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Non-Fiction Book Report

DUE DATE: ______________

Create a visual aid that you will use to present information from your book to the class. You will be creating this project at home, but may work on it during recess or during homework club (Tue. and Thur. from 3:00-3:30) if you need assistance or a computer. You may choose one of the following : poster (you will need to purchase poster board) power point (you will need a flashdrive, power point should be approx. 8-12 slides) brochure (see me for brochure paper) picture book (you may choose to use blank, white paper for the pages, be sure to create an interesting cover for your book)

Your project/ presentation should include the following: 1. the title, author and/or illustrator of the book you read 2. at least 4 colored pictures (These may be hand drawn or you can use photos from magazines or the computer.) 3. a caption: short summary or written explanation of each photo (These may be hand written or typed, but must be neat, easy to read, and complete sentences.) 4. at least 5 amazing facts about your topic (preferably something new &/or interesting that YOU learned!) 5. a. if your subject is a person or historical event, include a timeline b. if your subject is a place, be sure to include a map showing the location c. if your subject is an animal, be sure to include information about their habitat d. if your subject is a sport, hobby or recreational activity, be sure to describe how/where/when it takes place e. if your subject is other than the above, see me to discuss what else you may include ________________________________________________ 6. Tell why you choose this subject to read about. 7. Who would you recommend this book to and why?

1/15/20013 Dear 5-Z Parents,

We have been reading and discussing non-fiction/ informational text in our class. Students were asked to choose a non-fiction book to read independently (any topic, but preferably something that is either related to our 5th grade studies or that they will learn something new about), and have had 2 opportunities to choose a non-fiction book at the Briargate Learning Center over the past 2 weeks. At this time, students should already be reading their non-fiction books. I will check in with each student individually this week to find out the topic they have each selected to read about. Please look over the attached information regarding the book report projects that students may choose from. Students will be given class time during our Readers Workshop to read their books, however, most, if not all, of their projects will need to be completed at home. (Some students may need additional time to read, please encourage them to bring their books home to read as well.) Projects will be due on Monday, February 4th. Students will present these projects to their classmates throughout the 1st week in February. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Thank you for your assistance, Mrs. Adeline Zimmer

PLEASE SIGN & RETURN THE SLIP BELOW SO THAT I KNOW THAT PARENTS ARE AWARE OF THIS ASSIGNMENT & DUE DATE. Thank You! ___________________________________________________________________________________________

I have read the requirements for the Non-Fiction book report project, and am aware that my child will be completing this project at home. Parent Signature: ____________________________________________ Student: ______________________________________________ BOOK REPORT PROJECT DUE DATE: Monday, February 4th

Other important details regarding Non-Fiction Book Report projects:

1. You will be graded on the information included in your project & the quality of your work (particularly the writing). 2. Your presentation will be a separate grade, be sure to prepare for this. 3. Your work should be neat and easy to read. (Dont add so much bling that it takes away from the topic you are writing about.) 4. All writing should include: complete sentences with accurate punctuation, spelling & capitalization! (This may be typed.) *Have someone EDIT your work. 5. If you are creating a poster or brochure, go over any handwriting with a thin sharpie or pen. 6. Your project should look like YOU put your best effort and extra time into creating it.

I am looking forward to learning something new from YOU!

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