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G.R. JS888J, J6 April 2006, SLCOND DIVISION, (1inga, J.)

ectiov 1;b) of tbe CC reaa. a. fottor.: ec. 1. Covvov ivitatiov. ov tbe 1aivg Porer. of ocat
Corervvevt |vit.. |vte.. otberri.e roriaea bereiv, tbe eerci.e of tbe taivg orer. of rorivce., citie., vvviciatitie.,
ava aravga,. .batt vot eteva to tbe ter, of tbe fottorivg: ;b) ci.e tae. ov articte. evvveratea vvaer tbe
^atiovat vtervat Rerevve Coae, a. avevaea, ava tae., fee. or cbarge. ov etrotevv roavct.;

riaevtt,, ectiov 1 re.cribe. tbe tivitatiov. ov tbe caacit, of tocat gorervvevt vvit. to eerci.e tbeir taivg
orer. otberri.e gravtea to tbev vvaer tbe CC. .arevtt,, aragrab ;b) of tbe ectiov vevtiov. tro /iva. of tae.
rbicb cavvot be ivo.ea b, tocat gorervvevt vvit., vavet,: eci.e tae. ov articte. evvveratea vvaer tbe ^atiovat
vtervat Rerevve Coae ;^RC), a. avevaea; ava tae., fee. or cbarge. ov etrotevv roavct..

1he power o a municipality to impose business taxes is proided or in Section 143 o the LGC.
Under the proision, a municipality is authorized to impose business taxes on a whole host o business
actiities. Suice it to say, unless there is another proision o law which states otherwise, Section 143,
broad in scope as it is, would undoubtedly coer the business o selling diesel uels, or any other
petroleum product or that matter.

In accordance to the New Naotas Reenue Code or Ordinance 92-03, petitioner Petron
Corporation ,PL1RON, was assessed a total tax o P6,259,08.62. Petron iled a letter protest arguing
that it is exempt rom paying local business taxes as proided by Article 232 ,h, o the Implementing
Rules o the Local Goernment Code.

1he letter-protest was denied. A Complaint or Cancellation o Assessment was iled beore the
Regional 1rial Court ,R1C, o Malabon. 1he R1C dismissed the Complaint and required Petron to pay
the assessed tax. A Motion or Reconsideration was iled but it was later denied by the court. 1hus,
PL1RON eleated the case to the SC.


\hether or not a local goernment unit is empowered under the Local Goernment Code o
1991 to impose business taxes on persons or entities engaged in the sale o petroleum


Petition GRAN1LD.

Section 133,h, o the LGC reads as ollows:

Sec. J33. Common Limitations on the 1axing Powers of Local Government Units. -
Unless otherwise proided herein, the exercise o the taxing powers o proinces, cities,
municipalities, and Barangays shall not extend to the ley o the ollowing:


,h, Lxcise taxes on articles enumerated under the National Internal Reenue Code, as
amended, and taxes, ees or charges on petroleum products,

Lidently, Section 133 prescribes the limitations on the capacity o local goernment units to
exercise their taxing powers otherwise granted to them under the LGC. Apparently, paragraph ,h, o the
Section mentions two kinds o taxes which cannot be imposed by local goernment units, namely:
excise taxes on articles enumerated under the National Internal Reenue Code ,NIRC,, as amended,`
and taxes, ees or charges on petroleum products.`

1he power o a municipality to impose business taxes is proided or in Section 143 o the LGC.
Under the proision, a municipality is authorized to impose business taxes on a whole host o business
actiities. Suice it to say, unless there is another proision o law which states otherwise, Section 143,
broad in scope as it is, would undoubtedly coer the business o selling diesel uels, or any other
petroleum product or that matter.

Section 133,h, proides two kinds o taxes which cannot be imposed by local goernment units:
excise taxes on articles enumerated` under the NIRC, as amended, and taxes, ees or charges on
petroleum products.` 1here is no doubt that among the excise taxes on articles enumerated under the
NIRC are those leied on petroleum products, per Section 148 o the NIRC.

Section 133,h, states that local goernment units shall not extend to the ley o xxx taxes, ees
or charges on petroleum products.` Lnriquez and Municipality o Naotas assert that the phrase taxes,
ees or charges on petroleum products` pertains to the imposition o direct or excise taxes on petroleum
products, and not business taxes. I the phrase actually pertains to excise taxes, then it would be an
exercise in utter redundancy, since the preceding phrase already prohibits the imposition o excise taxes
on articles already subject to such taxes under the NIRC, such as petroleum products. 1here would be
no sense on the part o the Legislature to twice emphasize in the same sentence that excise taxes on
petroleum products are beyond the pale o local goernment taxation.

1he Court concedes that a tax on a business is distinct rom a tax on the article itsel, or or that
matter, that a business tax is distinct rom an excise tax. loweer, such distinction is immaterial insoar
as the latter part o Section 133,h, is concerned, or the phrase taxes, ees or charges on petroleum
products` does not qualiy the kind o taxes, ees or charges that could withstand the absolute
prohibition imposed by the proision. It would hae been a dierent matter had Congress, in crating
Section 133,h,, barred excise taxes` or direct taxes,` or any category o taxes only, or then it would be
understood that only such speciied taxes on petroleum products could not be imposed under the
prohibition. 1he absence o such a qualiication leads to the conclusion that all sorts o taxes on
petroleum products, including business taxes, are prohibited by Section 133,h,. \here the law does not
distinguish, the Court should not distinguish.

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