Assessment Types 15 Aug

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Types of Assessment

Observation Selected Response

Contextual Task

Intended Learnings
Academic Prompt

Constructed Response

A student selects an answer to a question from pre-set responses (visual, written or oral)

Selected Response

Examples: multiple-choice, True/False

A student creates his or her own response to a question within a defined framework (visual, written or oral)

Constructed Response

Examples: short answer, compare and contrast

A student writes a piece of work on a topic, question and/or issue for an academic audience Examples: analytical essay, lab report, historical investigation

Academic Prompt

Contextual Task
(Product or Performance)
A student completes a task which requires him or her to make or do something for a particular audience and purpose (simulated or real)

Examples: developing and teaching a lesson to younger students, creating an advertising campaign as an advertising executive

A student completes a task that is process-focussed


Examples: lab safety, contribution to discussion

Unit topic: Advertising Significant Concepts:

Key Concept: Power

The use of persuasive devices allows an author to manipulate an audiences thinking Organisational structures of text can reinforce the purpose of that text Persuasive visual and written language strengthen the message of an author
Intended Learning: MYP Objective (SAMPLE) A.3.1 Students appreciate and comment on the language, content, structure, meaning and signicance of both familiar and previously unseen age-appropriate oral, written and visual texts A.3.4 Students compose pieces that apply ageappropriate literary and/or non-literary features to serve the context and intention B.3.1 Students create work that employs organisational structures and language-specic conventions throughout a variety of text types. C.3.1 Students use language to narrate, describe, explain, argue, persuade, inform, entertain, express feelings and begin to analyse oral analysis of print ad oral analysis of print ad Selected Response Constructed Response written response to commercial Academic Prompt oral analysis of print ad promotional campaign for WWW promotional campaign for WWW promotional campaign for WWW Contextual Task Observation

This means...
In a Unit on Advertising Constructed Response answering specific questions about features of a commercial in writing Academic Prompt analysing the effectiveness of a print ad orally Contextual Task creating a promotional campaign (commercial and print ad) to advertise WWW trip

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