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Unit 1 Written Homework Assignment

Carefully consider and complete the following problems and type in your answers. Be sure to include your work in case it might give you partial credit. You may discuss the problems with others, but the work you submit should be your own. Save the document with your answers and upload it to I-Learn using the Save button at the bottom of the assignment. Then click on Submit to submit it for grading. 1. In a couple of sentences, describe how math is used in your major. Math is vital for accounting, since it is basically learning how to correctly handle large numbers. Math helps us learn to make sure that a=a. 2. (section 8A) Suppose Jane starts with $1 and doubles her wealth every day, John starts with $10 and doubles his wealth every other day, and Jack starts with $10 and gets an additional $10 every day. Draw a chart to show how much money each person has at the end of each day for 10 days. Which seems to be more important for long term growth, the initial amount or how often it doubles? The initial amount is more important. Jane 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 258 512 3. John 10 30 70 150 310 630 1270 2550 5110 10230

4. (section 8B) Over the last few years, on-campus enrollment at BYU-I has increased by approximately 5% per year. There were about 15,000 students enrolled on campus in fall of 2011. Compute the approximate doubling time and use it to estimate the on-campus enrollment in 10 years and in 25 years. Do you think these numbers will be accurate? Why or why not? No, because there can be unexpected factors like early mission calls or such.

5. (7B) What is the probability that an 83% free-throw shooter will miss his next two free throws? Do not round your answer. 68.89%

6. (7B) What is the probability of Rexburg suffering through a 500-year flood at least once during the next 100 years? Round your answer to the nearest one tenth of one percent. (Note: a 500-year flood is a flood that is so significant that it only happens, on average, about once in every 500 years.) 19.9% 7. (7C) Football teams have the option of trying to score either 1 or 2 extra points after a touchdown. In the NFL in 1999, 1-point attempts were successful 94% of the time, while 2-point attempts were successful only 37% of the time. In either case, failure means zero points. Calculate the expected values of the 1-point and 2-point attempts (separately). Based on these expected values, which option makes more sense in most cases? Continually using 1-point attempts. 8. (7E) Benjamin and Jerrolds Ice Cream Shop offers 15 different flavors of ice cream and 6 different toppings. Answer the following questions by using the appropriate counting technique (multiplication principle, arrangements with repetitions, permutations, or combinations). a. How many different sundaes can you create using one of the ice cream flavors and one of the toppings? 45 cones b. How many different triple cones can you create from the 15 flavors if the same flavor may be used more than once? Assume that you specify which flavors go on the bottom, middle, and top. 3375 triple cones c. Using the 15 flavors, how many different triple cones can you create with 3 different flavors if you specify which flavor goes on the bottom, middle, and top? 2730 triple cones d. Using the 15 flavors, how many different triple cones can you create with 3 different flavors if you dont care about the order of the flavors on the cone? 455 triple cones 9. Make a probability distribution for the sums that appear when two fair four-sided dice (tetrahedrons) are tossed.

Sum 2

Probability 1/16

Sum 6

Probability 3/16

3 4 5

1/8 3/16 1/4

7 8

1/8 1/16

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