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I would like to I express my wholehearted gratitude to Dr. P.Krishna Kumar, Honorable CEO and Secretary of Nehru Group of Institution and P.Krishna Das, Managing Trustee of Nehru Group of Institution for allowing me to develop this project in their institution. I am extremely thankful to Dr.P.Maniiarasan, principal, Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore and to Dr. P.T. VijayaRajakumar, Director, Department of management studies, Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, for giving me the wonderful opportunity to feel the corporate experience through this project. I am deeply indebted to my faculty guide Mrs.Sathiya, Assistant professor, Department of management studies, Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, for his scholarly guidance, valuable suggestions and encouragement throughout the duration of this project. I wish to express my hearty thanks to Mr .Mohamed Areacode, General Manager, KAL for granting me permission to do the project work in his esteemed organisation. I humbly express my profound thanks to Mrs,Beena, HR manager, KAL for his constant encouragement and support during the tenure of my work and guiding me to do this project I also express my gratitude to the Parents, and dear friends without whom the project would not have been successful. Above all, I wish to thank the almighty for giving courage and wisdom to take up this project and complete it successfully.



I, Jjijtha A joseph hereby declare that the project titled A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION IN KERALA AUTMOBILES LIMITED submitted to Anna university of Technology, Chennai in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION is a record of original and independent research work done by me during July 2012 to August 2012 under the supervision and guidance of Mrs.Sathiya, MBA Assistant professor , Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology , Coimbatore and it has not formed the basis for the award of any Degree/ Diploma/ Associate ship/ Fellowship or other similar title to any candidate of any university.

Date: Place : Coimbatore JIJITHA A JOSEPH

1.Introduction Employee satisfaction is the favouableness or unfavourableness with which employees view of their work. It is a positive feeling about one's job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. It is the result of employees perception of how well their job provides those things that are viewed as important. A person with high level-of satisfaction hold positive attitude about the job. While a person who is dissatisfied with his/her job hold negative attitude about the job. The study was aimed to determine the level of employee satisfaction of employees in KAL. Through this study the investigator can give valuable suggestions for improving the satisfaction level of employees and thereby increasing the overall productivity of the organization. Employees are the backbone of the organization. Production can be only increased when workers are satisfied with their job. An increased employee satisfaction produces improved performance in job. KAL believe that an increased employee satisfaction improved job performance. So for the successful growth of the organization every worker must be satisfied with the worker or job they perform. So if the management implement the suggestion given by the researcher it will improve the overall performance of the organization. 1.2OBJECTIVES. Primary objectives To study the job satisfaction of employees in KAL. Secondary objectives. 1.3Scope. The study was aimed to determine the level of job satisfaction of To identify the factors which influence the job satisfaction. To study the attitude of the employees towards their organization. To study the welfare facilities provided by the companies. To suggest way to improve job satisfaction among the workers.

employees in KAL (Kerala Automobiles Limited). Through this study the investigator

can give valuable suggestions for improving the satisfaction level of the employees and thereby increasing the overall productivity of the organization. 1.4Limitations of the study. A deep study was not possible because of the time limit was the main constraint. In some working units employees are not at the time of survey. Some were attend the actual data. The rules, norms and regulations of the organization might have promoted the respondents to hid certain confidential matters, making the findings incomplete.

The Indian auto motive industry after licensing in 1991 has grown at spectacular rate on an average of 17.6% for the last few years. The global automobiles manufacturers have found huge potential market in no of developing countries. It is not only manufacture cars, customer vehicles, two wheelers that are in these various countries in large numbers, but three wheeler market is also quite large in these nations. We can see innumerate three wheelers running on roads of various south east Asian countries like India, Thailand, srilanka , Pakistan, Philippines, Nepal. The Indian automobile industry is tenth largest in the world in an annual production of approximately 2 Million units. Indian auto industry promises to become the major automotive industry in upcoming years and industry experts are hopeful that it will touch to 10 million unit marks. In India Bajaj is the leader by making 70% of three wheelers. According to figures released by Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) the cumulative production data for April- may 2009 shows production growth of 8.28 % over April May 2008. In may 2009, overall production grew by 6.53 % over the same month last year. In april 2009 production grew at 10.19% The passenger vehicle segment during may april 2009 grew marginally at 1.68% over same period last year. Passenger can grew by 3.29% until vehicles fell by (-) 14.56% and multipurpose vehicles grew by 24.49% in the period. However the sales in may 2009 for passenger vehicles fell in to negative territory with growth rate being (-) 0.79% over may 2008. Cumulative sales of commercial vehicles segment continued to register de growth. The segment grew at(-) 13.08% during April-May 2009 as compared to same last year, while medium and heavy commercial vehicles registered de- growth at (-) 36.64% light commercial vehicles grew at 19.51%.

In may 2009 commercial vehicles sales fell by 14.77% compared to may 2008. M &H carriage vehicle fell by 37.51% and less grew by 11.83%. Three wheeler sales recorded a growth rate of 3.53% in april 2009. Mopeds, scooters, and motorcycles grew by 22.17%, 5

15.13%, and 12.23% respectively. Electric two wheeler segment registered a growth rate e month of (-) 46.36%. In the month of may, two wheelers sales registered a growth of

12.45%.The period from April-may 2009 saw automobile exports declining with rate of (-) 2.69% with all segment except passenger vehicles registering a de-growth. Commercial vehicles, three wheelers segment recorded growth of (-) 45.61%, (-) 15.44% & (-) 9.68% respectively during April-May 2009, passenger vehicle segment grew by 36.57% in this period. In may 09 however, overall export grew by 5% with two wheelers and passenger vehicles segment registering positive growth.

