Ancient Greece and Rome Review Notes

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Ancient Greece and Rome Review Greece

Earliest civs. o Minoans Lived on crete Island of abundant wealth 200km long Divided by tall mountains Grew grain, raised livestock, fished Developed form of writing/metal skills, sea navigation skills Largest city:Knossos Polytheistic, king was godlike deity Greek language: linear A END: 1400 bce myth of minotaur, athen took over, volcano eruption, mycenaans taking over o Mycenaean Early Greeks Bronze very common, more effective natural resource use, more contact of trade Came from south Russia Rich off olive oil Warriors at heart, went to war with Trojans (ILLAID) by homer (1200) Greek language, linear B Theocracy ; agamemenon END: civil wars, conquered by dorians, entered dark age o Dorians Came from north, iron weapons No written lang. So dark age End of dark 800bce o TROJAN WAR ILLAID by HOMER Trojans lost to Mycenaeans & Agamemnon, with the Trojan horse End of o o o Dark Age New national lit. (Homer) The olmypics for zeus 776 bce CITY STATES ATHENS, SPARTA ATHENS

Democracy educated ppl Music and in to the arts No freedom for woman Boys given military training when 18 SPARTA Sent to military school early Education was for good for girls but only for the purpose of military uses Had mix of oligarchy, monarch, democracy Persian wars Persia wants Greece Co-opearate to fight against Persia (Athens/Sparta) 3 major battles Marathon 490 bce o Darius vs militades o Spartans dont show up waiting till after full moon o Greeks won Thermoplaye -480 bce o Xerxes vs leonidas o Defended narrow pass o Got betrayed Persians got around Greeks lost Salamis and plateau -479 bce o Athens strong navy beat Persians for final blow o Freed Ionian Greeks o Persians destroyed

LEGEND VS MYTH VS FABLE o A fable story with a lesson to be learned in the end o A legend popular story that has be repeatedly told that happened in the past, no proof , ex: Trojan horse o A myth story about magical deities Socrates 469 399 bce o Philosopher from Athens o Made discovery of soul o Constantly asked question to clearly define meanings o Plato his student wrote about him o Charged w/ corrupting youth, sentenced to death + preaching against gods Archimedes o Mathematician and inventor o Archimedean screw

Pericles o Politician + architect o Made citizens o Made long walls Protected Athens when attacked Trade route to Piraeus Caused plague o Created direct democracy Delian o o o o o o league Defensive alliance again Persia Spata was not part of it Common navy Paid for, to Athens Could not withdraw league unless all agreed Problem in league caused PELOPOONESIAN WAR Athenian coins replaced others City states had to seek permission form Athens Werent scared of Persia anymore

Peloponnesian wars o Atens vs Peloponnesian legue (led by Sparta) o 3 battles, 3 phases o Documented b thucydides o Wall were besiged, plague strikes o Athens surrender to Sparta o Sparta is unsuccessful with control Poverty and atrocities spread Power shifted to Macedonia Philip of Macedon took over Greece o Son took over must of the rest of the world till his early death (Alexander the great)

Republic o SPQR the Senate and People in Rome o Romulus and Remus Brothers, saved by she-wolf, remus killed by romulus o Social breakdown Patricians senatorial aristocracy, landowning, patres = father Plebeians people, landless poor, piebs = common ppl o Strigling Oil on skin was scraped o CEMENT gave world cement Empire o Gladiators Recruited criminals or slaves, fought as gladiator o Spartacus Born in Thrace revolted against slavery, was unsuccessful o Circus Maximus Horse racing o Emperors Nero Only 16 year when he came into power Handsome Wisely advised by Seneca and mother Got mad, murdered mother and wife Married mistress Neglected ruling, preferred the arts Allegedly brunt city in Rome and built and palace on it Sung while rome burnt Hadrian Modernized laws Made Hadrian wall to protects Rome Rebuilt Parthenon Wasnt really into war Travelled alot Tried to solve problems in Rome Diocletian Delayed the collapse of rome Avoided the senate Divded rome Moved himelf to modern day turkey

Tried to impose one religion Caligula Grandnephew of Tiberius Rumours of sadism and schizophrenic Alcoholic Good at first, freed prisoner, and taxes, went crazy and beheaded and raped wives Legions and Roads Divided army into cohorts which moved in lines Basic unit of 80 men (6=a cohort), 10 cohorts = 4800 (full legion) Divide and conquer Romans built roads to transfer soldiers Fall of Empire Spread to thin Barbarians attacked Rise of Christianity Insecurity of emperors, rivalry, murders, and power struggles Too much reliance on slaves High inflation and taxes More army led to less farming Other colonies provided Rome with resources, which made Rome poor, and other colonies more richer Many provinces wanted independence Byzantine empire Constantine moved to turkey Renamed Byzantine

Great Man theory Thomas carklye o What is a great man? Person who makes a large impact on society by either being eventful or event making o The history of great men, is the history of the world o Make revolutionary changes in world Deity o Roman, and Greek kings claimed to be deities o Augustus claimed to be the son of Venus Overall accomplishments of Greece and Rome o Greek words, demo , cracy, poli, columns, war machines, Hippocratic oath, Socratic method, Olympics, bronze, iron o Rome gave concrete , latin, arch, laws, Christianity, lead

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