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Smile 1.

In this first sequence we are shown orange writing with a black background. The effect of the title encourages the audience to want to watch more as it is inspired but something that has happened in real. This makes the film seem more realistic, as there is a voice over the audience will take this more seriously. 2.

In the second sequence the writing is again in orange with a black background which includes true facts which shows the audience how realistic this movie is and therefore makes it more exciting. Again in this sequence there is a voice over which again creates that horror movie atmosphere. 3.

In the third sequence we are shown a brief outline of the date of the event it took place and the names of the people it involved. The words are again in orange with a black background and a voice over again is used. This idea of this event being real will intrigue the audience to want to keep watching and become more interested so they can find out what happened. The eerie creepy music at the end of this title sequence adds to the whole horror/thriller effect.


In this sequence we are presented with a modern everyday house and the scene blacks out towards the end of the sequence. This is emapshing the danger in the movie and how throughout the movie it will gradually get worse. The music is creepy and sets the mood. 5.

In the fifth sequence it shows the camera angle going further away from the town and civilization and into an open field which could reinforce moving away from the safety of their houses. The music is again the same in the previous title sequences keeping the set mood the same throughout the title sequence. 6.

In the sixth title sequence it shows it getting darker in the day and the house becoming more creepy looking. In this sequence it then goes completely dark with a voice over of a girl saying 911 whats your emergency this tells the audience that something has happened to the person calling the police and there is danger. Starting to get the audience thinking. 7.

In the seventh sequence we are shown a smashed car window with the girl who called the police who is in panic and frightened. The sequence moves across the car screen with the whole in the cracked screen with two children on the bikes through the hole. This gives the audience the impression that the two children have something to do with it. 8.

In the eight title sequence we are shown blood splashed on the walls with a gun, and knife with blood on them. The girl is still talking to the police women she is scared and doesnt know what to do. This creates the audience to want to find out whats happened. The white background with the blood splashed on contrasts the colours and makes it stand out. 9.

The last sequence ends with the girl on the phone to the police saying there is blood everywhere. And the background is black with orange writing saying The strangers in capitals, the big writing enforces the danger and horror within the movie.

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