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TWO VIEWS By Omar Ismail

Copyright 2013 295 Bowling Green Crt. Mississauga, ON, Canada L4Z 2T2 (416) 577-3391

INT - ABANDONED STORAGE ROOM - NIGHT A hand places a domino piece on the ground standing up. A 20 year old person with dual personality sitting on the ground. There are dominoes stacked in a neat pile to his right and dominoes in an unorganized pile to his left. PERSON #1 Obviously, we all know that looking ahead, finding a goal, formulating a plan to reach that goal then following that plan will make good stuff happen. There are many dominoes standing up that are arranged in a line that splits into two, each of which splits into two, and so on. The person is speaking to the camera. PERSON #1 (CONTD) That is why I do exactly that. I am preparing for the future to come therefore will be successful. Person #2 continues the domino tree by quickly and inaccurately placing more domino pieces on the ground. PERSON #2 Basically youre living your entire life trying to get places youre not currently at. Person #1 carefully adjusts the domino pieces that person #2 has just placed. PERSON #1 Yes Person #2 picks up domino pieces from his unorganized pile. PERSON #2 And when youre not at that place, dont you feel unsatisfied; like youre missing something? Person #1 meticulously picks up domino pieces from his organized pile and carefully continues building the tree by placing them on the ground. PERSON #1 No, you feel satisfied when youre carrying on the plan. Making your way towards the goal gives you (MORE) (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: PERSON #1 (contd) happiness. Think about it. The excitement when heading towards the amusement park, as a kid is in many cases better than the feelings you get when youre actually in the park. Person #2 imprecisely places dominoes on the ground. PERSON #2 What if you tried getting to the park but it turned out that its closed. What would you feel then? I mean you had hopes and expectations but they werent fulfilled. Wouldnt trying to reach a goal but not being able to make you a failure?


Person #1 slightly frustrated by the clumsy placement of the dominoes, starts to fix them; making sure that they are exactly where theyre suppose to be. PERSON #1 No. Youll just have to keep trying until you get to your goal. And every time you try, you relive the same exciting feelings as the kid heading towards the park. Person #1 starts carefully placing more dominoes. PERSON #2 So you think that not being satisfied with what you have and trying to be something your not, is better? Person #1 stops placing more dominoes and turns to face person #2. PERSON #1 Dont twist my words around. I think that trying to improve yourself by planning ahead will make you a better person. PERSON #2 Lets summarize: Youre saying that having a plan which is suppose to achieve a goal Person #1 returns to placing dominoes on the ground. (CONTINUED)



PERSON #2 (CONTD) then living your entire life doing hard work in order to have a chance of becoming someone youre not is going to make you happy. And, youre going to remain happy even if you fail. PERSON #1 Yea PERSON #2 Youre just living in the future. Person #2 grabs a handful of dominoes from his pile and starts placing them on the ground quickly and inaccurately again PERSON #2 (CONTD) Why dont you go with the flow and live in the present. Be satisfied with what you have and just end up where life takes you. Simple but effective. PERSON #1 Im satisfied with what I have. PERSON #2 It doesnt sound like it. PERSON #1 Well, youre satisfying yourself only by setting your standards low. Person #1 begins to fix the dominoes that person #2 placed PERSON #1 (CONTD) Sounds to me like youre scared of failure. Thats why youre not trying to get anywhere. Person #2 places dominoes more quickly PERSON #2 No, Id rather enjoy every second of my life instead of view myself as someone missing something. Person #1 getting more frustrated fixes the dominoes again




PERSON #1 Well, if you dont look ahead you wont get anywhere. Person #1 turns to face person #2 PERSON #1 (CONTD) Youll just be a worthless spec in this universe. One that dies and is forgotten. PERSON #2 Youre just obsessed with power so you live your life without any fun in the hopes of one day towering over others. Person #2 slams one more domino on the ground and almost knocks the tree down. He then slowly picks up the next domino and starts to fiddle around with it in his hand, then deliberately places it on the ground in an extremely wrong position. PERSON #2 (CONTD) Besides who says that I wont become something. An opportunity could arise out of nowhere and make me bigger and more powerful than you. Person #2 turns to face person #1 PERSON #2 (CONTD) In fact I hope that happens so I can rub it in. PERSON #1 There is no such thing as random opportunities that arise out of nowhere. Person #1 picks up the domino in the extremely wrong position and carefully puts in where he wants it to be. PERSON #1 (CONTD) You arrange everything so that you get what you want. The domino tree is done. Person #1 gets up and starts to move around and look at the tree from different angles to make sure that all the dominoes are placed perfectly.




PERSON #1 (CONTD) Like I said, people become successful because they have a goal, make a plan, then follow that plan. Person #1 finds a part of the tree that is not 100% correct and lies down on the ground to fix it. PERSON #1 (CONTD) People who are not successful are people who didnt think ahead and instead relied on chance. PERSON #2 What about the people that are doing well because they were born into rich families. Did those people work to get what they have? Did those people become big and successful because they planned? Wasnt it luck that got them where they are? PERSON #1 Well if they didnt work then they wouldnt have stayed that rich for long. PERSON #2 Who said they wouldnt have? Person #1 sits up again. PERSON #1 who said they would? PERSON #2 I said. PERSON #1 Well youre a simpleminded, uneducated and ignorant fool. PERSON #2 That just means that youre also a simpleminded, uneducated and ignorant fool. Person #1 stands up and walks to the beginning of the tree. He returns to speaking directly into the camera.




PERSON #1 Anyways, I think that preparation and planning is key to success and I plan ahead so Im going to do well. Person #1 kneels down at the beginning of the tree. PERSON #1 (CONTD) After all my plans are done and everything is where I want it to be, everything will fall into place and I will feel successful. The person pushes the first domino which causes the chain reaction to begin. The dominoes fall and just when it seems like the plan will be successful, the chain reaction ends and the tips of some of the tree branches contain dominoes that are still standing. PERSON #1 Huh. BLACK. END

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