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PRONOUNS Pronouns- are words used in place of a noun inside a sentence. They are noun substitutes.

Pronouns are words that stand for nouns. Just like nouns, pronouns have gender, number, persons, cases and classification. KINDS OF PRONOUNS I. Personal Pronoun- these are pronouns that refer to the persons peaking, the person spoken to, or the person or thing spoken about. Has three cases, the nominative, the possessive and the objective. SUBJECT I You He, she, it We You They OBJECT Me You Her, him, it Us You Them POSSESSIVE My, mine Your, yours Her, hers His, its Our, ours Your, yours Their, theirs 1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person



CASES a) Nominative case when a pronoun is used as the subject or as a predicate pronoun. Example: She is a beautiful girl. My friends are they. The gift stranger that you are looking for is he. The by standers are she and I. We are so proud of you. b) Objective case a pronoun is in this case when it is used as the object of the verb or the object of the preposition. Examples: The boys took him for granted. Sandra played with them in the park. My mother taught me how to cook. Jack needs to see him. The director wants to speak to you. c) Possessive case a pronoun is said to be in this case when it is used to show possession or ownership. Possessive pronouns do not need an apostrophe. Examples: The man left his car. The professor did not accept her answer. He forgot his cellphone at home. Your voice is hoarse. Their house was left vacant for three years *Possessive adjectives: my, our, your, their, his, her, its Example: This is my book. *Possessive Pronoun: mine, ours, yours, theirs, his, hers Example: The book is mine.

ACTIVITY 1: Direction: Underline the correct pronoun inside the parentheses. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Grandfather brought (us, we) to the park. The white house is (theirs, theirs). Basketball interests my father and (me, I). The letter was addressed to mother and (me, I). Ask (us, we) to your gig.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I accepted a gift from (she, her). This is the woman who is looking for (her, his) husband. The celebration was a surprise to (them, they). Marty told (we, us) a scary tale. Between you and (her, she) a secret should be sacred.

ACTIVITY 2: Direction: Underline the correct pronoun inside the parentheses. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. This issue is between you and (I, me). Janes mother said that she wanted to see him and (we, us). He and (me, I) will go to the movie house. The dancers and (they, them) were good to go. (Theyre, Their) mistake, (its, its) not (yours, yours) My brother and (him, he) did all the tasks. Do not blame the kid and (she, her). He was not sure what (she, her) wanted. This kit belongs to (you, your, yours). My cat hurt (its, its) tail. II. Compound Pronoun a personal pronoun with the word self/selves added. a) Reflexive compound pronoun indicates that the subject and the object are identical, refers to the subject. Examples: Did you teach yourself? She is talking to herself. They were shocked about themselves. One should forgive oneself. I see myself in his actions. b) Intensive compound pronoun used to strengthen or intensify the effect of force or shows emphasis. Examples: I, myself is the culprit. He, himself did the act. You, yourself is having a problem. They, themselves acted as if wronged. The Lord, Himself created us. III. Interrogative Pronoun a pronoun used in asking questions. Who, whom, what, how, why, when, where and which are interrogative pronouns. Examples: Who wrote these letters? Whom do you like to speak to? What did he teach this morning? Which book are you referring to? Whose work did they present? IV. Demonstrative Pronoun a pronoun used to point out particular places, things or nouns. Examples: That is my brother. These are my students work. Those guys are the models for the magazine. This is my masterpiece. V. Relative Pronoun pronoun used to join the dependent clause to the independent clause inside the sentence. Who, whom, which, whose and that are relative pronouns. Examples: The man who took my bag is in prison. The blanks that you need to fill out marked. The nun whose veil was askew is noticeable. VI. Indefinite Pronoun a pronoun that does not refer to a particular/specific person, thing or noun. SINGULAR PLURAL BOTH SINGULAR AND PLURAL

Anybody, everybody, nobody, Some, few, both, None, all, some somebody, one, anyone, everyone, no several, many, all, one, someone, anything, everything, either something, nothing, each, neither, any Examples: Someone is knocking on the door. All of you are welcome to my debut. Many are interested in the conference. Is there anything you want to ask me? Something is wrong with her. ACTIVITY 3: Direction: Underline the pronoun in each sentence and tell whether the pronoun is reflexive, intensive, interrogative, demonstrative, relative or indefinite. ________________1. The students themselves created the aviary. ________________2. The entrance exam that John took was easy. ________________3. This is the pencil that she borrowed. ________________4. Which girl would you choose? ________________5. Dont waste your time on something worthless. ________________6. I need somebody with a golden heart. ________________7. The bag which I bought is expensive. ________________8. I am afraid of myself. ________________9. That is my cousin. ________________10. Where were you when I needed you?

