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This new data access technology features a simpler object model, better integration with other Microsoft and non Microsoft technologies, a common interface for both local and remote data access, remote and disconnected record sets, a user accessible data binding interface and hierarchical record sets.

OLEDB is asset of COM interface that provides application with uniform access to data stored in diverse information sources both relational and non-relational. These interfaces support the amount of DBMS functionality appropriate to the data source, enabling it to share its data. Ado (Active Data Control) is the way that programmers access OLEDB.

The traditional application development process can be broken into three distinct steps: Writing Compiling Testing Code

Visual basic interprets the code as it being entered, catching and highlighting most syntax error. Its almost like an expert watching over your shoulder as the code is being entered. Visual basic also partially compiles the code as it is being entered.

Professional and enterprises edition allow you to use drag and drop to quickly create from any record set, including hierarchical record set.


Enterprises edition visually create and modify database schemas and queries, create SQL Servers and oracle database tables, drag and drop to create views, and automatically exchange column data types.

In todays world, it is imperative to make use of computers for effective and efficient storage and retrieval of information and the smooth, fast and dexterous working of an organization. Every organization wants to be computerizing their offices, which require less paper and pen, and increases speed and efficiency as compared to traditional offices. All working of hostpitals done through the computer to minimize the paper work, improve the efficiency & make efficient output. Slow data transmission. System slow in response. Test based applications with no graphical interface. Security measures.

The present application eradicates all the above drawbacks and present a better software application with the latest state of technology, which is highly interactive with the user.


As the system will be maintained and modified by other developers, it is necessary that the product be in a format that allows modification easily. For this purpose, the code of the product be commented and detailed document should be available for all parts of the system. The design should be structured. Any addition to the system should not require a change in basic modules of the system.

2. Functional Requirements
The user should interact with the system through mouse and keyboard. The system should provide all GUI characteristics. We had surveyed two post office for knowing the present system in which they are working. They were working manually. There are five fields in which they are working. a.ACCOUNTING


a)ACCOUNTING :Accounting Section System is use to create new account & facilitate all function of banking procedure in post office.


This system deals with the MONEY ORDER related function.

c)SPEED POST:This system deals with the SPEED POST functions in post office.

d)REGISTRY:This system deals with the REGISTRY related function.

e)PARSAL :This system deals with the PARSAL functions in post office.

3.PROPOSED SYSTEM:The proposed system is window based, user friendly as well as menu driven and looking attractive.

4.Interface Requirements
The system must provide a common GUI interface for all modules. The under developing interface is very much different from the existing scenario and therefore the user needs training for the new system. The user screen is mainly divided into 2 parts, namely navigational part, Insertion/modification form. The navigational part consists of the following parts:-

This portion allows the user to navigate from one record to another by the particular module/sub module.

b)Combo Box:
This portion allows the user to select the desired value from the list.

This portion allows the user to select one or more than one values from the list.

d)Radio Button:
This allows the user to select one option from the given options. The insertion/modification part allows the user to insert new records in the database or to modify the existing records.


In the PREETI HOSPITAL project we use Visual Basic 6.0 as the front-end software. All the viewing features or user interactive features are added in the project with the Visual Basic control. The reason for using Visual Basic is one of the most popular programming languages in the market today. Visual Basic 6.0 is designed to applications across the enterprise and to scale merely any size needed. At the back -end, for managing database Oracle8 is used. Oracle8 provides ease of use, power, price & performance for workgroup of department level application. From single server environment Oracle8 includes the facilities necessary to build business critical applications.

Before we get into thick of the things I would like to add few heartfelt words for the people who were part of this project in numerous ways. People who gave unending support right from the stage the project was conceived. In particular, I wish to thank Manish Jain (Project Guide) for having faith in this project idea. It is pleasure to thank all the people who have helped me to turn this project a success. My primarily thanks goes to Mr. Manish Jain (Project Guide) for his commitment and guidance. Its not until one undertaken a project like this one that he/she realize how massive an effort it really is, or how much one rely on the selfless and goodwill of other. There were few more, who helped me during this period I sincerely thank to their guidance and help. I thank to Manish Rungta, for giving me deep knowledge of visual basic programming language, without which I was unable to develop this project. I also thanks to Prakash Pauranik, who helps me in understanding the normalization of tables and drawing the detail Data Flow Diagram &E-R Diagram of the project. I am highly indebted to all respectful teachers of my IGNOU study center M.N.N.I.T. Allahabad without whom invaluable suggestions and ideas this project report would be of no relevance. Thanks to all for all the guidance, help you all provided, without which it was just impossible me to complete this project in such short time and successfully. DEEPAK

Fundamentals of Database Systems by Elmasri and Navathe. Mastering in visual Basic 6.0. Visual Basic-6.0 Complete Reference. Modern System Analysis And Design by Hoffer, George and Valacich. Software Engineering by Pressman.

For the system two levels of security should be maintained. One is at application level and second is at database level. The application level security means that the Application server passes only the valid requests of the user to Database server for execution. The database level security is that only the valid user can be able to access the database resources. Valid user means that the users have a database user-id and password.

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