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Renewable Energy Week 2012

24 to 28 September 2012 The New Malthouse (Neue Mlzerei), Friedenstr. 91, 10249 Berlin, Germany


in cooperation with

Renewable Energy Week 2012, Berlin 24 28 September Draft Programme

Arrival / Registration / Welcome and Introduction Presentations by the Delegations and solar energy in Germany Grid stability aspects and macroeconomics of solar energy

Monday 24 September

Tuesday 25 September

GIZ Expert Workshop Day 1 Wind Energy & Development Dialogue

Wednesday 26 September

Financing wind power in emerging markets smart policies and beyond

Thursday 27 September

GIZ Expert Workshop Day 2

Investment, Financing and Project Development of solar energy 90 MW PV power plant Briest

Friday 28 September

Field Trip

During the complete Renewable Energy Week 2012 the event language is English. Presentations by external speakers may be in German. Simultaneous translation from German to English, Spanish and French will be offered during the complete week except on Friday. Workshops in groups will be in English.

Renewable Energy Week 2012, Berlin 24 28 September Draft Programme

24 September 2012

Renewable Energy Week (day 1)

Venue: Neue Mlzerei, Friedenstr. 91, 10249 Berlin

until 11:15

Arrival at the hotel


Transfer (Hotel - Venue)

11:45 12:45 11:45 13:00 13:00

Registration Lunch Welcome Address by GIZ Short presentations by the Delegations Current situation, goals and challenges of PV and CSP in the local energy system Introduction: Energiewende and solar energy in Germany Status quo, vision and perspectives (UBA The Federal Environment Agency / Dr. Harry Lehmann) Coffee/Tea Break Solar Energy in Latin America Activity overview of CEPAL (Economic Commission for Latin America / Manlio Coviello) Group picture







Evening event: Boat Tour in Berlin including buffet

Renewable Energy Week 2012, Berlin 24 28 September Draft Programme

25 September 2012

GIZ Expert Workshop (day 1)

Venue: Neue Mlzerei, Friedenstr. 91, 10249 Berlin

Grid stability aspects and macroeconomics of solar energy Overview PV: Technological perspectives 9:00
(Advantages, Disadvantages, Scenarios, Grid integration)

Fraunhofer ISE Solar Energy Systems / Raphael Hollinger Overview CSP: Technological perspectives 09:45
(Advantages, Disadvantages, Scenarios, Grid integration)

DLR German Aerospace Center / Dr. Eckhard Lpfer 10:30 Coffee-Break Grid stability aspects on medium and low voltage levels 10:50
(Distribution grid related challenges; grid codes)

Vattenfall Europe Distribution Berlin GmbH / Johannes Elwardt State of the art of DC/AC inverters 11:20
(How can inverters contribute to the grid stability?)

SMA Solar Technology AG / Hannes Knopf 12:20 Lunch Meteorology & Prognostics for distributed and utility scale PV generation
(Forecast of PV generation and response to single meteorological characteristics)


energy & meteo systems GmbH / Dr. Ulrich Focken Optimizing dispatch with virtual and hybrid power plants 13:50
(Can fluctuating renewable energies optimize the dispatch?)

Siemens AG / Torsten Wetzel; Eckardt Gnther Macroeconomic benefits of PV 14:20

(Macroeconomic costs and benefits at different penetration levels)

Individual Consultant Kilian Reiche 15:00 Coffee-Break Workshops in Groups 15:20

(How and to what extend can the dispatch be optimized through combining renewable energy power plants?)