3.COMPANY PROFILE Kerala Automobiles ltd is one of the premier three wheeler manufactures in India. The company is situated at Aralumoodu. Which is about 16 km away from the capital of Kerala near the national highway stretched to Kanyakumari. It was-incorporated on 15th march 1978. Kerala automobiles Ltd is a public sector company under the Government of Kerala. Kerala automobile limited started its operation with 164 employees where the capacity of production was only 52 vehicles per year. Initial technology for production of three wheeler was in collaboration with al capital investment of 72.2 crore which is farther extended in 126.13 crore of which 3.23 crore being the share of state government and the rest financed by instruction like IDE, 1FCI and SBT. The company was registering losses in the initial year of production. Kerala Automobiles ltd started with the production of petrol engine three wheelers and 1988 on wards the company forayed in to the production of diesel version of three wheelers Kerala Automobiles ltd was first company to introduce diesel version of three wheelers Kerala Automobiles ltd was the fist company to introduce diesel engine three wheelers in the country. Just as that of any public sector automobile establishment the gestation period had many ups and downs. The company has manufactures and marked around 82000 three wheelers during the last 20 years. At present Kerala Automobiles ltd export about 10% of its total production, major exporting destination are Bangladesh, Iran, Maxico, Nepal, Nigeria, Sudan, Srilanka, Egypt. The company was able to earn about $9456 from foreign exports. The research and department wing of the company has been engaged in the development of four stroke petrol engine conforming to the Bharath second emission norms. Kerala Automobiles ltd has also engaged in the production of sophisticated precision components for space application to VSSC on demand. Kerala Automobiles ltd has three ware house in Delhi Sonipet and Ludhiana. The company enjoys a major market share in North Indian states such as Delhi, Hariyana, Panjab, and Rajastan. The powerful and study of KAL. Vehicles had made the company more popular in the modern states KAL three wheelers are also setting in small number of Kerala and Tamilnadu. The company has liaison offices at Delhi and Coimbator KAL has invited application for making fresh dealers from Karnataka. Thus KAL is spreading its operation. The company got ISO 1991

certificate on 9th Augest 2001. certificate is got on the category of manufacture and serving of three wheelers. It is a greate achievement on the history of Automobiles ltd. The company is getting all kind of support from Government of Kerala without which would not have been possible to achieve the present level of promising state of affairs. KAC is now in the path of progress and is looking a head in to future with confidence. Now KAL not produce petrol model auto rickshaw because the petrol model because

there is no demand for the product and now produce defibering machine. MISSION To provide value added service and products to the customers and earn reasonable profit. VISSION To become the top three wheeler automobiles manufacturing in 10 years.

QUALITY POLICY The management and employees of Kerala Automobiles are committed to develop, manufacture market and service three wheelers enhancing customers satisfaction through a process of continual improvement of its quality management system. PRODUCT PROFILE PETROL MODEL Petrol auto rickshaw, regular 3 wheelers. In this model was the first born member of Kerala Automobiles ltd group. Production of this model started with 1984. It has the advantage of easy handling and has a fuel affiance of 24.4 kmpl. New look auto rickshaw The production of model was started in 1998 it was mainly for export purpose this model has the features of more shortage space better efficiency of 24,2 kmpl. Petrol delivery van Production of this model was started 1984 its chassis is provided with a closed today tray Petrol 3 wheeler chassis

The production of this model was started in 1985. This has an portion of a closed tray or an open tray. The production of the available petrol models has stopped due to non-compliance of their vehicle with BSIL norms.

DIESEL MODEL Diesel auto trailers The production of this model was started in 1984. It is similar to petard pick up van. It has a petrol option and has a mileage of 35 kmpl. Diesel auto trailers The production model was started in 1988 this was built with the aim of transporting heavy cargos. The loading tray of this model is long bigger and loan. Diesel chassis Diesel chassis of KAL comes in 3 different models. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4360 chassis - self starts 4325 chassis - shorter rope starts six seater chassis - provided with layered chassis. Diesel six seater auto rickshaw jumbo

This model is often referred as diesel limousine 3 wheeler. The chassis is 2 layered additional absorbs are provided for comfort audits mileage is 30 kmpl. Kerala mx 400 This is the latest model of KAL. This model has the unique features such as tigger tyresstrong universal joint and axle assembly upgraded gears and G1400 engine. The fuel efficacy of this model is 30 kmpl in standard condition.

Defibering machine Now the company is also manufacturing sophisticated component to be used in space program of VSSC/ISRO and defibering machine for coifed of Kerala. The defibering machine is used for making fiber from the coconut shell. It changed the

traditional method of fiber making from coconut shall in to a new efficient and economic method. The machine reduces manpower and time consumption.

3.1DEPARTMENT AND WORKING. There are 12 departments in KAL.The size of the department depends on the importance and complexity of the function of department. The various departments of KAL are as follows: 1)Administrative department 2)Purchase department 3)Finance department 4)Human resource and management 5)Marketing department 6)Research and development department 7)Planning department 8)Production department 9)Machine shop department 10)Quality assurance department 11)Stores department 12)Service and spare parts 3.1.1. ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT FUNCTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. INSURANCE MEDICAL ASSISTANCE SAFETY MEASURES WELFARE MEASURES INCENTIVES/ALLOWANCE RECEPTION


COMMITTEE i.Magazine committee ii.Labor committee iii.Estate committee iv.Canteen committee v.Scrap committee Uniform Pista green shirt, black trouser are provided to all workers free. Stitching allowance given to all workers. i.Rs 30/month for women workers. ii.Rs 250/month for male workers.

Advertisement: Some organizations demands for advertisement as

promotion for programs, in magazines, diaries etc. The photos that are advertised is brought to the organization, and then only the money is paid. To print the KAL diary, administration department approaches different firms for advertisement to reduce cost. It has a long time regular advertisement providers. Furniture: It is bought and supplied by the administrative department. The

repair work is also done by this department. Retirement: Administration department arranges a send off function in the

portico on the day of retirement of an employee. The company car is arranged to take him home. He will be given a gift and a party will be arranged. Supplying the government calendar from collecting it from the

government press is the duty of administrative department. Funeral arrangement: In the case of demise of an employee, Rs 5000 will

be given to the family to carry out funeral function. Rs 3000 will be given to the close relative of the died person. Garden: the garden is maintained by the administration department.