ADJECTIVE Adjective- a word used to modify or limit a noun or a pronoun. It also qualifies and tells us something about a noun or pronoun. It answers the questions: 1. What kind? 2. Which one? 3. How many? 4. How much? The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. cereal box is quite empty. pigs are cute. The The 3 little

A. Classification of Adjectives 1. Descriptive adjectives adjectives that modify a noun or a pronoun in terms of size, shape, color, texture, smell, age, and physical appearance. small girl, ugly duckling, pink panther, milky chocolate, wooden table, comfy couch 2. Limiting adjectives adjectives that refer to number or order. a) Cardinal one, two, three b) Ordinal first, second, third. 3. Proper adjectives adjectives that are made from proper noun.

Philippine eagle Japanese food Swiss watch English alphabet 4. Demonstrative adjective adjectives that are also used as demonstrative pronoun. That room, this paper, these pins, those trees 5. Articles adjectives that precede a noun. A and an are indefinite articles and the is a definite article. The table, a clock, an airplane, a pig 6. Pronouns can also be used as adjectives. Possessive pronouns are used to modify the nouns following them. Our house, my niece, her hair, his pants ACTIVITY 1: Direction: Underline the adjective in each sentence and tell whether its descriptive, limiting, proper, demonstrative, article, or a pronoun adjective. _____________1. Philippine soldiers are poorly compensated. _____________2. Ms. Johnson needs to check our lesson plan weekly. _____________3. The Kuwaiti football players outran this countrys players. _____________4. The seven dwarfs are not home. _____________5. The 13th president of the Philippines is Mr. Erap Estrada. _____________6. Where is your friend? _____________7. Mark John is a handsome guy. _____________8. She took those coins from the pouch. _____________9. The movie has a tragic ending. _____________10. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. B. Comparison/Degree of Adjectives There are three ways of forming the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives: a) Short words of one or two syllables generally form the comparative degree by adding the suffix- er to the positive form; the superlative degree is formed by adding the suffix- est to the positive form. Base/Positive Comparative Superlative big bigger biggest short shorter shortest smart smarter smartest b) Most words of more than one syllable form their comparative degree by placing more before the word; they form their superlative degree by placing most before the word. Base/Positive Comparative Superlative beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful industrious More industrious Most industrious wonderful More wonderful Most wonderful c) The negative comparison is formed by adding less before the word to form the comparative degree and by adding least before the word to form the superlative degree.

Base/Positive beautiful industrious wonderful C. Order of Adjectives

determiner an an six her my Those that some few observation expensive extraordinary

Comparative Less beautiful Less industrious Less wonderful

Superlative Least beautiful Least industrious Least wonderful

Descriptive Adjectives size shape age

origin color red white black European


qualifier sports

noun car necklace daisies hair dog boxes locket films insects

silver Longstemmed American


smooth erotic

short big long big tiny

old round

German Ceramic Gold Indian African jewelry

ACTIVITY 2: Direction: Write the correct form of the adjective inside the parentheses. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Last Monday was the _____________(hot) day this week. He is the _______________(intelligent) pupil in his class. Jessica is ____________(happy) this morning. I will buy the _______________(little) expensive among the 5 key chains. This is the ___________(sweet) candy Ive ever tasted. Jackson is____________(good) than James in terms of sports. Your bag is ___________(expensive) than mine. May is ____________(pretty) than her elder sister. Among the genre of books I like horror the__________(little). I feel ________(sad) whenever I think of you. Your shirt is__________(expensive) than ours. Her task is ___________(difficult)this week than last week. This is a very ___________(short) activity. Gold is ____________(valuable) than any other mineral nowadays. The ___________(little) massive you are the better to move.

ACTIVITY 3: Direction: Write the comparative and superlative degree of the following positive/base words. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Heavy Pleasant Simple Perfect Powerful Tall _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

7. 8. 9. 10.

Pretentious Grand Awful Late

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

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