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Zombie Love 1

Valentine’s Day for Zombie Hero

Some rules for interracial couples –i.e., Zombie and Human—for Zombie Hero RPG.

So, your Zombie is wandering around the town, learning what he can, and generally
enjoying himself. Suddenly, he comes across a beautiful female, and falls instantly in
love with her. Problem is, she’s not a Zombie –she’s HUMAN!

What does your Zombie do?

She’s bound to be afraid of him if she sees him. Most humans are afraid of Zombies
when they first see them. Of course, the situation plays a part as well…

Is she alone? Or is she with someone?

Is she being harassed or attacked? If your Zombie rescues her, maybe she’ll like you.

First rule of RPG romance is: Never force another player’s character to fall in love with
YOUR character!

You must ask the other player’s permission if their character and your character can be
lovers. If the two players are married, or dating, this won’t be a problem. But if not, it’s
best to ask.

An NPC run by the GM is better. He may even allow you to play the lover, if he doesn’t
want to play the character, himself.

Play out the meeting of the two characters like any encounter. If you want to roll dice,
the attribute is Charisma. Some skills would be: Charm, Seduce, and Impress. Another
player –or NPC—can even use the Matchmaking skill to add to the roll. The opposing
attribute is Smarts.

James is a Zombie with a Charisma of 6. He has both Charm and Seduce.
Julie is a Human with a Smarts of 6.

James introduces himself to Julie, taking care not to frighten her. This gives him an
additional +1 to his Charm or Seduce roll for a total of 8. He rolls a 7. To resist his
Charm, Julie must roll under a 6 (her Smarts). She rolls a 9. She fails to resist James’
Charm, and falls in love with him.

If James rescues her from being attacked, this would have earned him another +1 to his
Charm, for a total of 9. If another character was Matchmaking, his skill would have been
added for yet another +1, giving James a 10. Up to two other characters can Match-make
for the two lovers-to-be.

For two characters who already know each other, roll 1d6 for each character, and add this
number to the characters Charisma and Smarts.

Matthew is a Zombie with a Charm of 7, and Charm.
Mindy is a Human with a Smarts of 6.

Matthew and Mindy have known each other for several months, and they are fairly
comfortable with each other. Each rolls 1d6 and Matthew gets a 4, and Mindy gets a 5.
Matthew now has a 12, while Mindy has an 11. Matthew rolls a 10, and Mindy rolls a
12. No contest. Mindy falls head over heels with Matthew.

Of course, it’s more fun if you role-play the exchange instead or roll dice. You can also
establish the relationship before play begins.

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