Head load workers: The wage of head load workers is paid by the License Renewal : Its the job of the administration department to renew

administration department.

the license of company every year. If the license is not renewed, the company cannot work. The industrial license application is given in the form-2. It is according to the rules 4 , 12.The application for renewal is sent along with the duly filled in form-2 and the Chelan of Rs. 75,000 and the names and details of Board of Directors. Original factories license will also be sent along with this and it is renewed and a new license is issued back to the company. The license is renewed from : 3.1.2. PURCHASE DEPARTMENT. Purchase streamlines the flow of material required for production at right quality, at right time & right quantity. The department activity depends up on activities of planning department & marketing department. The department is responsible for procurement of raw materials, its supply, and service. The raw materials and purchase charts for finished goods must be bought & delivered to the plant based on information from marketing department, planning department prepare sales plan to purchase department. ABC analysis is used to for purchase. The order that is placed for A category is before one week, for B before one month and for C items before six months. The materials manager handles the responsibility for A quality products, B quality for assistant manager and C with assistant engineer (purchase). There is a purchase committee is formed for the purpose of bulk purchase of product. This department also uses vendor rating and vendor evaluation techniques. If rating of vendor is B grade they will encourage the vendor to promote to B grade. If they dont come with their expectations, the company will delete vendors name from the list. PURCHASE CYCLE. Purchase department plays an important role in the functional departments of an organization. It ensures smooth flow, high quality, and reliable raw materials for production. The purchase department functions are depends on the activities of many departments. The marketing department prepares sales plan and forwarded to planning department. Planning department


verify it and make a list of materials required and sent to purchase departments. The activities of purchase department are enclosed in a circle.

















FUNCTIONS Purchase proposal. Preparation of purchase orders. Prepare purchase follow up. Verify and receive dispatch. Check GRN to accounts. Sending GRN to suppliers. Requesting the store for return of rejected materials. Send materials returned document to suppliers.

PURCHASE COMMITTEE Purchase committee consists of production manager, quality manager, materials and accounts manager. Normally purchase about 15000 is dealt by purchase committee. Below these senior engineer dealt with it. If above 15000 the senior engineer should forward to purchase committee. The purchase committee shall study and forward its recommendations to MD through GMC (finance). Final approval is made MD normally purchase committee meets twice a week. 3.1.3.Finance department Finance department is life blood of business. The responsibility of raising money lies on the finance department. Effective finance administration depends up on the efficiency of

procedure, and practices adopted by the enterprise. It is the duty to maintain all statutory books and registers required under the company act. The finance statements of the company is prepared under the conventional accrual basis as a going concern complying with accounting standards prescribed under company act 1956.

FUNCTIONS. There are lot of functions associated with the functioning of finance department.The Good Received Note (GRN) issued by store department are received by the purchase department and sent to finance department to for preparing the voucher. It analyses the supplier account.Regarding the sales finance department is associated with preparation of 15

sales tax return, payment of incentives, warranty claim settlement, attending sales tax hearings, Verification of accounts. It receive, withdraws, payment of cash to the employees. It settles the salary, payment of retainer fee, physical verification of cash, payment of vouchers. The finalization of department functions include analysis of ledger, rectification of errors, Assisting internal audit, Assisting in AGs audit, preparation of annual report. 3.1.4.HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Personal management is an important branch of business management. It constitutes a key to managerial action. It constitutes a key to managerial action & key to managerial action and it success. Personal manager comprises those activities that have aligned by a separate personal department under charge of a staff and service manager known as personal manager. For effective HRM, KAL formed separate personal department headed by Personal manager. OBJECTIVES Reduce absenteeism from 10 % to 5 % in course of one year. Improve employee satisfaction by 10 % To enable individual employee to improve by 5% in the course of one year FUNCTIONS OF HR DEPARTMENT The recruitment of labour extensive in manufacture area in KAL and estimation of man power requirement is made through estimating production requirements. The company strives to maintain proper recruitment, selection, and utilization of manpower to suit organization needs. The human needs of company are catogorised in to managers, supervisors and workers. RECRUITMENT AND DEVELOPMENT There are three types of recruitment in KAL. They are Direct recruitment Employment exchange Direct recruitment is done through advertisement in newspapers, before they will notify in exchanges. The post of helper, typist, office assistants, stenos etc is done through PSC. Another way of recruitment is through employment exchanges. It is through compulsory notification act. For that they will produce a notification act certificate. There is an interview board or committee. It includes HR Manager, and other outside subject experts as the direction of government. 16

For higher post they will conduct only interview. Then the merit list is prepared as per the class wise quotation from government KASSR. Then final list is published. TRAINING AND ADMINISTRATION In KAL an organized program is not followed. Manager is sent for training programs outside the organizations. Workman can undergo a training period of 6 months on a trade of their own choice, working hours, and office functions. The working time is set by management. DEARNESS ALLOWANCE Government DA It is otherwise called fixed DA. It is fixed by government for higher posts till junior executive. It is 123% of basic pay. Allowances Washing allowance: Rs 30 / month as uniform washing allowance Stitching allowance: Rs 250/ year for men Rs 35/ year for women Special allowance: Rs 15/ months to senior tradesman Risk allowance: Rs 50/ month subjected to all existing conditions Shift allowance: Second shift Third shift Provident Fund (As per PF act 1952) 12% of the salary (Basic + DA) is paid to Provident Fund account from the salary of the employee. The same amount will be provided by the employer to the PF account. The 12 % of both employee and employer is statutory. But the employee can voluntarily pay additional amount more than 12% to the PF account. But the employer dont have to pay accordingly as the employee pays, other than employers 12% share. Around 8.33% of the 12% of PF share of the employer will go to the Pension fund of the employee. The interest of the Provident Fund is 8%. An employee can take money (as loan having no interest) from PF account(employee share) twice in an year. He can also take money for education, marriage(up to 60%), home 17 First shift Rs 3.00

