Fixing The Past: The Reference Guide To Pagan, Eclectic and Wicca/n Mistakes in Wisdom..

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Allow me to fix this: the past messages of Pagan and Wiccan Fears and Education, below is the real

story... Enjoy.. "from the divine teacher will the pillar will she climb and from the divine serpent self will she thus speak, for she is the divine being who attains it.. for in she will be named "goddess and daughter of the wise" and titled in witch and become the eclipsed moon." Ideally, a coven will allow you to attend a few open meetings, in which you can observe the goings-on and meet all the members, without intruding upon the secrecy of any ceremonies or rites. sorry but this for clubs and for pagan groups, any coven worth its salt doesn't allow one in unless they follow trials like "school frats, or soro's", because once you let them in they may not be who they say.. so you can either play a game with those you want in or you can trust that who is meant to be will respect the rules and designs of a serious coven.. true you can have open meetings but this will not contain anything ritualistic.. as it is bending the oath they claim to serve as an artist of the design...(get over the fears or just not go in)...perhaps its not meant for you after all.... Members that don't seem to get along with each other. (perhaps because like a family things have to work out, you may not want to be in this family, but your here for the arts not just them and they would if they are real remember that as "its part of the oath to serve not bicker" thats more pagan ego..) Whose ideas strike you as silly or foolish. (some things are strange or off... and in that case make your best judgement, but if it is an experiment in learning, then learn then judge, its the foolish mind that decide before they fully test it, you may not be able to get into it again if you drop it as fast as you think you got in.. (this is an art.. not some game) Leaders who are on a power trip.: I agree, but also don't come in so high and mighty yourself, as you may find your out before your in.. the nature of a guide is to guide, and a teacher to teach, but a leader.. doesn't exist in a mystical art, only a guide or teacher or friend.. as these are equal to you, and was just like you as they got in, so they should see things as you do if they are of that type of nature... but anyone on a ego trip has to have the reasoning otherwise say good bye if you want to be free from this version of slavery.. (however in the darker arts a type of service is required in such as it is about learning at the hands or feet of those who are to teach you their ropes..) but again the choice is yours.. Leaders who clearly don't know what they're doing. (explaining an art is just as important as being in one.. however as one is learning, they are to learn if they take what they are learning seriously though if the art starts out in one

design and then skips to something totally un-related then you might be dealing in something that even the guide doesn't know, so when in that form seek more aware natures from those in it, or by the words used.. normally that tells you if they know or not, but remember if its not "dedicated" chances are they are a group or gathering and the terms might not be learning but just being in it.. again.. information helps..) Covens that actively seek teens as members: again this depends on teaching, but when its underage remember to be safe and not sorry, but again its in the nature of a witchy one to know their emotional commitment to an art, .. and no real group or design would seek to harm or guide a young artist in unless they are fully and totally committed and of learning age, in the older times this wasn't a problem, but with the fears of those who are in it for just their own gain, its a dangerous world.. but if the group/coven is truthful they will not do something that serves their own interest but instead work with the one to find safe and healthy way of expressing their nature.. or give them over to one who can.. Covens that expect you to have sex as part of your initiation. "we live in an ancient mindset" not a modern world, and some require the design to show service or dedication to the arts or to even open up to the oath, but remember if its for ... more then your design or used outside the nature it was intended then unless your into that... it is not right "all things of the body and spirit in the art is sacred" and should be seen as personal or expressive in the art of celebrational freedoms.. when others over step or make advances to you in the art and aren't in line with the coven, guide, or rituals as "agreed" then they aren't working for the true design... sorry but sexual truth and magic(k) has been an age old way to test truth, prove self, and sometimes to weed out the weak of spirit... as in any other for of trial or test one may be made to pass... from groups or even gathering... but (again it is up to the seeker and to the design) when these isn't what it should be.. then you might want to find out why... or leave... (be safe not sorry) remember as well "your studying an art that has designs morally seen and some not" but when one picks at something because its different, it doesn't mean its bad.. only when it leads to bad things... Covens that demand you give up your money, family and friends. :you by books, attend school, go to shops... when you offer you offer for your art, it may be required for you to pay for a course here or there, those that say its all "free" are selling you something "religious, or on your local shelf" sorry.. but was the bible free each time you go to church?... i think not... is your schools free?, is your days off from work free...(its a sad thing needing money for things spiritual, but everyone has to live even those who say "its free") as far as to give up more then you can afford, or family, or friends, unless they are harming you and you are asking for help you need not give up anything you don't want to, i'm sorry but they can disagree as they want with your choices, but if they are close to you they should support your right to be happy... whatever you do... now if they attack you or your design, then you might want to think

about not letting them do that.. if its what you want.. but thats the "gray" area... "now for those who say take nothing.. as in free" do they not go to bookstores, or get paid for lectures..or for tapes you buy to serve or donate... then they have no room to talk.... end of story... Groups that ask you to break the law or cause harm to others. unless someone harms you physically you have no reason to act, let nature take it and just direct your thoughts to it being done, you are to be as good or as bad as you want, but breaking the law , harming others looks bad on all not just yourself, it goes to show that someone wants power or control and fear and thats "normally a cult" not "occult" two different words... its a group that wants you to be exactly like them and even in the arts there is differences of nature and imagery and teaching, no one is "a robot" unless they are within... when one chooses to harm another you send a clear message of "a double edge sword" and it can by nature harm back and take away what you love or care about.. the fear is others casting on you or hexing you.. seek an expert not a mental believer (for that will just agree with you and then sell you something) seek a real person who cares or at least knows the arts.. otherwise your haunting yourself...) i could add 500 more messages to this.. but i will say.. (be personal, because they will, be kind because you want kindness, be honest because you want to see what you want to see , not what they just want to show, and be mature.. because we live in an adult world.. and they aren't We aren't, going to pull any punches..) and if this isn't for you.. seek a lesser art and then grow from there... leave the bless it be to those that want to Be... it... not just Blessed... Easy words are fun and free, but its the Hard ones that make you stop and think, before doing something you may scare yourself from before you begin....

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