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Reflections on Some Aayaat of the Quranul Karim

Part I First, lets look at aayaah # 50 of Surah Saaad, Surah # 38. Here Allah (SWT) says: 38:50

Jannati Adnim-mufattahatal-lahumul-abwaab The doors of the Gardens of Adn (Jannah), the eternal residence, will be held open for them (believers). The subject that we are dealing with is the Gates of Paradise. Naturally the reference of Adn hints us that they are indeed the Gardens of Paradise. Allah (SWT) also reminds us that the stay inside will indeed be eternal. There is no time limit. Its not a time-share unit. Time limit is applicable here, in this world, but in the Hereafter, there is no time limit. Subhanallah. Now Allah (SWT) tells us that the doors of these gardens will be held open for those who could make it. The word used to indicate that is mufattaha as opposed to maftuha. Mufattaha means to hold it open. It implies that some provision has been made to keep it open.. On the other end, as we saw, maftuha means to open, just open. Big difference. For example, you are expecting guests, they arrive at the destination and knock the door or ring bell or call you on cell phone and tell that they are there - at the door; you go and open the door. Thats maftuha. But if you do not want your guests to go through any inconvenience, whatsoever. So what would you do? Maybe you can keep the door ajar. Still they will have to come and give some hints by slightly knocking the door before entering your house. Isnt it? Nothing wrong with that. As a matter of fact, thats also very Islamic! Naturally you dont want to burst into someone house without giving them any notice, right? Right. But there is a third choice. You ask someone, maybe a maid or a youth to stay at the door with keeping the door open to welcome the guests! This way they will not face any inconvenience whatsoever. Subhanallah! Thats basically the reference that Allah (SWT) is using to indicate for those who deserves to be the resident of Jannah - that the doors of Jannah will be held open for them. Now lets move to the next Surah, Surah az-Zumar, # 39. Here in aayaah # 71, First, Allah (SWT) tells us about the unbelievers: 39:71 (Az-Zumr)

Waseeqalladheena kafaroo ilaa jahannama zumaraa, hattaa idhaa jaaoohaa futihat abwaabuhaa

And those who disbelieved will be driven to Hell in groups until, when they reach there, its gates are opened Here let us look at the contrast. Allah (SWT) tells that those who have disbelieved, they will be pushed to the Hellfire, the Jahannam in Zumar, in groups. Let us understand the word Zumar as opposed to jamah. Jamah is one gathering altogether, as we see here for the Jumah salah. One big gathering. There is no division or grouping of any kind. On the other hand, zumar is gatherings in groups. It is also a gathering but it is made of several groupings. So here Allah (SWT) refers to various groupings: For example, here is a group of those who were cheating, here is a group of those who were oppressing the poor and miskeen, here is a group of those who were manipulating the jamah to serve their purpose, here is a group of those who were taking advantage of the things that were trusted to them, here is a group of those who were wearing the faade of piety and righteousness, and so forth. All these zumaraa, all these groups were being driven to the Jahannam..hattaa idhaa jaaoohaa futihat abwaabuhaa..until they reach there, and then, the doors of the Jahannam will be opened for them. Not until then. Do you see the difference? Allah (SWT) does not keep the doors of Jahannam held open unlike He does keep the doors of Jannah open as we saw in Surah Saaad. What does this mean? Allah (SWT) does not want anyone to go to the Jahannam! He is not standing there nor is He making provisions at the doors of Jahannam to welcome anyone! Subhanallh! Lets continue to aayyah 73, same Surah az-Zumar: 39:73 (Az-Zumr)

Waseeqalladheenattaqaw rabbahum ilaljannati zumaraa, hattaa idhaa jaaoohaa wafutihat abwaabuhaa waqaala lahum khazanatuhaa salamun alaykum tibtum faid-khuloohaa khalideen.

And those who feared their Rabb will be driven to Jannah in groups, until when they reach it, and its gates have been kept open and its keepers say, "Peace be upon you; you have become pure; so enter it to abide eternally therein." Here look at the contrast one more time. Allah (SWT) tells that those who have believed, those who have displayed taqwa, those who had real fear and hope of Allah (SWT), they will be driven to Jannah in Zumar, in groups, as well! This time the word Zumar refers to different groups. Here is a group of those who were muttaqun, here is a group of those who were helping the poor and miskeen, here is a group of those who were helping the jamah to true brotherhood, here is a group of those who were fulfilling their oath to the things that were trusted to them, here is a group of those who were not wearing any fake masks, and so forth. All these zumaraa, all these groups were being driven to the Jannah, as soon as possible! You know why? Because Allah (SWT) does not want them to see the horror of the Day of Judgment anymore! Not even a second anymore!!..hattaa idhaa jaaoohaa wafutihat abwaabuhaa..until they reach there, and the doors of the Jannah have been kept open.. there was not wa with reference to the zumaraa of the Jahannam, but for the zumaraa of the Jannah, there is this little tiny wa. It makes the difference. Doesnt it? It saysAND the doors of the Jannah were being kept open No more wait anymore! No knocking at the door, no ringing the bell! Alhamdulillah Do you see the difference? Allah (SWT) does want to keep the doors of Jannah open for us! He does keep the doors of Jannah open as we saw also in Surah Saaad. What does this mean? Indded Allah (SWT) does want us to go to Jannah! How do we know that? Lets explore further: Waqaala lahum khazanatuha: Salamun alaykum, tibtum faid-khuloohaa, khalideen. So you reach to Jannah, the gates are open, and then what? You know when you go to a party, and the host is tied up somewhere, or he or she has other guests who are more important than you are, what happens? You are on your own! Try to find some chips or sprite or try to click with someone whom you never met before! Kind of awkward, isnt it? Thats not the case here. At the gates of Jannah, the host, Allah (SWT) Himself, has made all the provisions for you! So as soon as you show up at the gates, you are greeted by khazanatuha, the keepers of Jannah! Who are

they? They are the angels of Jannah who welcome you by saying: Salamun alaykum. Peace be upon you And they continue: Tibtum faid khuloohaa khalideena. You have become pure. So enter it and stay here forever. What a welcome! Can you imagine? Subhanallh! So what do you do? What do we do here in this duniyaa when we are pleased with something or someone? We say: Alhamdulillah. So when you are rushed to Jannah in zumaraa, you see the doors are already open, and the angels are welcoming you by offering salam to you, and praising you that you are pure and you can stay here forever, are you pleased or not? Of course you are! Waqaalu - and you say: Alhamdulillah. Its not just alhamdulillah, its THAT ALHAMDULILLAH! You have arrived brother, and sister! No more tests, no more questioning, no more horror to look at, no more nothing. YOUARE DONE! FOREVER! Alhamdulillah! There is no alhamdulillah like this ALHAMDULILLAH! 39:74 And they will say, "Praise be to Allah, So brothers (and sisters), lets work on that last Alhamdulillah, lets work for that last Alhamdulillah, Ameen. Allahumma Ameen. Part II: Dua

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