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1. Which of the following is a database service level? (a) External (b) Physical (c) Conceptual (d) All of the above Which of the following is an attribute that represents a value that is derivable from the value of a related attribute or set of attributes, not necessarily in the same entity? (a) Single-valued (b) Multi-valued (c) Atomic (d) Derived _______ expresses the specific number of entity occurrences associated with one occurrence of the related entity. (a) Connectivity (b) Degree (c) Cardinality (d) None of the above Which of the following is the latest SQL standard? (a) SQL-82 (b) SQL-92 (c) SQL-3 (d) SQL-8 Which of the following is not a Data Manipulation Language statement/ (a) COMMIT (b) UPDATE (c) DELETE (d) INSERT Which of the following database object does not physically exist/ (a) Base table (b) Index (c) View (d) None of the above Which of the following clause is usually used together with aggregate functions? (a) ORDER BY ASC (b) ORDER BY DESC (c) GROUP BY (d) None of the above 8. Which of the following refers to the operation of copying and maintaining database objects in multiple databases belonging to a distributed system? (a) Backup (b) Recovery (c) Replication (d) None of the above Which of the following is the recovery management technique in the case of distributed systems? (a) Deferred update (b) Immediate update (c) Two-phase commit (d) None of the above Universe of Discourse (UOD) is __ (a) Database (b) Record (c) Items (d) None of the above Populating a database means ___ (a) Loading data into the database. (b) Crosschecking the database (c) Modifying the data in the database. (d) None of the above Data isolation means ____ (a) Inaccessibility of data due to scattered & heterogeneous format of data (b) Fragmented data (c) Data at no. of places (d) None of the above Which of the following is a characteristic of data in a database? (a) Shared (b) Redundant (c) Independent (d) All of the above Which of the following is a hierarchial database? (a) IDMS (b) IMS (c) DB2 (d) Oracle Network model is an example of ____ (a) Object based logical model (b) Record based logical model (c) Physical model (d) None of the above.
















16. Which of the following is a valid file type? (a) Master (b) Transaction (c) Report (d) All of the above 17. Which of the following file operation is used to locate the record or records that satisfy the search criteria? (a) Get (b) Find (c) Update (d) Insert 18. Which of the following is the critical factor that enables managers and organizations to gain a competitive edge in world that focuses on achievement and advantage? (a) More Manpower (b) More Capacity (c) Quality Information (d) None of the above 19. Which is the least expensive secondary storage media? (a) Hard disk (b) Zip disk (c) Magnetic tape (d) None of the above 20. During direct file processing, if the index is in record key sequence, then which is the most efficient procedure for locating a key? (a) Linear Search (b) Sequential Search (c) Binary Search (d) None of the above 21. Which company developed ISAM? (a) Microsoft (b) Oracle (c) Sybase (d) IBM 22. What is the usual block size range? (a) 512 bytes to 4096 bytes (b) 512 kilobytes to 4096 kilobytes (c) 5120 bytes to 40960 bytes (d) None of the above 23. Who developed the BCNF? (a) Boyd and Cromwell (b) Date and Codd (c) Date and White (d) Boyce and Codd 24. Which of the following is a column in a table that uniquely identifies the records from a different table? (a) Primary key (b) Candidate key (c) Foreign key (d) Intelligent key 25. Which of the following is the result of a transitive dependency? (a) Insertion anomaly (b) Modification anomaly (c) Deletion anomaly (d) All of the above 26. Valid examples of inserting data into table are (a) Insert into tab1 values(1,0); (b) Insert into tab1,tab2 ; (c) Insert into tab1(Name) values(abc,10); (d) All of the above 27. Which of the following is the host language? (a) COBOL (b) Pascal (c) PL/I (d) All of the above 28. Which of the following does not use the API approach? (a) MS SQL-Server (b) Sybase (c) ODBC (d) DB2 29. Which of the following embedded SQL delimiters for COBOL? (a) EXEC and END-EXEC (b) EXEC SQL and END-EXEC (c) EXECUTE SQL and ENDEXECUTE (d) None of the above 30. Which of the following is the command that reads SQL statements from DBRMs and produces a mechanism to access data as directed by the SQL statement? (a) COMPILE (b) DCLGEN (c) BIND (d) EXECUTE