Rs 2.50 Rs 5.00

construction(up to 90%) etc. The proof of such things should be provided such as building plan, approval from authorities, engineer etc for construction, marriage certificate copy, invitation etc for marriage after the function and statement from bank etc for education. The employee may or may not repay the amount taken from the PF account (as loan).Generally there is no need to pay back the money. This loan amount is permitted from the employees share of 12% of basic salary that he pays every month. The employee cannot take money from the 12% of the employers share to PF. The account section pays the PF in the bank with the common PF account number of the company and gives the Chelan to HR section. The company has its own single PF account number as whole for all the employees. Each and every individual employee has their own personal PF account numbers. The HR department prepare the list of employees with their individual PF account numbers and sends it to the PF office along with the Chelan. If the monthly PF of an employee is not paid by the company, the MD of the company may get imprisonment. Leaves Casual leaves - 20 Medical leave - 10 full day leave/20 half day leave Earned leave/annual leave : The employees have the right to take 1 earned leave for every 20 working days(20:1)(based on factories act). But the management has the right to put forward attractive plans in front of the employees to motivate them. Earned leave can be encashed. The maximum number of earned leaves that can be encashed are 300 days. In KAL the earned leave ratio is as: Managerial category - 11:1 Workmen category -13:1 Holidays KAL follows a systematic method for deciding holidays in an year. There can be up to 13 holidays in an year. Out of these 4 days are national holidays-jan26, may1, aug15, oct2.The remaining festival holidays are decided by the management and workers committee.

Total number of leaves in an year 18

Annual Casual Medical Holidays

30 20 52 10 13

Week Sundays -

________________________ TOTAL LEAVES- 125 /year. Performance appraisal policy o It should be in prescribed form.

The performance appraisal shall be conducted annually in the case of

workmen. In the case of supervisors and above, the appraisal shall be conducted half yearly during the period from January to june and july to December. The entries in the performance appraisal form shall be clear and precise and shall be based on the officers personal observation of the work and conduct of workmen. The entries shall be made by the officer in his own hand or type written by

him and shall be kept confidential ad the report shall be under the safe custody of the personnel department. If there are any adverse of such nature that the workmen needs an advice

or admonition only, the concerned Head of Department shall render such advice of admonition. In more serious cases, the head of department shall give opportunity to the concerned to submit explanation. The intimation to the workman together with his reply, if any, shall be kept in the personal file. The confidential record shall be prepared by the officer under whom an

employee is working and shall be submitted to the head of the department who shall countersign it, adding his own remarks, if any. Fixation of Pay: The pay of workman promoted from a lower post to a higher post will be fixed as follows:



If any increment is due to him in the lower post on the date of his

promotion, such increment will be added to his pay in the lower post. (2) (3) One notional increment will be added to such pay in the lower post. If the pay so arrives at coincides with a stage in the scale of pay in the

higher post, his pay in the higher post will be fixed at that stage. 3.1.5.Marketing department In KAL Marketing department is under the control of marketing manager. The activities of his department are directly reported to MD. This department identifies the customers, interact them and find out their needs and thus figure out the market potential of various products. Management is a pre-requisite for the successful operation of any business enterprise. Marketing management shall be responsible for the after service activities of company. The marketing department shall maintain a register showing details of warranty claims against each vehicle. Marketing determines the needs of customer and sets out the pattern of production of goods and services necessary to satisfy their needs. COMPETITORS Major competitors include Bajaj automobile ltd Piaggio greaves Ape TVS

Minor competitors Market share KAL has a share of 3-4% where as Bajaj Ltd is leading market share of 78% in India Market segmentation It follows geographical segmentation 20 Sitara auto Devi auto Auto industries

For selling the product company needs special approval of concerned states. KAL products are mainly focused on farmers, drivers and low income groups. FUNCTIONS The marketing department ensures that the companys products are marketing to various outlets, taking in to consideration the demand for various types of vehicles at various outlets.

Appointment of dealers Dispatch of vehicles Payment to dealers Responding to enquiries Preparation of sales and dispatch plan Collect the feedback information of product and conduct periodic market survey Termination of dealers Advertisement and sales promotion Transportation management Contract review Advertising policy:Company will meet half of the advertising expenditure of the dealer, up to a maximum of 0.5% of total turnover of the dealer for the previous quarter. If the dealer does not available advertising amount within a quarter balance amount will be carried over to subsequent quarters. Minimum of the three consecutive advertisement release in newspaper at ht etime of appointment of a new dealer such case company will meet the express. Corporate advertsisind during local festival like deepavali, holi & in case of any model change. 3.1.6.RESEARCH AND DEVELPOMENT This department designs the model of products and provides information about various items, which the company can produce. This department is under the control of the marketing manager. In KAL, R&D department provides information about the various products which can be provided by the company. Design section:


Based on the market study done by the marketing department and competitors, the marketing section decides the design for the product. Italian design is the basic design adopted for the Indian 3 wheeler industry. In KAL, they designed the petrol model in 1984. In 1985 they designed the diesel engines vehicles. KAL designed the tipper, bottle carrier, jumbo, 4 stroke petrol engine vehicle etc. KAL product engineering section has the computerized design system and testing equipment to ensure the international standards. Experienced engineers have transformed the basic Italian model. The latest trends in production is to provide fuel efficient and eco-friendly vehicles. Company is introducing engines of bharat stage-3. Major achievements Introduced diesel engine 3 wheeler in the market for the first time. Introduced 6 seater diesel engine 3 wheelers. Development of aerodynamic design. 3.1.7 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Planning department lies the base for all other managerial functions of the management. All the major functions are performed with the framework of plans lay down by the department. The main function of planning department is to issue material to the concerned authorities. All the incoming raw materials are delivered to Quality Assurance department. The QA department done the inspection and if the materials are meeting the quality requirement it will sent to stock and record in the computer and collected item are distributed. If the materials are not up to mark the stored department prepares the rejection note and sent to planning department. This department mainly concentrating on production, marketing, storing and all other managerial functions of the management. It is mainly concentrating on scales planning. But also maintenance the material planning and production planning. They are taking the decision on market targeting, market mix, priority of raw materials (A,B,C,D,E ) etc. Based on the information from the marketing department, they produce monthly target. Then the target will send to the concerned department. If any faults happen, then make correction after discussing with the GM. 22

