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TIME & LOCATION: 6:30 pm Recreation Room 1040 Pacific St Vancouver, B.C. STRATA COUNCIL 2011 VICE-PRESIDENT Eric Starr TREASURER Tony Cheung AT LARGE Marcus Van Albrecht Larry Perras Paul Sprout Payam Kavousian STRATA MANAGER John Poon Direct Phone: (604) 714-6387 Direct Fax: (604) 592-5282 ACCOUTANT 1-877-585-4411 BAYWEST MANAGEMENT #301 1195 W. Broadway Vancouver B.C. V6H 3X5 24 Hour Line: (604) 257-0325 ATTENDANCE: Eric Starr Tony Cheung Marcus Van Albrecht Paul Sprout Larry Perras Payam Kavousian John Poon, Baywest Management Corporation Nick Dotsev, Building Manager (1) CALL TO ORDER

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by the Strata Manager. A quorum was established and the meeting was declared competent to proceed. (2) APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES

It was MOVED/ SECONDED to approve the minutes of the Council Meeting of October 27, 2011. CARRIED (3) FINANCIAL REPORT

3.1 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Treasurer MOVED and it was SECONDED to adopt the Financial Statements for the months of October 31, 2011 to November 30, 2011 as distributed. CARRIED 3.2 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE

The Strata Manager presented a list of owners in arrears (totalling $2,393.81) as of the date of the meeting to Council for review. The Strata Manager explained that most of the arrears pertain to previous invoice charge-backs, one month of strata fees, as well as the current month of parking rental. 3.3 2012 BUDGET PLANNING

The Strata Council agreed that the proposed 2012 budget that is proposed to owners at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) should incorporate some of the recommendations and long-term planning outlined by McCuaig & Associates in the Contingency Reserve Fund (CRF) Study the engineers have prepared. Specifically, the Strata Manager was instructed to revise the proposed budget so that it reflects an emphasis CRF contribution that is to be compounded incrementally on an annual basis in order to ensure the Strata Corporation is in an optimum position to consider various capital items noted in the CRF Study on a long-term basis. The Strata Manager will revise the draft proposed budget and present it to the Strata Council for final review at the next Council Meeting, before it is presented to owners at the subsequent AGM.

(4) 4.1


Further to Section 5.1 of the previous meeting minutes, Council agreed that a proposed bylaw amendment on the parking rental should be proposed to owners at the coming AGM. Specifically, the proposed bylaw amendment will deal with aim to limit the number of parking stalls an owner/ resident can rent to one stall once the amendment has been approved, with the stipulation that owners/ residents who are currently renting more than one stall would be exempted from the bylaw. The Strata Manager was instructed to seek the informal legal opinion from a lawyer on the enforceability of the proposed amendment for Councils review at the next meeting. 4.2 RESERVE FUND STUDY (RFS) & BUILDING ENVELOPE CONDITION ASSESSMENT (BECA)

Further to Section 5.2 of the previous meeting minutes, the Strata Council has reviewed the BECA report, the RFS, and the structural assessment report on the parkade compiled by McCuaig & Associates. Based on the recommendations in the reports, the Strata Council agreed that the following capital and remediation items (expenditure from the CRF) should be proposed for owners approval via vote at the AGM: a) b) c) d) Remediation of Lower-Tiered Roofs Remediation of Balcony Membranes Remediation of Exposed Balconies Traffic Coating for Suspended Parkade Ramp (Interior)

The Strata Manager also presented a number of quotes from EPS Westcoast for the remediation of balcony membranes and other related water ingress cases to Council for consideration. After reviewing the quotes, the Strata Manager was instructed to seek the assistance of McCuaig & Associates so that the quotes can be reviewed to determine whether the scope of the proposed remediation is adequate with respect to the recommendations outlined in the engineering reports. The Strata Manager also reported to Council that Steelhead Contracting, a contractor recommended by McCuaig & Associates, has completed the structural upgrades to the suspended parkade ramp as of the first week of January. As per Councils discussion and decision at the previous meeting, the upgrades will be expensed to the CRF and treated as an emergency expenditure in accordance with Section 98(3) of the Strata Property Act (SPA). Subsequent to the meeting, McCuaig & Associates submitted a report on the completion of the structural upgrades of the parkade ramp. The report again placed emphasis on the need for the Strata Corporation to consider applying traffic coating for the interior parkade ramp as it needs to be protected from continual water migration, which results in structural concerns of concrete spalling (break off into small pieces) and the corrosion of reinforcement bars. 4.3 HOT TUB MAINTENANCE

Further to Section 5.3 of the previous meeting minutes, the Strata Manager presented a quote from West Coast Pool on providing weekly maintenance on the hot tub and equipment of the building for Councils consideration. After reviewing the quote, Council agreed that the current arrangement of the Building Manager taking care of such maintenance should continue.

