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The SPGPPS National Model for Data Collection and Analysis Appendix 11: Mapping ICD-10 Codes to Mental

Health Diagnostic Groups


Appendix 11: Mapping of ICD10 Codes to Mental Health Diagnostic Groups (MHDG)
The Mental Health Diagnostic Groups listed in the following table are based on the MH CASC Diagnostic Groups as defined in Appendix B5 of Buckingham et al (1998) Developing a Casemix Classification for Mental Health Services, Volume 2: Resource Materials. Canberra: Commonwealth Department of Health and Family Services. The coding structure of the scheme has been modified so that appropriate, hierarchically related, codes are assigned to both the major groups and the diagnostic subgroups within each major group. Also, an additional diagnostic group has been defined within the classification structure to represent the case where it is not possible to validly derive an MHDG from the recorded ICD10AM Principal Diagnosis.
Major Group MHDG Code

ICD10 Code



Organic Disorders 011 Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders ICD10 Codes included: Dementia in Alzheimers disease F00 Vascular dementia F01 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere F02 Unspecified dementia F03 Organic amnesic syndrome, not induced by alcohol and other F04 psychoactive substances Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances F05 Other mental disorders due to brain damage and dysfunction and to F06 physical disease Personality and behavioural disorders due to brain disease, damage and F07 dysfunction Unspecified organic or symptomatic mental disorders F09 012 Amnestic syndromes due to psychoactive substance abuse ICD10 Codes included: Amnestic syndromes due to psychoactive substance abuse F1x.6 Substance Abuse Disorders 021 Alcohol intoxication, harmful use, dependence and withdrawal ICD10 Codes included: Acute intoxication F10.0 Harmful use F10.1 Dependence syndrome F10.2 Withdrawal state F10.3 Withdrawal state with delirium F10.4 Other mental and behavioural disorders F10.8 Unspecified mental and behavioural disorders F10.9 022 Other psychoactive substance intoxication, harmful use, dependence and withdrawal Note: x in the ICD10 codes under MHDGs 04 and 05 refers to the specific

The SPGPPS National Model for Data Collection and Analysis Appendix 11: Mapping ICD-10 Codes to Mental Health Diagnostic Groups
Major Group MHDG Code


ICD10 Code



psychoactive substance where: 1 = Opioids 2 = Cannabinoids 3 = Sedatives of hypnotics 4 = Cocaine 5 = Other stimulants including caffeine 6 = Hallucinogens 7 = Tobacco 8 = Volatile solvents 9 = Multiple drug use and use of other psychoactive substances ICD10 Codes included: Acute intoxication F1x.0 Harmful use F1x.1 Dependence syndrome F1x.2 Withdrawal state F1x.3 Withdrawal state with delirium F1x.4 Other mental and behavioural disorders F1x.8 Unspecified mental and behavioural disorders F1x.9 Schizophrenia, Paranoia & Acute Psychotic Disorders 031 Psychotic disorders due to psychoactive substance use ICD10 Codes included: Psychotic disorders due to psychoactive substance use F1x.5 Residual and lateonset psychotic disorders due to psychoactive F1x.7 substance use 032 Schizophrenia ICD10 Codes included: Schizophrenia F20 033 Schizotypal disorders ICD10 Codes included: Schizotypal disorders F21 034 Delusional disorders ICD10 Codes included: Persistent delusional disorders F22 Induced delusional disorders F24 035 Acute and transient psychotic disorders ICD10 Codes included Acute and transient psychotic disorders F23 036 Schizoaffective disorders ICD10 Codes included: Schizoaffective disorders F25 037 Other nonorganic psychotic disorders ICD10 Codes included: Other nonorganic psychotic disorders F28 Unspecified nonorganic psychosis F29 Mood Disorders 041 Manic episodes and bipolar affective disorders, current episode manic ICD10 Codes included

The SPGPPS National Model for Data Collection and Analysis Appendix 11: Mapping ICD-10 Codes to Mental Health Diagnostic Groups
Major Group MHDG Code