3.1.8 PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT As KAL is a manufacturing concern, the production department is the crux of all operation. They manufacture various components of vehicle especially gearbox components and finally assemble to make the vehicle. On the basis of monthly production target, the planning department makes allocation and distribution of materials to different production department. KAL has installed capacity to produce 1600 unit per month. But now only 300-400 vehicles are manufactured. There are 6 sub departments are present under the production department. The entire work flow is divided into 3 major processes 1) 2) 3) MOP(management oriented process) COP(customer oriented process) SOP(support oriented process)

1.MOP deals with the market representative(MR) and IQA. In order to achieve the targeted profit, required steps are taken by them. It is concerned with providing good of good quality at a competitive price. For this purpose the quality assurance department is established. 2. COP deals with making the customer satisfied by providing all the services they require. Various departments are covered under COP. They are marketing, designing, planning etc. 3. SOP is concerned with providing necessary services that supports the MOP and COP. SOP do also play an important role in the organization. Unless SOP is not working at 100% efficiency, it is not possible to provides quality goods on time. SOP covers various departments like stores, HRD, QA etc.

3.1.9. MACHINE SHOP Machine shop producers the sub pairs which are required for the production of the finished goods. Tool room is a part of this. The maintenance of the tool room is done at tool room for production. As per the planned schedule. The store issue the material required for the production in a weekly manner, Gear selector, steering road etc are produced in the plant. The shop is under the control of the Sr. Engineer . Heat Treatment:-



Here the components are heat treatment this station

Muffler furnace Gas car building furnace Induction hardening etc.

These are under high temperature. Pallet trucks are used to transport the material since the temperature is very high. The tempered and hardened units are tested by the quality control unit TOOLS DEPARTMENT The maintenance of tool is done in the tool room department. The consumable tool requires frequent maintenance. KAL also receive products from organization such as VSSC, KELTRON etc. These projects include of certain components and are carried out here. Assembly:Production manager is the head of thisdepartment. Gear assembly, engine assembly vehicle assembly, handle assembly etc are the main fuctions. It holds sub assembly, Doom Aasembly etc. Line Assembly:Line assembly is one of the main assembly section. There are main two stages in line assembly. Paint shopJunior engineer is the head of this department. The painting works of the finished goods are done here, before the painting the products are sending to the pre-treatment section. It is called as tank process. The various steps:klean chemi -> water -> chemi -> De-act chemi. blast chemi(de-rusting) ->water -> seal

It is done to avoid the resting. A crane is used for cleaning. A pre-treatment is done before painting. Small components are spray painted using conveyer belt. After that the components are sending to the locator for drying.


3.1.10. QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT The main aspect of these departments to check and maintain the quality of finished as well as incoming materials. The finished goods go through three stages of inspection. They are: Objectives: Cost reduction Quality- checking Providing all suggestions Wastage control Higher productivity Reduce defects of implant items by10% Create a cultural among the employees of the company towards total Vehicles inspection Test running Final inspection

quality concepts and higher productivity through planned training for all employees Direct and prevent non conformance defects as early as possible and

climate them through appropriate change to the quality management system. To reduce the percentage of vehicle with break pedal problem. 30% to 5% To reduce the defects of following components in the production

department to less them 10% Quality Policy:The management and employees of KAL are committed to development, manufacture, marketing & service three wheelers, meeting customer needs through a proves of continual improvement of its quality management system. Functions:In order to maintain the quality policy and objectives the incoming materials an in plant materials and finished goods under go several inspections in different stages. Chemical lab is also plays a major are in Quality Assurance Department.


The critical activities: Incoming inspection In process inspection Fabrication Finished vehicle calibration Calibration.

3.1.11.STORES DEPARTMENT The success of the business largely depends up on efficient and effective stores. Stores are the place where the raw materials. Semi finished goods and finished goods are kept after the production. Stores department comes under GM (production). KAL follows ABC analysis for inventory storage. According to the nature of items stores are kept:-

Store I: hardware items, painting items, rubber parts, gear items etc. Store II: Bearing components, location assembly battery Store III: Casting, forging, sheet metal items. Store IV: Raw materials, pipe wool. It follows ABC analysis for the inventory Inventory Control: A. B. C. AItems will store only before one week Items will store only before one month Items will store before 6 month Required 70% of the total price, B- items required the 20% and C- items

required to 10%

The main items is store are , hardware items, rubber parts, gear items, sheet metal items, raw materials, pipe wood etc 26

Classification & codifications:Materials stored are classified according to their nature& usage. All the items are given part no. as cod and having tag. In addition to then\ main store there is a sub unit also. The store keepers record the data of materials on the bin card and adjust the store balance. The entire information is entered in to the computerized store ledger system called card-x, which give systematic and accurate record. Verification is done at every end of the final year. Actual stock is compare with the stock shown the ledger. Store keeper are the concerned authority are responsible for any difference in stock level. Critical Activities: Receiving of raw materials and storage of item Issuing of materials Dispatch of rejected materials Receiving, dispatch and storage of finished goods Disposal of scraps Periodic stock verifications Preparing of documents for central department

3.1.13 MAINTANANCE DEPARTMENT Maintenance department functions under the control of manager (production). This department undertakes the work of electrical, mechanical, and civil maintenance. The maintenance procedure is done as team work of supervisors and technicians. Maintenance work, which cant be settled by the department, is done by licensed contractors and outside exports.

