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Chelsea Mariana Silva, Without Prejudice U.C.

C 1-308 2107 Bahamas Drive Apartment 3 Edinburg, Texas near 78539 Texas Republic Certified Mail #(########) (Return Receipt Attached) Traffic Citation # E0032394 EDINBURG MUNICIPAL COURT 100 East Freddy Gonzalez Drive Edinburg, TX 78541 (956) 289-7797


Introductory Certification The Undersigned, Chelsea Mariana Silva, hereinafter "Affiant," does herewith solemnly swear, declare, and state that: A. Affiant can competently state the matters set forth herewith. B. Affiant has personal knowledge of the facts stated herein. C. All the facts stated herein are true, correct, complete, and certain, admissible as evidence, not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, in accordance with Affiant's best firsthand knowledge and understanding. Plain Statement of Facts: D. Conditional Acceptance -- Request for Proof of Claim, attached hereto, made fully part hereof, and included herein by reference, was served on Edinburg Texas Municipal Court Judge TORRIDIO PALACIOS, via USPS certified mail (Certified Mail #70123050000043035625), signed and received by Ruben Rodriguez, on January 19th, 2013. E. TORRIDIO PALACIOS, Edinburg Texas Municipal Court Judge, dishonored and thus defaulted on said Conditional Acceptance -- Request for Proof of Claim by failing to establish Liability of Affiant through any of the enumerated proofs of claims within 10 days of its service via his agent. By TORRIDIO PALACIOSs, Edinburg Texas Municipal Court Judge, dishonor/default regarding his lack of response to Chelsea Mariana Silvas Conditional Acceptance -- Request for Proof of Claims, received by Edinburg Texas Municipal Court agent/employee, Ruben Rodriguez on January 19th, 2013, TORRIDIO PALACIOS has not lawfully established Affiant's Liability (Chelsea Mariana Silva, private woman of flesh and blood) to the violations stated in the Edinburg Texas Municipal Traffic Ticket Citation No. E0032394, and has thus stipulated to the facts that Affiant, this private woman, is not subject to the Texas Vehicle Code, and that she has a right to travel in her private vehicle/conveyance, in noncommercial use of same, and all charges brought against Affiant, as enumerated, are unfounded in Common Law, and the State of Texas, by and through Hidalgo County, has no jurisdiction over this private woman, Chelsea Mariana Silva, has no claim, and therefore no controversy exists requiring adjudication by the court.

Now, therefore the prosecution is in default and is given three days to cure, and if not cured within such time, a final default upon these citations will be submitted for and on the record. Verification of Certification I. The Undersigned Affiant, Chelsea Mariana Silva, does herewith swear, declare, and affirm that Affiant executes this Affidavit with sincere intent, that Affiant can competently state the matters set forth herein, that the contents are true, correct, complete, and certain, not misleading, and the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in accordance with Affiant's best knowledge and understanding.

Date: _______________________ Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Caveat Using a Notary Public on this Affidavit does not constitute any adhesion, nor does it alter my Natural InLaw Status, in any manner. The only purpose for the use of this Notary is verification and identification of my natural body, as the recipient of this Affidavit, and to solemnly witness my Act before all Mankind, and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction. __________________________________________________________ Notarial Certification state: Texas Republic} } solemnly subscribed and affirmed: county: Hidalgo } On the date set out above, a living woman who identified her Self as Chelsea Mariana Silva attested to the truth of this Affidavit with her private signature as Public Record.

________________________________________ Notary Public for STATE OF TEXAS

___________________________ date My commission expires: _____________, A.D. 20___.

Sincerely, Chelsea Mariana Silva, Without Prejudice U.C.C 1-308(207)

Attachments: Copy of Citations/Violations, Affidavit of Conditional Acceptance

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