards, review previous quizzes, assignments, papers, and labs to pinpoint where you've had trouble in the course, create and answer your own test questions, and study in small chunks of time when possible. I hope everyone has a wonderful winter break. Please, remember to keep your minds active over the holidays. See everyone next year!!! Cheers, Ms. Villela ELA Teacher

Hi Tigers and Dear MSA-6 Families, The holiday season is just around the corner, and before we know it, snowy decorations, Santa Clauses, jingle bells and holiday shopping will be everywhere. Its a joyful time of the year where most people like to celebrate and reconnect with loved ones. For me in the office its a time of "controlled craziness" and at the same time I love to share your children's excitement and stories of what they will be doing during the holidays. As for myself, I will stay home for the holidays and try to create memories with my family. I want to wish you all happy holidays and a wonderful and peaceful New Year. Happy Holidays, Ms. Maria Office Manager

To All Students, By now you have studied and looked over your study guide you were given for each class. There are several things you need to do next: 1. Quit studying and get a good nights sleep (at least 8 hours) 2. Wake up in plenty of time to have a good breakfast. 3. Get to school on time!!!! 4. Take your time on the test. 5. Look over the whole test before you start. 6. First do all the questions you can answer easily. 7. On scratch paper write down the number of the questions you have to come back to. 8. Take your time, do not hurry. 9. Be confident, you know this stuff. 10. Repeat this procedure for the next day. Good luck, Mr. Crawford Resource Specialist


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Issue IX

MSA-6 commemorates our Veterans


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Issue IX



Issue IX

Attention parents! PTF December meeting will be on Dec. 12th at 6:00 pm. 2nd Semester will start on January 8, 2013. There will be some schedule changes for the 2nd semester. We will inform you. We will have a Science Fair on Jan.14th18th. We will have a school field trip in February. 8th Grade promotion will be on May 29th from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.

In November, We celebrated ___Mr. Choes_________ birthday.

Mr. John Terzi, Mrs. Jessica Bray Mr. James Choe and Ms. Lim



Issue IX

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