Functions:There are mainly two types of maintenance are conducted at KAL Preventive Maintenance Breakdown Maintenance

Preventive maintenance:27

It is carries out to increase the lifespan of the machine. It is classified as daily, weekly, quarterly and yearly maintenance. Initial activities in preventive maintenance includes Prepare schedule for preventive maintenance Check availability of machines for planned data If the machine is not available for planned data reschedule it. Check availability of spares Place indent with purchase department Stores spares in sub store Allocate technicians Do the preventive maintenance Check the completeness of preventive Maintenance Prepare the monthly report

Break down maintenance:It is carried out at the time of breakdown of machines, when the breakdown of machines is informed by the concerned trade man. If a number of machines are breakdown at a same time then the machines are prioritized on the basis of loss of breakdown per hour Activities in breakdown maintenance Check the nature of complaints whether the complaints is mechanical.

Civil or electrical Check minimum stock level spares Check spare parts procurement through purchase department Allocate the technicians for repair work If the maintenance department cant rectify it obtain the service of

engineers from others Complete maintains and repair work handover the machine



The main function is to provide quality services to the customer. It is under the control of marketing department. Functions: the products. Collecting the field complaints. Pre-delivery inspection. Framing customer satisfaction. Collect feedback report from marketing department about

The company providing free service campaigns along with dealers once in 6 months or annually. Coupon service: It is done as an after sales service this service is based on particular period or kilometers whichever is earlier. The coupons are received from the customer and send the accounts department and credit note is prepared. The service based on service period is as follows: Distance days) 500 1000 2000 3500 4500 5250 30 60 90 120 150 180 75 75 100 100 100 100 Period(within Amount(Rs.)

Warranty settlement A warranty settlement is given to the vehicle for 6 month from the date of purchase or till 6000km, whichever is earlier. Warranty is not valid for the rubber parts. In case of damages, dealer will fill up warranty service claims. Maintaining chassis number, engine number and the date of sale will send to the company. KAL identifies the batch number and accept it if the case is genuine.


4.RESEARCH METHEDOLOGY. 4.1Statement of the problem. To study the job satisfaction of employees in Kerala Automobiles Ltd, Aralumoodu. 4.2Research Design It is a descriptive study based on the survey method data are collected from the respondent through questionnaire. Descriptive research is used on obtain information concerning the current status of phenomenon to describe "what exist" with respect to variables or conditions in a situation. 4.3Data collection methods The study is mainly based on both primary and secondary data. Primary Data Primary data was collected through questionnaire and direct interview with the workers of KAL. Secondary Data Secondary data was collected through company records and reports, magazines, journals, text books, projects and websites. 4.4Sampling Method For the purpose of the study I am selected 50 respondents according to convenience sampling method. Questionnaire supplied to various departments to elicit their response.

4.5sample size A sample size of 50 respondents was taken from the employees of KAL for the purpose of conducting the study. 4.6Analysis Percentage analysis.


5.DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION. AGE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF RESPONDENTS TABLE 5.1 Sl.NO. 1. 2. 3. Age in years 20-30 30-40 40-50 TOTAL No. of respondents 15 20 15 50 Percentage 30% 40% 30% 100

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 20-30 30-40 40-50 TOTAL No. of respondents Percentage

Inference: The above table indicates most of the respondents belong to the age group between 30-40 years category.


GENDER OF THE EMPLOYEES TABLE 5.2 Sl.NO 1. 2. Gender Male Female TOTAL No respondent 31 19 50 of Percentage 62% 38% 100


120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Male Female TOTAL No of respondent Percentage

Inference: The above table infers that 62% of the respondents are male and 38%of the respondents are female.




Income 5000-10000 10001-15000 15001-above

Frequency 20 9 21

Percentage 40% 18% 42%


15 Frequency 10 Percentage

0 5000-10000 10001-15000 15001-above

Inference: The above table infers that 42% of the respondents income is above 150001, 40% of the respondents income between 5000-10000and ,18% of the respondents income between 10001-15000.



TABLE 5.4 Sl.NO. 1. 2. 3. Experience in the Frequency organization 1-10 11 10-20 19 Above 20 20 Total 50 Percentage 22% 38% 40% 100%


60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1-10 Year 10-20Years Above 20 Years Total Frequency Percentage

Inference: The above table infers that 40% of the respondents serve for above 20 yrs experience in the organization. 38% of the respondents serve for 10-20yrs. 28% of the respondents serve for 110yrs.




Sl.NO 1. 2. 3.

Opinion Easy Normal Difficult TOTAL

Frequency 17 13 20 50

Percentage 34% 26% 40% 100%

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Easy Normal Difficult TOTAL Frequency Percentage

Inference: The above table infers that, 40% of the respondent the nature of the job is difficult,34% of the respondent the nature of the job is easy,26% of the respondent the nature of the job is normal.



Sl.NO 1. 2. 3.

Opinion Always usually sometimes TOTAL

Frequency 20 17 13 50

Percentage 40% 34% 26% 100%


60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Always usually sometimes TOTAL Frequency Percentage

Inference: The above table infers that, 40% of the respondent always cause problem due to excess work load,34% of the respondent usually cause problem due to excess work load,26%of the respondent sometimes cause problem due to excess work load.



Sl.NO 1. 2. 3.

Opinion Frequency Highly satisfied 5 Satisfied 15 Dissatisfied 30 TOTAL 50 CHART 5.7

Percentage 10% 30% 60% 100%

35 30 25 20 Frequency 15 10 5 0 Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Percentage

Inference: The above table infers that, 60% of the respondents are dissatisfied with the promotion policy,30%of the respondents are satisfied with the promotion policy, 10% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the promotion policy .



Sl.NO 1. 2. 3.

