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Conferencing with Ms Peters about your Q3 targets/goals a. Record in detail Moe the steps you took Yui KO this week to Yoo Min achieve your goal. Misaki Give specific Bjornar information (date, subject, teacher, quotes) b. Write your goal that you will target for achievement next week.

BRAINPOP ENGLISH & SOCIAL STUDIES SOCIAL STUDIES READING (Listening & a. Read the Social Notetaking) Studies article. a. Watch the fiveb. Highlight in one paragraph essay color evidence movie. that PPR was a success m/english/writing/fivep c. Highlight in a aragraphessay/ different color b. Complete the evidence that Review Quiz after PPR was a failure watching the movie. d. Together c. In your EAP complete the Writing notebook chart in which make Cornell notes you organize the that explain the evidence from different types of the article. essays: descriptive, e. Do the same now narrative, for the other persuasive, and articles youve argumentative. read in Social d. Complete the Studies. Vocabulary Activity sheet. a. Now take the quiz again (on paper)

without referring to your notes. BRAINPOP SCIENCE (Listening & Notetaking) a. Watch the Work movie. http://www.brainpop.c om//science/motionsfo rcesandtime/work/ b. Answer the following questions (copy the question) in your Science notebook:

Whats the difference between force, work, and power? What is mechanical advantage? What is a screw? How does it work? How does a crane work? What is a wedge? What is torque? Can you help me solve this problem: It takes 10

BRAINPOP SCIENCE (Listening & Notetaking) a. Watch the Force movie. m/science/motionsforce sandtime/force/ b. Complete the Review Quiz after watching the movie. c. Make Cornell notes in your Science notebook that explain applied force, gravitational force/gravity, effort force, resistance force, friction and tension. d. Make Cornell notes in your Science

BRAINPOP SCIENCE (Listening & Notetaking) b. Watch the Inclined Plane movie. m/science/motionsforce sandtime/inclinedplane/ c. Complete the Review Quiz after watching the movie. d. Complete the Vocabulary Activity sheet. e. Make Cornell notes in your Science notebook that answer the questions:
What is an inclined plane? How does an inclined plane work? How are inclined planes used in real

BRAINPOP SCIENCE (Listening & Notetaking) a. Watch the Pulley movie. http://www.brainpop. com/technology/simp lemachines/pulley/ b. Complete the Review Quiz after watching the movie. c. Complete the Vocabulary Activity sheet. d. Make Cornell notes in your Science notebook that answer the questions:

What is a pulley? What is the difference between a fixed pulley and a movable pulley? In a fixed pulley, is the

joules of work to move a stack of heavy books. How much power does it take to carry these books for 15 seconds?

notebook that answer the questions:

c. Complete the Activity sheet (Fill in the blank; Think about it) d. Complete the Vocabulary Activity sheet.

e. Now take the quiz again (on paper) without referring to your notes. e. Now take the quiz again (on paper) without referring to your notes.

Whats the difference between force, work, and power? What is a pendulum? What is thrust? What is momentum? What is mechanical advantage? Whats a newton? How do bumper cars work? Why you dont fall off a roller coaster when it goes upside down?

f. Now take the quiz again (on paper) without referring to your notes.

life? Give an example of an inclined plane at ISM.

effort greater than, less than, or equal to the load? How can I build a simple pulley? How is a single pulley used? How do elevators work?

e. Now take the quiz again (on paper) without referring to your notes.

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