ICD10 Code




Manic episode Bipolar affective disorders, current episode hypomanic Bipolar affective disorders, current episode manic without psychotic symptoms Bipolar affective disorders, current episode manic with psychotic F31.2 symptoms 042 Depressive episodes; bipolar disorders, current episode depressed or mixed; recurrent depressive disorders ICD10 Codes included: Bipolar affective disorders, current episode mild or moderate depression F31.3 Bipolar affective disorders, current episode severe depression without F31.4 psychotic symptoms Bipolar affective disorders, current episode severe depression with F31.5 psychotic symptoms Bipolar affective disorders, current episode mixed F31.6 Bipolar affective disorders, currently in remission F31.7 Other bipolar affective disorders F31.8 Bipolar affective disorders, unspecified F31.9 Depressive episode F32 Recurrent depressive disorders F33 043 Persistent mood disorders including cyclothymia and dysthymia, and other mood disorders ICD10 Codes included: Persistent mood (affective) disorders F34 Other mood (affective) disorders F38 Unspecified mood (affective) disorders F39 Anxiety Disorders 051 Anxiety disorders including phobic anxiety, panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder and other neurotic disorders ICD10 Codes included: Phobic anxiety disorders F40 Other anxiety disorders F41 Other neurotic disorders F48 052 Dissociative (conversion) disorders ICD10 Codes included: Dissociative (conversion) disorders F44 Obsessive Compulsive Disorders 061 Obsessive compulsive disorders ICD10 Codes included: Obsessive compulsive disorders F42 Stress & Adjustment Disorders 071 Reactions to severe stress including acute stress reactions ICD10 Codes included: Acute stress reaction F43.0 Other reactions to severe stress F43.8 Reaction to severe stress, unspecified F43.9 F30 F31.0 F31.1

The SPGPPS National Model for Data Collection and Analysis Appendix 11: Mapping ICD-10 Codes to Mental Health Diagnostic Groups
Major Group MHDG Code


ICD10 Code




Adjustment disorders: Brief depressive reactions ICD10 Codes included: F43.20 Brief depressive reaction 073 Adjustment disorders: Prolonged depressive reactions ICD10 Codes included: F43.21 Prolonged depressive reaction 074 Other adjustment disorders ICD10 Codes included: F43.22 Other adjustment disorders F43.28 075 Posttraumatic stress disorders ICD10 Codes included: Posttraumatic stress disorders F43.1 Somatoform Disorders 081 Somatoform disorders ICD10 Codes included: Somatoform disorders F45 Eating Disorders 091 Anorexia nervosa and atypical anorexia nervosa ICD10 Codes included: Anorexia nervosa F50.0 Atypical anorexia nervosa F50.1 092 Eating disorders other than anorexia nervosa ICD10 Codes included: Bulimia nervosa F50.2 Atypical bulimia nervosa F50.3 F50.4 Other eating disorders F50.9 Behavioural Syndromes Associated with Physiological Disturbances & Physical Factors 101 Nonorganic sleep disorders ICD10 Codes included: Nonorganic sleep disorders F51 102 Mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not elsewhere classified ICD10 Codes included: Mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not F53 elsewhere classified 103 Psychological and behavioural factors associated with disorders or diseases classified elsewhere ICD10 Codes included: Psychological and behavioural factors associated with disorders or F54 diseases classified elsewhere 104 Abuse of nondependenceproducing substances Abuse of nondependenceproducing substances F54 105 Unspecified behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors


The SPGPPS National Model for Data Collection and Analysis Appendix 11: Mapping ICD-10 Codes to Mental Health Diagnostic Groups
Major Group MHDG Code


ICD10 Code



ICD10 Codes included: Unspecified behavioural syndromes associated with physiological F59 disturbances and physical factors Personality Disorders 111 Paranoid/schizoid personality disorders ICD10 Codes included: Paranoid personality disorders F60.0 Schizoid personality disorders F60.1 112 Dissocial personality disorders including antisocial personality disorder ICD10 Codes included: Dissocial personality disorders including antisocial personality disorder F60.2 113 Emotionally unstable personality disorders (includes borderline & impulsive) ICD10 Codes included: Emotionally unstable personality disorders (includes borderline & F60.3 impulsive) 114 Histrionic / anankastic / anxious / dependent personality disorders ICD10 Codes included: Histrionic personality disorders F60.4 Anankastic personality disorders F60.5 Anxious (avoidant) personality disorders F60.6 Dependent personality disorders F60.7 115 Other personality disorders ICD10 Codes included: Other specific personality disorders F60.8 Personality disorders, unspecified F60.9 Mixed personality disorders F61.0 Troublesome personality changes F61.1 Enduring personality changes, not attributable to brain damage and F62 disease Habit and impulse disorders F63 Other disorders or adult personality and behaviour F68 Unspecified disorders of adult personality and behaviour F69 Sexual Disorders 121 Sexual dysfunction, not caused by organic disorders or disease ICD10 Codes included: Sexual dysfunction, not caused by organic disorders or disease F52 122 Gender identity disorders ICD10 Codes included: Gender identity disorders F64 123 Disorders of sexual preference ICD10 Codes included: Disorders of sexual preference F65 124 Psychological and behavioural disorders associated with sexual development and orientation ICD10 Codes included: Psychological and behavioural disorders associated with sexual F66

