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In this first sequence it shows a book being turned over by someone, the hand is in the background and is out of focus, this creates an eerie atmosphere. It is a close up shot and the colours also help to create this mysterious atmosphere, as they are dark harsh colours. The music is harsh and loud which also adds to this mysterious atmosphere. 2.

In the second sequence it is a close up on a picture of hands. This is creating the eerie atmosphere and makes the audience think what the film is about. There is a dark shadow which goes over the picture giving the impression it is someone turning over a page. The music is the same as the first sequence there is a creaking sound which creates the atmosphere of being in some kind of labatory.


This third title sequence is quite a disturbing image as it shows someone shaving the dead skin off there fingers. This could suggest the theme of the movie, possibly about a murder mystery or a horror. The squeaky sound effects during it create an eerie and spooky atmosphere. 4.

In the sequence 4 this title using the 7 instead of the v gives the impression of mystery about the movie and its origanility. The fact the colours are black and white gives the impression It could be a horror or thriller. The writing has a scratchy affect which makes the title more interesting.


In the fifth title sequence it suggests that the man in this sequence is trying to discover something possibly a murder and he is trying to get finger prints. This sequence starts to give the audience the possible genre of the film and an idea of what the film is about. The colours are still dark in this sequence adding to the eerie atmosphere.


In the sixth sequence they use the effect of detailed image it emphasizes the amount of writing and knowledge of the person it is writing and the amount of effort he has gone into what hes doing. The contrast of the light and dark areas makes it more mysterious and adds shadows to the sequences.


In the seventh sequence it shows the man holding a picture of someone, giving us the impression that the film is possibly about some sort of murder mystery and they are trying to find someone. The light in this sequence is brighter on the photo making it stand with the darker light surrounding the outside of the picture forcing the audience to focus on the picture.


In the eight sequence the use of fading transition in this sequence shows the process of actions and continuation of the sequence. The hand signifies the man working and the ongoing on the work he is doing.


In the last sequence it shows the names of two people in the film. The writing is seen as childish and a scratchy effect, this adds to the whole atmosphere and the idea of a murder mystery. The background is black and the writing is white which contrasts with each other.

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