31. Which of the following is the error handling variable introduced in the SQL/92 standard? (a) SQLCODE (b) SQLERROR (c) SQLSTATE (d) None of the above 32. Which of the following command is used to assign values to the SQL descriptor area? (a) ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR (b) DESCRIBE (c) GET DESCRIPTOR (d) SET DESCRIPTOR 33. Which of the following keyword is used to define a candidate key in the CREATE TABLE command? (a) CANDIDATE KEY (b) UNIQUE (c) CANDIDATE (d) None of the above 34. Which of the following is a column constraint? (a) NOT NULL (b) PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE (c) A CHECK constraint definition (d) All of the above. 35. Which of the following is a requirement of a client server application? (a) Make the system platform and protocol independent (b) Hide the process and make the application transparent (c) Ensure future growth as the user demand increases (d) All of the above 36. A significant disadvantage of DBMS is (a) Cost. (b) Backup and recovery. (c) Man power requirement. (d) None of the above 37. A candidate key may serve as a ____key (a) Index key. (b) Foreign key. (c) Primary key. (d) None of the above 38. One of the main advantage of a distributed database system is (a) Software development. (b) Data sharing and distributed control. (c) Processing overhead. (d) None of the above 39. In the knowledge lies the _____ (a) Power (b) Data (c) Directory (d) All of the above 40. This is one of the expert systems developed in 1970s (a) MYCIN (b) MYCAN (c) MYLIN (d) None of the above 41. ____ is a king of transaction failure (a) System error. (b) Disk Failure. (c) System crash. (d) None of the above 42. ______ operator is used to aggregate data from a table. (a) MIN (b) MAX (c) AVG (d) All of the above 43. _____ is one of the operator (a) NOT (b) HOT (c) ANY (d) All of the above 44. Which of the following process involves analysis and identification of data that must be stored and how best to store it? (a) Normalization (b) Demoralization (c) Information modeling (d) All of the above 45. Which of the following value for SQLCODE indicates successful execution? (a) Negative (b) Zero (c) Positive (d) None of the above 46. Which of the following keyword is used to define a candidate key in the CREATE TABLE command? (a) CANDIDATE KEY (b) UNIQUE (c) CANDIDATE (d) None of the above



47. Which of the following is a building block of a client/server system? (a) Intelligent workstations (b) Networks (c) Software applications (d) All of the above 48. Which of the following is a cost involved in moving to the client/server computing environment? (a) Hardware and networking cost (b) Software cost (c) Training cost (d) All of the above 49. Which of the following is a requirement of a client server application? (a) Make the system platform and protocol independent (b) Hide the process and make the application transparent (c) Ensure future growth as the user demand increases (d) All of the above 50. INSERT is an DDL statement. (a) True (b) False (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above 51. Select from table1 where col1=xyz; is a valid SQL statement. (a) True (b) False (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above 52. Cost is the major factor while using a DBMS system (a) True (b) False (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above 53. The relational model is based on -------(a) Mathematical algebra (b) Relational algebra (c) Sets (d) None of the above 54. Object relational database management system is an extension to RDBMS. (a) True (b) False (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above 55. Multiparent concept is not supported in Network data model. (a) True (b) False (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above 56. When all the columns in a table describe and depend upon the primary key, the table is set to satisfy the _________ normal form. (a) First (b) Second (c) Third (d) Fourth 57. All the information collected during database development is stored in a (a) Repository. (b) Data warehouse. (c) RAD. (d) CASE. 58. A(n) ___ contains a subset of the conceptual schema, relevant to a particular group of users. (a) physical schema (b) E-R model (c) external schema (d) SDLC 59. This tier concentrates on managing the user-system interface and localized data. (a) Client tier (b) Applications/Web server tier (c) Enterprise server tier (d) DBA tier 60. The lines in an E-R diagram represent entities. (a) TRUE (b) FALSE (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above 61. ERP databases are indispensable to the development of on-line shopping applications. (a) TRUE (b) FALSE (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above 62. A multi-user database often requires substantial personnel training on an ongoing basis. (a) TRUE (b) FALSE



63. (c) Cant say (d) None of the above Often database development begins with enterprise data modeling. (a) TRUE (b) FALSE (c) May be (d) None of the above Physical database design is one of the first steps of the SDLC. (a) TRUE (b) FALSE (c) Cant say (d) None of the above An E-R diagram is an example of a physical schema (a) TRUE (b) FALSE (c) May be (d) None of the above Top-down planning interviews the executives of the business to determine all the systems needs. (a) TRUE (b) FALSE 67. (c) May be (d) None of the above Which is NOT an example of a strong entity type? (a) STUDENT (b) COURSE (c) DEPARTMENT (d) STUDENT_ID A typical cause of ____ is loss of transmission in a communications link. (a) Incorrect data (b) Aborted transactions (c) System failure (d) Database destruction Triggers can be used in a data security plan to prohibit inappropriate actions. (a) TRUE (b) FALSE (c) Cant say (d) None of the above When a ___________ occurs, changes to a table are undone. (a) Commit (b) Rollback (c) Autocommit (d) Update









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