Individual Consultant Kilian Reiche 18:00 End of the session

Renewable Energy Week 2012, Berlin 24 28 September Draft Programme

26 September 2012

Wind Energy and Development Dialogue 2012

Venue: Spreespeicher Stralauer Allee 2a 10245 Berlin

Financing wind power in emerging markets smart policies and beyond

In 2010, emerging markets overtook OECD economies in terms of financial new investments in renewables. Time to settle back because renewable energy projects in emerging markets are well on a winning track? Not quite yet. Obstacles remain especially in terms of wind project finance. To discuss challenges and opportunities as well as ways to direct more investment to emerging economies, BWE, GIZ and VDMA invite partner country representatives of German development cooperation, the German wind industry, the finance sector and implementing agencies to the Wind Energy and Development Dialogue 2012. From 08:30 Registration Opening and welcome 08:45 Opening and Moderation Mike Enskat, Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Presentations and panel discussions


09:00 Scaling up wind energy in emerging economies Why policy matters Steve Sawyer, Global Wind Energy Council Comparison of conventional energy investments vs. renewable energy investments in emerging markets, recent trends, focus on wind energy Key challenges for capital to flow to wind energy investments in emerging markets. Learning from countries that attract wind energy investors Why policy matters

09:20 Panel Steve Sawyer, Global Wind Energy Council Jrgen Maier, Allianz Investment Management SE Jens Drillisch, KfW Entwicklungsbank Thorsten Hinsche, Nordex SE Holger Thomsen, WKN Windkraft Nord AG Maria Paz de la Cruz, Renewable Energy Centre of Chile What are the key challenges of financing wind projects in emerging markets? How do trade barriers (e.g. local content criteria) influence wind energy finance? How can fair finance practices be maintained? How and to what extent can policy facilitate investment and mitigate risks?
Renewable Energy Week 2012, Berlin 24 28 September Draft Programme



SESSION II: BEYOND SMART POLICIES HOW TO GET THINGS DONE IN PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 11:10 Perceived and actual risks Meeting complexity in emerging markets and what really matters in wind project development Kai Buntrock, SoWiTec group GmbH What are the specific challenges in emerging markets with regard to their wind energy investment risk? How can wind energy investment risk in emerging markets be mitigated? How can wind energy projects be realized despite high investment risk? 11:30 Panel Kai Buntrock, SoWiTec group GmbH Andrew Reicher, Berkeley Energy Eriks Atvars, UniCredit Bank AG Martin Berkenkamp, GE Energy First movers and pioneers what does it need to develop markets? Large, small or medium-scale which projects are feasible and get markets going? How to reduce risk for investors and how to share risk? Which financing instruments work best? Is the conventional project finance model still valid? What is the role of export finance? 13:00 CLOSING REMARKS Summary 10 Thoughts on financing wind energy. 13:15 CONNECTING PEOPLE & EXCHANGING IDEAS EXTENDED NETWORKING LUNCH (open end) Conference language: English / Simultaneous translation: French, German, and Spanish

Renewable Energy Week 2012, Berlin 24 28 September Draft Programme

27 September 2012

GIZ Expert Workshop (day 2)

Venue: Neue Mlzerei, Friedenstr. 91, 10249 Berlin

Investment, Financing and Project Development Legal Frameworks for promoting PV or CSP 09:00
(Pros and Cons of different mechanisms)

University of Wrzburg / DIE German Development Institute / Prof. Doris Fischer Net Metering for small scale PV-systems; Example from Mexico
(Self Supply scheme for small to large scale power plants in Mexico)


CRE - Energy Regulatory Commission, Mexico / Carolina Quiroz Jurez Coffee-Break Financing options for financing PV or CSP projects
(What are the different national and international options for financing PV or CSP projects?)



KfW Entwicklungsbank / Jens Drillisch 11:50 Introduction of the workshop content Individual Consultant Georg Hille Lunch Workshops in Groups: Optimization of investment in solar energy 13:20
(Calculating from different points of origin the impact of variable financing factors on the financing model.)


Individual Consultant Georg Hille 16:00 Coffee-Break


Presentation of the Group Results; Discussion and Conclusion


End of the Expert Workshop

Renewable Energy Week 2012, Berlin 24 28 September Draft Programme

28 September 2012

Field trip
Field Trip

8:30 14:00

Field trip to a 90 MW utility scale PV power plant in Briest Brandenburg Q-CELLS SE i.I. / Uwe Senftleben; Ronald Stephan Luxcara GmbH / Matthias Radloff; Johanna Pongratz


Sightseeing, Shopping, Free-time, etc.

Renewable Energy Week 2012, Berlin 24 28 September Draft Programme

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