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Capture and Interrogation of Saddam Hussein George L.

Piro, Deputy Assistant Director of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate Piro is currently the Director of the High Value Interrogation Group at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In 2003-2004, Agent Piro led the interrogation of Saddam Hussein and other key figures within the former Iraq regime. Please join us for a talk on the circumstances surrounding these events, and the experiences of the man who conducted the face-to-face assessment of one of the world's most notorious dictators. Using Track Evidence for Investigative Purposes Dwane Hildebrandt Track identification in its basic form is as old as when man changed from being a gatherer to becoming a hunter, and that occurred a long, long time ago. In the area of criminal investigation, there is the published but undocumented account of an application of track recovery in 1786 in the Richardson case (7). It has been suggested that the events of the Richardson case were the harbinger for the application of forensic science to the investigation of crime. Did you know that track evidence is the only physical (forensic) evidence that can tell you something immediately at the scene? This evidence can provide leads, links suspects to the scene, aid in event reconstruction, and even positively identify a shoe or tire as having been at the scene

Preparing for IAI Footwear Certification-Workshop Dwayne Hildebrandt This is brief training class designed to prepare the examiner for IAI Certification as a Footwear Examiner. Are you a footwear examiner? Do you meet the IAI requirements for certification? Have you been thinking about taking the International Association for Identification (IAI) Footwear Certification Examination but are not sure if you are ready? Does your agency require you to be certified within a certain time frame and that time is approaching? Or, do you wish to achieve the high personal goal of attaining official recognition by the worlds largest and oldest forensic organization as a Certified Footwear Examiner? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the course for you.
**all students attending the Footwear IAI certification prep workshop will need the following for their casework, notes and final report 1) A scale or measuring device 2) Paper to write on for notes 3) Something to write with 4) A magnifier if they wish

You Mean There's Another Way? - Alternate Latent Workflows Eric Ray & Penny Dechant, Criminalist Do you compare every latent print to every suspect and every victim? Do you analyze latent prints that you never compare or never enter into AFIS? Are there alternatives to these standard workflows? Over time Latent Print Units develop their own set of protocols that fit the needs of their agency and their customers. Many examiners are surprised when they talk to examiners from other agencies and discover a wide variety of practices and policies in different parts of the country. This presentation will explain some of the unique policies that the Arizona Department of Public Safety has in place to operate more efficiently. Value grouping or limited comparisons can be administrative decisions to improve the efficiency of a Latent Print Unit but must be implemented in a strategic way that still meets accreditation standards. Reducing Erroneous Exclusions: The Workshop! Eric Ray & Penny Dechant, Criminalist The exclusion decision is a fairly recent change in latent print comparisons, and the discipline is still struggling with how to handle exclusions. Erroneous exclusions are being discovered with surprising frequency in latent print units around the country. Many labs have begun to verify their exclusion decisions, and this has resulted in errors finally being noticed. Recent research into the decisions of latent print examiners shows that erroneous exclusions are common and inevitable. So, what training have you had in exclusions? What is enough for an exclusion? What is your lab's standard for exclusion? Is your lab implementing any new Quality Assurance policies to address this problem? This workshop will review the policy changes that Arizona DPS has implemented in their latent print unit to reduce erroneous exclusions. Examples of erroneous exclusions from casework will be presented along with information on circumstances that might make an erroneous exclusion more likely. Hands-on comparison exercises will demonstrate a practical approach to exclusion decisions. This class is intended for latent print examiners who routinely conduct comparisons. Attendees need only attend this workshop or the lecture, Policies to Reduce Erroneous Exclusions as the same information is covered in both presentations.

Policies to Reduce Erroneous Exclusions Eric Ray & Penny Dechant, Criminalist Now that many agencies are verifying exclusion decisions, more and more exclusion errors are being discovered. Recent studies show that the ACE-V method may produce a surprisingly high number of erroneous exclusions. However, most latent print experts have received no training on how to prevent these errors. The Arizona Department of Public Safety has implemented a number of policies to recognize and reduce exclusion errors. Verification of exclusion decisions

is a big first step, but other policy changes at each step of the ACE process can also improve comparison decisions. This presentation will outline these policies, the reasons behind them, and their effectiveness. The same material will also be covered in an expanded manner in the Reducing Erroneous Exclusions workshop.

Zahra Baker Homicide Deputy Chief of Police Clyde Deal & Cpt. Thurman Whisnant This will be an overview of the entire Zarah Baker murder investigation. It will include the initial response, search efforts, crime scene investigation, as well as all other investigative efforts. There will be a time for question and answer session regarding the case.
Human Osteology: Is it a deer, a dog, or my ex-husband? Ann Ross, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology

Approximately, thirty percent of cases received by a forensic anthropologist by law enforcement are non-human. Ross, a leading expert in the field will expose attendees to the basic morphological differences that are used to distinguish human from non-human bones during the lecture and hands-on lab module.

Barefoot Morphology Evidence Workshop Lesley Hammer, Hammer Forensics What happens with bare foot evidence that does not have ridge detail? Someone is wearing socks and leaves tracks, or a pair of shoes is found with the impression of the foot inside the shoe, or so much blood is on the foot surface skin that no ridge detail is recorded in the impression but the shape of the foot is: in these situations, what can be done with this evidence? This workshop will cover the basics of bare foot evidence, give examples of cases where this evidence has been extremely important, and demonstrate how to collect it, request an examination and what to expect from the results. The workshop will include hands on experience with some of the techniques involved in the collection and examination of this evidence.
Overview of Criminal Investigative Analysis Dan Bermingham, Supervisory Special Agent, FBI National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, Behavioral Analysis Unit This presentation will be an overview of the FBIs Behavioral Analysis Unit and the services we provide. The presentation will also explain Criminal Investigative Analysis and how it is implemented by the BAU when examining a case.

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