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Summary See complete responses

How often are you on reddit? More than once per day At least once a day Once every few days Once a week or less 75 47 6 1 58% 36% 5% 1%

How often do you see / click content from this subreddit? Almost every time I see it If it looks interesting If it's a discussion If it's audio / video Almost never 32 101 31 14 8 25% 78% 24% 11% 6%

People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

How often do you visit this subreddit particularly? More than once per day At least once a day Once every few days Once a week or less 1 27 65 36 1% 21% 50% 28%

When do you check reddit / this subreddit? Morning Afternoon Evening 65 78 110 50% 60% 85%

People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

How many years have you been playing guitar in general? 0-3 years 3-5 years 5-10 years 10+ years 22 27 36 44 17% 21% 28% 34%

How do you rate your skill at classical guitar? Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert 25 40 42 22 19% 31% 33% 17%

How valuable is this subreddit to you? I participate frequently I'm happy to see content here I usually don't like the content I'm ready to unsubscribe 13 105 10 1 10% 81% 8% 1%

What type of content are you happiest to see? Text - Technique discussion Text - Equipment discussion Audio / Video - Redditors playing Audio / Video - "Found on YouTube" 114 48 82 62 88% 37% 64% 48%

Text - Other Audio / Video - Other Images - Other

53 26 36

41% 20% 28%

People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

Have you ever posted / submitted something to this subreddit? Yes, a few times Yes, once or twice Just comments Just lurking 27 26 27 49 21% 20% 21% 38%

Have you ever posted a recording of yourself? Yes, a few times Yes, once or twice No, but I've recorded something and *not* posted it No, I've never thought about recording 15 16 52 46 12% 12% 40% 36%

Do you like the monthly Jams? Yes, I participate somehow (practice at home, try the songs) Yes, I like seeing other redditors No, I usually don't pay attention No, they're annoying 32 50 46 1 25% 39% 36% 1%

What do you think of the Jam difficulty? Beginner - It's too hard Beginner - It's alright Beginner - It's too easy Intermediate - It's too hard Intermediate - It's alright Intermediate - It's too easy Advanced - It's too hard Advanced - It's alright Advanced - It's too easy Expert - It's alright n/a - I don't participate 2 8 2 1 11 1 1 20 2 5 76 2% 6% 2% 1% 9% 1% 1% 16% 2% 4% 59%

Do you have ideas for increasing participation on the Jams?

Do you have ideas for increasing participation overall in the subreddit?

There are a few informal rules: "Avoid swearing, avoid images with overlaid text, be respectful when conversing" I think these rules are great and should be formalized I think things are fine the way they are I disagree with some of them I strongly disagree with some of them

41 71 15 2

32% 55% 12% 2%

There's usually not much for moderators to do here (check spam, remove personal info, add flair icons). What "moderator-typethings" would you do or what rules would you make if you could?

Current flair in this subreddit is "Guitar => posted a recording" and "Medal => posted 12 jam submissions". Do you have other ideas for flair?

We have some college students subscribed to this subreddit. Can you think of ways to serve them better?

We have some professional guitarists subscribed to this subreddit. Can you think of ways to serve them better?

We have some music instructors subscribed to this subreddit. Can you think of ways to serve them better?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how awesome was this survey? 10 I refuse to be manipulated like this 63 64 49% 50%

Number of daily responses

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