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A river is 0.76 km wide. The banks are straight and parallel. The current is 4.

0 km/h and is parallel to the banks. A boat has a maximum speed of 3.0 km/h in still water. The pilot of the boat wishes to go on a straight line from A to B, where AB is perpendicular to the banks. What should the pilot do? Give up-the trip from A to B since it is not possible with this boat. Head directly across the river Head 22 upstream from the line AB. Head 68 upstream from the line AB. Take none of these actions.

A stationary radar operator determines that a ship is 18 km south of him. An hour later the same ship is 25 km southeast. If the ship moved at constant speed and always in the same direction, what was its velocity during this time? (Hint: Take the origin to be the location of the radar.) ( km/h) + ( km/h) For constant speed and direction, the instantaneous velocity is identical to the average velocity. Draw a sketch showing the locations of the radar operator and the ship at both times. Determine the vector displacement of the ship from your figure.
A particle moving with a velocity of 5.8 m/s in the + x direction is given an acceleration of 0.30 m/s2 in the + y direction for 2.2 s. Find the final speed of the particle.

A swimmer heads directly across a river, swimming at 2 m/s relative to the water. She arrives at a point 34 m downstream from the point directly across the river, which is 75 m wide. (a) What is the speed of the river current? m/s (b) What is the swimmer's speed relative to the shore? m/s (c) In what direction should the swimmer head so as to arrive at the point directly opposite her starting point? upstream from straight ahead A ball launched from ground level lands 3 s later on a level field 36 m away from the launch point. Find the magnitude of the initial velocity vector and the angle it is above the horizontal. (Ignore any effects due to air resistance.) magnitude m/s direction (above the horizontal)

A cargo plane is flying horizontally at an altitude of 12 km with a speed of 910 km/h when a large crate falls out of the rear loading ramp. (Ignore any effects due to air resistance.) (a) How long does it take the crate to hit the ground? s (b)How far horizontally is the crate from the point where it fell off when it hits the ground? km (c) How far is the crate from the aircraft when the crate hits the ground, assuming that the plane continues to fly with the same velocity? km

The roof of a two-story house makes an angle of 25 with the horizontal. A ball rolling down the roof rolls off the edge at a speed of 5.4 m/s. The distance to the ground from that point is 7.2 m. (a) How long is the ball in the air? s (b) How far from the base of the house does it land? m (c) What is its velocity just before landing? (Let upward be the positive y-direction.) x-component m/s y-component m/s

In his car, a driver tosses an egg vertically from chest height so that the peak of its path is just below the ceiling of the passenger compartment, which is 56 cm above his release point. He catches the egg at the same height at which he released it. (a) If you are a roadside observer, and measure the horizontal distance between catch and release points to be 20 m, how fast is the car moving? m/s (b) In your reference frame, at what angle above the horizontal was the egg thrown?

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