Opinion Frequency To great extent 5 Sometimes 20 Not at all 25 TOTAL 50 CHART 5.8

Percentage 10% 40% 50% 100%

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 To great extent Sometimes Not at all Frequency Percentage

Inference: The above table infers that, 50% of the respondent not get sufficient rest time ,40% of the respondent sometimes get sufficient rest time, 10% of the respondent to great extent get sufficient rest time.



Sl.NO 1. 2. 3.

Opinion Frequency Highly satisfied 13 Satisfied 15 Dissatisfed 22 TOTAL 50 CHART 5.9

Percentage 26% 30% 44% 100%

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfed TOTAL Frequency Percentage

Inference: The above table infers that, 44% of the respondents dissatisfied with the frienge benefit,30% of the respondents satisfied with the frienge benefit,26% of the respondents highlysatisfied with the frienge benefit.



TABLE 5.10 SLNO 1. 2. 3. CHART 5.10 Opinion Good poor Very poor TOTAL Frequency 27 13 10 50 Percentage 54% 26% 20% 100%

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Good poor Very poor TOTAL Frequency Percentage

Inference: The above table infers that, 54% of the respondent have opinion that the leave policy is good,26% of the respondent have opinion that the leave policy is poor,20% of the respondent have opinion that the leave policy is very poor.


WORKING ENVIRONMENT TABLE 5.11 S.NO 1. 2. 3. CHART 5.11 Opinion Excellent Good Poor TOTAL Frequency 17 13 20 50 Percentage 34% 26% 40% 100%

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Excellent Good poor TOTAL Frequency Percentage

Inference: The above table infers that 40% of the respondents are feel poor with the working environment,34% of the respondents are feel excellent with the working environment,26%of the respondents are good with the working environment.



60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Excellent Good poor TOTAL Frequency Percentage

Opinion Excellent Good Poor TOTAL

Frequency 20 11 19 50

Percentage 40% 22% 38% 100%

Inference: The above table infers that ,40% of the respondents opinion is excellent about the canteen facilities,38% of the respondents opinion is poor about the canteen facilities, 22%of the respondents opinion is good about the canteen facilities.



SL.NO 1. 2. 3.

Opinion Highly Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied TOTAL

Frequency 21 17 12 50

Percentage 42% 34% 24% 100%

CHART 5.13

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied TOTAL Frequency Percentage

Inference: The above table infers, 42% of the respondent opinion is that they are highly satisfied with the medical facility,34% of the respondent opinion is that they are satisfied with the medical facility,24% of the respondent opinion is that they are dis satisfied with the medical facility.



Sl.NO 1. 2. 3.

Opinion Frequency Highly Satisfied 27 Satisfied 15 Dissatisfied 8 TOTAL 50 CHART 5.14

Percentage 54% 30% 16% 100%

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Highly Satisfied Satisfied dissatisfied TOTAL Frequency Percentage

Inference: The above table infers that, 54% of the respondent are highly satisfied with the functioning of trade union,30% the respondent are satisfied with the functioning of trade union,16%the respondent are dissatisfied with the functioning of trade union.


JOB SECURITY TABLE 5.15 S.NO 1. 2. 3. CHART 5.15 Opinion Good Poor Very poor TOTAL Frequency 20 17 13 50 Percentage 40% 34% 26% 100%

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Good Poor Very poor TOTAL Frequency Percentage

Inference: The above table infers that 40% of the respondents opinion is good about the job security,34% of the respondents opinion is poor about the job security,26% of the respondents opinion is very poor about the job security.



SLNO 1. 2. 3. CHART 5.16

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Agree

Opinion Agree Disagree Moderate Total

Frequency 21 23 6 50

Percentage 42% 46% 12% 100%

Frequency Percentage




Inference: The above table infers that, 46% of the respondents are disagree with the participate in decision making, 42% of the respondents are agree with the participate in decision making, 12% of the respondents are moderate with the participate in decision making.




TABLE 5.17

SLNO 1. 2. 3. CHART 5.17

35 30 25 20

Opinion Agree Disagree Moderate

Frequency 8 32 10

Percentage 16% 74% 20%

Frequency 15 10 5 0 Agree Disagree Moderate Percentage

Inference: The above table infers that, 74% of the respondents disagree with proper recognition for valuable contribution , 20% of the respondents moderate with proper recognition for valuable contribution,and 16% of the respondents agree with proper recognition for valuable contribution.



SLNO 1. 2. 3.

Opinion Agree Disagree Moderate

Frequency 25 5 20

Percentage 50% 10% 40%

CHART 5.18
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Agree Disagree Moderate Frequency Percentage

Inference: The above table infers that, 50% of the respondents agree with good relationship between employee and manager, 10% of the respondents disagree with good relationship between employee and manager.40% of the respondent moderate with relationship between employee and manager.



SLNO 1. 2. CHART 5.19

Opinion Yes No TOTAL

Frequency 26 24 50

Percentage 52% 48% 100%

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No TOTAL Frequency Percentage

Inference: The above table infers that, 52% of the respondent have opinion that they have enough time to spent with family and 48% of the respondent have not enough time to spent with family.


STRESS OR PRESSURE DURING WORK TABLE 5.20 SLNO 1. 2. 3. CHART 5.20 Opinion Always Usually Sometimes TOTAL Frequency 29 2 19 50 Percentage 78% 4% 38% 100%

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Always Usually Sometimes TOTAL Frequency Percentage

Inference: The above table infers that, majority of the respondents are always affected by stress or pressure during their work.



SLNO 1. 2. CHART 5.21

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes

Opinion Yes No TOTAL

Frequency 17 33 50

Percentage 34% 66% 100%

Frequency Percentage



Inference: The above table infers that, 66% of the respondent will not go for new oppurtunity and 34%will go if they get new oppurtunity.