The SPGPPS National Model for Data Collection and Analysis Appendix 11: Mapping ICD-10 Codes to Mental Health Diagnostic Groups
Major Group MHDG Code


ICD10 Code

development and orientation 13 Mental Retardation 131 Mild mental retardation ICD10 Codes included: Mild mental retardation F70 132 Moderate mental retardation ICD10 Codes included: Moderate mental retardation F71 133 Severe mental retardation ICD10 Codes included: Severe mental retardation F72 134 Profound mental retardation ICD10 Codes included: Profound mental retardation F73 135 Other mental retardation ICD10 Codes included: Other mental retardation F78 Unspecified mental retardation F79 Disorders of Psychological Development 141 Specific developmental disorders of speech and language ICD10 Codes included: Specific developmental disorders of speech and language F80 142 Specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills ICD10 Codes included: Specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills F81 143 Specific developmental disorders of motor function ICD10 Codes included: Specific developmental disorders of motor function F82 144 Mixed specific developmental disorders ICD10 Codes included: Mixed specific developmental disorders F83 145 Pervasive developmental disorders ICD10 Codes included: Childhood autism F84.0 Atypical autism F84.2 Retts syndrome F84.3 Other childhood disintegrative disorder F84.4 Overactive disorder associated with mental retardation and stereotyped F84.5 movements Aspergers syndrome F84.7 Other pervasive developmental disorders F84.8 Pervasive developmental disorder, unspecified F84.9 146 Other disorders of psychological development ICD10 Codes included: Other disorders of psychological development F88


The SPGPPS National Model for Data Collection and Analysis Appendix 11: Mapping ICD-10 Codes to Mental Health Diagnostic Groups
Major Group MHDG Code


ICD10 Code




Unspecified disorders of psychological development F89 Disorders of Childhood & Adolescence 151 Hyperkinetic disorders ICD10 Codes included: Hyperkinetic disorders F90 152 Conduct disorders ICD10 Codes included: Conduct disorders F91 153 Mixed disorders of conduct and emotions ICD10 Codes included: Mixed disorders of conduct and emotions F92 154 Emotional disorders with onset specific to childhood ICD10 Codes included: Emotional disorders with onset specific to childhood F93 155 Disorders of social functioning with onset specific to childhood and adolescence ICD10 Codes included: Disorders of social functioning with onset specific to childhood and F94 adolescence 156 Tic disorders ICD10 Codes included: Tic disorders F95 157 Nonorganic enuresis ICD10 Codes included: Nonorganic enuresis F98.0 158 Nonorganic encopresis ICD10 Codes included: Nonorganic encopresis F98.1 159 Other behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence ICD10 Codes included: Feeding disorders of infancy and childhood F98.2 Pica of infancy and childhood F98.3 Stereotyped movement disorders F98.4 Stuttering (stammering) F98.5 Cluttering F98.6 Other specified behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually F98.8 occurring in childhood and adolescence Unspecified behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually F98.9 occurring in childhood and adolescence Other Unspecified mental disorders / Mental disorders, not otherwise specified 161 F99 No psychiatric diagnosis (other valid ICD10 diagnosis recorded) 162 Not Stated / Missing Not Stated / Missing (no valid ICD10 diagnosis recorded) 999

The SPGPPS National Model for Data Collection and Analysis Appendix 11: Mapping ICD-10 Codes to Mental Health Diagnostic Groups


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