VR1047 Chelsea Terrace

Council Meeting Minutes January 5, 2012



Further to the presentation by the Account Representative of ThyssenKrupp Elevator at the previous meeting, Council reviewed the need and urgency of modernization for the two elevators. Specifically, Council reviewed the proposed replacement of the door operator and safety edge for the elevator doors. Council also discussed the feasibility of completing a modernization of the interior of both elevator cabs at the same time. Council will review the potential cost of the elevator modernization and decide at the next meeting whether to propose this capital item at the coming AGM. 4.5 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) PREPARATIONS

Further to Section 7.2 of the previous meeting minutes, the Strata Council agreed tentatively that the AGM should be convened on Tuesday, February 28, 2012. The Strata Manager was instructed to prepare the draft vote resolutions, and to revise the draft proposed budget as per Councils directions earlier in the meeting. Council will plan to review and finalize the AGM notice package at the next meeting so that it is issued in full compliance with the notice requirements of the SPA. 4.6 LAUNCH OF MYBAYWEST

Further to Section 7.5 of the previous meeting minutes, Council Member Payam Kavousian reported to Council Members that he has been reviewing and testing myBaywest in order to provide feedback to the Baywest IT team. Council Members agreed to provide their input to Payam for review with the Baywest IT team so that a final version of the on-line tool can be ready for launch to all owners accordingly. (5) CORRESPONDENCE

Council dealt with correspondence received as follows: 5.1 Council reviewed email correspondence received from an owner with respect to a concern on in-suite plumbing of the unit. As the concern does not appear to pertain to the common plumbing system of the building, Council agreed that the owner should make arrangements to rectify the problem. Council reviewed email correspondence received from two separate owners with respect to concerns with water damages and balcony problems at both units. As reviewed by Council during Section 4.2 earlier in the meeting, the Strata Manager will seek the assistance of McCuaig & Associates on the review of the remediation quotes. Council reviewed email correspondence received from an owner with respect to a noise complaint against the unit above. The Building Manager was instructed to follow-up with the residents of the unit above to ensure they are aware of the complaint. The Strata Manager was also instructed to advise the owner via email to document the particulars (i.e. date, time and type of noise) of the complaint should the nuisance continue. NEW BUSINESS WATER DAMAGE & REPAIRS



(6) 6.1

The Strata Manager presented two invoices from On Side Restoration to Council for review. The two invoices are for the emergency mitigation and subsequent in-suite repairs that were required at a unit as a result of a leak from the unit above which occurred at the end of October 2011. The cause of the leak was determined to be a pipe in the wall of the unit above that was damaged during the course of VR1047 Chelsea Terrace 3 Council Meeting Minutes January 5, 2012

in-suite renovation. As such, it was MOVED and SECONDED to charge-back the two invoices CARRIED (totalling $3,770.26) to the account of the unit above. 6.2 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT

The Strata Manager reported to Council that E. Cordeiro Landscaping, the Landscaper for Chelsea Terrace, will be increasing their rates by 3% effective January 2012. 6.3 NEW STRATA PROPERTY REGULATIONS

The Strata Manager reported to Council that provincial government of BC has introduced and amended various sections of the Strata Property Regulations as of December 13, 2011. More specifically, the amended sections pertain to Depreciation Reports (CRF Studies), annual contributions to the CRF, as well as additional information that is to be included in the Form B Information Certificate. As the Strata Corporation has already commissioned a CRF Study, the new regulation does not result in any immediate impact to the Strata. The Strata Manager, however, explained to Council that in conjunction with the new regulation on Depreciation Reports, the new regulations on CRF contribution does apply to the Strata. In short, Strata Corporations are now not required to fund the CRF above the minimum previously required (25% of the operating budget). Moreover, Strata Corporations may now make additional contributions to the CRF by majority vote during the adoption process of the budget, as opposed to the previousl vote requirement. 6.4 METRO VANCOUVER DISPOSAL FEE INCREASE

The Strata Manager reported to Council that the Metro Vancouver will be implementing a 10% increase to the garbage disposal fee (from $97/tonne to $107/tonne) they charge at the facilities across the Lower Mainland. As such, BFI Canada will be increasing their monthly rates by approximately 7% to offset the government rate change. (7) TERMINATION & NEXT MEETING DATE

There being no further business, the meeting was terminated at 8:25 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 1, 2012 at 6pm at the Recreation Room.

Please keep these minutes for your files. Should you wish to sell your home you will need to provide them to your realtor. There will be a charge for copies secured through the management company.

VR1047 Chelsea Terrace

Council Meeting Minutes January 5, 2012

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