6.FINDINGS,SUGGESTIONS&CONCLUSION. 6.1FINDINGS. Mojority of the employees age is between 20-30. 38% of employees are female and 68% are male employees
42% of the respondents income is above 150001, 40% of the respondents income between 500010000 and 18% of the respondents income between 10001-15000. 40% of the respondents serve for above 20 yrs experience in the organization, 38% of the respondents serve for 10-20yrs. 28% of the respondents serve for 1-10yrs. 40% of the respondent the nature of the job is difficult,34% of the respondent the nature of the job is easy,26% of the respondent the nature of the job is normal. 40% of the respondent always cause problem due to excess work load,34% of the respondent usually cause problem due to excess work load,26%of the respondent sometimes cause problem due to excess work load. 60% of the respondents are dissatisfied with the promotion policy,30%of the respondents are

satisfied with the promotion policy, 10% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the promotion policy 50% of the respondent not get sufficient rest time ,40% of the respondent sometimes get sufficient rest time, 10% of the respondent to great extent get sufficient rest time. 44% of the respondents dissatisfied with the frienge benefit,30% of the respondents satisfied with the frienge benefit,26% of the respondents highlysatisfied with the frienge benefit. 54% of the respondent have opinion that the leave policy is good,26% of the respondent have opinion that the leave policy is poor,20% of the respondent have opinion that the leave policy is very poor. 40% of the respondents are feel poor with the working environment.

38% of the respondents opinion is poor about the canteen facilities 42% of the respondent opinion is that they are highly satisfied with the medical facility
54% of the respondent are highly satisfied with the functioning of trade union,30% the respondent are satisfied with the functioning of trade union,16%the respondent are dissatisfied with the functioning of trade union. 40% of the respondents opinion is good about the job security.


46% of the respondents are disagree with the participate in decision making, 42% of the respondents are agree with the participate in decision making, 12% of the respondents are moderate with the participate in decision making. 74% of the respondents disagree with proper recognition for valuable contribution , 20% of the respondents moderate with proper recognition for valuable contribution,and 16% of the respondents agree with proper recognition for valuable contribution. 50% of the respondents agree with good relationship between employee and manager, 10% of the respondents disagree with good relationship between employee and manager.40% of the respondent moderate with relationship between employee and manager. 52% of the respondent have opinion that they have enough time to spent with family and 48% of the respondent have not enough time to spent with family. Majority of the respondents are always affected by stress or pressure during their work. 66% of the respondent will not go for new oppurtunity and 34%will go if they get new opportunity.


6.2SUGGESTIONS Female employees should give equal priority. Employees should be provided with more salary. The nature of the job should be moderate. The work load should be reduced. The promotion policy should be changed on the basis of performance measurement. Employee should provide sufficient rest time. Provide proper working environment. Canteen facility should be improve. To maintain good relationship between managers and employees. Provide proper recognition for valuable contribution. Reduce the stress by involving in other activity. To provide good medical facility. Involve each employee in decision making. To provide proper training for the employees.


6.3CONCLUSION Employees are the backbone of an organization. Production can be only increased when workers are satisfied with their job. An increased employee satisfaction produces improved job performance. Each and every individual employee is responsible for the successful performance or running of an organization. The study is being conducted in KAL. Which is one of the premiere three wheeler manufacturing company in India.KAL believe that an increased employee satisfaction produces improved job performance. So for the successful growth of the organization every worker must be satisfied with work or job they perform. So if the management implements the suggestion given by the researcher it will improve the overall performance of the organization.


BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ashwathappa.K(2002):Human Resources and Personnel Management,Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers,New Delhi. Kothari C.R(2000):Research Methodology,Wishwa Prakasham,New Delhi. Tripathy P.C(2001):Human Resourse Management,Sultan Chand and sons,New Delhi. Prasad L.M(2001):Human Resourse Management,Sultan Chand and sons,New Delhi.


I am JIJITHA A JOSEPH doing MBA programme in NEHRU INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY. As a part of my academic course I am required to do project on EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION IN KERALA AUTOMOBILES Ltd, Aralumoodu. I present before you a questionnaire to be answered by you for the purpose of my study.


1. Name : 2. Department : 3. Age : a) 20-30 b) 30-40 c) 40-50 4. Sex : a)Male b)Female 5.Monthly income a)5000-10000 b) 10001-15000 c)15001-above 6.Experience: a)1- 10 years b)10-20 years c)Above 20 years

7.Opinion regarding nature of work? a)Easy b)Normal c)Difficult


8.Do you feel any work problem due to excess work load a)Always b)Usually c)sometimes

9. Are you satisfied with promotion policy adopted by the KAL a)Satisfied b)Dissatisfied c)Highly satisfied 10. Do you get sufficient rest time a)To a great extend b) Sometimes c)Not at all 11. Are you satisfied with the fringe benefits given by the KAL a) Satisfied b)Dissatisfied c) Highly satisfied

12. Your opinion about leave policy adopted in the KAL a) Good b) Poor c) Very poor

13.what is your opinion about the work environment in KAL a) Excellent b)Good c) poor

14. What is your opinion about the canteen facilities in KAL a) Excellent b)Good c) Poor

15. Are you satisfied with the medical facilities provided by the KAL a) Satisfied b)Dissatisfied


16. Your opinion about the functioning of trade union a) Satisfied b) Dissatisfied c) Moderate

17. Your opinion about job security in KAL a) Good b)Poor c)Very poor

18. There is a good relationship between employees and managers a) Agree b) Disagree c) Moderate

19. Employees are free to participate in the decision making a)Agree b.) Disagree c) Moderate 20. Do you feel that your job is suitable for your skill and qualification a) Agree b) Disagree c) Moderate 21. Proper recognition is given to the employees for their valuable contribution a) Agree b)Disagree c) Moderate

22. Are you getting enough time to spend with your family a) Yes b) No

23.Do you have faced any stress or pressure during your work? a)Always b)Usually c)Sometimes

24.Would you leave the organization if you get a new opportunity a)Yes b) No

25. Suggestions if any:



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