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Bible portion is Judges Ch 10-16.

Fill ups

1. Who arose to judge Israel after the death of Tola?

Jair, a Gileadite (10:3) Jair, a Gileadite arose to judge Israel after the death of Tola 2. Where was Jair buried after his death? Kamon (10:5) 3. What river was the border of Moab? Arnon (11:18) 4..Abdon had forty _________ and __________ nephews. A. Sons B. Thirty (12:14) 1

What were the thirty cities of Jair collectively called? Havoth-jair (10:4) 5. Who judged Israel after the death of Ibzan? Elon a Zebulonite (12:11

6. What name did Manoahs wife give to her son when he was born?
Samson (13:24) 7. How long were the thirty companions of Samson given to answer his riddle? Seven days (14:12) 8. How many people were on the roof of the building where Samson was making sport for the Philistines? Three thousand (16:27) 9. How did the Philistines punish Samsons wife and her father? They burnt them with fire (15:6) 10.After the death of Jephthah, __________ of the city of __________ judged Israel. A. Ibzan B. Bethlehem (12:8)

Jephthah was a __________ 11.1 Mighty warrior.

1.Body of Abdon buried 2. At the vineyards of Timnath 3. Ammonite cities were smitten by the forces of Jephthah 4.The children of Israel gather to encamp against the children of Ammon . 5. Tola 6. tribe (family) of Manoah 7. Samson 8. Philistines celebrating 9. Elon the Zebulonite judge 10. Samsons wife

In Pirathon (12:15) a young lion attack Samson (14:5) Twenty (11:33) Mizpah (10:17) He was buried in Shamir (10:2) Dan (13:2) Etam (15:8) Dagon (16:23) Ten years (12:11) Timnath (14:1-2)

TRUE OR FALSE 1. Tola judged Israel for 32 years False 10.2 2. All the children of Israel in the land of Gilead were vexed by children of Ammon for 18 years True 10.7-8 3. Arnon river was the border of Moab True 11.18 4. The men of Gileadites struck Ephraimites because they called Gileadites as affiliates from Ephraim and Manasseh False 12.4 5. As the flame of Manoahs burnt offering blazed up, the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame True 13.20


2. With whom did Samson share the honey from the carcass of the lion, and what did he not tell them about the honey? He shared it with his parents; He did not tell them where it came from 14.9 3. Quote Samsons riddle and give the reference where it is found. Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness. Judges 14:14 4. How did Samson get revenge on the Philistines for the loss of his wife? He caught three hundred foxes, tied their tails together, set a firebrand in the midst of their tails, and let them go into the Philistines corn fields burning together with the vineyards and olive groves. (15:4-5) 5. After the death of Jair, Israel forsook the Lord and served Baals and Ashtoreths. Besides these, what other false deities did they serve?

The gods of Aram; The gods of Sidon; The gods of Moab; The gods of Ammonites; The gods of Philistines 10.6 6. According to Judges 10:16, what was Gods reaction when He saw that Israel had put away their strange gods and were serving Him? His soul could not bear Israels misery Describe the terrritory which Israel captured from Sihon king of the Amorites. From Arnon even unto Jabbok, and from the desert to Jordan (11:22)


Explain the role of a judge of Israel in the backdrop of Israel did what was evil in the sight of Yahweh - worship other gods ? Evaluate the role of Jephthahs daughter in her fathers vow. How can you describe her submission - as devotion / piety / honour or other?

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